tUnwed Motherly4T0 fluFqces Sooiql Problems Dear mm As heavy putters love mu A0 Fine New Jam To Prese More than hall at this countrys homemakcrs are busy right now putting up in glass jars the last glorious iruiis and vegetables oi the season About 70 per cent at all home canning is done in torso and country households Even moth ers at young children iind limo to prepare sizable array but women at 60 years and ovcr are in the load One senio homomakcr told me she specializes In jomes jellies and conserves start my collection in April with rhubarbraisin nut jam In May there is strawberry jam and preserved whole straw berries in June and July make blue berry raspberry and thimbie berry jam Come August spe cialize in apricot plumb and peach jam sometimes add chopped toasted almonds or wal nut meats WHY TOAST THEM Who do toast the nuts To make them more crisp so they add ood texture coatrast Later there will be quince and cranberry concoctions Right now lm going to make dozen jars We Now oi wonderful ncw coniection pcach and cantaloupe jam ind the haltpint tapering glass jars best to use When the lam is cooked in the right iinlsh ing point and sealed with the dometop it will not ooze out or spnii and the jelly can be turned out as irom regulation jolly glass But you live alone sai What do you do with all these jams and jellies they make welcome giits at any time ior iricnds convales ccnis or relatives or anniver saries birthdays or holidays she cxplaincd And when the time camcs ior me to contribute to church or soholo bazaarmv jams and jellies are ready Measurements Are uvel Pcach and cantaloupe jam in aqi kettle combine small chopped peeled cantaloupe and smallchopped pecle peaches lSilow boil 20 min Add ti granulated sugar Vs lemon juice 14 tsp salt and tsp peel lino grated fresh orange Simmerhail until tsp thick ens when dropde onto chilled plate Pour boiling hot into hot sterilized halfhint iars seal at once Makes about pt jars unlmowntomy ardentreader ol youecolama and ï¬rm believer in yourselvige mratoyouwlthamstter concerns usellvaotseveoiper seananvsrydeartome One Week ago doctor coa iirined what have been thinking or little over two 1th am expecting are uarythiaismyproblemasyet mother and dad What should do The isthehiobe and have been going together ior in months endgaavar have been YOURllEilITH hlmlndheflissntedhialovoior Ealgaireahnna lanolin soonEmmi IN YEAR an bellavathst he could wortthe tea ei us 01 ovum devwonldnt hays til luxuries at iiï¬iiiii sin nur rlsscWa hoth lava and have had much oxpuricooe tab ingcara OHM and older dads We hotli know married iiia is tasrosyassontepeoplepsiai li hatwe are willing to malts lire$taggering By HERMAN amnesia as LETS ace the facts Approximately half oi the na tions more than 100000000 ad ults will be touched by the can cer problem sometime during their lifetime relative maybe close one maybe not will be stricken with some tornLot the disease Among these same 100000 000 about 25009000 can be ex pectedto devclop cancer during their liietlme gt ti sraocaamc FIGURES These are pretty staggering iigures but cancer is pretty staggering problem Eventually we will iind cure Im sure ot that It may hawaver take quite While yet And until we do come upwith cure each year between 2000 000 and 8000000 oi you will be confronted with cancer in your family Approximately 450000 new cases at cancer are diagnosed annually this number we can expect about 150000 to ba saved CANT BE SAVED oi the remaining 800000 we know that about 225000 are so ing to die within law years Ee causo at our limited knowledge of the disease we just do not as yet havo the means to save them That ieaves 75000 persona What about theirii ilLEX communion co no1 out This year for the firpttime we yieh home Here icon Keith 40W¢Xpeli esopersons too will die at cahcorn However they will die unnecleseariiy We do know enough about the disease to save many at themlhatis we can save them it they go to their doc tors in time to vomit an early diagnosis and prompt and ade quate treatment Which brings me to the point am trying tomaite One or the chic problems con fronting doctors toclay in the quest to save cancer victims is the apathetic attitude of the Bon eral public KNOW DANGER SIGNALS For one thing alioi you should know the seven danger signals oi cancer All of you should have an annual or semianaual phy dical checkup Since about hall at you will he touched inane way or another by tho cancer problem you musthe prepared ior the pros pect You must learn toirust your doctor and to avoid quacka and th useless remedies QUEST ANDANBWER reader For some time have successtuily used hormone cream hut nowam told that it can cause cancer is this true Answer As rule hormone creams have normore affect either beneficial or harmlui thanthe same creams would shows have without hormones lee casein ha partnershro Imam my parent will want tasead use any but Vuwant ourhsby bacanse it is expressionist our Wild gmldova him matchmawords ever exams are inyeln but primariu to keepour childsnd give it octane home Please tell us whetyou think wc=ahouid do And please hurry as we must decide ma Yours sincerely bland urnan ARRIVE Darin sndc ltlsnoivslx weeks since yo letier writ tenlt cunato me indirectly having stopped over in its long iohmGy at three dliicrent way pointsbeiora reaching my desk so perhaps youve already made your decision and ior your sakes hope you haveprovided it was load decision olcoursel My testing is thstvyou and the tathsntoba should marry be cause beliova that over the long haul this corrective pro ceduro will iavor optimum growth in your character and his And by the same token will do least harm to your ematioaal MB ma BIRTHDAY ll tomrnm is your birthday your to indicate that you ahead to some room is ea In wmaeacu duo early in bomber will last ior It last man months during which time you should ilnd the solution to an mrnmhlwa reyour hook is concerned in personal matters you choice would consentto act as ooimscljor your side in conti dentiai interview with the two sets oi parents Dont let anyone rush youintq cowardly stampede to termin ate the pregnancy nor rcssure on into surrendering baby or adoptionlt you and the other Want to rear hlmicgltimntaly as your own Mid health and to the moral sensl tivlty that both still possess This thoughtiul sensitive soul qualitytn your personality and hisis markedly evident in the positive nature of the reflections youve shared about what to do an exchange in whichaelther iiiachcs iron the idea at accept as responsibility ior thallieltto FAMILY LOVE Your reasoning seems realistic andca the constructive side it is not cringing ieariul defensive or hostilettowarda one So gather that youve pro ably each had some real aiiectlon inyour iamily circle and thus would he better prepared than youngsters who haven to accept the discip lines at double harness in the right spirit and win through to contented parinershi As one of you college freshman henca ossihly iii years old it may be in your jurisdiction and that your parentscoasent will be necessary for marriage liauchisthec cyaumoy need help in pets adihg them And if so am hopeful that your pastor or any other respected benevolent clergyman oi your at both are oi minor age in the eyes at the law Welcome Wanna cele hrateetbaanivaioteach newbabywith friendly nailwith basket of nonunnuaqueousbun Bo curate toil Welcome Wagon oftha arrival of ovary newbahy in your iIlQIIOOIIIIIOII PA 66302 WELCOME WAGON ms mum NEW csiwsoss aura Id ibuevudal Fosmckeholiotnlinaaflinaandwslh Noncodto crackliqu astbuk ormths bond Stays work able for approximately an boas Taksansils sadawe gimply paint over tho opvasnna when raisin an lu cuiouts in doors etc YFILLA will not shatteioasecvca onvihrat irizsuriaocs 47 gymnamathsaumhm masonshumséiamnm developments arm andsodairetatlooahipe most in 1nd harmonious during the yesra hoodwlththaaxceptimothrlei Wm In thwwmm Egbdurlngdulysndliurust roarywhaateasiononyoiirpart Achildbornonthisdaywilihe coiddcause irktlomme alert trustworthy diligept and ex thsrcloreandtrytocurh emob kemdydcvoted to home and ioallism look to vacate good tanlily non mun THISIALL Evangeline for fallBeautifully stated here justlthrea and our smart new sweaters fmmzoun collection theyre this agasonsperiect toss to college or casual living And what wonderful aye they get together with our new ransom tool ngqeven dyedtoniatch intha same fabrics Gomevsee thcmat your ï¬rstloppor trinity Many just asmoderatelypï¬oed aémej jzr 100 Fine Botany Wool lit $993 at am pullover fully fashioned Sixes ewo in ma lupphluguardsmrillroyblfldogu biauito utn pm so Shetlandpshag 5435 tn nullovarwiih rihhcd neck sou mo in Main extent hem orinnun groan aanionrsleeveroaover 393 was niocltashionad Vnuk and man nears and with tour rl button detail Sim iozo in prado loyal mains hacienda prom autumn brown Store hours an 01min mourned sacrum OPEN MAY PM