Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Aug 1959, p. 2

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Hill BAILEY LAUNCHES PLANE 0N ImSECOND FLIGHT Model Aircraft Owners Get Plenty Of Exercise By JIM GARNER Examiner Staff Reporter Golfing and modchalrcroft fly ing have one thing in common They are both excellent exep cise in an incidental manner golfer gets his exercise from walking after the ball when he has hit it model flycr gets his from chasing the plane once it is airborne light southeasterly breeze Sunday waited model aircraft gently over the airfield at Camp enthusiasts golloped frantically to keep their wee planes in sight At 15 mph the official strength ofthe wind plane could cover mile in Borneo Beneath fourvminutes and it takes fit modelman to do that albeit most of them were healthy Air Force types Most successful at retaining his was lim Bailey of Toronto He didnt aircraft over long dislanbe Forecast Visit Will Be Bough LONDON Reuters British newspapers today forecast stor my political weather for Fresh dent Eisenhower during his pre Khrushchev trip to Western Eu rope later this week The if mlhfonchcster daily says that after his Bonn LondonParis swing Eisenhower may Khrushchevs American visit something of rest cure in fractious moods it says The says West German Chancellor Adenauer is distrustle of the British and um easy over the growing isolation of Eisenhowers allies are Guardian editorial the French French President de Gaulle continues to feel that France is not so fully consulted onworld strategy as she should be and that Lthere may be virtues in building European third iorce to stand between the two giants the United States and the Soviet Union The Daily Mail predicts the US leaders toskfis not going to be easy The Daily Sketch another Lou tough type and nobody could call General dc Gaulle meek and don paper calls Adenauer moccmmodating Is one STUDENT win any prizes but his yellow windcheater could he seen three quarteis of mile across the field tearing after his gasengined plane EIGHT CLASSES Occasion was competition organized by the Camp Borden Model Plane Club open to all comers There were eight cale gories some distinguished from uthhrs by technical formula and for the record here are the results ABC gnspowcred models Cooke ilnmilton 755 seconds Gordon Toronto in sec ands Kielt Stoney Brook 406 seconds Nordic Glider Mike Thomas Downsvicw 651 seconds HumphreysDowns view 554 seconds WAK rub herpowered specified Mc Gillivray Toronto 802 seconds FAI gas powered Mike Thom as Downsview 724 seconds hand launched glider Ack erley lenside 116 seconds finlf It gas specified Surrey Tor onto 502 seconds Sugden Toronto 458 seconds Zim merman Port Credit 448 sec onds Rocket Cooke Hamil ton seconds Open Rubber Gordon Toronto oai sec onds Times given are the period the plane spent aloft from launch ing to landing on specified number of flights Some of the landings were spectacular with tail sections and wing flying in all directions Less frequently Churchill lViay See Ike InBritain LONDON tReuterslSir Win ston Churchill may make spe cial trip from the south of France to meet President Eislfnhower during his visit here political sources said today The sources said no decision has yet been taken by the al yearold statesman who is ho dayiag at CapdAil but they thought it quite likely he would come to see his wartime collea gue Eisenhower arrives here from Bonn Thursday for fiveday stay including weekend talks with Prime Minister Macmillan and visit to the Queen at Bal moral Castle it LOCAL AND GENERAL plane came to rest without need for emergency repairs TINY ENGINES The model aircraft bear little resemblance to the larger nir vehicles resting tor the Sabbath in the nearby hangars They consist mostly of wing tail plane and strut to keep the two apart Power is supplied mainly by an engine like that oi tiny motorcycle taming ov er thousand more revolutions per minute than the power plant of family car Technique is to putin enough fuel for ten second flight Any more and the plane is likely to finish up in British Columbia After ten seconds the tiny craft then perhaps 100 feet up becom es glider and stays up an other two to ten minutes depen ding on how carefully the owner has adjusted the controlling fins Several times plane roared into the air only to turn round and hurl iLseif still under pow er into the ground Jet engines may haveovertak en propellers in full scale per formance aircraft But only ona jet showed up for the model rai ly It seemedvtvnce as fast as the others but only stayed up short time mainly because iLs gliding powers were inferior And the longest craft to remain airborne was not even gas pow eredit was rubberengined plane about the size of stark which silently went up and stay ed up for total of 802 seconds Moreover its owner unlike Mr Bailey did not have too much running to do as the propeller turnedlonger andrkept the plane into the wind Six or seven craft disappeared into the bush northeast of the field during the day And as we departed yellow blob racing away on the horizon reminded us of an old jazz tune Wont you come homcp Bill Bailey wont you come home Employees Find Body Of Infant NIAGARA FALLS0nt CPL The body of 12pound infant boy was tound by parks employees Sunday in garbage container on the Niagara Eiver Parkway in miles north of here Coroner Dr Whytoek said the body was tightly wrapped in two cellophane bags couple Unframed PJVEIL Ont GP Senrchers today found unharmed nmanvlnd woman who spent cold rainy nightla thick bush near here Joyce MacGregorof RR Chalk Bi and Jack Williams of Deep River wen found cooks lag wet but otherwise suffered only slight exposure Wmere taken to hospital for examina tion The couple beanie separated from two companions during Suhday excursion up Mount Martin on the Quebec side of the Ottawa Rlver They were found about rnile from the spot where they became separated from their partly lsman rescue party found the couple near the shore of the Ottawa River following an hours search this morning Adzman search party penetrated two miles into thick bush during pounding rainstorm Sunday night in an unsuccessful bid olocate them The couple both in their early 20 were clad only in light sum mer clothingMr Williams was wearing Tshirohutappeared to suffer few ill effects from their enforced overnight stay in the bush The couple were on Sunday excursion with Willard Olavson and Marilyn Tooley also of Deep River when they got sopnraled Walk Miles OWEN SOUNDCP Two Wiartaa businessmen miss ing since Thursday on hiillar Lake in the Bruce Peninsula turned up safe Sunday George liahni7 owner of Wiartoa motel and Carl Lim pert 35 eoowner of the wiar tonEcho went fishing Thursday in an lafoot motor boat The men said the motor ran out of go off Tobermory at the tip ot the Bruce Peninsula Winds blow them for out into the bay until shift of wind direct ion Saturday blew them back After reaching shore they sat outby foot for Highway and had gone about six miles when Business Level Same its 1958 in recent survey of some 15 Chamber of commerce it was found that generally business is about the same as in 1958 Sev eral stores reported quite sub stantial increases and very few showed small decline in sales Seventyfive per cent of those businesses contacted indicated that there had been some very slow monthslln 1959 Since the middle of July business has shown an upswmg and has re covered from earlier losses slightly fewer Canadian tourist shoppers and noticeable de cline of us doilars in their cash registers Indications are that Barrie will see busy fail starting off with the Back to School shoppers The prospects of ending 1959 with general increase over 1953 seem to be good as most re tailers are confident that the last quarter of the year will show increase in sales said the Chamber Bulletin Barrie retail stores by the Most merchants bir Oinvson and Miss Toaley made their way through four miles of push to Where the bid leftythelr boat and rationed here about pm planning to cross the river again and pick up the other couplebcfon dark When nlr Williams and Miss hfIcGregor failed to show up by it pm theywera reported mks ingand the civil Menwreoor dinator for thlsvnrca John Muff organized search heavy rainstorm and strong winds came up and the lRmnn party came out of the bush sook ing and cold after searching four ourn Mental Patients Captured By Police LAPEEB Mich AP Seven mentally retarded patients who escaped from theLapeer state home and training school Satur day night were captured early Sunday by heavilyarmed police The patients were rounded up about mile from the huge in stitution which houses about 3500 mentally retardedpersons FEEDS 0N BARK Ontario forest officials say porcupine can dulroy up to 50 Sees year by feeding on tender ark Through Bush litter BoatiiiunsOut Oi Gas they were picked up Both were hungry but unharmed by the ex perience Mr Limpert said they had only two chocolate bars two lemons and bag of peanuts during the two days in the boat He esti mated they drifted about 60 mi les and on three occasions tried to signal passing boats When an air search Saturday failed to find the pair relatives almost gave them up for dead wms CHESSCHAMPIONSHIP Delayed presentation of tro phy to Barrie Chess Club champion Rinse Slcsllng cans Saturday when Max Morris right handed over the award Sicsilnx won the championship and speed contest last season Soviet Could Loan To British Guiana GEORGETOWN British Guia na ReuterslDr Cheddi Jason leftwing minister of trade and industry in British Guiana has said that there is every indica tion the country could get sub4 stantial loan from the Soviet bloc But hetold press conference decision of this would have to be reached at national refer endum or similar vole Jagan leader of the Peoples Progressive Party was speaking to the press Sunday forthe first time since he returned Friday night from finance seeking mission to Britain the United States West Germany and italy WW Kenneth agoinn anagrams foetight an at Wanna Beach 13y Saturday three candidates for new and doles for four ooundl seats had fqunllfied incumbent recvo Erie Lavalg Ion Beat new comer to munlcipai flald Ind former more Anthony Bock quaNick $83 candidates Jr reeva rchnru Proctor dldnot so fur council are An Arthur Hutdtiron John Ghoulad Rennlcflold south retiring members Peter Srnith Busi wwd mundane oycn Bill Graham Ind Harry Williams Snmqulov and Janis Tim lock noinuatlfy cni Girls nears but only received the trophy Saturday is it had to be sent away for repairs when occi dentally knocked over The chess club starts operations agnintnSeptember with week ly meetings at the YM YWCA liZxaminer Photo Jngan gold he did notknow whether British Guiana was free to borrow money from Russia Pike In Eountain Puzzles Londoners LONDON APtA 20 pound pike turned up today in the Nel son Monument fountain in Trafal gnr Square The people who clean fountains in other parts of the world find coins tossed in by tourists who think th will be granted wish When eorgo Cody cleaned the Nelson Monument fountain be found the mpound pike long dead lie said pike are not native to the Nelson Monument pool Eight London Let BeulerotScotlmd Yard is cracking down in morar lzed prostitutestiaodoni latest form if organized vice Scores of girls tools to rotornor hiles after onewoekold law swept the streets clean of pros titutes for the first time in Lao dons history walkers took to whcelsTliey picked up customers on the curb and drove them back to their apartments sii Joseph Simpson mint of Scotland Yard watched the situ ation for few days He issued orders Friday to his metropoii ton police force to clear all such suspected car crawlers from the streets Five of the girls on wheels were picked up Friday and number of others Saturday Nehru Will Visit Afghanistan Iran NEW DELHI ReuterslPrlmo Minister Nehru will pay brief visits to Afghanistan and iron next month an internal affairs ministry spokesman said today The dates and duration of the visits have not yet been set The ad staff is trained in writing copy makinglayouts and continuing process Through the direction of Thomson Newspapers head office alllmem bars of the ad departmentara continually getting ideas and methods that can help you move merchandise rwo maritiusrnnrion starters Not lustone little Junldr Service but two Senior services Metro and Stamps Conhalm Fourteen months ofthese mats thousands of illustrations are kept on file for your use AT NOEXmCHARGE TO YOU You can lllus better sales results You Get PLUS Service When You Advertise in the EXAMINER less important advantages These PLUS services are all designed for your benefit for without RESULTS your advertising is waste of money These PLUS services give you the results your messagedesmel f1 circuitqu iii no SiiifF in merchandising This is trots your sales message with ease get fromflightssunday at Camp Borden and are presumed to have crashed in the bush How ever you one has been killed the planes were models talcing part ina competition on the air field Value is arouadssio each andFlt Sgt Archer at 1197K would pleased to get notification if any are found BOY HIT BY CAR Danny Dexter of RR Barrie received minor bruises to his right hip when struck by car last night Danny darted into the vehicies path while crossing Dunlop street east near gt the Queens Hotel country cormoan New federal minister of public LD Hm PHONE POLE works David Walker Mp WW Lang senor Toronto Rosedale cottage owner in Street lealufldmfl hlta TinyTownship HEhasowned telephone pole instvnighr Flu cred by the ranch of on 5233 Nomwasaga 10 other ca wliileminakinga left Boss to Toronto KBANNERMANIS opENs streets she hit the accelerator Banaermanfs be to 51 store instead of the brake pedal Dam ened for business in spankin 39 W55 esumalea 3400 N0 btfllding Friday after sev one was hurt and no charges niontlas got hurried construct Will be laid dated police cu rtheBdf diitiiccnliee business FER Hum Midland fanner James Grant 737was seriously iiilll£d Sat daywon Highway 12 one mile east of Midland When horseL Nineteen fiftycrghts top stud eat at Newmarket District High School is Paul Denham who had six firsts inhis Grade 13 exams jiiEW EQUIPMENT In addition to new modern building The Barrie Examiner has spent thousands of dol lots to install the newest and finest klnri of printing equlpment All this equlpment was installed all this money spent so that you can have your sales message clear and easily read EXPERIENCED CBMPDSITDBS Many of the men in the back shophave been with The Erato for years pthers have spent many years Working in other fine printing shops All ofthem are conscient ious about their Workand take pridein good clean newspaper Yourfssles message will he in good hands As part of the Thomson Group The Barrie Examiner has at its beck and cailthe com timedknowledge of the other 24 Canadian Newspapers Through our Director of Advertis ingomce informationias to successfulcampaggns and new adldeasis constantly being sent to your Examiner ad staff This can help you great deal for other merchants in your line in other tome are facing the some problems as you are Their solution can be yours Iiiii innit oliilliiY or Till news Presentation and more everyd thelnews stories of the Barrie Examiner both 10631 and tfonal are getting better This is of great concern to you bodausel good news story beside your ad attracts readership Forinstance astory on the sport page aboutcurn llngbowling hockey etc which most men in town will r68 can attract attention to Wu SH1 15 YEARSII your anwhlch might be right beside itl WANT WOMRN Harrie City Council will con sider tonight request from the University Womens Club asking fora woman to be ap pointed to the Barrie District Collegiate Board There is vacancy now created by the withdrawal of Harris Club officials state there has not been woman member of the board ilGUhunNTfEizol TRUST pronouns issued in amounts from $l06npwnrds for l3 years team Voterést yearly yeheqiie Cauthorized luv stment for all Canadian Insurance Companiesth trustfunds payable halfi era Were reportede ditio ndte you arrnon cents wonrnorlnrsutrsg gronsvrnynonan scourSm spaniel runner or an of 2414 In mongoose from

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