jl Hair Padraig peas Fer Long Distances mm Canadas its on my pians use ito can as reduced two major nonnced package deals for long rAiieftbeplansbavedodq distance travellersand reduced limit faresforpnssengeiswbotravel inbunchu new programs are often tiv pet Canadian National Railway said it is uttering offseman duced7fnrm addnll inclusive package deals in make rail travel so Mia will given longdistance travelling in private cars Canadian Pacific Railway said One CPRplanyincludu in the ticket price nil fare detain accommodation meals and tips it lslood for one or more muelnallclasmottnvel wCaparie rallwayl hovs so stimulate allusion rail travel tires 7th ulths propern is grlnbhthat hyotlsring trunk cheepernndmore conveni ent trips It will won them away tromuslngprlvstoars travelling passengers If the group members so and return to nether zoct BYLeiectionslst Test Perry Strength This Year BURNS consumers RIFLE TEAM Canadian rifle team placed second to tho SwedishBnltal ion by scant few points in competition recently held by the United Nations Emergan Force in the Middle East Lt Gen Burns right commander of the UNEF con gratulates team members Staff Sergeant John Wood leit of Calgary Alta and Sergeant Paul Letter of Barrie Na tional Defence Photo Dry Growing Sermon Rain At Harvest FarmersJWoe By THE bANADmN mass Dryness in the growing season and rain at harvest time Thats the sad story told by farmers in most parts of Canada as they toll to bring in the remaining crops Saga grain fields in the West and the Maritimes alike forced harvest machinery to wait for drying sunshine The Canadian Press found in crosscountry survey However the general prospect grmostarehs is for crops not of averagealthough much of the prairie grain crops still are vulnerable to weather The prairie grain harvest now well on its way was bedevilled for some weeks by repeated rains The wetness has caused damage and loss of quality to some grain especially grain ly ing in swath on the ground But despite this Manitoba oi flcinls predicts grain crop of average or above average size In Saskatchewan the prospect is for wheat crop larger than last year but below the long term average In Alberta yields an pear to be as good as anticipated despite some frost damage Ontario farm ofï¬cials said crop prospects are generally satisfac tory Across the land there appeared tobe no shortage of labor to bring in the crops though for while the torrid heat of late Au gust created scarcity of bar vmters for the Ontario tobacco crop Farm wages generally have shown no great change In Prince Edward Island grain harvesting is in full swing With only few early potatoes dug Turkey Produéers Want Stores To Use Birds lisLOSsLeaders WlNNlPEG or Canedian turkey producers want federal legislation making it illegal for chain stores to use turkeys as lossleaders At its annual convention here Monday the Canadian Turkey Federation made up of pro vincial organizations of turkey producerspassed such resolu tion it called on the government to force retail stores to sell tur keys at new profit of three to five per cent and under no cir cumstances to sell at less than the retail merchants cost Tha motion was opposed by Max tingenof Harrowwho said the fact chain store bought turkeys for say 37 cents pound and sold for 35 cents pound should not upset turkey produc ers because it increased turkey consumption Thue would be nothing to pro vent stores increasing beat or pork consumption by similar means if they were prohibited from using turkeys as loss leaders he said CTF Secretary Ken Semis of St Thomas said later that there was percent increase in Postal Employees Need HigherPay WINNlPEG ice Anson postal employees just cath live an their salaries EV Hattie president of the Winnipeg branch of tbeGanadian Postal Employees Association CLO said Monday Mia Hattie told the opening session of the associations na tional convention here that pas tal salaries have been judged substandard since 1939 Moonlighting is among us he sen Moonlight is the practice of holding asecond job The convention annijnvedthe draftingof telegram to Prime Minister Diefenbaker protesting delays in granting postal employ ees collective bargaining rights INGLES PAVING 140 moat st Barrie no oases DRIVEWAY PARKING LOT SPECIALISTS All Wurk Guaranteed rants ESTIMATES turkey consinnptlon for the final months this year compared with the same period in 1958 He said turkey production this year was expected to total 133000000 pounds an increase of 16 per cent over last year Mackey Sure lirt IsSiill In Toronto TORONTO CWPolice Chief James Mackey said Monday six paintings insured for $640000 that were stolen from the Toronto Art Gallery week ago are probably still in Toronto Two Rembrandts and four other masterpieces were cut from their frames Police believe they are being held until ran growers are concerned about po tato blight which is prevalent in New Brunswick an 38500 000 potato crop lssbaplng up with production forecast nearly 20 per cent below lilst year at an estimated 6090000 welght in Quebec the crops after dry July and wet August are ex pected to bring returns slightly better than lastyears $160765 000 value Potatoes and tomatoes have been slightly belovraver age but apples blueberries arid fodder corn crops are all re ported good The tobacco harvest is over and the crop excellent ONTARIO DETAILS Harvesting of major crops is generally complete in Southern Ontario and well advanced in the north The hot dry summer caused no serious losses But late summer wetness caused some delay with some latehar vested grain crops sprouting and discoloring Otherwise crop qual ity is satisfactory Heavy dam age last winter to winter wheat cut that crop to half of last years record The tobacco crop had troubles with 4500000 pounds lost to bail and wind damage before harvesting began week earlier titan normal But the crop ranges from fair to ex cellent British Columbia in contrast to other ray in reports the weather has been generally good except in tbePeace River area where drought has left grain prospects poor FRESH litlllEY rort sou Also COMB HONEY can JOE CARNEY som is paid byinsurance com panies iSIlOWIN ALI IIIISWEEK You floored At cAknv on screamse You Howled At ï¬rms nun now flgipioad UPIl ROCKS THE SHEEN when the tdmirnir outwhot sailors oreII so Home as in am By THE CANADIAN PRESS Five dldates were nombu ated Mon to contest two Oct byelcctlons for seats in the Commons The Progressive Conservatives Liberals and the COP will bid for traditionallyLiberal Russell tak tnginpart Ottawa and sense of adlacent Russel County The two larger parties Will make the fight in HastingsFresh enac Eastern Ontario riding made vacant by the death March 17 of External Affairs Minister Sidney Smith lheseJifth and sixth byeleov tlons since the Conservatives gained record majority in the general electionof March st 1958 will be the first tests of strength sinceDeccmbery OAINEBALANCED In the first four the Conserve lives held Grenville Dundas Ont and Springfield Mom won Monhnaly llslet One from the Liberals and lost Tor onto Trinity in the Liberals to Russell made vacant bythe death March 24 of Liberal Omar flour these candidates tiled nomination papers Conservative Wilbur Wib Nixonrls insurance and real es tate agent and former halfback with Ottawa Rough Riders of the Big Four Football Dengue He was unsuccessful in the general elections of 1057 and 1550 Liberal Paul Tardif 40 store manager who is city controller and also deputy mayor of Oh tawa Denis Kalman OCF candl RIAI ON NURSE Uéiifilé daughter ï¬nds DAVID TOMLINSON PEGGY CUMMiNS BRIAN REECE EUNiCE GAVSDN when reasons TECHNICOLOR Ib date who is real estate agent any distance longer than for groups of two Canadian lines or gadroutcs level auctions apply anywhere in 55 Russell has been Liberal since mile 1087 and has had only six menu here since then Mr 6on had been the member since 1915 Nominations at Bellevllle for listings Frontenac brought in these candidates Rodney Webb 49yearold Con servative who operates an elec trical appliance snd contracting business at Norwood 30 miles northwest of Belleville He has served 13 years on the Norwood council and has been new tar 2W0 YEAH Liberal William shaman is for three years reeve of Marmota village 00 miles north of Belle ville He is codwnar of dnrg store Hastings Frontenac has been Conservative since its creation in 1952 Tho districts forming It have been almost lnvarably Coir servative ca Confederation Mr Smith had majority of more than 7000 votesln the toss eiectlon citations adnontrlplofmoretlnn would each save 17 cent of the regular fare 06 adults would each get reduction of 26 per cent and four or gm each save 37 pet can en are allowed and the normal tree baggage allowed for The CNB package plan applies on transcontinental trains be tween Montreal Otmdtawav North Bay or Town lnnipez Regina Saskatoon Calgary Ed monton or Vancouver between the six major western points be tween all mainline points east of Montreal and wast of Winnipeg and between intermediate points so long as the trip extends over one or more of the major pain of cities Lone travellers can use the package plan for onean or roundtrip navel in all classes Groups may use it for return tips only Theatre Tuesvista SCREAMING SKULL Adult souromantic Pius Tram room TH YEAR rim HOUSE OE HITS asIFrank Skeffltiawl Plan WITH THE assT leBARRl LAsT SHOWINGTONIGHT TUESDAY iVENiNG SHOWS AT 650 AND pm raps cosmos llliiiiY tolhevscreen shaming with the jmces of rough andnimblelifel lillliSllliY raunsnnr smear sunspot PLEASE NOTE STARTING TIMcsron TH Is PICTURE Evening Shows of 6300an pd Elontinttous Saturday Front 23O pm The excitement of no first love PLUS CARTOON IN coma FOX NEWS THURSDAY FR Iiwiiiintnrut manner recommend it to the entire country Ed$uilivqn Gilli II THE till Milli iliRY Pt ANNE FRAK TUDENTS 0s huhsumminme CiteMASCOHE mmvmnmmmmm mar eonurinals that are MATINEE JADULTSCSOc TAX INflUOED MATINEES STUDENTSiOc AXiNCLUDED CHILOREN ALL TIMES 25 AK NCLUPED ran emu mm mm my so iiiIV MORE PliTlEltCll worm an on DALton Go pdsooerweuldbectreenun today if he had bit we Scott shamold at showman camp dept it carrying dinner for bk fellow whom EFL When he didnt return War déa Fred Genie alerted north sasm To 6511le CHStill Itth manual it to st Catharina district peanuts chumhhmotomnorttao with series of farm flash lamblownship tertiary in three separate ol fences summoning mot Vhelandliess given tanyin concurrent terms on each duru word fmm Atlanta that Scotts parole had been ap proved The parole was ormnotly combed Prince May Visit OttawaIn 1952 urnAWA crycrime Philip has told Mayor George Helms in in letter that If it is possible he willbe in Ottawa to use for the opening of the Queenswly 531000000 crosstown mainly The letter the contents of which were revealed Monday in Mr Nelms was in reply an invitation sent the prince altar be expressed keen interest in the highway during his July visit to the capital uocompenytn allies Elizabeth on her Cmdlu at two year lain day plus nine moths indefinite l7me Mord of Vineland Station and on bert Waver of mono Sty tloti leopard Mord Vlnzland was sentenced to nine months and Barry main is of Jordan received nosveer sentence Charles Weaver and Charter II Nimnmaher both if of Jordan station received tomonih prison term Hrs Betty Frost 30 of Beam ville was given suspended sen tence on one man charge end was ordered to post bond of miltoken the peaed for two yours TRADE DEFICIT GROWS WASHINGTON AmThe tire tlett in the United sum balance of hitcrnattonal payments in me Aprltalmsquartcr was 0967000 000 This mnpared with deficit of MM hi the preceding three months IUnlri ll VM chlluand VmJBdmgetsman your way Mammothform hodomMSM mrmo Imam amounts mempï¬m advises VVSeezmrtrmtam Omahamm