Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Sep 1959, p. 4

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USCdnddai Cuts stunnerMenace For several years the future linthe Great Lakes has been theatened by the lanipreyyFlshermenkneiw ma deal about the lamprey but for theLun initiated it may be said it is ectopped with mouth in theiormota wokenlined withatrong teeth and cutting plates Lampreys attach themselves to other fishesin the case of the Great lakes particularly to troutand suck their blood so the victims die The menace became so great that joint anodeUnited States program was commenced to rid the Great Lakes of the lampreya Now there is good news in report of the Great Lakes Fisheries Commissionthe lnternatlonalagency set gt up to carry out the program which re cords considerable success with chem icalintroduced into the lampreys spawn ing streams to kill their larvae The report contains intonation that the chemical used by the US Fish and Wild Lllekservlcescauaed drop at 50 pervcent in the lamprey catch in six streamsneared last year Similar results were obtained in tests by Canadas Fish eries Research Board Other streams gt which feed into the Great Lakes are now being treated and irisexpected that by next year all the spawning streamawiil be under control The success of the experimentmeans much to the future ofthe fishing indus tryon Canadas inland seas The first to suffer were those operating on Lake Ont arlo but later the lampreys found their way into Lake Erie seriously effecting commercial fishing The prediction now is that within 10 to 20 years the lamprey will he eradicated This is one more indication of what can be accomplished by scientificresearch and control The good results so for are tribute to ctroperation between Can ada and the United states NA Situation To Watch Amarketing change of importance took place the other day when Argentina re turned to the free market in wheat About year ago the market for course grains was instituted there and preaum ably has worked so well that futures trading in wheat is now to be given chance Naturally the new marketsm once will be limited in scope until there Opinions NEWFOUNDLANDS VJ DAY Corner Brook Western Star August 15 is Day holiday kept in New foundland and nowhere else are far as we know to mark the Allied victory over Japan and the end of the Second World War in 1960 this par ticular holiday will no longer be observed VJ Dayisone of the bolldayswhlch will be eliminated in the new schedule of public holidays recently adopted by the House of Assembly SIR BAX AND 1115 AME Toronto Telegram Reports from the gineandtonic set in the clubs Zof Boudoir and the home of Englands county gentry have long been specialtyof Six Bever iey Baxter is colonialborn Englishman who has outlived his humble origins as piano salesman in Toronto Sir Bax has now laid his little axe somewhat dulled by the lapse of time at the roots of the legend of Boy Thomson of Toronto and Edinburghwho recently Kemsley newspaper chain Mr Thomson has become the Commonwealths leading newspaper publisher His spectacular an rival at tbetop level of the British press is pro videutial In an age of intenseicornmercial competition the British press has suffered severe casualties and needs the ionic of fin ancial and economic reorganization in which Mr Thomson is proven genius But Sir Bar in sclesns Magazine sniffs that Mr Thomson is an untutoreii Canadian without wealth or fam ily background and moreover has no knowl redg of politics no power of selfexpression dud valrnost no knowledge of Mndon and theEng fish The assertion that Mr Thomson is without wealth will cplhe as surprise to his bankers sanctum 1959 Babe Seibert was drowned in Lake Huron while ona visit to his boyhood home litZurich HuronPerth district Wasagaiiiarbor Ona of the most important cl Velopments at that resort district Was the let tmgoiacontractlfor channel breakwater and dock at the mouth of the river at New wesaga Beach near the north end This was completed andhas been in use making it possible for stmmers and other craft to reachthe open lake Gudfoyletlus October lhe Examiner states of ficraHyTbe1young lady is Raleigh product winch will likely maliebf Gilly afirst class Am can cltiz 31131an increase in the 89 whose idea of PdeSEd 19 big Kingdom in due course thing to wear is backlog of transactions Furthennore instabilityof exchange rates in Argen tina will prove handicap If the mar ket proves success under these handi caps it might well advance the causeot free markets everywhere The farm community it may be sure will watch the situation withuinterest Certainly they are not too happy with present arrangements in Canada or Other Newspapers and to Lord Kémsiey 1who has just sold his newspapers at figure that even Sir Bar can scarcely credit He once sold radius in northern Ontario but not pianos lie will probably make his way among the saints and snob of English journalism and politics as he has in Canada the United States and Scotland But when Sir Bax sneers at Roy Thomsons qualities as publisher and forecasts dire conse nuences to the British press particularly lathe greaLSunday Times of which he has become owner the gossip of Mayfair is all wet Unlike Lord Kernsley Mr Thomson does not dictate uniform editorial policy for his papersllie dis dains the hypocrisy of arbitrary ioInnsllsllc power He behaves that newspaper likaany industry should make money for its owners and that it should publish news as fully and accurate ly as possible good many Canadian commun ities have better andsounder newspapers today as aresull of his ownership And the same thing will without doubt be said of the United BABS films nnnss St Thomas Timesdournal Barbara Hutton she ol the Woolworth millions attended fashion show of the House of Lsnvln Castillo in Paris few days ago The Lanvin Castillo dresses some of the stars of tbeeuter tainment world to whom money is no0bject After the show was over Barbara bought 150 of the 171 creations the billfor which camevto over 3200000 lnspite of that we can still imagine Barbara opening the door of ber wardrobe running her fingers along the rack when she has beeninvlted to posh party and saying really havent got Néwi oi Ionner Years lluntsville had amost unusual ball game be tweenthe teams of that year and 15 years prev iously It was discovered that by coincidence the full learn of that year and those of the 1930 learn were all present in town and the match was held arousing much interest number of the players had come from the south oilvacation This was also the first time in 15 yes they all had been in the home town at one tim This year Barrie offered fair with all the warmth and color of former events but will an added touch of mod sm wb proved co Elusiver that the fair ispyliving progressive display of mans achievements BarrieFair kept shlp fo Jimmie Allen Cadetswitb freetralnlng flight in ground school ainer also merrygoi nd harder ferris VWheelfl and new MM II 17111119114 WW This claim king is dead land live tbeklnl will occirrnext month when the name nftbe maLBrltieh chain of Kermiay newspaper will be changed to Thomson Newspapers Limited The cation of Kerruler newr papers in Great Britain wasn dramatic achievement by burn blyborn Weih genluafwlatze came gres newspaper wielding imrilense influence in the life 51 hlscouniry The build ing up of Thomson newspapers inCnsdain the United States iniScotlsnd and new in England is iha terrific success storyof an ordinary Canadian who has played solobend everyiiich of way Roy Thomsons achieve mnnt not merely exemplifies the crumbs mo snarl ammo ro scubolp New Synthetic Fibre IMdy Mdke Better Car Tires MONTREAL CF pnrailvely new synthetic fibre ierylene may be used to de velop better automobile tires new inexpensive process of bonding the polyester fibre to rubber llaabeen developed after five years researchbttbe can tral research laboratory of Cona diau industries Limited invnesrby McMrsterville lu tbebonding process strength giving cards are sealed to the rubber of tires At present rayon and nylon are commonly used in the cords but Clix spokesman isaid the new fibre may be super or mi crN ceonce warms our of the company division which manufactures the fibre from ethylene glycol ahdtere phethaiic acid said previously developed process of bonding the fibre to rubber are more expen sive and lessefficicnt than the newlydiscovered method Used the fibre now may become econ omically for the gun in dustry he said DETAILS SECRET Details at the new process are being kept secret pending patents but intensive iesirng is being car ried outby large United States Looks Forward LONDON Canadas new Governor General designate MayorGeneral George Van ler is looking forward to the opportunities which will be his of visiting and meeting people in all parts of Canada during his term of office He told me this in the course ofsn inter view at the Hotel Rembrandt where he has been staying in lrondon for theth few days Our interviewfollowerl closely his visit to Buckingham Palace where he was received in aud leuca by Herr Majesty the and in accordance with sed bandsin re cognition of the bigb honor which he been conferredou During his longeareer of ser viceato hlscountry in war and peace General Vonier conlessed hebad spent over 25 years out side of Canad course been to theAlJentic and Pacific coasts of Canada he said but 1bav never been and have not trav ed to lam looking orwatd of the country nachos nxrcnrrrucns General Vaniars comments on hie associations wlthnthe French mg with hot water most of them bee rdboiled Who era rnan ma es husband depends main upon 1the menod who takes the job of ma ng him usly ntw pee ions through World war set the have of me that General was one of the most successful and high lyregarded ambaaeadors who had ever served Canada in country N0 COMMENIS General Vnnler declined to make any comments on his ap polnhnéoi olher than to em press his satisfaction it would not be proper for me to make any comment he said when asked as to his views on the implications of French Canadian succeeding an Engl listsCanadian would much pref stand by the state winch as madeby Prime Minister enbaker and let it so at that When him at hlshotcl General Vanierwss in thevmidst of his preparations to leave in few hours time fob France Wort WouldLike Forget the times Features were training rny humans an all parts si no more equally vocal group which so Promo 85 crusarl against regline that was rapi ins to uulsrn Stiles manufncturens mrrnpnrmcf no NEWS com Moriarty general man tirernanufacturei Firestone Tire and Rubber Company whichhas driveniires containing the fibre more than 1000000 miles The US firm bought the fibre cord from 011 to manufacture the ex perimental tires The fibre was discovered in Britain shortly before the Second World War but put to use only in postwar years similar fibre dacron is used in the united To date the fibre has been used mainly in the clothing industry which has produced an array of polyester textiles for dresses shirts and suits Morcr recently the fibre has been adapted for use in mechanilt cal rubber goods industries for firehoses conveyor bandsand automobile fan belts But the high cost of ihehonding process has held back production LITTLE STRENEING Mr Morlerlty said the fibres advantages in mechanical rubber goods are thatlt alretcbm very little is exceedingly strong and has high resistance to deteriora tion by oils and acl The new bondingupmces may be boon to the mechan ber industryss well as to the sold The process was proven sue cessiui in tests made by GE and Canadian rubber companies the bond was so strong that in many rub tire testsiherubber gave way befgre lbeIbond broke On big outage of tires made fromihe newflbre is the elimination of flat spotting in certain tireai made with other fibres flat spots formed onvtbb treads alter car stood dl some time Mr Moriarity snid six months of ard researcb work will neede beforethg new process can prove itself to the tire industry ibul we have reason to believe theyilbrerwill be success moved to the hands of the flam munist Hitler and VM sollni troopsaud weapons Whenxlr won crvns VIEWPOINT About London you strength of aiboo he role in 1941 in which the po ers ba talk fhlllES over opportunity open to hard work and ambition in North America it also shows the 61d Country that the oppbrfunltymhlcb it envles in tlle New World also exists in its own backyard MILLIONS OF READERS It was about 15 years ago when lloy Thomson the rolypoly sales man from Northern Ontario be gun to peer through his weak eyes into the rarlfled heights of my national success and international recognition it hesnot been until his 605 that by pulling himself up by his own bootstraps from beginningbf less than average opportunity in Toronto he has emerged asthisuupreccdedfed success bestnding the Atlantic As Boy Thomson centered dually post Canedas previous greatest journalistic figure 0n tarlo born Lord Beaverbrook the Ve generousiy come menled onhls rivals 65th birth day that his vitality and success confirm the mldle aged mans hopes that lifes latest sands are its sands of gold While Mr Thomsrms new paper are read in homes from Prince Edward island to Van couver Island and fromVlrginla to Floridaln Britain be now has readership of over 8000000 each weekday and nearly doublc that nnSundays This one might By McINTYRE of London England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON irime Minister Macmillan has bad the way cleared for the calling Th generalelection with the strong est possiblel hopes for success That is the immediatereaclion within the ranks of theConserv ative party to fire announcement of the exchange ofvlsitsbetween President Eisenhower and Pr mier Krusbcbev Tb time element in the ex change of between the heads olztbe nltedStates and thesoviet 11 rules out any Possibilitysnf summit confer ence during the present year CHANGED Arrrrunes There is tendency rnihls country todate fhe change in the attitudes of the four great Minister Macmillan de pays visit to Russia to with Mr Kim hche ove so alarmed Brita allies France many und the United Statesihat Macmillan had to visit the he of these countries to calm their fears that this was an act of betrayalNow five months later there is recognition of the fact that from his vlsit to Mos T07EDITOB MRS meridian cantor Wayfglear IToVCellV Fall Eledion In Great Britain to the time when Audio sounds like ibcnewbosl ofwhatwilieoea becsiled the lbomsonNewi papers in Britain recen sent out his first orderlo his Alsiltimss serve and represent the best hterests of your corn munlty if that communitylln terests conflictl with my own servslhunond not mel can look after mer Thai is an order which every newspaper editorwould like to receive it deservesto be framed and hung in every Thomson of ce Yet the unbelievable thing is that Roy certainly means that As freelance jour nalist have been writing this daily column for his Canadian newspapers for over seven years Many people may find it hard to believe that in all that time have never had any ordebor re quest from him directly or In directly in any way ruggestlng that should wrin this or should not write bus on any topic in the realm of public affairs Even at the meghen he was himself standing as candidale at gen eral election he never lifted fingerlo interfere withthe corn plele an of expresilon which have always enjoyed Nor has he at any time interfered with the freedom of his editors to use tireir own discretion wbeiher to publish or to discard any col umn written by me or any other piece offered to their newspapers it is by this editorial freedom that Roy Thomsons newspapers in Canada in the States and now in Britain are setting desirable new pattern As ionner Kem sleyv writer recall contrast the charge by British cabinet minister that editorials were writ ten to the chairmans order in the head office tozbe used by the various newspapers making up what that ministercalled The Kernsley gramophonel Whether or not that charge was true slu cere praise is due to Roy Thom lson for restoring to modern news Paper editors the desirable post tion of vigorous independence cow hasvproduced the changed attitudes and tile laseningoi severe international to which pr alied prior iiithat visit The Geneva coherence of foreign ministers grew outof it and while that meeting has not achieved the success hoped for it has ratleast been meeting ofimindsfrom which has grown removal of the fear also im medlatednternalional in over Berlin The visitof Mr Mikoya to thevUnitedfitates Vice Eresid LNixon to Russia fol lowed as logic sieps towards greater undersian that theoredlt for tb changed des is due en to the initiativevandjeaders of Prime Minister Macmillan Had it notbeen for his visit to Mos cow there would have been no Geneva Conference and no vrs its of Premier Khrushcher to the United States orof Presldeut Eisenhower to Russia in sun ed the ball rolling they claim and they are pretty sure that tbe electlo campaign syr do not mince words in talk ing about it ll that busha pened in the ayof relaxation of tensions lnthe last five months theysssert that asztlle that mighty good elec ticnsolgan far as internationf alvaffairs are concerned CALGARY or postolfice atnearby Car hasbecn in operation thsn sbryearapbul on it inaugural daily vice Previously the 250 form and Caroline residents picked their own mail three st

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