70153995 sun has caught anything like $2000 Apart irom the color of the her ries the albinoplants gro look the same as ordinary aw berrie porter who visitedMr Ways gar lilcultnral Experiméntal By HAROLD MORRISON tall Writer WASHINGN new deï¬ciency payment plan or the eye of the United Stairs agriculture depart ment and olilelsls Frankly we dont like lt Thoy tear the plan in diect will meansubsidized exports oi Canadian cage with the 115 my one market tuch they Huntznt incestuous rosy ro cumin INA dull on egg mm emu us hethoritles in in meat with Canadian ofli sis at Ottawa withinniewvanhnlnuekcllr iliratiou oi theoansdian plan The USgovexnmeni supports msnyotlts ownloodexportsbut one egriwiune deparunent oili lsin dont send CANCERVICTIMS ironuuu am SCOTLAND mar as Hoax PiiiSBURGH AP re port that Pittsburgh cancer victim had inherited $2000000 mm rich uncle in Scotland may be hoax hire iollo Nacnrnlli to who says she has only one year to live said Monday she had re ceived notice telling her she was tho heiress the what es tatn oi John Lennon oi Aben dean senrch oi Scotland has lo cated no John Lenntm no one has died there recently leaving 006 to an American and no inrmor me rineengincor by tho nemeot Lennon who helped design the Queen Mary and Queen Eliza beth ocean liners usJoh Lennon was supposed to has done Nsccarelll was listed to fly toscotland to claim her heritage but the lrliinpears highly doubtiai now Her bluhand cement con tractor seldtodny the estate imay hetwo million it may be two hundred dollars dont know Neither of theNoccnrellis was exactly sure whore the $2000 000 ilguro from Mrs Nuo carqili said he thought this relt called thiitnNew Yorklnwyer telephoned won the news Mrai rnuecsrsui said today she was not sure when she would lnavé or Scotland im ieeling sick itsll depend octar advises Tot Dies In Nild iii Cases In Montreal 300 Polio Toll ST JOHNS Nfld CP All lammthsold boy irom Brigus died in an iron lung in hospital Monday night bringing Now ioundlands 1055 polio death toll to six No nawcases havebesn re ported since Sunday when the total stood at 00 Fourteen cases are being treated in iron lungs InMonireel is new cases of llo were admitted to Montreal Ellspitols during the weekend bringing the total number of polio cases so isr this yenr to 554 one newrdoath was reported raising the poilodeath toil to 30 city Health Director Dr Ado lard Groulx saidvlho weekend poiio figures show that the citys current polio epidemic continues to improve in Victoria asyear old mother died ofpolio during the weckend the second such death this year in British Columbia tier sister was the iirst victim Mr tVerne Erickson of Duns can died after 15 daysln an iron lung Although she and her husband did not receive Salk Whitey Strawberry Is hop on Island LlllLE CURRENT Ont CF Cap Way of this Manitou lin Islandtown says hes prob ably the only man in Ont it not Canada who grows it com plete crop of white strawberries ay had some plnnts beer the white berries sent to him year ago from Port Stan lay on Lake Erie They had been found growing Wild near an bat doned farm The original 12 strawberry plants have now spread out to cover plot to lost by 10 feet and The white flesh of the berries however has analtogether dif ferent flavor according to re They tasted likerosss he that the reporter had ever eaten roses Eutvthg berries tastedas he thinks as would tasteraromatic snrl av lull The Ontario Government iior only hite strawberries but whi blackberries and white darn mm on run or can rooming so naive antipolio shots their tour child ren did Her sister MrsMar guerite Gibbs died in hospital week ago She is understood to have hadn complete series oi anti polio shots in the United States 1fhure have been seven cases of polio reported in British ol umhla this year Prince To Virgil Ghana In Nov ACCRA Ghana Rautarah Prince Philipbss accepted an in vitation to visit Ghana in Novem ber Prime Minister Kwarna Nitrumsh announcedin broad cast here tonight The Que had planned to visit Ghana in ember but her visit was postponed when it was an neunce she was expecting child ah was one oi the first people to know several weeks beiore the announcement WhiloNkrumah was in Britain recently he went to Baimoral to stay withtha Queen It was sug gested then that the prince should go in her stead an an an clsion MONSARRAT SUES AUTHOR MELBOURNE AP Author Nicholas Monsarrat Australian writer infringing the copyright of rhis bestselling nov Tb Monsarrht wh Ottawa else is suing three Au trslianjiirms or printing issu mg and distrihutingthe hook alarm EEosts by MaoD nv nail Whichha alleges antenna passages from The vCru Mm toad inloeotnibles that dont Went ltWe dont mind mi and open mipetition degu ln theiimwwt subsidized produo tionissdfliereotmntter eraseson The Canadian agriculture doe ontmeni announced iast week that the deï¬ciency Payment plan will stdrtOctl insteadoi the government blur in surplus eggs at fixed sup port price as it does now term are which all their own mar hotins settles whatsrice they can ii the national averageprior receivedme losses to form on the government will mnke up the diiieredco The deficiency payment will be limited to woo dozoneggs or anyone lproducor during 12 month period The Canadian so ministration npporentiy this limitation may restrain pro duction but us oiiicinls argue their experience indicates the plan may lead to widespread growth in the numberoi smpll ï¬roduoors and increased produc on Egg trade hotwron the two countries is coniined mninly to border points General Canadian prices have tended iobe higher than those inlho Eanadian Gas Logical Fo NY WASHWGTON iAPiheSt Lawrence Gas Company said Tuesday the importing oi natural gas irom Canada is the only logical andrieaslblo way to serve the 0gdonxburgliinssenn area in northern New York State Domestic gas the Ogdensburg iirm said would he noithpr coo nomicnl norsprudent use oi as tural resources The idnim was made by Le ard Garment counsel for St Lawrence stths opening of EederalPower Commission hear ing into the iirms application to import natural gas to serve 17 municipalities and towns in St Lawrence County NY NeWYorlr State Natural in Corporation seeks to serve the same area Also opposing St Lawrence is the ljennessen Gas Transmission Company Similar hearings before the New York Public Servicec mission endod April The ate agency is holding up its decision pendingJiPC action Garment said wLawrencevn subsidiary oi consumers Gns Company at ioronto proposes to hook into the TransCanada Pipe line System near Cornwall it would hulld78 miles of distr tion lines at costsi $6 000000 lllGLESQ rsvmc PKRKING LOT SPECIALISTS All Work Guaranteed mar Earninns rainsass eommursnumg FURTHER REDUCTIONS Hnvs BEEN ï¬MADE rap gaQUICchLsArANcs 0t on HIGH annnsgjrcrLornimo when the door opens tomorrow morning you gt MENS MENS suns SPORT5 Tailored irom sli wool man mm Reg 6933 Tailoredirom wool maT ials Now 94 rows Bog3995 Now 48 32 19 Meals While IDREss SHIRTS 30sz rkousrrs iieg 505 hi Price nowonly Harrieri raw space does not permit us to menu Algoodlseleotionstill sv aiiahle made we well known manlntseturer Off This saie soufurs 58 Bo Folks it will pay you to comeior hundreds oibmlles tosliare these wonderful bargains or lifetime4 allot TROUSERS NW is the advantagsoi will harm inata shortly you nsnt afford to miss them Buy nowand the hundreds or bargains tlrnototoko tliosa bid dis connan rROILER Now away below cost Reg D95 to 1096 nowonw