Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1959, p. 3

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Q31 ITS YoollMOVIa no mosma Dick Rledstra mo ser geant in the Band of the Royal Canadian Dragoons and chess playing member of Barrie YMCA thinks out move in last nights game against Max Morris lelt president of the Chm Club Mr Reidstra goes to Ger many in October with the Plans For Campaign Made By Retarded Childrens Group Over 50 persons attended the first meeting of the fall of the Barrie and District Association for Retarded Children at King Highway 400 Speeder Fined Barrie Ontario Provincial Pol ice Coast Art Kellog told Bar rie magisrates court today motorist speeding on Highway 100 Sept 28 caught his eye as hewns travelling on Anne St He said it was six miles be low he stopped George Burke of Toronto at Guthrie and he was forced to do speeds up to loo mph to catchhim Burke pleaded not guilty to the speeding charge and said he had been doing 60mph but no more He had his car speedo meter checked later as well he added and it had been certified as accurate lie was finedSZBfiO total Const Kellog said Burke had been passing all the cars on the highway and on Highway ll incline had stayed in the centre Iline doing 75 all the way up the passenger in the car had turned round and scen him he added and the brake lights im mediately came on By the time he drew level with Burke he had slowed to about 55 mph He told the court Burke was not aware the 60 mph zone had ended although Burke him highway regularly self admitted he travelled the WEATHER TORONTO CWOfficial lore casts issued by the weather of fice at 11 arn EDT Synopsis Cooler air already firmly established over Northern Ontario now is edging into South ern Ontario Clearing skiesand cooler tunpuraturts are forecast for all southern regions tonight Cold weather will remain the dominating feature in Northern Ontario today and Wednesday with cloudy skies showers and belownormal temperatures Hurricane Gracie is expected to move inland in the Carolina area today It will tend to weaken Wednesday and develop more nortlleasterly course Such path would indicate increasing cloudi ness for Southern Ontario Well nesday Lake Erie Lake Huron Georg Ian Bay Windsor London Cloudy and cooler withthe oc casional shower today clearing this evening Wednesday sunny gt North Bay clouding over during the after noon Winds west 15 today nonh west 15 Wednesday Niagara Lake Ontario Ha burton Hamilto Coudy with the occasional shower or thunderstorm today clearing fond cooler tonight Wednesday increasing cloudiness followed by ain in the afternoon or evening inds southwest 15 today north eat 15 Wednesday Kirkland Lake TimmiusKap= uskning North Bay Sudbu Cloudy and cooler with the oc casional shower today and Wed nesdayWlnds northwest 15 Forecast Temperature Low tonight High Wednesday Thomas London Wingham Toronto acesseaeasnaa enchanaeaesen Bonnie mm mm SERVICE 62 Collier St PA 7992 Slipcovers Auto Upholaleling Truck seats low discount with coaxial this It Goorge School last night The meeting was chaired by Murray Finlayson president of tha lo cal association Mrs Jean Gable and Walter Cooke delegates to the recent Ontario Association for He tarded Childrens fund raising convention reported on plans for campaign They announc ed that the campaign steering committee would be meeting Friday Oct to make further plans Mrs Hankin director of the Sheltered Workshop at Bar rie was the speaker for the evening She described the work of the workshop which had opened in May of this year and displayed some of the work being done The workshop oplt encd with live trainees and now there are seven Mrs Grant was intro duced to the audience as the new teacher at the school Mrs Grant takes the place of Mrs Brennan who retired This school year there are three new pupils at the school mak ing total enrolment of 16 Today the recreation com mittee has planned an outing for pupils and trainees to San tas Village Bracebridge The group will travel by bus band along with flank Vail dcr Melwe Both Mr Bled stra and Mr Van der Merwe are French horn playing chéss players Examiner Photo Eldon Dooley Greer char ter member of the Rotary Club of Barrie was nominated as District Governor 196061 at District 701 convention held at llalihurton this weekend The convention ends today His election to olficc will take place at the annual con vention of Rotary International next June This is the first time In the history of the local club that member will fill the office of District Governor group of 12 members from Barrie attended the conven tion to give moral supportto their Candi te Two Young Lawyers To Open Law Partnership In Barrie sacs suns BA Two young lawyers Jack Sugg and Gordon Condor this week open law practice in partner ship at 129431 Dunlap Street East Barrie Jack Sugg was born at Grav cnhurst where he received his early schooling He graduated from McMaster University in 1954 and went on to Osgoode Hall lie was called to the bar in June 1958 He served his article in the Musknkn district under Peter Stuart and Herbert Sugg his brother For the past two years he was associated with Angus City Solicitor for Tor onto He is married and resides at Vancouver Street Collingwood Shops Face Prosecution COLLINGWOOD CF cil here decided Monday night that it would prosecute local merchants found keeping their business establishments open six full days weekly Staying open six days week is contrary to Coilingwood muni cipal bylaws DONT WAIT EFINISHINGI renousou REID 14 Mnlcnaler stL Battle Ah GORDON CONDERI BA Mr Suggs grandfather Al bert Sugg will be remembered in his capacity as handmaster of the Grey andSilncoeTores ters Hisgrandmother still re sides in Barrie on Collier Street Mr Suggs parentsalthough originally from Barrie now rev sidelin Mimico Gordon Condor was born in Toronto but movedvin his early youthtoGravenhulst He grad uated from Queens University in1954went toOsgoode Hall andawas called to the bar in the fallot1558 He served hsarti cle with Wray Russell Rogers and Beck Toronto For thepast two audahalf years he has been junior solici for with the firm of Sanderson andWCoc one Toronto Mr Conderv married and lives with his wife on Nelson Street His parents reside in Graven hurst The two partners first met at Gravenhurst and have known each other fortile past 12 years While at university both joined the COTC obtained their com missions and are now on flle supplementary reserve seem annn unless sums Indus Jackass Hosanna STEPHENS to nnnlopSl BARRIER Endorulin than sel $106194 Sewer Cost Alder managerDrAEBerryond cityomndl Mdtybuln arradgcment with the commis sion that the lettu wlll interceptormorass fitownrddcanlnguptbewnt erspreznpenfeitBoy Howcvcr although this now ensuruallsarrlesaewagewlll get to the treatment planking old sewer lines lcnklng raw sewageinto the baythe prel slneerins 813300 equipment 31863 The balance is made up of minor items such as inspec tion and water mpleu The project will not necusar lly cost the city the amount stat ed The forcemaln will be con structed on cosbplns basil which means the contractor will only charge his coats plus profit figure the total not to exceed the agreed ceiling How ever alderman last night spec ulatcd during races that it was unlikely there would be much saving The contract was awarded by Evening Opening Registration for the twice weekly twohour long evening classes at Barrie District Cent ral Collegiate takes place today and Thursday October be tween 730 and 930 pan each day it was announced yester day The regular ciassu will he gin Tuesday Oct the all term running until Dec The spring term will then resume Jan am run to March 10 the annual exhibit of work being shown March The school under Principal Bowman offers 11 courses of training including Basic English course designed to assist new Canadians to be come better acquainted with the country Unlike the other courses which are available for $5 the Basic English will be offered free of charge ART COURSE The art course works in oils water colors pencil and char coal and carries out program which culminates in an art ex hibit in the Collegiate Annual Exhibition The purpose of the course is to develop an interesting and useful hobby rather than train outstanding artists Folk dancing under director Louise Coliey will be available and will be sponsored by the Simcoe County Recreation Committee The other hobby craft bulde folk dancing on the agenda is leatherwork Coolong and home manage ment should have particular appeal to the young women who plan to he homemakers This class will be held Wellness days thus enabling the young women to take hand at the interior decorating course held one night week COLOR DESIGN The interior decorating course includes color and de sign in the home furniture se lection and arrangement kit chen planning draperies car pets and wallpapers Metal working with facilities available for lathe work use of the forge acetylene welding elementary motor mechanics and work with sheet metal will be conducted Tuesday and hursday nights throughout the course Woodworkingsewlng and combined class of typing and bookkeeping will be taught Wednesdays and Thursdays motor mechanica course will be conducted in the metal working shop Principal Bowman asks that regular attendance be adhered to since the efficiency of ev ening classes is frequ tly cur failed by etude ts Science Now Plies Without sickened For Efimfi mhalanhswifll Ba HEW ability mama limitnuns and to relieve gin and itching Thom we bear relieved an warm mm homo wipmi any minim or Evelina In use after me while fiiiil 13H Muffler tinma E3 as tube final sizing iiamlw lb fisségmhiknmma Now this nowhalhlg WWW 91 nauseousm OIII banknlnmntea cot plant removes only 85 Per out of the contamination from the sewage The balance will continue to be discharged into thcbay which is neither large noractive enough to purify its waters by natural oxidiution City councilufi therefore peeled to ocean treatment plant Commission officials have assured Mayor Willard Klnzle secondary treatment plantMill result in clean bay localoplnion bow evar Is not convinced laxald erman ti Paddleon recently stated present secondary treat ment plants were inadequate to deal with the roblcm Cldsses Oct The rcgistratlon fee is $5 per subject Typing and bookkeep ing will be taken for $5 since they are one hour subjects on the same evenings Resident students within the Barrie High School District who attendflo per cent of the classes will receive 52 refund at the completion of night school Students living outside the districtwill however not be eligible for refunds These Little Pigs Stayed Home 1115 bylaw to ban guinesptgs from Barrie didnt get to first base last night Colmcil voted down motion seeking to have the measure introduced But by accepting finance committee reportwhich includ ed recommendation for the bylaw council members will have to reconsider their attitude next regular meeting when the motion will be represented There were ominous mutter ings from the first Aiderman Verner Hambly veteran ag ricullnrist and director of Barrie Agricultural Society pointed out the animals were kept for medical purposes recent complaint about guinea pigs within the city had no sub stance he said There had been no odor as claimed Is that bylaw realty necess ary he asked Alderman ArthurS Morrow linaooechairman told council his committee had hoped the bylaw would contain provision permitting keeping of pets But Alderman Charles Newton had anoHrer sngle Some of these bylaws are not worth the cost of drawing up he declar ed He wanted to know how much drawing up the bylaw had cost the city Comptroller Waiter Gigg re pliedthe city solicitor had not drawn up the bylaw It had been done in 20 minutes by the city office staff from copy on record When the formal motionwas brought in that permission be granted to introduce bylaw prohibiting the keeping of guinea pigs within the municipality of the City of Barrie aldermen re fused permlss ion theirbandstosayy put up their hands to say No The motion is lost declared Mayor Klnzie One low premium Jules all yourrpossesslons with the AllNEW reduction Iessly at the nlltlcted body the Holgate Street house heard the Found At Border Elle EmirExaminer couurr NEWS cm TUESDAY SEPTEMBER ll cannon T00 DEEPLY oven IN log that gnt too deeply in volved in its work Accord ing to lhcoperator It just stuck llcres ngrader work ing on Berczy Street this morn Couldnt an Their Windfall Out of clear sky swooped well meaning partridge Satur day afternoon and spottinga large shiny blue patch on liolgalo Street house darted for wkgnt be thought was piece of Smack went the partridge crash went large picture window and Whats going on yelled human from the house The outer plate of the window sprinkled over the little part ridge lylngfotelly wounded in flower bed under the scene of the air tragedy Under the astonished eyes of Ron Kelcey who rushed out of the living room and stared help Who says they dont get little partridge fluttered his weakened wings and died Albert Kelcey owner of the crash while at the back at the house and shouted to Ron study ing inthe front room to run out and see what happened they thought someone had pitched stone through the pane Eon dropped his bookshe is student at Toronto Teachera Collegeand ran out to see the bird in the bush gut it was too late for first Fortunately the window was of the double paued variety and the bird didnt come right through The partridge was good size Collingvlood Boys coumewdoo tcr Three Coilingwood boys were found hud dled in boxcar of railway train at Niagara Falls Monday evening as they tried to cross the border into the United States Customs officials found llmmy Murray 12 his brother Mike to and Allan Fortime 15 The Mur ray boys had been reported miss ing since their mother sent them to school last Thursday morning The boys told olficials they or iginally ran away for lark but the hitchbusing was so easy they continued Ahltlbl Paper Algom steel Aluminum Ltd Alberta an Asbestos Atlas stcclm Algom Um ms of Mont uk oeu Tel Co Brazilian Era Am Oil Co Cln Investment rand anEElm wth and would have mode dell clous meal But despite advice from neighbors to cat the bird the Kelceys couldnt do it They had grown attached to it Boy Hurts Hip In Accident young Barrie boy received lacerated hip Monday when he ran into moving car on Dunlop Street Bobby Storey Henry Street was treated but not taken to hospital City Police said he ran out from between some parked cars near the Duniop and High Street intersection and was in colli sion with William Pulihrook 35 RR Barrie There was no damage to Pull brooks car Ils WORK Apparently it Examiner Photo Speeding ill 90 Brings $30 Fine Toronto motorist who rocketlt ed along Highway 40b near Bar rie atflo mph pleaded guilty to speeding at Barrie today and was fined $30 and $350 costs Banie Ontario Proincinl Pol ice Const John LeBnr who pa trols Highway 400 and Highway 11 north said he pulled in his hind Donald Franklin Strong 74 Toronto just south of Barrie Sept 12 and drew towilllin 500 Yards of him He said he held his cnliser at 90 mph to keep up with Strong but be still pulled aviay from Traffic was light at the time he addcd went down did Try An Enamel want Phone PA 52414 fromle srocK PRICES Compiled at noon by Crawford and Co Ltd Flynn Collier Street pt Clapperton 31 28 18 25 £ng Consumer Tr Famous of NS Hudson Bay Min 51V Imp Tab lrn all In Acc fat Nlclfil nt rev madam thlnw is put luscy Ferguson Mari Mod New Myl MUTUALv SHARES Blll Asked aal Gro and Slalllvnn Flux Ford can Gt necoMlnu 966 North 043 supervised Growth onset Nomad Mlle 25 Normctal New Hos Nor OntuNG Cnldstream Monro Corp Dot Jockey Olub Dpern rum Pat Fem Pl Qua Nt Gal R05 novel Ennk st Law caln Sher GD Sal Shop Ltd Steel of can in runs us Trader sin is Texaco Unit Oil Union Gal walk now 12 lzlfi 12 to 89 53 an 145 American 930 Zoo 111 ammo srocli nxcman lNDBx lndtutrlall up 235 Gold down 07 Metals up 110 hilly NBW Yank flock EXCHANGE AVERAGES lndtlatrlll up 31 Balls Ilp 145 Utllltlll up nylsnloer acm moans orcnsn ecu Denlsnn BA ou Nam Creek Bank or Commerco at sUPPORTYWR LOCAL cannula Iron ela Asked 85

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