Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Sep 1959, p. 1

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ooh Pnezliumldm ynumbertocnilfrlhonnatacu creditedPenguin uan is one sooner BARRiEpONTARiO CANADA SATURDAYSEPTEMBER 1959 BRIEF vacarionm scorpion Preside Eisenhower watch es the flight of the ball as he tees off at Turnbcruy goll course Scotland He took brief vacationin the area of Urges Nations International Court By JIM PEACOCK Canadian Press Staff Writer VANCOUVER CPLThe Cana dlon Bar Association cnds its an nual convention today with draft of discussions and decisionsbe hind it and several involved studies ahead The CBA and ilsvorious see He added that if statesmen in the next year or so are unable to bring about rapprochment be tween Western nations and those behind the iron Curtain we will havelost in this generation the hope of mankind T0STUDY UNIONS Earlier the CBA undertook to lions plan to make dctailed studs study certain aspects of the trade ies of the magistcrinl system inuuion movement including tho Canada and of the morrmgolquestion of enactment of laws to counselling and conciliation pro ensure trade union constitutions ccdurcs available in this country contain appropriate provision on Friday night Prime Minister Dicicnbakcr urged all nations to Anglican nun lacks Appeal accept as binding international Court of Justice decisions expulsion and discipline to pro tect the rightsofindivldualmem bers This may result in request for In speech to the convention legislation to give labor relations he sold compulsory arbitration of boards power to refuse certifica international disputes agreement tlon idunions whose constitu on the control of outer space and tions are found unsatisfactory to establishment of an international the board police iorcenre the steps thali Four international panelists lFriday emphasized the need for must be achieved now ToYonthJSays BC Bishop gtBy KENNEDY WELLS Canadian Press Staff erlcr STEi ANNE DE BELLEVUE Que CmThe AnglicanIChurch is notholdings its young people saysthe bishop of New West minster BC Bishop Godfrey GoWer fold the churchs General Synod Friday that though overoil church mem bership is increasing something evidently islacking in the churchs appeal to youth His report on statistics and the state of the church showed sharp decline in the membership of the Anglican Young Peoplefs Associationto 7947 last year from 14893 in 1955 SHORTAGE OF PRIESTS One aspectof the problem por ticiilarly disturbed the bishop the serious shortage at new An lican priests each year What do We lack in preparing the hearts and minds of our youthtu make ttlem receive the challenge heiasked th disturbing statistic was 223percent decline in the iinmher of marriages performed lost yearto H514 PRESS enemies Policeldéntiiy Roebuck iis Killer wucnzauno Germany Aim After mod Did this meanh the bishop asked that young Anglicans were losing interest in church marri age or that mixed marriages weretaking their toll of weak Angiicans APPROVE PROGRAMS The synod approved in prim ciple the production of nation wide radio and television pros grams Broadcasting committee mem bcrs hope to get funds soon to begin partof schedule which would include 13week half hour documentary TV film sen ies and Weekly halfhour radio series The synod cleaned up onexof the Jnost contentious items it has dealt wlth so far byapp oving the proposal to build 000 addition to its threestorey bus iness headquarters in downtown Toronto completed only three years ago It was announced that whoever is elected primatetoday will preach beforeTV cameras Snu day at 11 am CBC stations in Montreal Toronto and Ottawa will carry the broadcast irives gating the fatal stab ng of farmer near here Bavarian police have identified the killer roebuck Josef Trabert 27 was foundeeall in wooded area near last month He had been antler wasfound Another Polio case Cornwall Area village of Hansen early inth heart deers VOTllAWA CF Anothér poliocaso fromthe wall area the fifth inthe last fourdays and the eighth this season was adnuttedto Civic Hosp alhere for treatment Fri Eifteenmooth dDavid Delor arm and one was rushc way city some 65 miles to herethas noiron ung EarthquakeShalres Yellow igiit thedlal 000 watts day tennis European tour AP Wirephoto from London Accept settling world disputes through process of law Ross Malone outgoing presic dent of the American Bar Associ ation suggested that the legal profession is obligated to providu leadership toward international nile of lswthc settling oi dis putes through the courts EXPLAINS PRINCIPLES Mr Justice Thorson pres ident of the Exchequer Court oi Canada and member of the in ternational commission oi jurists sold thatrule of envisaged by ihecommlssioo hosed on the fundamental principles oi the socredoess of human personality and the brotherhood of man Such rule oi law will win all egiance throughout the world Mr Justice Thorson in an aside to his remarks threw outs criticism of certain restrictive legislation in British Columbia Quebec and Newfoundlarid stab ng that the freedoms oi speech assembly and association were in grave danger in these pro vin N0 PAPER 0N LABOR DAY rMondayI Sept being Labor Day and nalionalvhol iday there will be no regular issue oi The Barrie Examiner Daily publication will be relt surned on niesday Septns The plant and the husuress office of this paper will be closed all day Monday How ever the news staff will be covering the local scene dur ing the holiday weekend so that readers may have com prehensive picture of all that happened in the Tuesday issue Commencing on ihiesday Sept The Barrie Examiner ndds another weekly feature of local interest Business Barometer Th1 page designed to give factual pictureof business in Barrie and vicinity coupled with generailnformatioo of inter est to business people Local Station For Povier Boast OTTAWA CPA number of applications for power increases will be heard by theBoard of Broadcast Governors here Sept zoao The Ontario applications are CJOY Guelph nomad watts tolomo watts daytime and 5000 watts nighttime aod chaog ot frequencyfrodeW from 5000 to only power remaining at 2500 watts CJSP Leamingtoir from 250 to CKEB Barri 1000 wattsg daytime on crpJTv Port moo superior Quebec Lies In SCHEFFERVILLE Que CP Premier Duplcssls felled by series of strokes lay gravely ill today in this remote northeastern Quebec mining town Mr Duplessis one oi tho most bustling and aggressive premiers Quebec has ever had was no conscious and partly paralysed as teams of medical specialists kept nevcrcenslng vlgil Lost rites oiths Roman Catho lic chbrch have been adminis tered At am today there was no report of change in the pro miers condition The mcdical staff attending to him was rest ing and information asto Mr Duplessis cOlidlllolLWBs unavail abiea spokesman said Dr Lucien Larue brain spe cialist from Quebec Citys St Michel Archange Hospital said shortly before midnight the 69 ycarbld piernlers condition was unchanged com He is ioa coma Dr Loifuo said His right side is paralyzed it will take day or two tode terminc the course of the dis ease and duringthat time it ould be grave danger to move in Dr Lorne persoan friend of Mr Dupiessis was rushed to Schefferville along with three other doctors aftervthc premier suffered four cerebral seizures Thursday The premier was stricken by the brain hemorrhages while here withagpartyx nfbis govern ments supportersto visit the ironrich town he is immensely proud of having helped develop He was stricken at pm srmcxrnj Premier Coma PREMIER nueLassrs rice Custcou linlon Nationals member of tiledegislalurc for Montreal Jeanne lt Nance They were in an iron Ore Company of anode building when the pre mier walked overto window Abruptly he wheeled towards Mr Custeo at the premier and saw some thing wasvwrong Mr Duplessis could not speak The premier was put to bad in the companys guest house and ndocior was summoned from tho smallhospitol used here by ers and their families Five hou later it was decided specialists should be called in 3pm tered by Rev Marcel Chum pagno parile priest of Scheff ville It was the second time in his llfethe premierhas received Thursday while talking toMau ArgentinelPresi Man Fired Three Days 390 vBllEllOS AIRES AWPresi dent Arthro Frondizi bowed to the demands of dissident Argen tine army leaders Friday and brought back as army com manderiochief the man who was fired three days ago The reappointment of Gen Car los Toranzo Montero apparently quelled threatened rcvolthy military chiefs The reshuffle also brought the resignation of Elvlo Anaya as secretary of war He wassuc ceeded by Gen Rodolfo Larcberfi friend of TOTBIIZO Montero and his army supporters Tornnzo Montero had delied Anayas orders with the backing of What he claimed was 95 per cent of all Argentine army offi CEIS Thc stocky Six Nations May Lodger Anibal anamronn CP+The here Notions In ian reserve maytake ditsrycliiels the nearby Six their latest bid for power to $uprerne Court of Canad Thc announcement was made 57yearold general by Arthur Anderson secretary of the Confederacy of the tier dit ary Chiefs who comments It looks asthough we wiltnot get justice in this country Mr Anderson was referfing to decision handed down Thurs day bytheSupreme Court at tario which upheld theyauthority governing systemoféiected councillors for the reserVe brought down by from kilowatts video and 15 kilowatts audio to 554 kilowatts video and 302 kilowatts audio Radio station CHOW Wetland is asking the boardto remove from its licence the obligot broadcast 20 per cent of its grams in he French languag Brsmpton nccvfora im outl one from the gallery the last rites dent Recalls said he would order only iibiinal measures in rcassuming his postrHe added thatiav few mili tary chiefs would be retired womlooking Frondizir de clinedto talk with reporters when he left government house after crisis talks gt Toranzo MDntcro who ptgcipi tatedthe crisis Tuesday by chal lenging Aoayas order firing him as army boss refused to disclose details of the settlement but said he had pledged obedience to the president of the nation PROBLEM MILITARY Toranzo Montero said that at no time was constitutional order affect The cm was purler militaryonenot polit lClI Four generals and one coloneln among 17 officers arrested on Anayas orders following Tor aozo Monteros were pected to bereleased on hadgrippe the country relaxed as word spread of these emeot Warm Reception For Africale PIETERMARITZEURG South went out water was poured on the audience and three fire gines arrived inreponse folso alarm when Prim Mio ter Hendrlk verwoerd addressed ameetingherekFriday partys Natal pro in the cry appeaisfor Firecra ers ire doapped thrown audience spontaneous starte singing the national nthem listed these Mr Custcau looked wereadmins hour The motorless vessel foun with theentire Gasparliia crew British and Canadian naval per sonnel dressedas pirates pulled freed The remainder are Africa Eeuters The lights eoI lection campaign firefighting oke out llrgue States Labor Objective OTTAWA cmcor Commons header linen Argue says Caoa dian labor should strive to attain four objectives during the com ing year in Labor Day message he The right of workers to be long to the unions of their own choice Pull employment broader system of nation health insurance comprehensive system of social securit This should in clude portable pensions which could be carried from job to Job and increasing the universal old age security pension payable at 70 from the present $55 to $75 month RCBF Contracts Next Month OTTAWA CPlThe placing 6i contracts for equipping the RCAFs F404 GStarflghters is eirpected to begin towards the end of this month The contracts will be for such items as flight lnstrlimentsrflrs control and navigatlon systems They will have an estimated overall value of5200000000 TORONTO CmThe Gaspar illaPlratcs from Tampa lived up to the best traditions Capt Morgan Friday night Two of their ships former Wolfe island ferry went aground arid another powerless vessel broke loose from its tow delay ing the show by more than an dared for more than 15 minuta of 111 aboard untiiasmallin board from theEoyal Canadian Yacht Club took it iotow at less than two knots The pirates are mostly ness men who conduct their ale raid annually in Tampa Th jolly invasion lnwbich they theoretically captured To ronto waspart or Canadian Na nal Exh on celebrations Friday annuity our Nor no Thliigs began to cloud up when vessel loaded withabout 20ft up to rendezvous point off the CUE waterf it complaining THE CANADIAN mm Prime Minister Dleienbaher sold am very udfito learn of Premier Dupieasislilness in northern Quebec can only ex press the hope that fears of the moment will be dissipated and he will be restored to good health in Ottawa Liberal Leader Pearson said he had heard with great rcgrct and feeling of shock of the suddcortrngic ill ness of the premier of Quebec and added the hope Mr Duplessis will make complete recovery External Affairs Minister Green the acting prime minister said Mr Duplcssis has had long and distinguished carccrlo public life and his illness will be regretted by all Canadians fi hope he will soon be on the road to recovery Hazcn pmllamentary leader of the CCFsaid he was indeed sorry to learn of the Quebec premiers illness ST LAURENT EHOCKED fit lion Louis St Laurent of Quebec former Canadian prime minister saldfnewsof the ill ness came as terrible shock to me and hope Mr Duplcssia condition is not as critical one might gather from the tone of the dispatches canons TORONTO oridn Pirates they had been noon However without food since noncom si ed officer did admit the menth managed to smuggle aboard sev eral cases ofbeeradded to the 10 cases donated by local brewl ery Only three men went over board on thelway to thc ceudcz Vo werc put aboard crew went back to the lflVflSlOfl HOSTED DOWN The pirates were reorganizing when Canadian and British sail ors gave them soakingwith tire hose on board the William inglis ferry which had been converted toths showboat Prin cess for the day At thispoint one of the pirate was set adrift amid suspl ion that sharp instruments had beeoyusc upon the towline One oithc omer invasion ve sels went aground as well as ONE tug which wossupposed to be used for emergencies Despite the hitches the public hrovincial eh runners Without Leade Prim lilinLrter Dietenb and Mr St Laurent were both in Vancouver attending the annual convention of the Canadian Bar Association Premier Frost asked prayers for the recovery of Mr Duplessls was shockcd to learn of tho sudden illness ofmy friend on Honorable Maurlcc Duplessls Mr Frostsald strains and pressures of public life take their toll of those who areottractod to and serve in that field of endeavor Know ingthls bur people will am sure hope and pray forthe re covery of this distinguished Ca nadinn who has always given his best to his country and province trust that he will be restode to good health for further service to his people WITHOUT LEADER The illness of Premier Duo plessis has left the Quebec gov cromnt without leader but hasnt parahrzcdlts functions Ministers noddeputy ministers can contiruie to administer the normal business of their depart ments under the powers already granted to them but they cant take on any new powers One awkward situation has arisen from thcillness howavr theirantlc show The pirates kept blasting off pistols and miniature cannon airmaizas CNE Joseph Mickler pirate cxecu five officer complained that the men handling the cannon were burning their hands due to lack of gloves which he traced to tho GNEmanagerheoL We spent $50000 in transport ation costumes and ammunition and we are littledisnppointcd at the arrangements made bytho CNE which only had to supply the boatsflhe said The CNE had to yrolmd up boats to send out to rescue pir ates stranded ahoard some of the vesselshutonoe ashoretho pir ates fell into formation were handed the keys to the city by Mayor NathanPhillips andacv cepted the surrender oftho CNE Ed Nelson the pirate king called for musicaid singing from thepirates and the spectaA tors Bands played and people cheered and theplrates com pleted their invasion witha pan which linedthe waterfront loved

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