crewman rers VRevoitOiver Cl President museums veatbe rlsht of tour years statement flilled the hill or American support indicated when Pruident Eisenhower was here reoently afï¬liation uthe revolth North EISENHOWEB CONDITION We anonlam MWdeathtall ails United statusourees made it clear then that Washingtons sup gm Frenchleader Wed port ior France on Allsria ht said Allerlanl hinged on Eisenhower being able Mmmooubybaiiohttgusuey wllatllzl convictingflnthatga cornete te es cywss ocrac dine oilseilgov and liber and held out real amt association withit AP Gen do for ending nearly hope at just settlement while do Gaulles speech was being broadcasthere Wednesday rebellion in Algerlainlgbt Duringtha preceding 24 en womanhood mar mr ï¬bitter ahd the as mostly apathe Toastma president held three choices or thematic once is restored in the troubled dependence integr mm M1 paciï¬ed Buzbeivarned thhose daman if dependence at it we ï¬x fdlsaslrous misery ter rlhle political chaos mars auarxcrorus Algerian rebels immediately spicion oldc selldetermina leaders at the rebel the world coming United in Cairo win debate on Algeria ports of terrorist attacks and skirmishes with the rebels to ed newspaper ofï¬ces even ibéidl Invokes ague On Parties hi CPiA uewas both Britain major Liberal party leader and Tuesday night and of literature from Con and Labor headquar ped him make Liew hose party holds the present Pae dyior large Lllr the Oct general asaithurriping and el ve protest againstphoney mu ed out for the beam machines instead oi exerting add the next gov BEterm amhi once or autonomy The choice ha saidwonld be made intan election within our alter the oountrylhas been generll throatcuttldg and soon the war like tatorship oi the Commu hoursa lots of so rebels were eported killed in clashes with French troops ZMost Euro ans interviewed here claimed Gnullee decision temput Algerias late to vote have disastrous ellect on countrys economic life Who will invest hererisking expulsion alter the vote was general opinion expressed FRENCH UPSET Several righm WillB organisa Lions of French settlers in Al geria adopted resolutions con demning do Gauiles plan The French army blocked pub lication at their appeals by damping is censorship on the press and threatening to seize any printing articles that would tend to undermine public solely Msny young French ollicers in Alglers complained they are being asked to shed blood to save Algeria and then abandon it as result an election number of Algerians ex pressed doubt that da Gaulles plan will have any ellect on the nationalist rebellion tlon Grlmond said is to build up radicalLiberal alternative to conservatism in this country thlmcnd told Liberal rally here that the party must lind room lor the fnistrnted ideal ists ol the Labor party and Con partys policy in Suez Cyprus and Nyasaland Its purpose was to stop the Tories and to stop the Soc ts who want more nationalization Meanwhile The Daily Express predicts cabinet shuffle ii Prime Minister Macmillan is re turned to power under which Home Secretary Butler would replace Selwyn Lloyd as foreign secretary and Labor Minv over irorn Derick Heathcoat Am ory as chancellor of the eschew uer servatlves who disliked their ltBeiorejng0te Observess said do Ghuilss clear breakytthsll oedeotmmtsrrltory was of sookln simian Atomslith nomduatmwuunrrme and also cntthe ground under rebel leaders in Cairo and holds some observers said EECESSION UNLIKELY AII Algerian Inï¬nity vote tor secession lrom France is re garded as unlikely here do But should it happen tisuilo made it clear tbn llrance nu niloyca Wiggins 12mm huts Ruth Usher Luiough Knee show Lams Jackson Byron Jam Jenn Armstrong Edsar Kneeshaw TODHaroldhtller0llvedndersou team punch Isobel Brown am Jackie Harvey Rsy lion bar ï¬ï¬ï¬u linings Ron not battens Elm Switch Jack Annm no Davis Webb Lenny Bray Jim Reynolib Ann Dyk sterbuis Cannon halls Jean Orr Keith mum JimWeihorup Nor ma Noble Terry Paxton May Bray Wk Smile John Grimsby Bill Orr Doug Wilcox Lorna Fuller Rose Kine uni Swans Velma Webb Rey ry BrayWitmot Maison Ch lie Wilcox Luna Switser Grace Yong Biii ridges Destroyua nuts Kneghaw 245 on Bob voting on would maintain itself part of Algeriaand would preserve its direct access to the Sahara Distance Miniater Replaced In China noxvo AlliMarshall iebhualICommunist conn de lencs minister was replaced by Marshal Lin Plao today lfoklnl rsdlo announced gt The broadcast said the stand lng committee olthe National Peoples Congress relieved Pong of his duty Lin commanded arm nese Communist volunteers at the beginning the Korean War Pen replaced Lin aa commander oi the Chinese lorcea in Korea in October 1950 Peking did not give any reason or the reshulfle ltaunnouneedtheseotber changes in the military Gen Huang Kecheng chiefoi the generle stall replaced by gt VlcePremlar Nleb Jungchm Public Julchins replaced by Heleh Fu chi member olthe Communist partys central committee 1Cool Industry Security Minister Lo Needs Subsidies REGINA CF The federal governmentahould act to main taln Canadas ailing coal indus try delegates to the annual mines mlnistars cnnlerenca agreed Wednesday In resolution pro used by the ï¬ve ministers alien tbegov ernment was requested topre serve coal markets in Central Canada by extended subsidies The resolution acid Icertain practices employed to up natural gas markets resul in temgorary destruction ol coal mar eta It alsd calledï¬n theNttional Energy Board wind the true cost of delivering gas to industry in Central Canada and to deter mine whether seiilng gas below cost was in the countrys long term interest érs NonGovt 13an ifSteiel Strike In US tiered to desig ental board of fervention of any kind in the strike now 65 days old Coopers statement said the companies seek only for sensible twoway bargaining by the union In his otter Eisenhower care fully BW the distinction that the VIENTIANE Laos AP Minorrebel guerrilla fighting was reported in northern Sam Neua province thdayas the linited Na tions factfinding committee on Lana went into its first working salon here military communique said the area around the government dmg held valley post of MuongSon was harassed proCommunist sensations lWe can see in advance that QALL mo NTHEPHMEMTODAY nongovernmental group would have power only torevlew the is sues and torecomrnend settle ment He simultaneously rejected any appointment at govern mental factï¬nding board to in tervene in the stoppage Minor Rebel Fighting Reported As UN Committee Studies Laos the mission will failsaid an no derground propaganda circular passed by the proCorhmunist Pathet Lao invlentiane Abatcb of circulars was left in hotel in addressed envelopes for press correspondents The civil war will drazo evenmore lethally it threa enedihe drcularsreiteratedtha communistdemand for reactivalt tionjoi thooustedinternational Mull now if Admiral area just the people in TV Firatei7ith thenew wide arigl rIrhaterreolly something Forthaï¬ret maevenyoull ahletoseeoflthepieturatheTV station ï¬anamita Because the new Adnï¬ralziikaaeenhaa squared corneg Md of the mended caroms ofyour precentscreen Gives picture tube and dart distorts the picture causea nhnoying The no Admiral tube eliminatesthief space Safety glass and optic ï¬lter permanently bonded right to the face of the tubeso that diabortwn and reflection are cut byaa mudins 50 And with the face of the picture tube right up front yougwaolear viewofit froth thbroquhoapaw saved control commission established bytlie Geneva remedy Monumental ass imperial Revolutionary new wide an mo in screen Iprotons tuhe light1W 6qu akars Instalnntsv dmi mar Ntcnr scours Demons Bob14s Cannon Boilerl Obilbwsum Bettina en 11eg SwonsJ barks Hot Rods Aou New Hill Gents single over 23 Bryan Jackson 225 Ray nouns me 225Ben Steers no Ran Paxton 237Bob Young 140 245 Harry Pugh 7M Keith Gents Triples over one llay Home 806 Keith Kneeabsw Ron Paxton Bryan Jackson 6347 Ben Steers 635 mg Ladies om 190 Edith Young 91 Jackie honey SutherlandJohn Broadenme mrysam mien her daughter and Smrdaytobelphercalehrste has 237stcree means cabinet thats no lorgertlmn present 21setr theJlG Lsdtuhlpiasionr60iVn WITH New drelativuotairs theradltthehrmaot Wqua Dtnln the service in tits ed Church on Stmday morning Mr and WI Fred Gander and and MnFoslerhsd their babies baptized Mr and Mn Gander entertained their friends mined the while to todinnerinlhebasunsatoltbe thseourhoomdurlnxthetrlslhub church catered to by the ladies ordered that it proceed no publicity by normom radio smil or televisionu the accused otthe WES while Rev Mrs Cox entertained ice or theFoeler baby at But wait Thats not the end of the better things that come your way with AdmiralLiV for 1960 Theres new Admiral Dynamic Automatic Focus Control sharpens the picture over the entire screen right out to the new square corners There are new safety devicea circuit breaker that replaces hardmohange foam new unit construction 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