rAtthhvtiationoflhecdi Willard Kiosk Mayor of the City of Barrie Mildly agred to contribute the follow ing article delaan the im parlance of industry and Mint meree to the yelfm efthe community By WILLARD KINZIE Does community need to have industry and commerce to make it dairabie place in which to live Or could com munity be utopia with pleas in miden beautiful parks weiikept boulevards with the citizens earning their livelihood from outside positions invest ments or inherited monies Since beginning at the hu for the majority ol us it occupies much of our time ann interest Even much of the enthusiasm we have for living centres around our means of livelihood Therefore we must have industry and com merce to be happily and galnn fully employed besides all the other reasons to efficiently and at low cost manufacture and sell thoie items that we could not otherwise have unless we went back to life centuries ago and we were solely dependent on our own manufacture of those items of need that we so much take for granted today Therefore the first and most important reason for having sufficient manufacturing and commercial enterprises in community is to give to com munitys citizens choice of varied gainful employment which pays wages and permits the people to purchase adequate housing heat furnishings there in and nlfficient food for good health as well as surplus for the many luxuries we so much enjoy in this country of ours BALANCED ASSESSMENT The second reason is almost of as great importance and that is for achieving what we in municipal service call bal unced sssessmsn This means healthy ratio of industrial and commercial assessment versus resldentlnl The desirability for this is ouite simple for example 512000 home paying an average of mo taxes if this home own sr was sending one of his chil smrrcmnc carmr Canadians stretched their credit farther than ever be fore as the economic boom ga thered steam at midsummon large part lot thedemand for cousinoer credit was sup plied by the chartered hanks many of which were promot ing new personal loan plans Latest Mireauvof statitsics fig Labor PIOSPécts Good For Fall Theemployment situation this summer has been definite im provements iastyear and prospects for the Fall are as good as can be expected Mel Robes on Unemploy mentvSupervie deputizlng for Nntional Employment Service managcr Cooper aid iastv Thursday 3004mm Isaiahandflbee ping inawork by nae Aug than in 1953 We for msurance clalms these were lower and nag cir stances should race work has been re then to public school and one to blah school the cost for educa tion alone world he sees This alone costs more than the taxes received from this home audio addition to completely service tihehome theremust be added the costs for all other see vices somo of which are fire and police protection good roads and jsidewaiiu snowplowlng sewsge disposal garbage pickup an dispual street lighting pro vision of parks library arena recreation health and welfare services including hospitals childrens aidï¬slrelief plusman ever growing to services cost money but are being delt mended and given to modern urban people MEETS DIFFERENCE One fact is outstanding the taxes paid by the average home does not nearly pay for the ser vices that the home receives The difference comes from tax ation applied to the industry or place of business where the bread winner ls employed it comes both in the form of ord inary taxation plus business taxes and licenses Therefore without these taxes residential taxes would be much higher than they are now have many times heard good people express views that seem to cdticise and belittle business and industm yet if it were not for these two factors in any community the community would indeed be in sorry plight ï¬nandally EUANDING DEVELOPMENT it is our nature and trend of life to grow and expand and for population to increase Be cause more children grow to adulthood graduating from our educational system they are looking for choice of vocation and gainful employment we need continually expanding industrial and commercial de velopment Our industries have shown time and time again they are communityminded and that they think sftheir employees welfare They are to he hearts ily commended for this spirit Industries can pick and choose the community they wish to lo cate inin fact it is only good business on their part that they doso carefully bearing in mind that odca home is found they urea show that consumer debt to finance companies small loan companies and depart ment stores rose to AMINO 000 at nod 30 from $1411000 000 at une 801058 Another 51030000000 was owed to banks in personal loans up sharply from 3309300300 year earlier OP Newmap help may be laid off as draws out there would be no hint of it mtii September was through Speaking of the tobacco crop Mr Robertson said there was frontatintlg moment or or tobacco fields The tobacco crop has to be fused by lateSeptember sum nwmnornsam Most of the factories seem to be keepdfi ta company so in hope to find it dumb to live and expand in that community for decades to conic Barrie as yarth city be many natural advantages for the expansion of this sauna Other advantages must be created for wt ui hell climate for try will surely stay away We hope this climate has been achieved However vie should continue to improve our environmental conditlom and work towards pudanarlytrnchandralliines Aocentooravallshlitynfraw materials Local governmental support and interest in new Miriam as well aster establishedeoneerns Avaiiablilty of iandto build Sym thetlc public awareness of problem Civic pride in community achieving all the points listed no below can only be no complished through the combin ed efforts of all the citizens of this conununity REQUIREMENTS To show what is looked for have compiled summaron some of the maior points an in dustry looks for when locating their new plant Nealnose to major markets neat municipal appearance streets parks etc in good con dition mm mt Com ve wage ure Pleasant living facilities with good schools and recreational areas Adequate law enforcement marches and churchgoing populace stable labor supply capable of being trained in skilled trad es comprised of people who will take an entiwsiastlc interest in their work The residents of the eommun lty being proud of home and real community boosters Nondiscriminatory and rea sonable tax structure Plans Qualify By ALAN DONNELLY Canadian Press staff Writer OTTAWA UP recent trend towardallowing industrial pension plans greater flexibility under income tax rules is shown in new public guidebook issued by the national revenue depart ment Drafter of new puislon plans now have fewer detailed require meoti lamest an still have their plans qualify for come tax de ductlbllltyon payments into pen sion funds Ono nf the maior changes is that pension fundswithin cer tain limitsmay be invested in shares of the employer company Another change There is no longer requirement that em ployer contributions be vested in the employee alter certain number of years although this is common practice in pension plans FILL GAP These and other changes in practice are set out in the rev enue departments informntion bulletin issued recently It fills gap left three years ago when the departments Blue Book on pension plan tax rules was with drawn out of date with fantvde veloping pension schemes Pension plans musrbe regis tered by the department in order for payments into pension funds to be deductible from taxable in commWhile the revenue minister within the framework of certain lawshas discretionary ponders as to what planswillhe regis tered the information bulletin sets out the principles that will he followed None of the rules in new 0n investment of pension trust funds the new bulletin continues the rule against buying bonds or notes of the employer company But now fund can invest in the common stock of the employer as no more th 10 per cent of fund is so in vested and no more than 10 petI cent of the companys shares purchased As well the cpm any must have paid specified eve of dividends on evstocks annu ally for the prone five years The old Blue Book required that pension plans to be regis Goodpublic utilities such as electricity gas and water near plant site Presence of adequate services to complement new plant Last and perhaps most by tangible an aura of quiet conlt fidence in the success of the in any of the community and coun Employee Coop Shows Progress Barrie Tanning Limited whose employees negotiated for and purchased the local tannery have had nearly year of oper ations under their control Sat isfactory financial progress has been mode and dividendswere commenced early in loss The hide market which has advanced over 100 per cent with tered rovlde that an employee have new his employers pen sion fund contributions after certain number of years This vesting provision proved too stringent and was discarded long ago number of big pension plans did not give employees that right The department finallyde TAKES cannons our or moon WASHINGTON ama new automatic machine that can do much of the routine work now done by human bands was re ported Monday The announcement was PUT poser made on Labor Day be cause its backers at in mu outoflaborgf If Properly hunt the 15 chinewhich has nets named iranateltohot can pickup pack of clgarets take one out light it and liquid it toyed Naturally not many of us are going to fork over $10000 for cigaret lighter But the ma chine can be usedior less dra gtmatic jobs For example it can take the three flparts of ballpoint pen put em together and then place the finished product in box Automation often medal that an entire factory must be re pl cad But iransfeRobot nosueh expensive retool lngtlt can be shoved right in to work withvpresent equip meet Employers with staffof to24 mph You an be Interested in uctlinu overloaded through the growth of the elecnic load were replac ed with larger units having amp to capacity General mainten ance in huasdou locations was made while machines and electric power were looper ative Prior to holidays the tannesy eotmcii group of men circled by the employees suggested that the employees should contribute consign time tooslnt the wind ows of the main building on Brad ford St Before long it became evidenrthat with little assist ance from thevmsintenaocelde eat the whole plant could completed and at the moment the work is nearly finished Corporate cooperation ns also hadend mulls in cooper ative spirit in evidence in all personal relations Stipervlsors have to realise that the employ es la partowner of the plant different category than before lime employee seen that over sizhi is forhis account and re ï¬lls accordinaly The seven of mauve venture has worked through all the work day and made life moreJnteresting and rewarding for the employee owner BUSINESS BARQMETER INDUSTRIAL PENSIONS Meei Fewer Bequirements cldsdlt should be laftlto the em ployer and employees to work on here are some other changes from the old Blue Book rules Retirement benefits may be in the form of variable annuity Such annuities are recent de velopmentl comparable to mutual investment funds whereby the return varies according to earn ings from stock Investments its aimed at offsetting inflation CAN SWITCH RIGHTS An employee changing iobs can midi his pension rights from one fund in another without in curring income tax on with drawal of his money from his or iginal pension fund An employer who makes Pa menls mto pension fund for em ployees past thus strengthening the funds actuarial soundness can claim tax deduc tion for thepayments in the year they are made Previously the deduction had to be stretched over 10 years The new rules omit the previ ous requirement that pension plan must not discriminate among employees Many of the previous detailed reqtdrements dealing with em ployee contributions have been dropped Foreign pension plans to be accepted only inthe most un usual circumstances must pm vide that all futids contributed for Canadian employees lie held for their benefit jf Wafers aroma eaawm sav Keynote The developmental new prio ductsind changes to existing hasheeothe will products interest at the local coon Plant for the past few months miniatureï¬nes olthesrnaii Department none on matlc can opener New novel and practical the an opener is creating considerable interest as initial showings at the ONE promise to become eellent ift item lficance acnemph anceoi suehn new productby consumers is the Multan extra manihours of labour for ths Barrieiinnt it is premature to even suggmt just what the acceptance even this one new product Emlld provide in additional manhours to the Barrie plant Eight nswend revised prod nets in all have been introduced by the small oppliailcedepart meat They have all been feahir ed at the ONE and all will be available in lots of time for the Christmas season Because of the good public ac ceptance of Barriemade small appliances over the years many Canadian households own one or more of theseworihsnvlng sp pliances As ownership increas es theavailable market shrinks hi rate greater than the crea tion of new households The answer to this problem is the development of new product ideas to expand the uses of el ectricity in the home All of the resources of the Small Appliance Department have been concen trated on the development of new prodch for some time This has been quite challengr ing peiiodicr everyone atthe local ant in spltsof the many problems arising from introduo tag new processes trdinlhg peep is to new akiih and training new By It iEllisonr Milling nd Elevator Company Limited of Lethhrid ge Alberta are the newowners at the Robinson Mill at Stroud They are at present operating under the SourGain patents and are fillingorders for their cust omera as has been done when the mill was operated by Mr Robinson However just as soon as th materials arrive which are now on their way in carloat lots the miliwiil make and padrage their own products They will continue the custard grinding and as soon use coma plate feed mixing plant has been installed will this the specially prepared ingredients with far mers own grain and make prepared and balanced feed for all types of livestock El Rocket one of their prep arations is special broiler feed that is claimed by the manufact urerstonot only add the weight fast but also to prevent deaths to the chicks by the killer disease Coceidiosis This patent formula has over eighty ingredients so mans om This mill was first constructed over 50years ago as grain shipping elevator to handle farmers wheat and grain in bulk to the markets in Torontd and elsewhere It st operated Western Canada first Eastern Mill iii Strand for years byArthur Green and fer rssnfrecjsvnn allx 4E1fncc6unr titan ornimsn caNs becomes with the new as can opener faster and more convenient mums 3mm stym rm gertip convenients and hen we nap on permanent magnet tohold the iinesrgoing he lost production time has resulted due to theid 114 Can be Willi mounted Ol tegration of these new product 50 Wilmer MP with lines into the regular production legit15 Shown schedules The new automatic can opener is just one example of the devcllt opment of new products at the local CGE plant Buys later by Benjamin Webb who sold outta Mr Robinson The newmwners are planning tonddaspecial mixer to the equipment which will enable the mill toturn nut top feeds The bulk feed to be prbeessed and sold in packages will be shipped in from the western mills at Lethbridze FIRST EAST BRANCH Mr Ellison who closed the transaction and saw the new eastern miiireopen for business left for Lethhrldge as soon as the mill got under way liehas left the operations in the hands of thasame employees who have been running the plant for the previous owner This is the first branch in the east and the firm is planning to use it as an experiment GOOD OUTLET In the Innisiil district hogs herds of beef and dairy cattle broilers laying hens and turkeys are raised in substantial numb ere This means an outlet for top quality feeds whichcnn be fed either 100 per cent or the space in ingredients mixed with the stock owners own grainihis wpenffeeding has been Dro cessed locally for years butis the firsttime western firm taken place in the opera too MANY BlllS mruwnr Where fheresnBilL we have the answer with iser cAsHfasu SesSroimaniiodd ffliéigliï¬ Get $50 to $5000 PHONE PA 66471 l4l VDUNLQP ST Open 12er housing Atroumrior paying personal and householdths You will ï¬nd you seldom need to drawfrcm renameh waistre Keep your Sootngszfnoum strictly for saving Having two discounts each for different purpose gives your savings is renlchance grow with regular deposits plus the intermsbeycarm