nonnnr mania possessing To Blind Girls EDMONTON CPlTen young women held banquetfor their teacher recently after completing coins on personal develop meat They had good reason to thank itka had uuuï¬t 8W blind sir charm poise and am morninginacourse ntthalo cal branch of the Canadian Na tional lnsfltutqfor the Blind The eight week course In cluded instruction in poise walk inlandsitting exudes for lla ure development arming makeup and chooelng clothes Mrs Jewsbury who had taught blind children in England said the girls were nervous and self conscious at first but soon be came enthusiastic Belore beginning the course Mrs Jewsbury blindfolded her eyes and managed to get through her household chores She also experimented in applying her makeop by touch PEBSQNS SUCCESSFUL Mrs Jowshury said the sight lcss glris sensitive fingertips en ablcd them to apply makeup base evenly and to trace the shape their lips perfectly They also learned to feel the shape of thekyhalrdo slid to ar range their hair in styles sug gested by their instructor She found that blind persona tend to look down rather than di rectly at persons to whom they MOTIF CHAIRBACK AND ARM REST You will want to crochet this practical motif chairback let to protect your furniture at the bead and hand spots lt ten new design motif which is done quickly with heavy cotton thread The color can be adapted to your interior YOUR HEALTH decoration if you would like to have the crochet instruc tions simply send stamped self addressed envelope to the Needlecrni Department of The Barrie Ehtarnlner re questing MOTIF CHAERBACK AND ARM REST LeafletNo 07219 Safeguard Health By Examinations By mm is anansmv no HOW CAN you stay healthy This is tremendously Im portnnt question to everyone men women and children FEW TIPS It would be wonderful it could guarantee all of you per fect health for the rest of your lives cant of course But can give you few tips on how to safeguard your health as much as possible So let me give you formula for good health Basicallyit is pattern at per iodic medical examinations CEECKUPS URGED strongly urge comprehensive examinations at least six times duringyour life and thorough physicals at least once every year Even if you get comprehen sive examination only once dun log your entire lifetime these annual audits which have been urging for years can be done more etiiciently REQUIRES THREE VISITS really comprehensive check up will requireabout threevis its each approximately an hour or little longer Here is what these examina tionseonsist of The ï¬rst hour will be taken up entirely with physical examilt nation and discussion of your meLdical history nest and pros en HOURBYEDUB RECORD For the next couple of days you will be required to keep an hotnhyhour record of every thingiyou do Then on your second visit your reports are checked by the physician By them carefully he can develop health program custom made foryou Hewili create unkindividual program of work exercise rest diet etc suggest you also ask MOSTLY mums EDMONTON CPStoryland Valley in chil on complete with castle miniature train Noahs Ark and merrygoround has attracted as many as 10000 people inane day Since ng July total of 200800 have vis ited itmoro thanh tilts at him to recommend vitamin and mineral supplements or you Follow this prograni for the next month or two and then re turn to the doctor for your third visit This time he will make final adjustments in yur health pro gram And then you are on your own helped devise such programs years ago recommended six comprehensive examinations du ring lifetime These are shortly after birth when youngster begins school uponxreachlng the age oipu berty about 14 when ge gets married or at 25 married or not at midlife not later than 45 and when he enters on sec ond prime about 65D Now these health programs wont place any undue restric tions upon you Not only can you live with them but more im portant you can live better with them QUESTION AND ANSWER and have had sleeping sickness for nine years take dexedrine to keep awake What can be done for this disease and is it over tatle Answer The term sleeping sickness covers number of conditions Your doctor is in the best pos ition to determinethecause of your symptoms prescribe treet meat and predict the probable outcome PRIZE LEMONS ABERDEEN Sank OP Lemons larger than the usual grapefruit were grown by Mrs Dougal MacKay in flower pot at her home here this year Dr Ward Cramptnn who next Mrs an 35 yearsold are speaking She taught the girls to hold their heads high and to face the sound at voice The girls acute sense of hear ing helped in instructing them in the proper way to walk Sensi tive to rhythm they could dis tinguish by ear fault in Mrs Jewsburys walk Mrs Jewsbury is writing book on personnl development and hopes to have it printed in braille to help other blind women THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This days influences encourage written matters and communica tions generally its also good period in which to hold confer ences amiable discussions of plans relative to the future Dont regnrd all decisions as final how ever Later revisions could land improvement FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your chart presages pleasant outlook for the next year While occupational and tinnnclal main tcrs may be at something of standstill now there is indication of exceptional achievement dur ing period between December and loosen only of course it you ke advahtage of all avail able opportunities and back up your talents with realism and en ergy Do avoidextravngance too since enduring gains will depend upon conservatismand down toenrth program Personal matters will be under beneficent aspects during most of the year which augurs well for social sentimental and domestic interests Travel willbe governed by exceptionally generous influ ences between May and August and December of this year should prove excellent for romance and marriage also May and June at child born on this day will be endowed with marked inven tiveuess and resourcefulness but may be too susceptible to flat tery Not long ago when great many people were asked by re search firm how they felt about dry cleaning the answers showed that good por tion sent their clothes to the cleaners with tear and the re signation bornlof those tears seem ed based on bad experience with cleaners others on misconceptions about what happens to clothes while they are in cleaning shops Mnyhayou havehndtha same feelingsulf so it might help to get the answers to questions about what goes ion at the clean ers Just what happens Iocloth ear in the cleaning proceoll What are thesolvents used by cleaners Wher am the am ofaeelng wrong ladies club hnvr lng meeting had would like to know some or iridium dry cleaning the wetter mud poly glad to me your meeting for hour or MM AUDth STEVENS sum wnnDuNa km Em FWM inns namunrums onscreen surrealism nnusrou necessity Some of EEKS To In The Barrie Examiner new YORKCITY TOUR courssr thattislghtOnlyThree Weeks Taco And who the Five Lucky winners of the 7Day Free Vacation to New York cityqu bets anyonets guess The Race is on Watch their Pragress HEREAREIHEcoNTESTANTslurHEsAnnIe EXAMINER New YORK CITY Touwiconrssr WITH THEIR nesrecrivE STANDINGSTO DATE tourism snoutv any MRS nun mam MR8 am McQUAY spoons asses sums Mns VIIreps DINNEY mason snnca ALLISION been rues Look tannins wILL ALSO Thats right the one lady who totals the no points in obtaining New and RenewalSubseiip tions The Barrie Exominerbeï¬veennw and September 26th in The Barrie Examiner mum City Tour contest will win this lovely 8pleee luggage set So Renew now or Subscribe now and help your Invorlte contestant HECéNTVESTANT sumes www lat ecuo uneaseHa nae YEQ Fo laas nsrea