Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Sep 1959, p. 4

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misspelled burdenf fialionalPiélure 9011Ame annexupon of our nation broad with us will help to revelsubs alighfdowawsrdtrendinooreu consumption down eight eggs can Find RéWOido The old adage about money talklnégis being felt more critically by Canadas artned loreeswith each passing day The era of the giamor of the uniform and of serving ones country without illegibl petus of wartime emergency appears oy er Now the accent is onhard cashrandto some if it isnt there well the hole thing isnot worth bothering about the first place comments The Guelph Mercury The navy army and air force are still trying to lure young men to sign on the dotted line with incentives such as se curlty free board and lodgings plus clo thing allowances but when it boils down to brass tacks the greatest incentive of all is money Although anada boasts ene of the highest paid flghting forces in the world it cant compete with pri vate industry at pay day It also cant compete with domestic life and the do asyou please general attitude that exists outside the servlc To many young people discipline is still somewhatot dirty wordand the mere thoughtoi regimentation will scare potential recruits inany direction except that oaths enlistment otiicerihut this fear of disclplinein the serviceslsvnst 1y overrated Gone are the days when the sergeant bellowed You may have broke yourmothersheart but you wont break vprobably has sifar one elseso mine pleaseh mind Adenaally one full of the unexpected dividual makes it Like almost every other Job or professiongthero aretlmes when the hours pass slowly life becomes more routine and one wonders if he wouldnt be better off doing something in ferent line altogether nonvever what chancehu got for instance when brand new sublieutenant earning lost over 0200 the Navy month and pledged to serve for three years gets an offer from private industry that will start him off at most $500 month The lieutenant will begin to do some mental stocktaking and begin to have no doubts Rut money isnt everything What the lieutenant should remember istnat he greater yancement and discuss of ad galler iiie where he is than if he chlckened outv and went home Life istoo good to waste and with little bit or selfimprovement push and enterprise no member of the armed aer vicesshould ever odnsidar he is wasting no time nae is wqu own fault no gtv Opinions foil VliewsPapers Piucs surronr 0N rumours London Free Press Continuing the Federal Governments ture liiinisterlauglas Harlmessh pared tha hirkeyald price After the New Year the 90v ernment will buy st 20 cents poundllyeweight insteadol thepresent cents Asurfieyof turkeymarketlngs and stocks for be sold thisfall revealsthat there isdn overplus Mr Earkn will not alter the federal aid plan untilvlhat allowing this years crop to be marketed under the present program Amallyfbe Government hainot beenforced to buy turkeys as the price has iioVered from 27 to 29 cents liveweight but there is possibiliw sudden forcedmrkefins this fall right can the price to 25 cents The cansdian TurkeyFederation wisely sug gested to the Government that the support be kept below existingprlces The large expansion of turkeys has beenpun at unducutfing red meat To do this theymust keep the price flexible They fear that 25 cent support price might become permanent price as has so often happened in other farm commodities MODERN CHAUTAUQUA Montreal Star There is aehmlb no really close parallel today to thsChsutauqua of two generations agowiLb its encyclopedic rsogeof attractions But some thingoi lhasame nature is taking root and flour iahlnghi the form of the summerconiereucea on topics of substantial importance They reach smaller audience of different sort but hey exercise an important functlon in stimulating in terest in and discussion of public alfalrs The Couchlcbiog Conference is the longest established gathering of this sort Junior by many years but well established is that at Mount Allison University in Sackviile NB whose fifth Sumlner Institute its tliemelhis year Canadian Politicsftook place last week Members of governmen and Earhaments past serfr aims It was on Sept boxes of Germanys formidableslegfried Line were seized by veteran troops from the French Maginothine One ofthe first German advance posts which fell litrwas reported in Basic was ai lone post opposite Sasrgugmi ska townoppns its the Scarf it was ear the fort was taken after French troops occupiedtbe wooded hills on boihsides of theironlier road The Germans are said to have retired to the main Siegftied piorts five and ten kilometers beliind the border The Lions Clubof Barringmane nice profit of $1300 at the annual Sfreet Frolic andBcauty Contest also dance on the Post Office Square With ideal weather the area was crowded with an attendance of 5000 each evening Miss Tor onto of 1939 drew the winning tickets from churn for the cash prizes First of $100 went to McDougall Barrie Second cash $85 was won byC Robinson of Ferndsle and third Meny an international diplomat is so undiplomatlc as to wear chip for epau scuiedr thcr audrpresenh unlveruw one andzecognlied wncy of eliminating incentive price supper Agricul authorities ondlfferent related topicstook part and the nihiectvoi stutw ranged from the can care the lair 351sz to World impact an CanadisnPolltics Memoirsrandomness Pilebars We The meetingme was held at Club rec in Pet borough tel supportMrs BerthWhytss enigma for funds for IGWWWIM was far from convincing it was conducted on an emotional level with religious overtonu that ob than explained the necessity for Mrs to continue her at is to establish misnoa Unless Mrs W1er her campaign manager wish to undergo not deal of air appointment and frustration as prelude to all use they wool hewalladvlled to discontinue the campai $25 andmo in pledges from Peterborougli is handy enough to cover local ex penses The way in width this money was raised leaves While him Why was doubts in many mink out of the room talking to reporters dicfiev who ll helping Mfl James Splersfroln Winnipeg Whyte suggested that the audience remunbet Mrs Whytes birthday which in Hill week by TRIBUTE Voters Will Rein and risotto ember stations months now toooftenribs nsgic news of eta eoiiinmnitiee Bat whet of our nllnml flow are we as uniliesgetilog along in our vari our homes across the land The answer to that question can be builtup uIn latetutldgohd composite whole from the nails tics gathered by our Dominion Bureau of Stetlstlu in its huge new home on the nostalgic named Tunn eys Pasture here Ottawa year luyesr That answerfin short isthst we are doing better and better accent stailstlcalbulletlns told that exports of Canadian pro duce reached urecord value in the second miarier of this year andtbst the paid workers in our record labor force are drawing salaries andwsges some eight per cent above last year Jonlmy CANUCK sAmmr But it is the more homey aide of the bureaus recent reportl which given that composite plclt lure oi the Canadian family in warmer lonuthan the broad as muzs Le Chef For Progress ran CANADIAN runes Some called MouricaDuplcssls political genius and saviour of Quebecy ptbers called him dictator Some hailed him as great man fwhile others do nounced him as politician who rewarded party friends and crushed foes He made no bonesabout his views on government affairs He called thesystem of letting out tenders for contracts disguised hypocrisy He said of meat purchases it was his policy to encourage ourvfrlends first and to buy elsewhere when nec GSIU He said his government paid the highest retail prices for many goods because it believed in en confusing sinall business as well govem gimng nsneyutom with memmmaigmhfgsla or big wholesale organizations 110 lion 01 In the 1956 election cam aign soliciting funds from the pun on the around he told Voters in one riding they that Mrs We can materially Iddlo would notgeta needed bridge welfare services available to parents and chll we may 91m unhm Na dun in the Province in doom POW l°tionale candidate to the legisla lonnerYearsj lie proved to be ll 1939 that the firstline pill ComquWd who had also Wasaeaand Miss Collinavmd Miss Wilmeun legislature as Conservative wsprintmak Canada ready l0 tlParagréphically Speakith an ounce ordost 1r cans At the end of the meeting sensibleouastions were adroltly avoided by Mr Splen This is not suggested that there is any dishonest motive behind the fund raising meetings butit duelin dicate that the whole moire of Wbytehavenjnd of its prospective board of Directors is most confused and unsntldactory The work Mrs Whyte set out to2do barbeen accomplished abe his dnswn attention to serioiu gap in the wai fare servlceaot the Province which the Minister mustnowtakestep toflll the titles of Miss Haw who was MissBarrielof 1953 tookseclt and prize Miss Plouffe of Wnobnushene was third Jitterbug contest also drew ch at tention Aquatieaswfllwm ovelty tb waterfront His experience ripened ugh foru years residence and study in Italy ReyFatbcr Ed ward Crossland BA DD and Scrlpot eldest son of Mr and Mrs William Grassland 84 Wgrsley Sheetwss back bome irbls nativ answer the call of the church Student the Angelica Universiw Romex since September 1935 he is now aasistantsecretsryr ofthe Dioceseof Toronto with headquartersmt the Archbishost House He was also carrying on work at St Augustines Seminary He met his father in Cberbotug in July and together they journeyed through England and Scotland of $15to Melfiowia of John Street Miss Ehr iy is it that heavy rain washes alway tons of topsoil but doesnt remove car fllhe Platypus looksas ifiitwere sum bled tom leftovers need not thewriting on the wall htohlgb religious or of sooner dont bonedalive but over eagerly ture Theyelected Liberal and thebrldge was not built SYSTEM WORIED The same principle applied elsewhme new roads or hos pitals if you ap ove letus know by your vote hesaid His systemworked He was the first Qifebec pre mier loserve five terms of office fourof fhem onsecutlve His Unfon Natlohsle party held at onetlme more seats lathe legis laturellzthan any rather be 0n May1o 1957 Premier Du plessls observed the 30th am nlversary of hisfirstvelecfion to member for the ing city of Trolsl vieres Four days date he et record pf 58l8 days in offi one day than the provincidl markof late Aleiandre Tasrdiereau In the months that followed be far outdistanced tbe ferm el the cepoweflul Libe 31 whose re une he brought asbiogdown in loss Mr Duplessis always tiled manager of people formed an alliance of rebel Liberals Con servatives and nationalists to ac complish tbeovertbrow ending BeyearLibersl reign in Quebec Once installed at the govem ment leaders desk in thb legisla ture Premier Duplessis domin ated proceedings nonnNAmo noose He used flashing oratory to praise the works of his own gov ernnieiil and scatlllngly attack the opposition When any of bla ownrsupport ers cabinet ministers or mem bers got into hot water in the House lh them fo He paid onlyshgbl at Verbal wines of 9118 who dared about the instabil ernments and written totem their gov verbal and flayed Can adas federal government lead ers As attorney general he ex4 pressed dlspleasure With decl sions of the Supreme Courtof Canndain cases which felt in volved Quebecs judicial author ity However he quietly paid courtordereddamoges for con celling the liquor permit of Frank Roncarelll Montreal rest aurant owner who put up boil for arrested members of the Wit nesses of Jehovah sect His standard election campaign platform was based on provincial autonomy Some opponents called his autonomy cry politicalnuto nomy It was only in recent years that Mr Duplessls occasionally absented himself during iegisla ture sittings leaving the conduct of affairs to subordinates no nan APPARENT Fromtime to time the men fion of an heir to his leadership spread around but the premier gave the talk on encouragement Different names cropped up at different time Premier Duplessis remained le Chef as party man called him He dressed nattily was or derly in the management of the everyday affairs of his office and seemed always at work accord ing to carefully thought eul plan Hiscampaign against what he called encroachment by the fed ernl powers was methodical and he kept Quebec out of the na tional hospital insurance plan Federalprovincial fax sharing agreements the system of fed eral grants to universities and the frsnsACanada highway pro Fam He recognized that rural rid logs outnumbered urban ridings in the legislature and his success ful election campaigns in 1936 1544 1943 1952 and195li laid heavy emphasis on appeal fo farmers At the same tithe be negotiated successfully with big business and his long reign wasraecom panied by unprecedentedindun trial development wblcbigavu Quebec an industrial instead of fannin utlook in less thana genenafion homunmua In private life three years after his Union Na tlonalb partys only general elec lion defeat and turnedhlmsclf into skillful master of politics victim of diabetes he ate simply and observed regular hab its though beget only ilboutsbt hours sleep after his busyday 0n Wednesdays he left his compact suite in the Chateau Frontenac at Quebec and sc compuuied by provincial police officer in plain clothes attended am mass at the Roman Cath olic basilica General elections byelcotious and all his important political moves were undertaken on Wed nesdays day of special devo tum to St Joseph in fine days Mr Duplessis walked the 10minute distance from the hotel to his legislature offices with his police companion fending off anyone wanting to en gage the premier in undesired conversation The institution of the plain clnthes guard dated back to times when threatening letters found their way into Mr Duples sis mail Mr Duplessis was born at Trois Rivieres April 20 1890 His father was is conservative mem4 ber of the Quebec legislature for eight years POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT He grew up in political at mosphere Twp uncles were members of the legislatureone sat on the government benches with the Liberals when Mr Du plessis was first electedand sister married the son of Al Bureau longtime Liberal mem ber ofLhe Commons for Trnis Rivieras and later senator Duplessis cut his political te niclp al electl Maurice LeNm blet Duplessiswss quietliving hardworking bachelor wrlh numerable acqudlutancm trustede lends ille oecssionallyshowe ful turn of mind and newspaper or if you have Socs on foreve What he politiceloppm the butt autumnlo attend the world ser les He was regular Saturday night customer of the Montreal Forum where Montreal Cans diens of the NationalHockey League performed on weekends His squcnn French bad earthy flavor responsible for part of his popularity with voters and his English though good bad slight accent and French turn of phrase in his younger bardliving hard driving polill clan whooncerjoked that he would tradesno years of pur new for few years of political vs mflo cigareta days he wasa buttewW since is min is Frauen Looms flonal picture Such as the fact that in 1957 some 1089000 gross of wooden clothes pin were produced in Canada nearly pins for every man woman and child in the cheese at MS pounds head including 47 pounds of good Ca nadlsn cheddar And perhaps our waistline in romecales lesflb to our higher consumption of shop bought ice creamflrp to 1711 plntsaperson Those of us who want our drinks cooler and our homes warmer are also well catered to Fifty utehllshments across Can ada ball of them in Ontario made ariiflclal lee sincreaslng their output by is per cent to 058000000 pounds Incldentally we also spent record 318 9909 000 on metal bottle caps record 143333 warm air fur nacesweremade to beat our homes one third of them being gas burners which are enjoying quite ssmsationsi increase in popularity at the expense of wood and oil burners MORE CANADIAN HOMES While 1959 will not end with record figure or homes built there nrs some 5000 more homes under construction than this time last yearnAnd we are living less crowdedly the number of homes housing more than one family is steadily declining The average income of non farm families has risenabove the country and staggering 1y record $4269 achieved in 1951 timerths number produced only five years earlier Whats picture tbat conjures up of ample shirts and dresses and diapers strung from the Atlantic to the Pacific ovary Monday morning As for food the number of hogs on Canadian farms has jumped 11 per cent above last year and has only once been exceeded in our history that was in 1943 when Canadian bacon was one of die staples of belescured and ref ugce crowded Britain Perhspr the ordinary marriage of bacon working for Liberal Whefi he ran as Conservative in the 1925 provlncial election the 33year old Duplessls went dawn to de feat huhhe was elected by no voice in 1927 and within Eight years was leader of his party Mr Dupiessls had many friends among the Liberals and the step from Conservative is der to leader of coalition which he called lUnionNaflonala was short one The two most talked about plcccsof legislation to emerge from his 193589 administration were the Farm Credit Act un der which more fbmWflWMlO has been lent to farmerssince 1987 and the Padlock Law which empowered the attorneygeneral to order any premises padlocked for one year if he was satisfied they were used as Communist propaganda centres The padlock law has been ruled invalid DEFEATEY LBERALS Federalleerals joined forces with the provincial Liberal party to defeat the Duplessisgovem ment afew weeks after the out break of the Second World War Mr Duplessis never forgave the federal party for this interfer ence in provincial affairs He opened his 1989 election bampaign with remark about partlclpafion interpreted as in dicating opposition to the war ef fort Quebec voted Liberal on that occasion but elected Mr Duples sis Union Nationals in 1944 when the war was in its closing stages Post war developments and mounting budgels favored far reaching building program His government enacted un= lusoel and drastic legislationes 43 fAMlLlSIZEVINTERIOR of dollars eyes in gas whichltself had been increasing at the average rate of nearly six per cent year during the pre viousan years Some of this extra income was spent on the familyfs first car in 185a we achieved record car ownership of one cable enchu Canadians making us comfort ably autemoblleborn population And some of that extra income we spent on increased purchases of daily frills from bailpoint pens to watches bath produced in rec ordquantities by our plants tablisblng redefinition alfres dom of worship aimed at re stricting theacllvitlcs of Jeho vaha Witnesses provincial lot tery television censorship news print controlsbut much of it re mains dead letter rihe lottery law for instance cannot legally be promulgated unless the Canadian Criminal Code is smsnded His antimargarine legislation in effect for the last seven years was held up as evidence that the Union Nationals government con centrates its attention on rural constituencies BUILDER gt To Quebec voters Mr Duplss sis was first of all the builder of new roads bridges schools hos pitals He Is associated with pro gross and development He was the man who gave Quchec arflug white cross on no azure field with four white fleursde lis Ungavas gigantic iron ore mine ing development Bersimis Man ieouagan ChuteauDlsble and otbechydrd electric projects hlgbvoltage cables laid under the St Lawrence River to carry elec tricity to the dormant Gaspe Pen insula roads that opened the northern regions of barren Chl bougamau and sparselyinhabited Lake St John teen eraof boom ing growththese were achieve ments of the Duplessls adminis tratlon floral districts with new high ways and school overwhelmingly supported the premier but there was anti Duplessis feeling in Montreal on Quebec where rapid growth and Expansion have given rise to increased social and labor problem alone frontengine car for zincemeforyoil estdrivetodayYoullenIovit out Well tourrrulumu njulnvl EEFORTHLERQM ranls av canvases

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