Published by Canadian amongs Ltd ie sayneiwsmr Bards Onihrio PAGE sous Press Union Proirides MONDAY AUGUST Aid To COmrrloï¬Wealthf The COmmonwcalth Press union which represents nearly 800 newspapers news agencies and periodicals in all parts oi the Commonwealth and Colonies is now 50 years old ilhe CPU is entirely unofficial and voluntary it is based on the democran and ethical principles thatthe Com monwealth stands for anddeals in workmaner way with current matters in its particular competence Its founder Yorkshlremnn Sir Harry Britain now 85 years age who opened this years anniversary conference is still very ac tive in the Unions affairs and deserves to rank high among the architects of the presentday Commonwealth He conceived the ides 1111907 while on visit to Canada with the aim of bring ing the peoples of Britain the Domin ions and Colonies closer together and spreading mutual knowledge and under standing Among his most enthusiastlc and generous supporters was Lord North cllfle The first conference of what was un til 1946 called the Empire Press Union was held in June 1009 Ninety newspaper proprietors and editors gathered in Iron doli discussed wide range of topics of common interest especially communica tions were received by King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra and then toured the country where they were universally feted Annual conferences were organlzed followed by more ambitious quinquennial comerences held in rotation in the Com monwealth capitals And London The next of thesela to take place in 1961 our ï¬rmness ammun Financial armies Testifying beiorc the Senate finance commit tee JamesE Coyoegovernor of the Bank of Canada stated thatwages had gone up more than prices He suggested however that the ar ginneat would be endless between those who said that higher wages csuse higher prices and those who said that the demand for higher wages is provoked by higher prices in short what came ï¬rst the chicken or the egg bofir wamro srsvolv rann Ottawa Citizen How Vere you gonna keep them down on the arm after theyve seen Peres asked highly popular song just after the end at World War Nowadays there are other influences on the rural scene besides that exercised by the capital of France Some of these applying speciï¬cally to Canada are dealt with by sociologist of the fedelrlal Department of Agriculture Dr Helen Abe Dr Abel ï¬nds that the drift from the farm applies to women as well as men and that to large extent it can be traced to the impact of modern schooling Girls and boys she suggesLs are IECElVlllgra better education than formerly or at least more of them siebelng exposed to educationand so are able to qualify for city jobs The city appeals to them and so if they can they stay there permanently One result according to this sociologist is to make the hired girl on the farm practically extinct even more so perhaps than tbehired man This means that greater ioad falls on the farmers wife daughters and suns Yet farmfamilies manage somehow to carry on Noi only that but they are producing more for Aucosrzocim No action was taken this year by Barrie hoard of Education when they met in special meete ingyegsrding KingGeorge School in the east end Closing this school was shelved for another year when deputation of residentsin that area protested Vthecloslnggt as hardship for small children Alterthe dep titre of the deputation the Board discussed the matter and decided to replace them sash and repair the furnace also dosome minorrepairv workand keep the school open More flovver shows indicateditbatlflower lov crs had not lost interest Innisfil Horticultural Socieiyohow was held at Churchill with total of 21 exhibitors abd 200entriao and nearly all classes iilled Mrs Sloan Churchill won the Edna gtBcelbyr hip for the second time for highesti number of Mrs Hoover won first aosmsimiin mumps Manage looser SuburlpliuirsrsgauiyV cured 6301 ear dnth0ntaid Clutter 44 strst Mont dunrm In IxoiuHVlv ubiiootl all news is to orThv of lows offline Years Miss Jean Wice took the prizslor sliced only for with tomurder til Intlla and Pakistan with nesting in th Delhi and Karachi snmm Perhaps the crow outstanding single achievement has been the part it played in thevintroduction byCsblc and Wire less Ltd in 1941 of the special pennya ward rate for Press cables within the Commonwealth Even then this was very considerable reduction in the nor mal cable charges and was potent in ducement to editors to increase their coverage of Commonwealth affairs Onpa far higher level of importance however is the work of the CPU as zeal ous watchdog and champion of the free dom of the Press This is the special re sponsibility of one of the five standing committees in London the Freedom of the Press committee the members of which are newspapermcnfrom Britain Pakistan lndia South Africa Australia and West Africa Any infringements in any part of the Commonwealth such as censorship suppression of newspapers arrest or expulsion of Journalists are re ported tothis committee On number of occasions during the past 12 months the committee itself or the president of the CPU Lord Astor of Hover has made representations often very strong ones to the government or the head of the state concerned in most casw with sat isfactory results Through its encouragement of the dis semination of news of mutual interest the Commonwealth Press Union has been potent force in maintaining the unity of the Commonwealth and Emplreï¬flhc annual conferences are outstanding op portunities tor leading newspapermen to appreciate and understand varying view points in dilierent countries 0pinions of Other Newspapers on expanding population Mechanizsdon in the field and improved appliances in the homamay help explain this fact Just the same the situation is not too reassur ing Fewer and fewer Canadians evidently want to live iii the country more and more of them want to live in cities projection of this trend gives some ground for uneasiness wnvracaur ro ammo Cape Breton Post purist took issue with British use of fmesningless pieposidons in the American manner In letter to the oniyreiesravhum pmcisa gentleman complained about news itan head ed Facing Up To The Heat The use of the preposition in tllisinsiance however did have meaningthat people were not allowing the heat to put them down al though it is conceded that encourages ing posl The let in the London newspaper complain ed that since World War ll British newspapers have been shattered with meaninglas preposit ions The result is murder for an English child learning im own language this writer declared Murder of the language yes but what aboui the use of pronoun Toreferto child as it as did the letter in the Daily Telegraph was not precisely nice The points made by thepurist were however inthe interest accuracy and worth our at tention lle declared One doesnot meet up with ones girl friendp one meets her One does notsit in on com mittee one sits on it you does not test out car one tests it Nor does one try out horse or recipe one tries them for specimen spikes ofygladioli with Pic bloom while Mrs Alvin Webbiook the prize or best gladioli of the show Tip Top best dahlia in the show with BallgoesvSurpnseuRev Earner of Churchill the Ribbonofvthe Onlar Horticul turalSocietyiol the most outstanding exhibit it the show In the evening with good attendance HJ Moore ofIslington who judgadlthe flowers lclnélgratulatcd the society upon the excellent eti its Matthews Ross Block had hug white puff ballto inches in circumferedcé ches in diameter and 11 inches high andweighing 10 pounds It was found on tho farmof Miss Ellen Matthews one mile east of Siayn It was grow ing against fence and had grown so quickly that there were large cracks in the top When and fried the pulf4bail mod is ect ahie dish and plxihiestrds who caught dead pinyin uslc Why resurrect an fo tune groom When together than lute doesnt do this anywho If it were poSsible an entirely objecth view or the Berlin situation he ul probelily conclud thatfeach sid will to give an inc liost NEST AT THE iUSPtdpéganila remix NICE arson mu W1 attributed to the urn creators But now tbcAmericm are lol lowlng that Russlao pathin this case trying to lireeth for them reasoning whl selvos neat lcco of scientific iook him here in Ottawa 17 years ago and which one day may baaworld wide blessing It has just Washington that navaldem list has invented otb gl which it is believed the repair of decayed teeth or the improvement at fapity teeth This glue is made up at mater ials which form human bone in ciuding calcium pbowborns and cogea Captain Thomas Conty said in Washington that experiments have been made on dog which still carries tooth glued in with this tooth glue about year ago No studies have yet bean made on man he added TEN YEARS AGO In August 1049 exactly 10 years ago spoke to governv plciuc Ne ivionéy To Dotef From Provincial Govt at our GARNER Examiner Stall Reporter Some day somebody on coun cil is going to climb to his feet and ask bluntly Whv is tha Ou iario government breaking its promise to look alter Barrie When harrle gained city stat us and withdrew from the coun ty organization it lost good deal of money which would have come to it by way of subsidies on roads simply because cities rank for lower subsidy than do towns The county also lost out on road subsidies Andno less person than Premier Leslie Frost hiirlself is said to have promised neither would loseas resultoi the separati Snre enougb list March SuncoeCounty received word the Department of High ways would shell out better than $90000 as eat for development roed Those in the know say the department did this on the direct orders of Premier Frost NOTHING TO DATE Barrles share of the booty should have been $35000 Months ago city aldermen were gleefully ru ing their hands and allocating the money to nightly session and on power among them to influence choice in provincial election of three Conservative candi dates in sals ridingsi Could it be that three Conservative mem bers oi the Legislative Assem bly including the Speaker have enough collective influence to give the county whatit wants Or is there some other reason why Premier Frosts govern ment should as it appears break its word Tonight the city luthers of Barrio gather for their forts the agenda is reportby the city status commitIcEE which is negotiating this settlement it chairman tester Cooke is unable to report further pro gress which has been the sad state of alfairs for weeks now maybe somebody will at least deliver blast at the govern ment and give the reporters pencils some scribbling to do prim YONG Last time council was little careless with resolution which cost taxpayers $63000 Wc re member the story of how ward six resolution calling for multipurpflse room to go up at King Edward School ended various projects But to datecgpin game of metaphorical no money has been forthcoming and ibis getting late in the year now for such payments Various government depart ments are suggesting Barrie is not losing anyway so the city doesnt need the money But all willvrememher the hard struggle the city hadfto bal ance its 1059 nuuget even sell ing off police cars to help out Yet county council is putting up $300000 building and pay ing cosh Who needs the money or who has the influence Could it be that the 50odd mem bers of county council have the QUEENS PARK ea ing pong between council and the public schodl board with trying to put the respon sib yior construction on the other To save face they mutually agreed the building wasoecesv sary and construction started Bylaw to provide the money comes before council tonight However there basbeen an other instance ofcarclessness few weeks ago the ï¬nance committee brought in resolu tion recommending council to petition the minister of plan ning and development to call ted actually within the an inaugural meeting of the proposed Nottawassga Valley Conservation Authority Stated chairman Alderman Arthur Morrow It is elm ly queslt tion of whether or at we are good neighbors And council gaily adopted the report Now they want to find out whether being good neighbors will cost anything Let us en lighten thorn Costs of the authority will be shared between the provincial government and the member municipalities thelatter on per capita basis So Barrio will payno less than 20 per cent of the municipalities share as that is roughly the propor tion of the citys population with in the area proposed HIGH PRICE In fact Barrie will pay one dollar of every 10 the authority spends in total On budget of $29000 which is certainly the minimumthe authority will op erate on that amounts to $2000 high price forbeingla good neighbor We could have lot of sidewalkfor that An lpteresting legal point comes up The waters of most of Barrie flow not into the Nottawasage but into Kempen felt Bay Despiteitsmame the proposed authority will cover morelhan one watershed If Barrie decides not tilgt30 elong with the proposal can we withdraw as far asthe Kempen felt Bay watershed is concern edl or can the townships force usrlnto the authority anyway by majority vote as could be done with municipalities local water shed Ourgood aldermen willbave their opportunity tonight when representative of the depart ment of plum and develop ment will be in council cham ber to answer questions And they should also check city solicitor Rowe to determ his the citys actual responsib VETwolBodies ay nbNonEARNJ sheen Correspondent so The Barrie Examiner TORONTO Conflict between the OntarioWaterl itesources the Municipal Board Commission and the Ontario Municipal Board still is holdlng back pollution control The conflict isnt an antagon ism but cross of purposes The purpose of the commission is to get pollution clouded up as muckly as possible The purpose of the boardds to see that Imuliicipalitie spend beyond their iimi And to two dont get along well kc cernslhs City of Lon on and Cross Purposes Two of thymostusbla and it Linus meri in the civil are at opposite ends ofLSfl hoping the wer will be the pole in this problem Lorne Cumming chainnail or lean slowgoingreserved lawyer seriously and caution would be his key characteristic nusma Dr Berry general man ager of the Water Resources Commission by contrast is short cordial energetic engin eer llst full of hustle and drive And though he too uses cau tionany civil servant who want to hold on to grgsivaoesswould be his key alake Huron water supply linE The line woiiid valalvnlllllon pent dollars be we sliding um Ooh uieciiy NECESSARY RESTRAINT These conflictsLof course are allth nf the winery of overnment mannerisms than gym anym thority has iohsve anyfolhcr way WITHIN The Huimime undoubi ddywlil Ed takes his responsibility very hisjobbastopro egoards to normal around ltles under thenct Quite few other matters of main interest in citizens seem due for an airing atthe council meebng There is more news to Some fromihe Dninrio ter Resources Commisslon on he interceptorsewer for which lenders have been recalled last week rand Aldermen are working by No ore nominations and this years nominations and elections barthelr last penance for tworyears letter has smved from Smith to say he will accept an offer of 5200010ribls house which stands in the middle of Queen streetl Now the street will go straight instead round SSAVE5 Clipiiie samummaaym ment scientist here about his own experiments based on ihls some idea but already curried much further than the American tests aod indeed ofvproved benetlt to human beings This is part of what wrote then under the heading Your Teeth can but Your Life The home made toothache cure of an Ottawa scientist who was too busy on war work to go to dentist may throw the den tists drill an the scrapbeap Dr if Stedman oi our Na tional Research Council showed me his front tooth which be stopped without dentists help seven years ago Today it is perfecttoolh in every way His homemade stopping has not only invisiny mended the decay bnt has apparently become living part the tooth Durlng the war foimd that one of my teeth had cavity in it but hadnt time to getit fixcd Dr Stedman told me Then one Saturday aliernoon it started to ache In my library looked up thecbemlcal composi tion at hinnan tooth bought small quantities of those in grediean at drug store and mixed them in the right propor tions inion brew at home beenreporicd irdi humans and bcc seven years later his that todoxyl tooth perfect with no sign of decoy or slop log More startinggbls treatrnelht Dr Stod mon onlytmshed out his decayed tooth an cleaned it out with Dim drills out decayed hole it twice size and hence giv ing on double the work to do if it is to repair the hole Dr 502de explained tume adding that if oac cuts ones linger on doesuotmako it easier to hell by salprihg oil the tip DENTLSTS CRITICAL That was written 10 years ago also explained how Mrs Sled mnn cured an ache and restored the white colour of her teeth by using her husbands homemad brew Thcnlhe reiicilons started if this cure is substantiated it would have catastrophic et Iect your industry said the direct of dcntolsupplycom pany dental authority pro claimed that This cure will need oibent wireA dentist to be hacked up by strong scl entiiicnvidence hclore it is worth considering There was similar scare in Scandinavia two years ago Meanwhile experiments were commenced by the dcntslser vices oi the Canadian Their findings evidently averted the feared catastrophe hut nowdbe Americans appear to be taking seriously suggestion which would benellt all mankind It seem that it would be appro priate for our minister of health Hon Waldo Monielth to put the crown on his health service plam by instructing his medical advisersto examine and try to perfect the Ottawa dental care The basic idea adopted by both Dr Stedinan and the us dentist is that nature will mend livu bond tooth is form of bone so why not assist nature by supplying the ingredcinis in life of thwarting nature by illi iug the dental hole with inani msie and foreign substances like gold and other metals which are quite unrelated to the decayed uglier Double Beds Wrehk Marriages Sure Twin Bunksjjkllre Answer LONDON CPlTlle foundatiori for happy marriage says Stan ley Lukes rests firmly on twin beds In other words double beds are risky They should be approached with caution Last this revolutionary theory gnaw on the nerves of double bed occupants it should hastily be explained that Lakes is not certified marriage counsellor He is by profession bed maker But Lukes is conscientious bedmaker one who takes keen sndrer if oilersa certain degree of relief It removes the open mouth from the innocent partys ear BIBLE THOUGHT Thevvickedshall be turned Into hell and all the nations that forget Go Psulm 91 The zations whosecultural at alnments were as high as ours and whose moral values as interest in the type ofpeopls who occupy his products ï¬ll was through this interest that he de veloped his twinbed theories Believing that most trends be gin in the United States Lukes decided to take four week sleep study tour of that country so he could see the latest develop ments in beds He interviewed countless bed makers like himself along with sellers buyers ahd users The evlt dence he gathered pointedto three distinct marriage wrecking problems LSnoring Coversnatching Bedhogsing The Americans hesoys call them sleep incompatibilities Se lemberllili tiQLD Lukes points outthst thecover snatcher glad this bidhog clear ea lel fromlladoublehed to twins And while this actiontnay not give complete protection against the the building and Mr south can commiserate with on being unable to get council to pay $5000 forthe old house The amount saved for the tex payers wiilvmsks nice cooln bution to the conservation auth lity MQNEYI AraHE arr5 frha Daily star The wtwle family can save on one Grandstan ropdpto commas atDlsneyiandwlthmotherordad Coopon DA vim gri $5 Going Tuesday August 250 Saforday September 12th inel asium ilmltSepismhsr 16th For lures andiraln service contact yo local spent the centuries blows