anatomic For Examla who new on not no totalin nnnbertoelllltwtbclllheu zdiwuineptaPAOm 95th YearNo 2i7 CAPE CANAVERAL Fla tAPt The United States failed today to put Into orbit satellite designed for experimenting with global aavigation system More than an hour after three stoge launching yehicle lifted the satellite from Cape Canaveral in Florida the defence department in Washington an nounced that thethird stage an parently failed to work brief announcement said Since confirming data has not been received it must be as sumed that the satellite did not go into orbit The satellite ridingon coin bination Thor Able launcher lifted cleanly off the pad at Jazz NAVIGATION STATION am EDT The second stage rocket engine fired on schedule The Advanced Research and Projects Administration had said that thencw navigation system if it worketkwould be more ac curate than any system now available The winch spherical satellite called Transit is designed to explore the feasibilitytof using satellites as navigation stations in Space These satellites would provide or and marilimu navigators with reliable all weather means of fixing their position and plotting their course Tho satellite was aimed at nearly circular orbit 400 miles initiation Liviér fKills Student LOS ANGELES APlrA Uni versity of Southem California student choked to death on piece of raw meat during pre dawn fraternity hazing today police reported Dr Melvin Golby summoned to the Kappa Sigma fraternity house said he had toextract thick piece of liver from the etof Richard Swanson Swanson son of Los Angelcs physician was pronounced dead pn arrival at hospital gt Dr Golby said the piece was nearly four inches long and nearly an inch thick Police said the youth was being initlated along with 10 other pledges prospective members Nathan llpben ambulance atv tendant said he found the youth dressed in blirlapsack lying on his stomach in the rear of the fraternity house Hé asked the onlookers if Swan son had eaten anything but they remained silent Had known about me liver Ruben added might have performed tracheotomy an emergency throat slitting operation and he might have been saved Suben said the youths crowd ing around Swanson told him the student was suffering nervous spasmodic attack No charges have bcen ï¬led against any of the fraternity members An investigation has been started Russian Brosstearly Bidets Up Over Query WASHINGTOIL AEJBussias Premier Khrushchev nearlyblew up Wednesdaybefore televi sion audiencewhen asked if he once admitted doing nothing to prevent Stalins crimes against the Russian people Flushing with anger Khrush chcvrefused to answer on grounds the question was part of malicious rumors and lies which do not correspond to the truth Possibly millions of North Americans witnessed ehevs angry retort on their tale vision screens as did some 400 reporters and guests who jammed the National Press Club to hear him after his first major speech on North American soil The question the first of is asked him after his dsAminute speech seemed to stun Khrush chev INTENDED HUMOR New York Times reporter Wil liam Lawrence club presi Stalins Crimes dent asked it in what was in tended to he humorous vcin Khrushchev saw nothing funny in it llis face froze Speaking in rap ire Russian waving his right forefinger to emphasizelis words he said shall natvreply to this ques tion which look upon as being provocative Later as he left the building Khrushchev told Lawrence he hoped he had not offended him or his audience by his blunt rcply certainly did not mean to the Russian added Lawrence trying to smooth over the in assured =Khrushehevhe had not habit of fended We ask the questions he said You give the answers Straight talk is never offensive Wagging bis head in agree nient Khrushchev smiled and re plied Iagree That is the way ribther after the Junior airy can impetition at the pie Worlds to peace Vickie before no and gallery gto ribbon yesterday ittfejNanby nbovethe earth If successful it will bethe first US satellite vis ible to the naked eye placed Explorer Vltbc Paddle wheel satellite into orbit last month It was emphasized that Transit itself would not be used as navigational old It is meva tat of equipment and theories that may be satellites Paper Always Top lid Medium MONTREAL or The ad vcrtising dirccto of large supermarket chhirhald Wednes day that newspapers will always be top merchandising medium for retailers Ben Dobrinslty of Sieinbcrgs spoke at the opening of the three day annual convention of the Newspaper Advertising Mano gers Association of Eastern Cam ada He said Newspapers will never go out of style They will continucas the key means of bringing to more and more peo pie the story of progress in every field Hundreds Drowned In Bombay Report BOMBAY AMFlood waters today poured into th ecity of Surat 150 miles north of ham bay and first reports said hunA dreds of person were drowned An ancient wall protecting the Indian clty collapsed and waters of the River Taptl swirled into the main bazaar it was reported Within five minutes the re ports said twosquaremila area was inundated The water was 12 feet deep in some places Many houses were reported washed away special train was rushed from Bombay with relief sup plies Labor Isnteï¬ll Rotten Church DUNKIRK NY AP United Church of Canadaiofficial said Wednesday the record of on ganized labor comparm favor ably with that of business indus try and government While it is granted that there are some bad apples in the labor barrel it is not to be alleged that labor as whole is rotten said Rev James Mutchmor secrei tary of the churchs board of evangelism and social service Dr Mutehmor addressed con ference on evangelism sponsored by the United Church of Christ Conference on Evangelism Labor racketeering never has been as bad as stocketeering and related irregular ractices in business he sai Many of in dustrys power elitegroup have made themselves rich by qucs tionable methods Labor is not tbecbiafsinnerd DrMutchmor so this isnot CANCEL LICENCES TORONTO CPl orestaur ants which becam the central figures in anarcotics and pros titution quiry this summer had their licences cancelled Wednes day by the Metropolitan Toronto LicensingCominission The can cellations are effectiveumc for Norms Grill and Spot Ohe located on downtown Dundas Street East The ederal governments gt1959 series of Can ada Savings Bonds will go on sale let bearing akrecord av eld of4aa year fbr thenineyeor maturi Finance Minister Fleming day announcedthe details of the new series 14 ich will be dated Nov I95 and mature New 1963 at be in nine nu pensonea or th first put to use in future AN umn NTIFIED police man holds the hand of Mrs Khrushehav as he helps her BOmb tori searcsagain today preceded Ni kita Khrushchevs arrival in New York An anonymous caller tele phoned tha Hotel Comrnodore where Khrushchev was to attend civic luncheon and declared Get all Americans out of there homlris going off search of the 2000Iroom 22 storey hotel adjacent to Grand Central Terminal was begun im mediately Police had just completed one search of the hotel in response to similar warning Wednesday night The searchprodueed no trace of bomb BARLETTA Italy AP Disaster teams digging in the rubble of collapsed fivestorey apartment house said today that the death toll is almost certain had been morning Police aid 68persoiis Wore still mis ng andbelieved trapped hen th the heap of shattered concrete and twi ted steell screen persons were in jured Aim st all the victims diedin their beds Authorities said it was possible recovered by this 118 now known were in the build ing when it crumbled with earth quake violence at Wed nesday Twenty fouc fat as Doom uhubime were registered but the building managerfsaid ther persons had four per caiit interest the second scans to exceed mo Thirtyfivebodies that even more persons than the Orbit kSateilite Another Thor Able rocket back to her automobile fol lowing stop at the Agricid Arrival Similar bomb warnings the city on variousvoccasions in the pasthava proved to be hoaxes NEW YORK AP Nikita Khrushchev arrived in New York today in brisk sunny weather expressing hope bright sun at ways would shine on Soviets American relations The Soviet premiers special train from Washington piilicd into this city at 1154 am EDT on the second leg of Unitedstatelsw Pennsylvanla Station where the train arrivedswarmed with pohce and security agents So did Expect Toll In Italian=Rt1bble moved in with some families and did not register Among the missing were three Workrnen who arrived moments before the tragedy to repaira wallvwhieh began to crack three daysago The building originally was onestore garage Four storeys were added in the last six months nndmostsifthé re 51 lt or modern design with marble decorated front and garden bale conies usinessmen and city employees and their families Officials said the building crumbled because the foundation apparently was not trons enough to support the extr four doors hnsvb perfcent theth per in the cent and the remaining six five in dcno per cent This works out t1 Vaverag interest of 498 per cent to in no $1 rinse registered turity compared with an nver age of series and the yield in pr ious ampaign limit on The minister toicl 419 per cent on the 1953 sell Pie Inf tour of the Most of the residents were RIC IllglfluEl Sure1K Sincere Lfi Horrors vial prerhlerhaa changed his Ofqu WASHINGTON CP Preso ldent Eisenhower suggested to day the Americanpeoplo would not be fooledeven by such master debeter as Premier Khrushchev into believing that communism is the better system He told press conference questioner that the US people are strong enough in their con victions to listen to any man pre policeman accompanied the Khrltshcbev party in the mo torcade which brought them from nearby Washington cede NY fastpaced itinerary laidout or the soviet leader crowd of more than 2600 was on hand outside the terminal on Seventh Avenue waiting for glimpse of the bouncy visitor from Moscow The soviet leader was greeted by Richard Patterson cornmis sioner of the department of com merce and public events who is the citys official greeter The welcome tools plaice intheter minals baggage room At the Waldorfytstoria lIotol Khrushchevs firs stop here sev eralhundredvsehnol girls stood on the sidewalk more than an hour before the Soviet leaderwas scheduled to arrive Thousands more peoplagsoon lined streets behind barricades Khrushchev expressed his hope for sunny Soviet Americaii weather just before his special train left Wasbington at 821 am Khrushchev mayhnve sur prise for the United Nations here He had announced in Washington that the$ovict Union was about topropose something new on dis armament Barbers May Raise WATERLOO CP ts going to betougher in ario to be come barber More than zoo members of theVOntario Barbers Association meeting here Wed nmday wrestle th the prob standards and coping With cutrate members of the trail CFCampbell irectorof aplt pranticeship for the Ontario partnientof labor gave them few nswcrsathn nnerineeting senthis views and to make their own decisions on the mans argu ment He said he is convinced that vlthnishchev ls sincere in express ing repugnance of the horrors of war but ovcnso them is still room in the world for lot of misunderstanding and mllcalctl lotion that could be very serious VERY FRIENDLY TheAmerican leader said his talks with Khrushchev have been extremely friendly but that it is too early to tell whether the Sir Rooket mind on any world issues He told his that Klinishchcvs mannerand department indicate he really is trying to reach agreement regard laginternational problems This was Eisenhowers first meeting with reporters since his one formal conference with the Soviet rchief Tuesday and his talks with Khrushchev at social events The flrstquestion was whether Eisenhower sees any concrete evi dence on the basis of the talks that Khnishchev may have changed his position on interna tional issues Eisenhower replied thatJtstill la little bit early to go into de tall or come to any conclusions on that matter He went on to say however that Khnishchevs gen eral attitude has been extremely friendly Rode Over Atlantic cops CANAVERAL FiaAP An Atlas intercontinental missile newest and deadliest addition to the United States defence ar senal thundered over the Allen tic Wednesday night on an ap parently successful 5500mile test flight There was no official announce ment on the resultpbut sources closEtotheprojectaaid the 85 foot missile functioned perfectly week ago an Atlas flew suc cessfully from Vandenberg air force base Calif and the de fence departrnentdeclnred the big missile operational Launching pads at Vandenberg now hold few warready At lases capable of hitting Russian targets 15 minutes after launch informed sources say The rocket has range of 6325 miles and hits peak speed of 15000 miles an hour Wednesday nights firing was the first in new series directed at improving the accuracy of the Atlas The Russians claim to have eornbatready ICBMS but Dr sald recentlyhe heliav have fewer than 10 which could First under Power Theracket shipxls which nin this year may carry man to the powered flight today gt1t skimmed in for landing bed afterlo minutes in the air With veteran North American aviation test piletScott Cross field atthe controls it was cut loose from its Baz mother ship ceiitre Much of the flightcouldbe seen from the ground Crassfield zoomed iii50000 feet made some manoeuvres while flying 10th mile circle then landed afterhls fuel was exhausted Killing Frost Means Disaster To TobaccoFariiiers IngS Oni ST THOMAS CF killing frost which settled on the flue cured tobacco growing district along the north shore of flake Erie Wednesday night has meant Idisasterpfor tobacco farms Rene Strobhe one of the big growers in the Aylmcr district and director oithe Ontario Fliiecured Growers Marketi Board said todayat least 20 0000 pounds of goodtor bacco wa destroyed Wednesday grower will suffer ashaie of the loss of at least $10000000 Mr Stroblfe saidthe original mated 1590000tldpound cr this year but that withlosses in by hail during theaum er by blight and sunburn during weather inAugust his the rrcd andcould all have beenitaken 1m week if the frostbad heldolf In some areas the temperature dropped to 27 degreesWednesday fields this morning stand ith leavesdrooping black and dead VIENTIANE La Communist rebel act Ported today to av two more pro new of Laos bo daring Thailand andSnuth Nam leaving only we provi unaffected press conference fence Sseretary Neil X15 Makes Flight EDWARDS BASE Calif AP edge of space made its flrotv 200 miles an hour on dry lake 38000 feet over thistdesert test night and everytvhera tobacco Rebel Activity Grows Laos night and practically