tins leuas That Shes Net7 Romanians EOLLYWOOD lAPl than Baker an tenth with not reï¬t and producer ol he last twopictures but she says the bit tunnelunsold Peoplemimtenxpenmm hogan they my becavm movie star usedin not mu thing Its be serious at my triend tly how she Iliad his mil mini minutes at quiet before his actors do scene Waiter Long was thoughtful in But Not MMa It was dais love Youth In Hospital Wounded BY Knife lCli John Woodhsm in of Vernonvilia in Cobourg hospital alter dr his truck or some distance with hits wounds in his stomach Charged with stabbing with in teht is Sam Rowland ol Gretna Va 11 alleged stabbing took place at Castlelon 30 miles northwest of here Woodham drove to the nearby farm oi Frank Vaughan mun lid gt pm Raopernohed with out Gable and on person here standing in my line vision hed uh themto move day ouflahliracle had to do death scenenooks Thuewere hundred extras looking on plus the total dim traction at sunshine and birds etc his was how Rapper muted the Roll em Some body grower to Sardisand get Waits Steak domed bed Sandwich Action Ndd Miss Bakers remarks rhuvcï¬evc engaged in lencmg with unison silty But it youdtaik to Ilene Davis Fredric hilrch and some the otherline actor Ive di rected ItJd tell you that lam vory strict and severe dls clplinarlaiL Fortunately hm sensc oi ain inci Canalt also ieudcdï¬ith pro ducerWiillam Pcribergduring But Not For No but was mum on details it was personal matterand we both agreed not to discus it in publlci He has since talked about But he cause ho has gone back on his word theres no reason should go back on mine Perlbergs commen True or also never contradict ladys statemcn There is silver lining for Rapper nudicrlbergoshr lkcd both pictures Anti shes willing to go out on the road and help sell them But dont set the idea shes going salt still wiil light or whnl think is right she said The important thing for an actoris to give good performance It happened in RCSCC Ajax three sets same Cadet Corps On re cent visit obthe Guelph0nt Corps to HMCS Buckingham the boys marched on board two by two and assembled un ot twins in the CHANCES normmom der the twin Bolas ot the antlsuhmnrine frigate Ailsix young men are active in the AjaxCorps and all look for ward to iuture naval career The Buckingham is employed in summer training program him chum nusImmu asstqu mu bumm mu nieiehggutv LoxWM runs 51 than of the Run Rrscrve at the Great Lakes Training Centre Hamiiton halt to rlght Harry and Jim Purdle is sons of Mr and Mrs Harry Purdle 22 Dumbnrton St Guelphu Billy and George usrnumou Sf installations Mayum aouoro BRAKE slant EXBHANGEf not min ovou has trio In old nnilnko mm Bruwn 14 sons otfhir and Mrs Mulray Brown 80 Burn barton StGuelph and John and Larry anan 15 sons of Mr and Mrs Jolui Gowan 65 Elizabeth St Guelph Nation al DefencaPhoto mum onus nun It had It vith nuns run upon and um we was prima liganBwk aLComnm Prayer and £12rlcalwillattend uu synod beingflzeld sthtaodonaldl College in thimamaii community mm dim3m ornltholosiat parked his car to the ninth primate trysthirdlarzmt dénornination rington Archbishop Quebec mom Anxiicinslwlil satires nee iSept torrtiu chnrdf gothseoenl thc agendalstheeiectionolanewf tabutol lintercstto dimming the complete revision themig Tinished alter lo Maintaso delegates both ay near Montreal under the sponsor only those delegates who are also members the electoral college will participate in tho choosin the man chosen from among Canadas diocesan bishopstr be able spokesman theooun will sucmdArchhlshop harioot who retired viaereoem her after seninl irom 1951 moimanor sear Since Archhishop Barioots re tirement Most RevltPhilip Car has been acting primiatcand will preside ntthe synod until the in ataliation of thenew primate Sept Archbishop Carrington has ruled outthe possibiliw of his election totho primacy by an recy with only members oi the min hln or Installation Yo An TIIEW ranksi helm um hi all ml mm up nouncing he will retire shortly The election itsel will be held Saturday Sept in strict see who form Miner hmse other importer tnbnslnmriu eludes the appointment at cunt mitteautlolddlm durum lor war congresr cm galmm scheduled we 15 discusstha rettingï¬p at ï¬xed writhaunt see At present the pri mate takes the title otardrhishop oi the la he already ocwplcs so that changes with end Kiri male RECORDS STOLEN NEW YORK APlA German 15 minutes ouuide the American Museum at Natural History Snu day He returned to ind the rec ords oi two major eggeditions stolen Dr yerre ported to police that thieves had taken suitcase filled with man uscripts film slides and Ilelcl notes on 12000 mile trip through the Unitedistales and two year expedition in Africa eorge nudes Bllfl PA nun mi Vanqu In in unir an WWW7 amt4 runnursl Pttiés mmnsnwcsi If flirt POINTS 24 stake shoe F°N°EVN$EF IfExchangelnstallatlonj CAVRBURETORV gt EiciricaI Work GENERAORS LUBRICATION£SERVICE gt COMPLETELUBEJOB $150 has on naNaawamruncnasn oFk andFilled WHEEL BEARINGS PACKED $100 PER wn an condwibntmso ASSOCIATE arrests nameplate mrouNtoHTkrsTw PAr