At the may name nor hemp Albert Do Luna tenderly or Wm Onions deerhroiner or Wllllain md 01 Gait courlu saline at lno rennet now some norrte innerl mince LBW salt at pm interment norm len Cemeled Coming Events JOLLY FARMER mu ml or mum my SATURDAY Nlcnr pm am wrsraiN Music all 133 couNniv mu nmnns Admission loo DANClNO EVERY SATURDAY caliilrmcmo 5m BOND READ GOMAWNITY HALL purlon Orchestra Adndmon soc Spoumd py the Young People 0J1 me the Brit Comlnli Event or lslt New York in 913321251 lion in me Phone loan PA ml iox animation READ THROUGH THESE CLASlt SlFiED ADS SOMEWHERE IN THE FOLLOWING CLASSIFI OAilONS YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS MAY BE PUBLISH ED loot Travelx BEACH PARK AT BIG BAY POINT New park on me Simeon swim plenlu tent and trailer rim hui and such isn acres park mi phymund anemia barbecues enudlr liar per car Vln Hm way ii turn at Peinrwlclr Phone Skouflzdflu swim group Unionists Cleared Otiissault Charge SUDBURY CF Two mem bers of Local 598 of the Interna tionnl Union of Mine Mill and Smelter 1nd have been cleared by the unions our tinnal ollice of charges laid igainst them by the local execute re The charges previously was rejected by the local member ship and the local executive asked the national oflice to have thermatter reopened Dali culls Local 59o president said Wednesday the head ollice decision willibe referred tothe next executive meeting The executive had charged Weir Reid former recreation dir ector and Jnnies TesterFhlcnn bridge union committee chair msn with assault and conduct unbecoming union member at tel an alleged attack in May on Rey Polrier Local 598 financial secretary committee suggested Reid he suspended from the union for two years and Tester for six months Reid hus since forfeited mem bership in Mine Mill for taking legal action against executive members which lmder the union constitution is grounds for expul sion TOURIST MEETING WOODSTOCK CF Western Ontario municipalities which have accepted this city invita lion to meet here Sept 24in an eliort to inrrn Western Ontario tourist association include1on don Kitchener Waterloo Beach ville1lllsonbllrg an Brnnttord CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed lid vertlsements are insertedlat the rate of do per word per inner tlon for one and two times he per nerd for three tour or ï¬ve times and Zlkcfper word or more insertions 10 additional charged not paid within 10 days mleIMUM ADVERTISEMENT lS SnclF lCOST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED PAID Wllflnllo DAYS OR 83¢ IFCHABGED PER LE INSERTION Coinng Events 51 per word minimum charge $150 and eath Notices and Cards ofTbanks $150 for up words over 23 words per wordvextra in Munorlol No m0 merits mien We the lepnone nor 1dr erran in eop ulna notions alter the 11m low nyiu in and in da he obtained on may ROSE AL ETA 830m Tl TUTIN srnxxx CliOICE OFTWO aroowhrkk bunmmmflm mentoli health mil landncnped loll uledhluut IIIher of than home hu been exceptional ly well cared carrylnl charter Wm moitram rallipr with aluminum alarms Ind Dakar NEW STREET lithoo Three bedroom brink hun nlow lute lduhrn livingroom olece tiled hqth rare 4319 to both palm and high Ichools our rice or about moo per month in cludlnl intemt and principal and tau VLA PROPERTY at am on which in located tnm oedroom room house ml huemenl niece heth road well prullirl emu dollhla luau Located on hieth about one mile tron city limits Pun price nosed DUPLEX mm 1am ilorey hrlrlr duplex hmnz three hedroorn comment downsulrr nnd lour room Apart ment upflalrs need are cell can lined new ioroed air on heatlnl ryrtem nlea landscaped lot douhle lanln down payment ruqulred hlnoe on in one manure CALL DAY ON EVENiNa FAB2379 oer herrie anurlo Gian 175 National heal 3n 17 HAROLD 98 Bayï¬sld Street Barrio FA CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN STOREY BRICK HOME Llle room dininx room kitchen run ronm bedroom bathrooms lull divlded baronlent hot water on heatlnl Thin houaia in ex cellent condition cu an Priced reasonh Mam he and Can Karl Marsha PA cuss even lnn PA mil fan so ONLY $2500 DOWN WHY PAY MORE worn Iyou can buy one its more hrirk ome ior sumo nnut ror comiart large hediooma hath roomr natural nrepleoo in min roan nil onlr Lrlrn Elmawith gnyelgdrige lgflAny other extras El 011 W5 evenin PA Will no so EVENINGSCAIIA KARL MARSHALLPA BUD mamsnow 104 PEG MORE45 $7170 mom mnsmPA Hash Mean and Blame fnraii am nond llAlufl align PA 66481 Jul Iranian comer Lrnm 3°ng Open dailymin an to pm LAKE SHORE PROPERTY ills feet on north ride or hire hi5 Smeoe with lot or nice ahnde trees and cedar hedges oi nln cottage in lmmnoldaee con lion with attached sense Pressure iymm piece heth hot android running water completely mien ed with stow mg cheateraeld etc Also azuest cotton with uv log room kitchen and bedrooms Boat house with new in at boot and motor real buy it the asking price or $13500 with term Call Sinth Campbeli PA ml evening pA alien NHAv RESALE No salary requiremneld $12 full price Low down PIynient bedrooms 11th room dining room kitchen oil hum Close to echoolr eeunurieli cureon PA 804 evening PA Hula DOWNTOWNAREA room brick home very central Suitable tar lieuding house or could he dnplexed at Very limo cost New forced air all mace Mmrlce only $10500 Forir flier information cull Chortle fiend PASWl evening PAsflfl $2500 DOWN zlosoo tillprire room holue wo blocks lim downtown stair new rented at $75 per manta Large modern kitchen with pie tore wlndowr Por ruli details call nurse Carson PA ssislevcn mxn PA oslsi $7100 FULL ERICK Edge of sonic vny close to school bedrooms living room with rianenreplrce good size kit chen piece bath lot as it wide by 215 it deep Low run This in nwonderful buy for someone Presently carrier or sdooo per month including interest Ind prin elpul utter down payment Toddl rpeot this propony call Gerald lldiggry PA66481 aveninla PA mums mm Ritual crwn raa 9A semi rany anion red PA Him Gear Wfleht PeaPA MM SmithCImpheiLru PA 81833 charliede rel PA 02811 acroidhnnorr PA smx MEIXfllInlenrlfl Bellmtaoaxd Apia oenlnillooeuon on lero lot few leer iron new eonhdev pi ouch uni her two hadv Law mootbl irlni Ilene oilered 000 ONeDannPnasrnARm PHONE messes mm simian AND genomes sum commas erm HENRY ELRICK MICHIE jREALTQRS BAYFjELD STREET aw mayhem Ind piece Elihi payment PENETANG STREET hedroo hitch and Il mgfl on dining ltvlnxroom pm use Morle Rmocisasecwe BRADFoRDSTREET aeï¬lï¬cflfl with 00 5131 bllh all hum Julprio EVEREIT Dollhil homo wlthlplece WALNUT Null 00 month Ill price £10500 Down lemtm Mike 11 PHONE PA 85583 DURINGOFFICE HOURS 0R EVENINGS CALLx FRED MILESPA $5200 BOB FLEWELLINGPA 85883 HARRY MICHIFTPA 96551 HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE REALTORS is OWEN Si aAilRin Alu SLESSQR REALTOR 19 com srnnnr BARRIE PA 85934 lMlVlACULATE sronnlr AND HALF plucx noun only mile from town iimllliuli also billion and all he tins Very rollohlblu lufml Phonn Percy Ford PAINT Weight em SANFORD STREET$9000 inlmeoulrte older style 3bedroom hriclr home living diningroom me xltchen and summer porch Move rlllit In with low down ourdent oilnee lore rent il call mu scondrell PA mu cvenlnzl PA 84865 ACRES FRONllNGflNV NO 11 HIGHWAY ldeni huuding eiie or mark horde Alsoii scro very store to the City Emil properties are priced Kill and tummy Ire round lnveav menu Phone Chlrlu Byron PA HIE avaninn PA £3793 Gall doom our su Dey or loveline FRANK NELLES PA some nrrA SCANDan PA was GRAHAM DIXON PA was rnncy FORD PAiMlno CHARLES BYRON PA mos snnsson nnAhrOn OFFICE PA mu Member Barrie On¢rrlo Canadlan snail door heel mm hoard l1Alllfl $1500 DOWN $75m run much MOVINGl Dont axIll In Land you ONE MORTGAGE INSURANCE WEN 9mm and tr you need extra coveralls ol mm Jen ldnd ed Tsee STEVENSONS mm PA 86201 PRIVATE SALE 95 DUNLOP STJVI EAST END NHA RESALE year old hedrnnln hundrlow lacing lohnoon StSchooL clone Separate School APPLY 98 JOHNSON ST PA cam 17A5lt10 BARRIE 11111 PRIVATE SALE some mo BUSINESS MUST SELL SIX ROOM BUNGALOW Attached gauze walkinwall to wall nlothu cuphonrdr TV aerial curtains and many extras Cam lately landscaped Located near enon opt Rm AT 8135 MONTHLY For lilrthetdefltls write 17AOï¬ Lemon hedroom ineul hrirlr house with piece hath not weier hardwood floors larzc ii nodkitchen sun porch and reach ed garage Cement 18 ME FENTON HITERSON 0NT io unithi ior workshop On large lot ono mlle£rnm can Phone 3m Utterson after Borden For iniormeuon phone TIAM 87208 liter pm HAT olllllcnosswollo WN across Do mend ANYTIME oom oepmio vtngroom m1 Property For Sole NEwNHA HOMES fj VFORBALEEBATIMG emw DOWNPAWhomalt HOWEAGE onAin rmrunas comma mom CUSIDMJUILT CUPBOARDS gt arm DeccaAmn TO CHOICE eon on GAS anAr sonndnLAWNS OWTOALlosmools echelon OF mm Penn lid Builder PHONE mom on mow DAY on CUSTOM BUILT NEW BEDROUMERICK maanuucoww or am hardwood noon plma hall to vantty Haa to he noon rnlnutu drive mm or Barrie excellent location PHONE PA 84174 ilAuo NormanE Sisters Dun Sam PA 39961 or PA 601 EVENING CALL In tanninPA um Im Shelwell Ora all lor cordonPA m9 Nonnn stormedPA emu ilAidou HENDERSON ion man mm COTTAGE FOR RENT deroamhpt and cold water Diecubdlh Wilt Mat or $2500 Mr week Sept IIIA Oct Ono mill lrom Barrio all Shall BAY Road INCOME BONE it you have proximately tuna you can have an incomeflhoma hrinxlng in over mower month For lurlher perucuiara call tour oulce mos OALL Did HendersonPAth Geno MonroePA 52360 Cliii BrownPA E4543 ember or horn and humor end cheerlo lieu Erma noirou Ph PA 82678 implode Graydon KCDHLXN near LsrAirzeliom rillADVNLOP ST EAST PA 34251 LOOImIG FOR MILK CONTRACT in Am Dairy Porno nevv modern house Ferm bordering on high wey Lam horn all steel moles link cooler Beulth rolling nod Approx mum from Barrie iOIATO FARM 91 lcro Inn situated near Utopia Large hem nd implement shod Illfloodlcnnditlon room prior house water pressure mien iorv inz both hernend houre tron drlued wen with ample euooly oi water 0N EHGHWAYea so erre arm with crap stock and lmplemnnu Large hnrn Good room home with in house and horn avidile can GRAYDON KOHL muses JAYNE JDNF£ PA 5171 PquunAhsoN PA Mm ROBERT KING PA 557 i1A um LOT FOR SALE dz 250 It from Barrie on Highway Bus serve Phone PA 919 litter in 17A4d auNNmAhe Anna Greyl Erick hunglow hedrnonu livingroom with droolre dining area Jihsoo Phone PA 92551 lt 7A57 fa noon lgrlcnk Rzuuwfc If in migtni siso Aweigh phone HEi TIA57 bird 203 aziiuel 241112 11001119 co lien 25 ble 26ng11 any ndiie New Dennoodi some ruiihue mam coma lot stove trig in cluded in down possuiiun Cec Angue Ont ent Immediate and Tuhush ILA472 zoo ACRE 130me with hour ond andrstdenm Noni duck hunt ground ortsmena or Prl 000 Apply or or admissionminer ilAsd names Your homo where your hem but your chance to his nnodhonle HEW 8565ng em Iiifll llflfllllll ï¬lllginnlln lfllflll nlnnhn hallwa en PA 66850 conveniences glamorous 1511 New York Clli Olin PA 537 for hill information or how to spend lordrloue and moronr day ln New YorkClty ree viairon chose T0 Codrineton School in come home yenra old dis rooms and bath on main floor Complete ly seurcnntnincdvlpartment up mln Finished basement genie concreirdrlve Easy tornu erran PIA68 ijFPlObeifly FOr Sale Rent Lori FOR SALE ion by 104 It twch in PK ren Mil hon m2 Boohlwintdrlznd Cottazo It Alr cnna Bueh dr Bale nrrent Tiled throuflhmit floor mrnal Lnsldo Near sch lnll ed to Phone Strand alï¬ru 7CeMobile HOMES neiore yonr now idoh ii auerl on aye no It RussELLCHlJRpH MOBILE DOME RDXY Theatre Now Ihnwln EVENING llOMohne Homes tampon milr ood condi ilan Phone PA hull alter pm 1044 i7FFarms for Sale or Rent 50 Acnu on her It at oil inpoo some do nNo bulldlnll run In own amen mo her or some indoor ire NJ Apts Hayses For Rent NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW Adult Only Good conditluii Avaunhia sent PHONE PAJM alter pm illu DOWNTOWN APARTMENT room nomment and bath and Ital IOn nonlep so 36000 MONTHLY rlioNn PA 86652 ntit 1136 irllooli Apartment Prime hxth Call at in Sophie St West alter pm lued ROOM furnished lvlrtmenl cut end Good location on bun routs Phone PA M030 17157 Pullmanen Aprunent east end suit ulet younrcouple sell eongt trln PA cow illH Boom Apirgmelfl Centnlly located Apply ii warlay st or anyone PA uses all risen Apartment ior gentle man metathin included Private Moryst IlNaa E00 Apartment lei contulnudi uporete ltrance lmwer PA 05 Ill1 UNFURN BED roamed heal ed Irina loll contained PA and alt pm iNdo woman iolr ntnined furnished pnrtmenl immo ntn oouuerlon sen lmr pm illM ELF DNTAIN m3 apï¬ment our VI out did illca 1rd flo An sterllnl 17145 hrllrcl union SMALL Apartment Centrally located hum Corpnrlti EDD Annrtnaunt on St Anzur Unï¬lmlhnd ahle rent Phone PA 9479 1141 Pumst room up lent scgarnta bathroom oIlnd or $1 mynthly Apply Owen ii Noemi unfurnished nrtrn completely Sell neutrinos decorated Available 58M M128 illMn humanely Apartment or rooms and hath newly decorated modern Central loolion lass Adulh Pli lit+9 COMFOIQTABLE room home all heated Central Ve good condo tlpn mnpthb will loose PA dnso 11168 nosanr Demo 12 NeLron St West Ailirton Ticket denoted by one For Me 111713 ROOM hushed apartment kit chen Ind bed sitting room Blfll nesl couple greicnedcloeo to bus stop PA 84 45 1716 SELF CONTAINED room no furnished apartment Private hath md entrance heavy wiring laun dry tuhs PA Marl 11554 Apartmenl in epuate entrance hath Wuth rooluzlee Phone PA eases illca noowl uninrnuherl upnrlmenl with hath heated private entrance Aduitaoniy Phone YA Man or PA 68555 eveialnm 17154 nnicx Bungalow hodroonu tuli haaemonc hea douhle run ale $95 Lure vlllhblc now Phone PA $7472 17153 moDanN ronrned aeli cantillned nperhnent hated dye and trig sun lied Close to hue Phnna PA H1 11151 rooni MODEM unlllrnuhed npnrtlnnn with hath and iann roam Shloclu lrdln main stree up Avnunhle Supt FURNISHED Rhona wltb hairdo se untermtrnnm Down town PA 94 or is Mary st mu PLANNING vA Weeka Vrenuon ihla rain Whetrheroercplacn to end it than Now York ty Call ohn 710 ll no precinct IruilC ling and furniAhed room Ind kite ch ll Recliner i7J Apts Houses For Rent ROOM 30 ohm hloeha iron min not call or liter pm IllH llKApis Houses Wanted BEDROOM Apartment CHE viev inlty wanted for Ida Phone PA ems alter am pm irxu GARAGE tall rlcinlt oi Peel St Ind Sophia Exit hona PA um alter sillpm 144 YOUNG COUPLE Wlihl children require to bedroom house to sort id Phone PA silo in¢he avenlnl 17K oumr count will 10 Net hilly urnmled apartment or mail home SdpLflto Oct W111 Bull Home Ernmlner Bltl Automotive IACdrs fOr Sale FOR $2950 HAVE YOUR CAR COMPle mAiNm Body Worn and rapid nun HART GARAGE DUNLOPST MHWY iAmimrrhs HAROLDVJORY MOTORS multiple or srANnAnD Dnmu Repalrl 60 All mu 0311 and NAI Twin HBAHIHD 51 PA B4165 Viau Motors New nod Used Economical Cars RAiimwn and man DEALER i7 GOWAN Sinner PA 66488 OPEN mi PM lApILiti ON WlLL BE car go enroloh the win rfl would be any dull dependability or your lhen no this on Super on with onto lesion and all extras Ai condition mood on role lï¬ih morons Blackwith will red ind black This original only 2100 mil Winl FDWEI ill amour ma homunan lid We 3P5 ply nylonlwhltn never used as automniie turn or radio elr dul Ivar GM oeelel otor role carenrrleanow PAsoui iorvruu detallalol free nilism PunNislmn Upstairs nrlment dead to scorerAdult on hm ed newly decanted 1mm semen Apply Re phone PA dam SELFCONTAINED Apertmont ee oratocntrancr bedrooms kite en livlnzroom bathroom heavy duty stove Available now PA smo Allenaha Dan l7li1 LARGE molt Area now modern Armani equip ed wth Fri hill and My aundry rnouitim Janitor relvice Kitchch deper from anrllivlnx onm moo 171410 IAPAnmnNrr living room lith llnuli bedrooms1nd hath gflagef hegbedldcalmmrya 31 pe mon one October Avplynohtnron Hardl 17lol Klimthe edro our Ii N0 DOWN as nAWiZLD OPPOSITE an PA was 1931 MODEL Ford humor or pale BELAXINL FAiriow York mo Holder PA 537 i549 Newswougg hid lulu freof om anytim CK Bardtolh girgglrflu comic woerlhmor ion anor duo omeuent condiflofl 1m plintod 15 IAPPU 110ml or PA Wodllisidllo alter kn mu iiiom SEPTEMBER IT MM LAliromdtivo lCTrucks for sale MERCURY MSW lhll all dun Complete with W0 colu him on bod and holrt westerners anon He gas lGM === Boats and Motors OUTBOARD more no into on now John HP JOHNSON several out new conditio 66$ Business Services ASPHALT PAVING Driver Purine intom WE PA 68967 gt Sllllmll OBERTS GAS AND APPLiANcEs Dmriulwro or morn GAB stovu wneraeaoen TELEPHONE PA um 29 Pmahlll SM REPAIRS wAsnEns AND DBYERS REPAnl ERVIGE Gurmteéd amicn CREST dARDWARn PAazsse l0 DUNLUP ST EAST simr PAINTING DECORATING and PAPER HANGING Worr one BRITNELL land Witle flnDunlnp Street West Free Mumatu Phone PAS8737 or PA 37920 smu ran cusrou color noon3 lunflonl Hill PHONE e21 onocouhncr SM gt BAYCITY UPHQLSTERING REPAIR SERVICE Armand AND MODERN Now in the um to recover eherrerdcld chair ole Bountiful ohm ch 5110 Hunt More than yeara experience moon PA 57433 BARRIE Low overhead permit data on you hotter deei gt clear Dnik Ree Duckworth Bug or tardroid st gm SODDXNG SEEDING BARRIE MNDSCAPING AND GARDEN SUPPLY CREATOESOF iliNrsiNn son cu AND DELIVERED manl mm mm FAB9816 LOAM amr PLASTERING roirvtrdcr STUCCO QUICKBRICKO STONE tree Emulate worm nonrantrod PHONE mall mid comm airsti EliecturicMOthi 19 does so Barrie PHONE eA noonr ELECTRIC MOTOR PICKUPJ mm OI SERVICE lo New Motor ode Rewinding an Mulla HAROLD HART so OWENSI APILPA om chwwtn