PERT 0115 bcre wcro beauty contest winners at Elm vole Fair last night Queen LASIILEY opens the new Centennial gates to let the parade pass into the Elm eagle Peggy Waplu centre is flanked by princesses Joyce Bertram assists in the core monies while pretty moiorettcs liT ELMVALE vale vFair President Reg lngietoh Robertshnw stand by to pass through the gates left For Kiddies holiness anions Prizewlnnlng Baby IfWEIiTHEE TORONTO CPLOfficial forc casts issued by the weather of fice at 11 am Synopsis disturbance draped across the northern Great Lakes is producing numerous showers and thundersbowers in that area with cool damp weather reported further north Southern Ontario is for the most part sunny but scattered showers are expected to develop during the late after noon Cooler air will reach the lower Great Lakes area Thurs day morning accompanied by showers Regional forecasts valid until midnight Thursday Lake Erie Lake Ontario Niag ara southern Haliburtoo south ern Lake Huron regions wind sor London Hamilton Toronto Mostly sunny and warm today clouding over tonight but clearing again Thursday afternoon Scat teredshowers or thundershowers this evening and early Thursday morning Coolerpihursday Winds southwest 15 to 75 becoming light tonight Northero Haliburton Georgian Bay northern Lake Huron Kirk land Lake regions North Bay James Bay limmihs Kapp kasing regions Cloudy with oc casional rain or drizzle today Mostly cloudy with scattered showers and cooler Thursday Winds light today northwest 15 Thursday Forecast temperatures Low tonight High Thursday Windso St Thomas London Wingham TQronto Kapuskasing White Rive The kids had their day the Elmvale Fair yesterday as they held the spotlight in the through the town and came to halt before the new Centennial Gates and Peggy be the first to school childrens parade the li Calf Club achievement day the sports public speakihgpand the baby contest The dzii sthrtedhffwith long winding parade complete with floats submitted for camp etition by the public schools the township Many of the floats such as the winning one from Number F105 Schoolwere original and tried to depict the progress through the last hundred years of the count ry and its people No school won the Dnncnh After the dedicationot the gat es ALashley Director of Agricultural Societies congratu lntcd the F105 Agricultural Soc iety for its iineservice through out 100 years and proscntedtn Reg Bertram president $1 000 chequcfrom the provincial government forvits service throughout the century The esdiibits spread out in the cavernous arena lent the build ing the atmosphere of bargain basement Saturdoy morning with throngs of people milling about not moving anywhere but of do Secondary Tredtrrlent Plant ism momma bownundbycoglnemof tbo Ontario Wota nsourcea er Commission that within one year of the canle of secondary llWl80 munch plant Kcmponfolt Bay would be dun OWBC stall In now making preliminary study of secondary Remnant But the mayor was somewhat disappointed with the slow progress the OWRC had me with present plans for nw sewer and pumpbouso am afraid ere might be repeti tion it comes to see ondnry heatrnent plant he do elated He Said immediate studies shouldbc nude on secondary sewage But the mayor added the ex isting primarytreatment plant was larger than needed for the present also of the db which was still growing As wasta had longer settling period in the plant the city was getting more from the plant than primary treabncnt was normally expect ed to give The Barrie office of the lip employmcntlnsurnnce Commis sion is starting drive to find jobs for workers over to rc ports local msnogerW Coo per These peopie in many cases find that jobs are not available he states Mr Coopei also reports the office is making efforts to draw employers attention to the clearance system available by which the office can provide workers notyavailahle locally and the service available through the Executive and Pro fessional Division providing Health Unit Closes Grill Simcoa County Healthy Unit has locked the doors of the Four Hundred Grill on Dunlop Street West decided to close down this restaurant because it was not clean enough said Simcoe County health director Dr Scott Dr Scott said dishwashing methods were unsanitary and the restaurant would not be nl lowed to reopen until this was remedied The establishment has been under surveillance for some time and needs to be thor oughly cleaned he said The tiny grocery section of the Four Hundred is remaining open for business Manager Frank Honey was not available for comment on the housecleaning plans or future ofthc drivers haven best fitted calf and the John Rit chie special contests This is highly unusual said lnveston Growth McCuaig trophy for having th best float thber was second and Number 12 was third The best costumes for public schoolswas won by 19 Flos fol lowed by 12 Flos and 13 Fins the public school children ev idently went to great deal of trouble to make this parade coll orfuli Abltibi Paper Algomu Steel Aluminum Ltd Alberta Gurr Asbestos Atlas Steel Algom um Bk of Mont Bk of NS Bcll 11 Co Brazilian er Am 011 Go as 35 sot4 211 17 241 12 as 73 so 460 31 335 51 3435 25 Damson Ills Seas Dom Faun Dom Stores Dom Tar 11 Sullivan Famous 11 Ford Con Gt Lks Goon liiiries Gat Pow Gun Min Haldoc Farm Home on loin Tob 1m 011 In Ace smaolnn on Inter Nickel nln KerrAddison Lohtnw pro Mari lung New hm Bid Asked Cnn internment ms 51 Dull11 Tflns Cando Pipe Try nu Examiner Wmtlhd Phonh PA 84d rsssii iioiiri groans ALso ICOMB HONEY JJOECARNEY NORTH ST 13A 131 progress girl Consumers Gas 39 23 Ont Jockey club 105 Hudson Bay Min Interprov Pipe unssey Ferguson lvrnrcnnsmnns 90 North American 73 a2osupervireo Growth lmnomo STOCK EXCHANGE mpsx Industrial 11 LBS Golda up 33 Metals up Oils up 06 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE AVERAGES Induntrlnll up I42 Rolls up nos Utiliqu up 16 mMosrAcmB TRADERS Aluminum Tor Bum Bunk n11 Erin and one feeling everything in reach Outside the arenaithe 4H calf club achievement day was in 12yearold in her first competition kept the judges and gallery ag hast by winning all the events of the day with her calf Avinda Sheilln Elliott of Phelpston won the grand champion calf Elmvale Trumpet band led thelgrand championship showman parade which wound its wayicbampion novice showman the TODAYS STOCKIPBICES Compiled at noon by cumin and Ltd Flynn 11 Colilcr Street at Clappertnn Norandn Mines Normctui Now Has Nor Ont rm Coldstrenm Moore corp Onem Pacific Pet 11 Pom Pi Que Ni Gas Roe 7B 15 155 10 31 steel or Cun Tannm 13k Transcon Pine Traders Fun Texaco Unit 011 Union GI Wallz be a2 J2 FL FER EFiNISHiMBl GUSON 45 30 14 14 56 Bid Asked do iudge Keith Clay Its never been donevkbefore she showed her Holstein like veteran The baby show was one of the most interesting ifdhly to see how it was run The bebleshfirst put into age clas like sides of beef for their len gth weight circumference of the chest even the circumferen ce of the head and the one with the most ideal measurements ac cordingto doctors chart was the winner For the final grand prize the three winners and the three rnnlt hersup were judged for appear ance only and little 14month old boy who placed second in one of the measuring contests beat out his opponents to winvtbe grand prize 3i on Bernadette Snider of Waverley smiled and coded his way into the winners circle to be present ed with bright shiny trophy in which he became more interest edin chewing than in display Ila ager of fioe of the Seaboard Finance Company is being transferred to the Oshhwa office in the early part of October Mr Prest manager of the Barrie branch since its inceptio will be re placed Roy agcr the Hamilton branch Mr Prest and familywlll move to Oshawa in October 895 atlons were measured Douglas Sniderson of Ken and la outed however the ciu was not tied to the Ontario Wot anurcu Commission It could not alone Apart from the length of time for action bythc Com mission Mayor Kinziawns also concerned with cost guniota Hosnidcostufthepracntcm struction was way over the original estimate by OWRC engineers and added an extra burden to taxpayersh Fennel Barrio aidormnnJV Poddison told reporter secondary plant would not clean up the boy He stated it would remove only 95 per cent of con taminated matter nnd there would be as much waste going into the buy on when the city consisted of only 6000 people and had only primary plant What they are doing in all risht he said to have this interceptor sewer The sewage engineers will have to come up with something different if they are ever going to clean up lilo bn Barrie lIlC Starting Drive To Find Iobs For Over 40s personnel of this type Seeking Jobs now through the olflco ore bookkeepers stcnog raphers typists clerks carpen ters pointers routoinen truck drivers construction laborers sales personnel factory work ers kitchen bonds and cooiu There is slight increase this week in numbers registered as seeking work But says Mr Cooper flhis is condition that oc curs on ycorrround basis with fluctuations in the labor lorce Supply and demand with the changing pattern of workers who separate or nro separated for one reason or another all have an effect on the employ ment situation Conservation Is Huerybodys Iob Examiner outdoors columnist Wolly Smith was spéokerht the third fall meeting of Barrio Lions Club last night held at Community liouse On the subiect of conservation he urged general participation of citizens in organizing the dis trict to conserve is natural assets There was good attendance the NEW MINISTER The Reverend Gardiner Skelly MA ED is pictured here in his Collier street Bar rie home this morning He is to be inducted as minister of Collier StroetUnited Church this evening at eight oclock Mr Skelly 34 is from North ernIreland For the past six years he has been minister of Deep River Community Church He is married with three chlidren Mr Skelly succeeds Rev Ernest Lew isministerat Collier for 19 years who is now at Exeter Among those taking part in the induction service besides officials of Sirncoe Presbytery will be the Reverend William Skelly MA minister of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Thorold brother of Revere end Gardiner Skelly and the Reverend Ernest Long former minister at Collier who is now Secretary of the General Council of thejlnited Church of Canada Milk COWS re bloom and pro ction fed beetjptil They have on WEDNESDAYBKPLflsvaI Elm cm AND COUNTY saws ashamiosmru insriill iiiw orrlcsii Kinsmen Club of Barrie hold its regular dinner and business meeting last night at Ameri canllotcl Pictured here frdm left to right arc the new oili ccrs who were installed for Adhept Delivery At SSH Canadas first mashed potato flake plant located at Alliston started accepting deliveries of potatoes this week statcs Goodin osslstant director of the field crops branch of Ontario Department of Agriculture Actual processing will bit un der wny within the next month The million dollar property is located on the mainline of CPR where SaladoShirriff Horsey Company has acquired approx imately 200 acres It also bor ders the Canadioh NationalRall WW The company contracted with local potato growerslast spring forsupsly of 20 million pounds of potatoes In addition the company has growns substan tial acreage of its own this year it is expected demands for product will necessitste neatly increased quantities of potatoes from thm county in fu ture years The plant will em ploy 120 people at the beginning and during the processing period of about nine months may oper ate oothreo shifts Trio iaiied Three Years COLLINGWOCID CP Fred erick Paul Cook 19 and Richard Smith20 both of Wingham and George Mason 20 of St Catharines were sentenced Tues day to three years each inpenl tentiory on charge of robbery with violence three charges of breaking and entering and two charges of car theft The youths were arrested Sept near Alliston severslbours after they had stolen $200 from woman clerk in store at Duntrooh seven miles south of this Georgian Bay town The breakins occurred at Don trooh and Exeter stores and the cars were stolenat Arthur and Teeswater The trio fled from Duntroon to Alliston in one of the cars and were found at 8111 in the car by the OPP about four miles south near CPR crossing When Police found the car they viirrested Cook and Mason but Smith escaped into the dense bush and started day long search by the OPE and municipal poli Ho hid out an thebnshJill evening but was found and or rested SHUFiEAIN 185960 at the meeting Direé tor Ross Appleton treasurer Lorne Carter deputy gover nor of District Eight nave Dunn Toronto director Gord Teskey viceprcsideut John Gillespie director Ross Wat son historian Ed Laws prcsl dent linrt hick secretory George Harper bulletin editor lirn Reynnrd registrar Harry llsddch Examiner Photo ScabResistant Potato Crops Could RevitalizeThe Industry At long lost it would now seem the problem of scab or scurf In potatoesmay be largely over come During recent years two scsh rcsistcnt varieties of pofntlt oer have been introduced olld distributed by Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture in oreaa where the scab organism has in fested soils saysVR Goodin nssistont dircctor of fleld crops branch of the department Salvage Drive Nets 507 Tons Barrie Boy Scouts cdllected more than 50 tons of paper in recent salvage drive Businesses donating services of trucks and drlverswere John ALolng Tannery dnver Geor Long Tannery driver Al bert Kortz De Vilbiss driver Floyd Burger Beers Tire driv er Brock Ottaway Canadian Ge neral Eectric driver Bob Luc as Coo eICartoge driver John Krul Scott Euels driverAl Stu nden Consumers Gas driver Gord Sahdford Asslstlhg the drive were liiil Merriam and lim Greenhalgh president and secretary of the Boy Scout Local Association Bill Cain and Bill Crawford Ist Allandnle John Seal and Murp ay liawe lst Barrie Russ wurm 11nd TomBnntlng 2nd Bar rie Geo Hamilton Tom Hamil ton ASM lanMorrison and Bob Cunningham 8rd Barrie and Maiorleen Clever of 5th Barrie The drive was sponsored by the BoyScout Local Association under the direction of Lt Col Roger Tho Chcrcokec nncorly mat uring variety with shallow ayes white skin ondexcellent cook ing quality is one also the Hur oo variety an abundant yieldcr with lots maturity Acreage of both those vnrities is how on the increase with favorable results Clarence teach in Allist oh grew so acres of Chorokee this year His crop is now being harvested and niready yields nrogoiog over 500 bushels per acre The appearance and cook ingquality of the tubers are ex cellent and official tests indicate 186 per cent dry matter Considering thomnny potato growers in Simcoe County and across Ontario have had dilfic ulty in producing potato crops free 6f scab the introduction and general use of these varieties in thefuture will have an important effect in revitalizing ihe indush ry says Mr Goodwin The improved cooking duality will encourage increased cons umptionho adds Witch they no troubled by blchdl um tired out nun or disturbed rut my many women turn to Doddr Kidney rain Thus conditions on in until by excess raids ml min in was no Dodrls ies nil th new and iii no mmdlrï¬unninnnvinlliwn Iridl imam 11m life seems brightenhouuwovkligbtevlwlly dont youiboithfl cruu vciuiff so Manner sovnlr Corned Beer Choice BOLOGNA BURNS gainoxub roan rsHouLorns N0 dualism on ms 89 29cj