Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Sep 1959, p. 2

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FRANK PDYSION who set oeutly received plaque in the llocltey Allan at Fame at the Canadian National Exw hibition is shown here with 19M liilnesing team lie is standing on the right in the back row others in the pic turc are Back row Foyg sion this brother Full Ben scn KnuppFroot Row Livingston Thomson sldentl Orchard Addi son manager Foyston Former Minesing Recalls Old Hockey Seattle resident born in ltlinesing has been visiting this area recently alter being one ol 32 former hockey players to re ceive plaque at the Canadian National Exhibition in the Rock ey Hail of Fame Frank Foyston chtanley Cup player member of the Dymeot Colts which won the Ontario Jun ior Championship and on Ontario senior player with the Eaton Athletic Assoclation was born at Maplehome Farm Minesing where his grandparenu settled in mi Frank was one at six brothers oil at whom were noted sportsmen In the early days of N3 MP Wants To Be Charged To Clear Méss CAMPBELLTDN NB CmA Progressive Conservative mem ber oi Parliament and hotel owner wants tho RCMP to charge him with liquor violations so that he can bring the whole mess of New Brunswicks liquor laws out in the open The RCMP has not yet taken any action The liquor law in New Bruns wick is the height oi hypocrisy Van HomeCommons mem ber or Restigoucheliiadawaska said Sunday Liquor sales are restricted by law to government stores Mr Van Horne president of ate Restigouche Limited sold he has been operating cock tail bar in hotel here since Aug 14 chargedhe said he waidd show in court that other hotels in the province serve liquor or keep it ior sale Tcnning the provinces liquor control mess that has to be cleaned up hesoid In one vanga of 1000 people Liquor Laws in myridlng there are to my comain knowledge 55booticggcrs it is the biggest industry in the village Its got to stop BETTER TO DRINK IT CThe law encourages drunken nas Why do you know that if you dont go straight home and are caught with bottle of it quor even with the seal on it you lace 3100 line It is better to drink itthe fine ior drunken ness is onlyslo In St Andrews AttorneyGen eral Fairwealber said he had not yet received report on the situation lie said it the law has been broken prosecu tion will be launched Mr Van Horne said he had in larmation that every member at the provincial cabinet wished to see the liquor low changed but that Progressive Conservative Premier Rugby John Flemming is opposed to an amendment llr Fleming was not avail Iahle for comment HARDER T0 HITNY Russians Fdil by the Barrie Addison died two years ago vKnupp also died some time ago Renscn was killed in the Battle of the Somme The others survive Photo by the late Andrew Ronald postmas ter of Mlncslngl Man Days lag in the district had soccer team and Minesiog was never without strong team which usually included couple of the Foyslons Also playing for Mincslng were Charles Parker Frank Wood Prank Gibson Carl and Sidney Jacobs Rob Thomas six not two inch Negro Walt Addison the late RobertAddison and Jo sepb Orchard other line players in the dist rict were Watson Jory Bald win Bertram Dan Luck and the late Dr Key for Dalston and Qiarles Littlejohn Herb Orock Alec Wattie and the late John and William Wattie for Mid hurst Later the Princess Rink was erected in Minesing and the soc cer players began to learn hockey Recalls former goalten der Joe Orchard On one occa sion our postmaster the late An drew and Mrs Ronald promised the hockey team that it they could defeat Ehnvala on their own ice that an oyster supper would be given the team and lady lrlends To assist this three sleigh loads oi supporters journeyed the 15 miles north and in hard clean game the visitors wondz In few days the oyster supper ginservcd byMrand Mrs Ron Foyston was soon picked out ior team and rapidly began hi climb to pro fessional hockey ed Times To Hit Moon Nixon Claims WASHINGTON AP vice President Nixon claims the Bus lions iailedflirce times in the last two weeks in attempts to hit the moonwitli rocket The fourth try this weekend appar cotly succeeded Nixon told reporters early to day in New York that there still wasno otticial prool that the latest Soviet rocket hit the moon as the Russians announced But American scientists did not question the success of the moon shoot They congratulated the Russians they dis cotinted anyrmiiitary significance at the shoot Oncvsaid itwould be easier for the Russians to hit the moon than to hltNew York Nixon said he could not reveal the sources of his information on the three recent failures It was thelirst word from any source that the Russians had attempted recent moon shots although there had been speculuation that some space venture was ltkfl Nixon said the new venture was nothing to get hysterical about EISENHOWER SILENT There was no immediate reac tion ironi President Eisenhower siaiis announced the launching oi their newest moon rocket James Hagerty White House press secretary said It has been known iorsoroe time that both the Soviets and the United States have bad the capability for such shots and this comes as no surpris Dr Herbert York director of defence research and engi neering oi the United States tie partment oi defence said Be lieve me its easier to hit the moon thatit is to hit New York from MoscowJm not detracting irorn this achievement but it has no militarynieaning Scientists and officials at the Cape Canaveral Fla missile centre praised the venture One at them who spoke highly of the shoot said the apparent success in hitting the moon was an easy task compared with the one the United States hopes to achieve with its upcoming lunar stint PLAN LUNAR ORBIT The US is expected to try to push mmuod satellite into lunar orbit early next month The best time would be in the three day period starting Oct when But Saturday alter the Rus the moon will be at its closest point to the earth 721900 miles Keith Glennan director oi the National Aeronautics and pa Administration praised the soviet rockets guidance sys tem But this should not be related to accuracy in thede1ivery of atomic warheads The guidance system they used is not compar able to land system dont think that we have prayer of launching man around the earth and recovering belore Russia does said Fred erickC Durant former presi dent of the American Rocket So commenting on thd Rus si exploit We probablyystand chance of being the first with man on the moon but wed better get busy M9501 Slot To sienna 01 M96 Deficit shot have no important liccton the moon and none whatever onthegarlthi The earths tides whic mini Branley said moons surlacewas rilie cloud of dus Astronomer The rocketrprobabiy dugbe heath layerof rocks and planetary dust right into the moonsst surface The cloud of debris wiwouldnt main 10an though becausethe oon has less ity pull than tlieearth id and noatm phere powerful Brantey the have let dear on the moonVis lhle from earth through ftha tempos 131mi 731 gm human lormcr some boy Jack Lu tkh who had no vacation ior three years as the busy manager at the Quebec North Shore and LabradorRailwuyi whichhandh as all or the on from mim in Northern Quebec to Seven lob ands ior shipment to steel mills in the USA had realbreak which brought an enjoyable mdscof manymllu This was onhisowncablncruisera6 actor Kauloten formerly in vernment service and fully nipped for Such trips ogether with his son also Jock Little and their navigator Capt Pain they leit Saven Islanderon the St Lawrence not ior from tho Gull Saturday All 29 and Icovered consid more distance 1M5 MENINGITIS Nelveyearold Jackie Ham mcll son at Mr and Mrs Earl Rommel oi Beeton is in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie with noncnntagious type of menin gitis Ris condition is satisiac tory SCHOOL CROWDED An increase oi lo pupils brought the enrolment at Beet on Public School to 147 last week crowding the senior room and taxing others to capacity FLAYS SYSTEM ll Cranston of Midland In dustries Ltd Midland flayed the unemployment insurance sys tem at the weekend Ontario Chamber at Commerce executive conference at 0rillia Insuraan payments are made to many pom pie not in need oi them he charged saying that peoplewho make $10009 year but are sealt sonally employed can still draw Payments undervpreseot regulat ions ARM PIERCE Horace Smith of Mississua Street West in Orillia was treat ed for deep lacerations in his forearm early Saturday morning after being attacked at his home UNITED NATIONS NY AP The United NationsiGeneral As convening Tuesday looks to speech by Nikita Khrushchev for an indication whether thls will cold war or freconcillatioo session The wiirld body meeting on the very daythe Soviet premier arrivesjn Washington for is day visit to the united States has on its schedule speech by Khrushchev Frlddy hill to the assembly by President Eisen hower will tollowlater The prospective agenda at more than 70 subjects includes an Indian drive to seat Commu nist China the Algerians fight for independence Irom France the future of 1000000 Palestine Arab refugees and questionsyt nuclesrand conventional disarm ament PERUVIAN PRESIDENT The assembly is all set to elect Victor Andres Belaunde 72year oid Peruvian iawyerteacherdip lomot as its president soon otter starting its 14th annual sessron expected to continue for three months After speaking to the assem bly Khrushchev will be Secre taryGeneral gag Rammarsioids guest Friday night at unofficial dinner for about too persons Diplomats are looking to his address ior hints on howfar he may go toward Lreaehmg an agreementvwith the West and what he might do toward induc ing Communist Chinogto settle her border dispute with India Despite the Chinese Indian frontier lie India has pressed or July is request that the assembly take up the ques iion oi the representation at Chinain the UN camera MY tlOMES DISGRACE BUT WHERES TH um mm ll llfl F6riner3rfie Boi Livia ShyLawrence To Simcoe Flrst iormany miles up the St Lawrence to LekDonne an attractive trip If sell Do in to lake Ontario and west to The ion and ironilttiera bylnnt Walnut including the lemensc itit locklt Peterbor oogh and other windins Pictures que sections of the canal on to Gsmcbridgc and Beavertoo on Lake Simcov endingyln Barrie The no locks visittd relatives here and also looked up several Bcavar Club chums with whom the former camped at Miaets meanne out noon on the return trip irom Barrio City dock with Alfred Little tor part oi on an LOCAL AND GENERAL His neck woa grazed Is long shormnons hook was driven right through his lclt arm above the wrist neighbor Evarett Galbraith was taken to Orlllia jail and held without bail in connection with the attack ENROLMENT UP Both the public and high school in Alliston reported an increased enrolment last week Banting Memonal High School has one pupils an increase at 110 and the public has about 550 up so from last year DIRECTORS MEET With the Barrie Fair fast aplt proaclilng directors at Barrio Agricultural Society meet Thom at The Department oi Agri cu urc Oilltv iorriinal planning PCS CONFEB lion William Hamilton Post master General will join Ron Robert Macaulay Ontario Min ister oi Energy Resoiirfesuagd ilon Whitney an Minister oi Minesand Natural Rmources as speakers at the Ontario Young ngmssive Con servative Associations confer ence to be held Sept la 19 and 120 at Faro Cottage Resort Orll ia UN Anticipates Speech BY Mr The USls ready as usual to counter with proposal that the assembly shelve the question for the restbf the yearf dicstions arethattbe US will win again BanBomb Battle Starts In Britain LONDON tEeutcrsHundrcds ot pickets including playwright John Osborne and his actress wife Mary Ure kept 12hour vigil outside loDowning Street Sunday as highlyorgsnlzed bontlieRbombcarnpaign began across Britalnf The sieries at meetings marches and onstrations scheduled for this week is aimed atinaklng sure that the nuclear weapons issue will be brought into the election campaign Canon John Collins preecntor of St Pauls Cathedral delivered fierce attack on Western hydro gen homb policy in his sermon Sunday calling it wicked and irresponsible blutf Collins is the chairman oftbe campaiyi ior nuclear disarma mentf which is sponsoring dis armament week Cam Closing date ior receipt Toronto root ECAQIi To Fill THEPLACE GHEEll demon ERiENti AND HAPPYBE as were brother oi Jack Sr going llonz Second as Scout Group Sefi second Barriefaoyjcqit Group mam aces its winter pro gram this week at the St Aa drews Church Hall on Wotliq Street First meeting oi the Scout Troop is at pro niesdqy wlillo tbs Coin meet at pm Friday Ollldsis rimsch um iris im portant that the present menr her of the Pack rind Troop be on hand to register at thcau meetings otherwise it will be II sumcd tmtthey have lot group menu to Group Com mitten with John Rooks as chair man was held Wednesday and it was decided to me thooslo 01 Christmas cards lheJnIln BOOST STUDENT toss rims Jobn Stevensonplelt pust dent oi Barrie Rotary Club reccivsa the donation oi Slot cheque lorthe clubs studt loan iund irom McMillang general sales manager on be hall oi Dunlop oi Canada The presentation was made at an internist lunch of Dunlop rep resentstives mm across can ads on Sunday They were INNlSFIL passing through the city on their way to threeday con ierencc ot lodge further north The RotaryClub stu dent loan iund has helped ten young people to iurther and complete their educationsince its inception some three years ago At the present time the iund has nearly $4000 out in loans to cover students educa tioo NOTES SCHOOL FAIR Wednesday at lnnistll Park will see most of the people of lnnisiil attending the school fair The marchpast oi the pupilsot thovariotts schools is expected to take nearly an hour and it is hoped that the local TV station willbe presentto give glimpses of this Also we hope to have movie camera there which can show the pic ture back when the iilrns are shown around the schools There is to be quite show of calves and oLher arm anim als as well as pets We have been assured that urban as well as rural schools areattendin the ioir Ml This wiil be an opportunity tor subscribers to renew their subscriptions or send copy of The Examiner to friend The contest now on ior trip to New York will have one at the hopaiulworkers at the fair in the person of Mrs Bud Martin Save her trip by seeing her and boost her points At other fairs such as Cookstown am and Barrie there will be con testants busy endeavoring to put The Examiner in every home in this area DEBENTURES MUDDLED According to reports the On tario Vater Resources Commis sion have asked that certain changesbe made in the bylaw which passed two readings and was sent to the Municipal Board This is likely to mean that new version of this bylaw which set out the share of each muni cipality in the project will have to be adjusted The likelihood of getting this prbject underway this iall is growing less as the weekspass Acres in Lot 28 Concession Ill offisse Bordon Ontario oi Otters Fordotails including Conditions oISale apply to Crown AssetsDisposol Corporation 21 King Street East Township October 1959 Ontario WELLTHAT WAS QUlCK AND PLEASANTTOO THE HOUSE WILLSth BE eooo ASVNEwl By ELIis cooxsroWN mm The Cookstown Fair which is held in the Township of Innisfil will be next Friday and Satur day Satnrdéy will be the big th day for the public and should bring together visitors many parts of the country The air will have the usual vhig livestock show aswell as many items of interest to the ladies it is also good chance to meet old friends BOATS SILENT Tho past weekend was lovely weather and for the iirst time since the beginning of summer cottagers could relax and dream on their front lawns and porches without the roar oi to hp out board motors buuing about on the lake The quiet was almost uhbear able The boaters just stayed home The same conditions pre vailed at the Pork and other waterside places The summer is over guess well throw away the old straw list fiEW LEGION SECRETARY OTTAWA CPlThe Canadian Legion announced Saturday the appointment of Donald Thompson 31 as its Dominion Secretary top administration post in the Legion He succeeds DAndcrson wholett the Le gion last April to become chair man of the Canadian pensions commission Please from iundraising molest Prizes ot gaping £33th will go title cards no An outing at the Cub Pooch planned ior the end oi the month with the Group Committee sup plying thc transportation Aksla Rev James Ferguson reported that the Pack outing last May to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto was suc cess Scputmhster Dave McClym informed the group that 2°31 Scouts had now passed tlisir geflmsfoful ltdgu and would or ML vestltupo lathe Those wishing to help the group in any way havobeen asked contact John Rooke arrie errocc PA pom Mrs Alan $de is president at the Scout Motllers Auxiliary flag On Moon Gives No Claim WASHINGTON AHJohn aymoud deputy legal adviser to the stat departm ent said today that tiioAUnlted States is taking position that any rocket plant ing of log on the moon as was done in thcSoviet rocket would not glve Russia or anyone clss claim to rule over it However the us as yet has no views on how lot you woiiid have to go to claim moon sov ereignty On Sunday Senator Mike Mans field Dem Mont said that any claims of sovereignty would be open to serious question because nobody is accompanying flag The assistant Democratic Sen ate leader was asked the ques tion on television program Manslield said he felt the ques tion of national rights on the moon is one that should be con sidered promptly by the United Nations PllllSfl lltllllil non some snso COMB HONEY Icahn Jos CARNEY so norms 51 as stain Remember The Next BOY SCillll servants sari 19 at 100 Fm PLEASE Tie bundles securely tossimplifyi handling Do Youflaéd am Home Repairs allCmadianloanaervin iv atandssmdytobslpyou wbanevaraloaawillseiiove nmbimaonawoun flbmtoflfimmrcwn more Upcominonthsosisomeplans thmomhsonotbsm SlHEMORALQmAlN FORjjAlLTOQEE WHEN You NEEDCASH sense thcv

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