Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Sep 1959, p. 9

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Crawford Anderso ctange Anderson ersoa Heifer junior WINS FIRST Banlo North Collegiate grad Nancy Cook latheflrst winner of the new University Womens Club $00 scholarship for high est aggregate standing in nine Grade 13 snbiecLe nmong stu SCHOLARSHIP dcnts who plan to enter univer sity Nancy who is entering Victoria College University of Toronto this tall rcceived hei cheque from UWC president Mrs Hebe Smith last night Examiner Photo sons Beams Demerfl Plan Tha point system of demerits has spread from the highways to the little red aehoolhnuse re port irons Coliingwood this week tells aln school board using genialit system to control pup Cotllngwood District Collegiate area board has authorized an ex tensivedemerlt plan in an all out eilort to standardize discip linary methods and produce better educational climate for students Each puptltn Grades to will begin the school year With credit of immarksyin school citizenship Marks may be de ducted from the totaicredlt at any student for mlsdemeenours in accordance with the scale set down in the overall plan and student will be expelled irom school unconditionally ii the accumulated total of mortar in school citizenship drops to zero in an open letter to all parents and guardians oi students at tcnding thaCD Cv Pent principal of tb collegiate pointed out that this plan was not devised tokoep pupils out oi school but rather to allow them to take everyodvnntago of their time in this school in the hope that the drum wouidvbo improved This plan will ensure that the sincere efforts made by pupil in thispr of Kain lng on education will not be hampered bytheactlvitles of those few pupils home not will Liiréstock Results 5fAt Clydesdale Yeld More Fleming and son Eusscil Lewis Vic Ross Broodmare Flem ing and Son first and third Rate an StoreyFoal 11 Flem ing and Son first and third Russell Lewis ivo year old filly Robert Storey first and second Three year old filly it Flemingnnd Son Vic Ross Yearling Robert Storey it Fleming and Son Robert Storey Team attached to we gon lt Horry Priest Flaml ing and Son Russell Lewis Percheron Brood more Fletcher first and second Fool Hughes Bros won first for foal two year old filly and three year old filly second in two year old and tenm Fletcher wonsecond for foot ankie won first and third in team class and best more class Belgian Best yeld mare Sheldon Wel He also ker all three prizes won first ior best yearling Eon speciai won byA Laciue andRussell Priest respectively LIGHT HORSES gt Brood Mere Foal of1959 Yearling two year old iiliy all won by Follisno other ent ries Single Roadster Mann Fallis under15V allis moon Mann Roadster team Mann Fellis Mann Best singler turnout Mann Falhs 44 and under Lawson Webb Earl Boun Single roadster treeSaddlePoay Cliff Webb Lawson EdgarLawson Pair ohberness under 44 Cliff Webb McEaehern Pair over 44 Edgar Lawson Single harness under 44 Cliff Webb McEnchern Cliff Wehbrsingle harness over 44 Malcolmson Cliff Webb Earl Rowntree Tandem Cliff Webb MeEechern Milton mica lurnaut McEach ern Cliii Webb came Registered someone Bull over two years VSproule Ernest Crawford Bulls under two Sproule Crawford Senior Bull calf Sproule Jun ior Bull calf Sproule Ernest Sproule Cow in calf Sproule Ernest Crawfor Two year eld heifer Crawl ford Sprouie Yearling heifer Sproule Crawford Heifer calf senior 1Sproule Tudbope if er calf junio John Langmsn Ernest Crawler Herd Ernest Sproule Cham Ernest Crawford Crawford pion Femal Registered Pulled Angus Bull Clark Ander soii Bull under to erson Bull caltsenior derson Buli calf Junior am Bull erson livo eeroldbeifer And erson Anderso Heifer Cin Clarke Anderson Herd Clarke Anderson And erso Registered Holstein Bull1 year and over Caldwell Don Clark senior uDon Gibson junior Tom Ross Dnu may Don Gibsuil empion ship Butl Elwin Caldw ll Cow also Jose doll awn Caldwell oal FletcherSéootid on third places in four horse Champion Buil Champion Female Clarke Jermey if Treadweli Two year oldbeifer Deino Jermey DonWilson RayGough Yearling heifer Roy Gougb DeluoJermey RoyGough Heif ervcalf senior Donald Gibson Caldwell Heifercelfjun io Delno iermey= Roy Gougb Ewm Caldwell Herd Ewin Celdwell Delno Jermey Jon Wilson Championship Ewin Caldwell Registered Jerseys Bull over year Burt French Bullicalf seuio Burt French Roth Mchicol GTrinnor Bull junior Burt French Roir art Ma ieol Championship Bull BurtlFrencb Cow milk iag Burt French Triad or Burt French Cowdry Robert MacNicol Burt French at irinno Ihimyear eifer Tri col Yearling heifer Maclt Nicol Burt French Heifer calf French MetNicol Herd Trienor Burt French MacNicol ChampionFemale Burt French Registered Hereford Bull over year CyriIICook Jack Smith William Vancise Senior butt calf William Van cisa first andthird Cyril Cook Champion bull William Van cise Cow ineatf Cyril Cook William Vancise Two year old beiier Cyril Cook first andsecood William Vencise Yearling heifer Cyril Cook first and second gWiliiam Veneise Senior heifer caii Registered Ayrshiaes Bull over yeer Stretht Senior bull celi Grant Jermey duni bultcotf Gor don Strath Champion buil Grant Jermey Milking ficow Grant Jermey first and third Gordon Strath Drycowv GrantJemey firt and third Yesrling heifer Grant Jermey first and sec Gordo stratbg em DAPBER FELLOW VRIDESIISEETLANDPDNY anor Eurt Frencb MacNi senior Burt Frmch Mec Nicol Heifer calf junior Burt Herd Carscadden on Fair WedneSdcin calf Grant Jermcy firstvend third Gordon Strath Junibr Heifer catt Gordon Streth Grant Jermey second and third Herd Grant Jermey Gordon Stratify Champion female Grant Jenney Duel Purpose Shortborns Heiferca1f JohnL on Eerl Reid special De ler mey Caldwell Grant Jer mey nacouvnoa snow Boer born previous to Sept 1957 ArthurMorrow Johnstone boar born between Sept 1957 and March 1958 Johnstone Cassand den Johnstone sr born after March 11958 John stone Cersceddeo Ar thur Morrow Champion boar ArthurVMorrow Sow born prev ious toSept 1957 Carscadden Arthur Morrow Jobnstone Sow born between Sep 1557 andMarcb 1958 arscadden Arthur Mor row George McKay Sow born after March 1968 Arthur Morrow first and second William Johnstone Champion Sow iii Cnrscaddeniirst Arthur Morrow second Junior Johnstone Arthur Morrow Get of Sirey three pigs under six months Arthur Morrow The lpng wool JohnFenmil fir caddeu second throughout Short wool fivediv ions Cravaord tool both st and BAClN carcass comrnrrrron Nelson Miller gt IClarke PaintJob For Ivy Public School vy Public School openedlFu Sept with Miss Grace Dunnill as principal reporting on attendance of 52 pupilsMiss Donna Lyons will have charge of the our Junior grade leg to ilveup to their reopmmr titties in this matter The letter stated in Vast mniority of our students are at school to obtain an education but there are few isolated suudenu who because of lack of ambition or because at their home condi tion have be mire to do any work but are attached only to bother the teacher and the oth er students We must not al more iew students to infect theirooileaxues with this re luctance toward gaining an edu cation The Darnth Plan is as iot lows Part Each pup registered in grades lo 11 an in Sept ember will begin the school year with ncredit of too marks in school citizenship Marksmey be deducted from the total credit ol any pupil for misdemeaqu in accordance with the scale as set out below The records of ueh deductions and the accumulated total will be kept in the school otiiee for reierence pupil miy ask ior his accumulated total at LEHER TO PARENTS ii the accumulated total of marks in school citizenship drops to 70 or hEiow letter will be mailed advising the parents of the situation and caulioning them against allowing such be havior to continue or be repent ed Should the accumulated total drop to to or below special letter will be sent to the parents This letter will explain the state of things briefly and will invite the parents to come tothe school and discuss the situation and possible remedies copy of this letterwill also be sent to the board If the accumulated merits drop to 20 or below the pupil will be suspended from the schooliha board will be entitled of the ac tion and the pupil may return after the parents have come to the school and given ii Satis factory reasoas why the pupil should be reinstated til Aper sonet guarantee at cooperation mid nasistance in disciplining and controlling the otiender 1f the léflmttilnled total marks in school citizenship drops to zero the pupil will be expelled uncon ditionally gt For very serious inirecfioa of the school rules student may liesuspended regardlessoi the accumulated total of marks in seboolcitizeosbip atlany time When thereporte areissued each term the accumulated total of marks in school citizenship at that time will appeareon the pupils report umberor demerits to be de ductedGroup AA demerit marks chewtoggum eating food or can in class being late for class litering building or grounds late inreturning oitiee assignments and breaking school traffic regulations ctoup to demth marks late for school assignment not done disturbing class after warning equipment missing for class iroproper dress misbelt haviour in hails assemblies etc parking violations and display of cigarettes Group tan demerit marks truancy skipping dc tentions gambling vulgar la guage and misconduct at stu ents hctivitiessuch dances gamesbusesvetc Group sodemerit marks theft insolenee or defiance iying cheating forgery dostruction of IoINs school property or smoking on the school prem Group 01191 behaviour by student which in the opinion of the principal is dangerous to the per son of any student or board em ployee or behaviour of student which in the opinion of th principal is detrimentnlrtotthe conduct of classes or school act ivities An infraction in Group could also mean expulsion can FinesTwo Newmarket Boys An iatyearold Newmarket youth whowes founddrunk car pleadediguiity to having my nor in place other thenhis res idenoe at Barrie Magistrates CourtWednesday Barrie City olice Const Frank Light said he found Nor gt Charles In our Street the back Whenhe wokehlm be sei he saw Charles was drunk and there was armed beer in th backseat of the ear Charles was fined $25 an costs Charles had bee in the belonging to JobnJuyoeN market hichwes con erned in endeerseless driving meaaam mix TAKES COURSE captain Dan humane or thb Royal Canadian Regiment has been selected to attend two yearoourse at the Canad tan Army Stnti College He has been employed the past year and ball as Technical Staff Ofiicer 3rd Grade at the Joint Atomic Biological and Chem ical School at Camp Borden Photo by El linger zoom AWiRSARY mom maritime Mauien conuinetlsrll Dunno Poke RED ROSE TEA um Napkin Mpoess noun mow FACIAL Tissue mm 690d been cowle won MARCH cm BACK BACOHfWc seer l1 OroSChool Pair papaya If Well Organized interesting rs School Fair whichwho haidaapartdtheOroFatlFair patronage than it got The displays of vegetables grains and apples which by the end of the afternoon were mostly all pliiered by mouth watering passenby were colorfully done Lelgha Cornersfubiic School set up display entitled Tbe Weather which showed with who outline the different types of clouds theeilects of weather how the sun beats the earth and whatm amegg tion grow in the diifereot types of weather conditions 85 Number snom Rugby displayed the ususuat ways trees serve us They showed the var ions and products such as cell gnrhtine rubber wwahelestlu conunoo every area at the household 8e Edgar look small rub Ject the Frog but showed him in biamysterious like on swampand actually tittlsereabire little whines wouldnt fly it The row Hill School Mans Heritage was an honest attempt to illustrate all different Wotanimalsueouaibeinu 3W on the earth living in peedato gather The only flaw tntho school childrens show was the display of vegetables been though they were setuponlyioraiewhonrswen robbery and the carrots were mom pinto mm unu auxreams 4mm89 MiranWE was 311 MwMVEH BAGS zdfid mom75c MUS nodal59 thanNV m79 ZWHVEW 40059 Inme MaoNEE FRONTS ral zmvbas69s skewers AL

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