Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Aug 1959, p. 2

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ennuiuvvvuklnghemcdo Daniel the Jew president over the kingdom became In auntth wu in him and the king thought to not him over the whole realm Prdyers The By NEWMAN CAMPBELL Nebuchadnezznr conquered Jer usaiem and he told the master of the eunuchs or servants to bring before him some of the lsraelitc hild re who were healthy and wise in knowledge and understanding to stand in the kings palace to teach tho leorolng and the tongue oi the ChnldeansDnuici 14 Among the children brought be fore him were tour boys whose names were Daniel Hanonlah Mishaeland Azerleh Daniel was the one whose name we remem ber best for he was the one whose prayers we are studying in todays lesson The children were to least on the klngjs food so that at the time the king should summon them to stand before him they would he in good health Dnnicl however refused to eat the food for he felt that lt would contam inate him as he was Jew VEGETABLE DIET So Daniel refused to eat this rich and dainty food and sug gested they be fed on pulse which was vegetable diet of peas beans etc This diet agreed with them so that when they were brought before the king at the end at certain period ho found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers in all his realmDun 1120 Nehucbodnezznr was troubled with dreams which he could not understand ills wise men could not interpret them for him so he decreed that they should be slain Daniel was grieved about this our or Scans iln Irishqu earning the law Dlnld verdict and asked the king to give him time and he would in terpret the dream Daniel wentto his house and to his companions and prayed to God that he be given the secret or the dream llc received it in vision Thcn Daniel said Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever iorwisdom and might are His and He changcth the times and the seasons he removcth kings and selteth unklngs He giveth wisdom unto the wise and knowl edge to them that know under standing lie rcveoleth the deep and secret things He knowcth what is the darkness and the light dwellcth with HimDanial l22 lNTEltPRETS DREAM Daniel interpreted the dream to the king who was so pleased that he made Daniel great man and gave him many great gills and made him ruler over the whole province of Babylon Daniel 40 Then Ncbuchadnczznr sinned greatly He had huge golden image made and commanded that all should worship it Those who refused to worship it when the n1 iustrumcnts played shall the same hour be cast into the midst of burning fiery lure naceDanlel 16 He was soon told that there were certain Jews in places oi honor who did not bow down and worship the golden image Their names welo Shndrach Meshoch and Abcdnego In his rage behind the men brought before him and questioned them and who he Minister Pioneers Church To Success Since October 1957 when Irish born Rev John Biddel took over the reins of St Giles Anglican Church Barrie the story of the church has been one olsuccess And it is story which is by no menna ended The new church was an idea conceived by members of the parish of Trinity Anglican Church an idea which was thought at the time to ho shot in the dark When it was decided to build the church on Cook Street thla building program in that area had hardly begun Trinity Aug llcan guessed in few years Cook Street would be in the mid die of large familypacked residential areaand they guess outright The man both behind and in front of the scenes since the church was huiltJohn Riddel is toll goodbummed quietly spoken lrishmanwbo hastbeen in Canada since 1047 Incldentai ly for those who like the Irish accent heiretainsenough out to make pleasant listeningand for those of anywho claim the ac cent annoys them it can easily be overlooked FORMER POLICEMAN Born in Londonderry Northern Ireland Mr Riddel is aygradua to of Foyle College Londoader ry and former member of Bell fast Police Mrs Eiddel is graduate of Methodist College Belfast and the couple were married in Non thorn irelands capital Peter 15 their first son can claim Irish nation ity but Sen drs was born this side and she says Mrs ltiddel is the only Canuck in the fondly IA still unfulfilled desire of Mr Riddeis in the after war years was to go to South Africa Mrs Riddei who had heard much ahout Canada from relations who hadjpentxtimc here said she would not militi going abroad but South Africa was not the lace The color bar down there did not appeal toher So it was to Canada that yet another Irlsh iamlly emigre gt ed but the intention of comings minister of thachurch wabnolparamount Mr Bids dels mind at that time He worked in business in Tor thr varsity of Toriotiilto cfiuegedstaefi theolo owe au 5y tudéufiliatGraig which now has its own self hought furniture and sellmade altar sanctuary lecterns and prayer desks clean light airy modern building withlarge amounts of space on two floors and plans under my already for brandnew proper church building St Giles he explains was or lginaliy built as parish hall as it was felt the greatest need of hay Jouhnmnnr the parish was forthe congre gation itself and especially children to have activity ano meeting space PLACE OF WORSHIPK As itis the present building lacks little or nothing in serving as place of worship Bath Mrand Mrs Riddel who has lost little other fascinating Irish way ofspeech have very definite views on Canada On the other hand while they support the idea Canada should shakeroft any outside influences or control both from Britain and USA USA has toomucb of stranglehold on Canadian econ omy thinks Mr Riddei they are both supporters ofthe Queen CAN LOOK FORWARD Combining the tight and inde pon once of Irishman with outanylof is largely mythical quick temper Mr itiddel can look forward tol many years of huildin hi parish ger and larger and especially to that day possibly 1960 he newchurch tself will be built Note whichthoamlnleier would like adde lio get to his churc travel east on BlskoSt turn ndneyandlollo til into Coolest St about hallway up look who scndonmsoni MW lCl hhim no they Midi We shall not Budanyooculanmlnnttblavulal exuptweflndltugllnatbbneon of Eli God ozlt Captives saw that theyle refused to bow beiore the house he had them thrown into the furnace PROTECTED BY LOBD The three men were cast into the fiery lurance but the Lord protected them and they were no harmed The king said to his counselors Did we not cast three men bound in the midst oi tire They said yes and be said in see four men loose walking in the midst of the fire and they have no hurt and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God Daniel 1225 The story 01 Daniel being cast into the den o1 lions is so we known even by the children tool we will not dwell upon itexcept to saythat the king Darius bod Daniel cast into the lions den because he insisted on praying to his God That night the king was restless He rose very early went to the den of lions and found Daniel unharmed in it Daniel said to the king My God hath sent his angel and bath shut the lions months that they have nothurt me and the king was gladDaniel 1023 Then Daniel prayed unto the Lord my God and made my confession We have sinned and have committed iniquity and have done wickedly undhaye re belied even by departing from Thy precepts and from Thy judg mentsDanial 45 HAVE WE DISDBEYED At the close of each day we have disobcyedGod in our words should ask ourselves if we too endactions Have we been hasty in our speech Have we shown love to our fellow men and women We are all prone to sin in one way or another in spite of our endeavors Jesus Christ told us to love even our months That can at least try There are men and women all over the world who are devoting their lives tobelping others like Dr Albert Schweitzer lnour cir cumstances in life we may not be able to give our lives to the serv ice of others but We can at least do what we can to relieve the burdens of our friends neighbors and strdngers English Visitor Preacbes Sunday The morning services at Trin ity Anglican Church 980 and 11 oclock this Sunday Aug 23 will have as the special preacher Mr Timothy Brooke of Birmingham England Mr Brooke is student 01 Jesus College Cambridge Uni versity The college was found edin 1496 and has produced throughi the years many great names of English life Mr Brooke is an honorstu dent in modernflanguagrs He has served the church in the imaginative enterprise of Abbe Pierre whose program has su ceeded under the guidance of Godin recovering to life the outcasts 01 French soeiety Mr Brookelived andfworked in one of the communities itb the rag pickers He plans to perseut tbswork and its 1m licationsto the con gregation Mr Brooks is the cousin of Mr Jack Duval Clap perton St Study Problem CilYlChurches TORONTO Theproblem nf worldrefugees the place of the church in rural and downtown areas and the responsibility of the church in family life will be major discussions for delegates attending the 20th General Sy mid of the Anglican Church of Canada ofMacdnnald College Quebec in September comprehensive report deal ing with widerengov of social problems wlll be presented to the Synod bylle Dr Leonard Hatfield general secretary of theChurchs Colinciifor So cialService Toront It lunderatoo atten will be given to the critical problems lacing city bburches in areas creasing industrial development that special may be hard for us tovdo but we they told into the detLDuiIllmt to on next owning and fond Daniel on New ReviSed Prfiyeerékf throngsomeletqu namedDaniel 61022 moat vanesemu 111 World at Council Group DenounCes Race Disoriminatibn RHODES Greece AmRacial discriminatlon was denounced niday nightby study group at the World Council of Churches report by the councils De partment of Churches Society also said Christiana should rcoog aim the right of labor unions to strike should participate in 1ch timnte political parties with hon Chrlstians and should be more sensitive to the economic gulf be tween the rich white Christian wast countries The report covered three yenr studyculminniing in con fcrence nt Shiomca Greece last and the poor colored By MclNTlltE noon Special To Barrie Examiner LONDON Britains workers are riding high on the crest oi the greatest wave obprosperity they have ever known For the first time in the countrys his tory the average wage of men week Arcnsus issued by the Labor Ministry shows that the average wage for man now stands at £13k 11d an in crease ol 0s 4d week over lastyenr This represEnts an increase in average earnings of 30 per cent while the official index 01 retail prices and costs of liv ing has remained unchanged during the some period These are the figures for men workersFor all workers the present avcrage is 11225 6d and for wamenworkers£6 17s also new high record Men averaged 48 hours week work and women 41 hours STEADYV IMPROVEMENT Earnings have shown steady increase since the end at the warin 1946 In 1947 the aver age passed the £6 mark in 1050 it went up beyond £7 week By non rooms HOLLYWOOD AP Take me to your leader5l said tothe teenagar and there was talk irig to Dick Clark The Clark cult is something unlt paralleled in entertainment his tory Seldom has any one person wielded so muchpowcr over segment of the population Since teenagers practically support the vastdnfluence over it through his TV shows Obviously this is man to be reckoned with Clark is here to make his first movie Because Theyre Young and found him to be smooth nonousense type iield LIKES TEENAGERS IV But doesnt it hugr him to be around teenagers so much Not at all he replied They rarely exaspernte me get more put outwith older people who try togpct uug like kids because they so their age He doesnt take ids experth ship in teenage matters lightly Im with teen agers onthe average of five and six hours every day heexplained Its like working in bakery if youre around it long enough youll lenra how to bake lve learned how teenagers act And know that most pictures about teenagers are wrong They are older people concept at how teenagers not aid hgwill try to avoid ii BoatSurvtvors MANILA Router Tl1e rea vessel AntonioXII adioed Fridnyflnlght that hadnpickedl up 11 survivoratromjthe Lizton workers haspasscd £13 $3510 pop record ficldClark exercises or 28 year oid who knows his month with sociologists econo mists political scientists and clergymcn attending The confer cnce was sponsored by the world council and dealt with the theme Christianaction inrepld social change The report under study was submitted Friday night by Ken neth Denys Nunby British economist from Oxford Univer sity to the central committee of the world council The council groups more than 170 general Protestant Orthodox and Angli can churcheswitb following estimated at 130000000 BritiSh workers Prosperity Wave in 1951 past £0 in 195850 In 1954 £10 in 1955 £11 in 1957 beyond £12 and now it louver £13 These figures represent the gross earnings of the workers inclusive oi bonuses and over time and before the deduction of income tax or the national insurancecontrlbutions orann GOOD axons other goodsigns noted in the haliyeariy report from the other drop in unemployment by 13000 to total of 195000 This brings the percentageof the in surcd population new unemploy eddown to 10 per cent the low est figure since the start at 1950 In January unemploy ment reached peekol 020800 Thedrop since then to 395000 represenisi decrees 86 per cent in unemployment The un employment percentage of 10 per cent is regarded officially asveryclose to what might be termed full employment level And nccording to Iain Mao Leod Minuter ofLahor there is every prospect that employ ment will continue to cxpnnd with the recovery in economic activity Dick cork wields on an Over Big Population Segment such pitfalls in an filth Hes partner with Columbia in it so he has plenty to say But be ad mitted that it wont be com pletely accurate depiction doubt if there ever can be truly honest portrayal in films he said Not all girls are beauti ful and all boyshandsonia as they are in films Not alibi ern have good looking clothing Not all schools are freshly painted and whitewashed as the one we are using is Urges Canada Kill Racial Segregation ammo capsular to the 76th annualscsslon of the fourthdistriat Canadian confet ence of African Methodist Epis copal Churches were urged Fr daytotaka an active partin ds stroying the amall kernel of racial segrega whichhes sur vived in Canada RevEdward Abbott executive secretary of the Essex Fair Emlt ployment Practices Commission said evidences of segregatiooist sentiment can he noted in spite oI the general national well being ponnrrurss is rssrurml in each service we on rinse detourrem ecutéd promptly pnd un some el Proper amount of protes olonaldeliherltlon to en aura thorough Ind appro priate direction regard lesljoftimouor VI which mmben approximately Ministry ofLabor include an anemonesreconsider 12 IDRONIO The election of take place mSL Georges An acting Prlmnlc will preside new Primate fetid pump 01 the Anglican Church of Canada and twodny dncouba the contents of revised Pray er Book will be the main item of burinus when the General Synod of the Church meeti at HchonnidColk£¢ so Anne de Bellevue Que from Sept to SepLD Representing constituency oneeighth of the population of Canada some 50 Annes for the meetings They will come from every province and from vibe Yukon and the Northwest Tcrrltorlu There are blshopHctive and in to attend methanolqu will aisobe represented by an equal number or clergy and laity numbering memo Two or thelay re pruentativea will be women onorelgtrcsenting the Diocese of Toronto the other the northern British Columbia Diocese nl Caledonia Heath of dep menu from Church House To ronto will be there to present their reports PRIMATE TO BE ELECTED The election of Primate by an Electoral College identical in membership with the Sy node incentive Council will TH naconn RAILROADS Canada has more miles oi rail road per capita than any other country and total mileage of more than 53000 The Salvation Army Citadel around Street Bar Major and Mn It letter RUNDAY SERVICES 11 nmrfiollneea Meeting unisalvation Meeting waiv mm 236 pm an Ag == UNITED APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH MURRAY SEAMANDALE Services 10 urnBible School 11 ismMorning Worship yo EVENING some Thanday palmPrayer and Bible smdyPaltor Rev Elliott Roman Catholic er users cannon 95 Mumssrcn sr SUNDAY MASSES am mm 31015 ram 1110 mm Weekday Mass 730am dady EVENING DEVOTIONS Sun pm Wed 730 pan CHURCH OF ST GILES Anglican as cm St The BOWT rs Kiddo are mums xm am 23 11 and MORNING PRAYER Everyone welcome TRINITY CHURCH Anglican 24 Collier St endear 23 nor am Holy Communion 010am Mattias Sermon Mr Tim Brooke 1100 non MattlnarSeimon Iona nae PICKEBB Mr rlni Brooke Cambridge University 100 bin Evensoug Sermon Mr Italph Knapp VISHOBSARE WELCOME snwun Church of SAINT GEORGES Allandnle Burton Ave at Granville 39 Rector RevEWaltci Dyer 0113mm snow Aron Cb leader Mrs 11 Smothuret rnmirv ancusm AM Montana maven TBEEERVICE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY ARTHUR new on savannamum er for the Chodl slim Charm Ste Anna on Bellevue on Saturday Sept The newlyelected Primate will be installed in oilioe at service in Christ Church Cathe drul Montreal on the evening rt libs humus day no lit Rev Arthur Lichtcuberger Presiding Bishop of the Protest Ellison Church USA will preach on this occasion Prayer Book revision wlll oc cur the attentional the Synod ending at morning afternoo churchmen will converge on Ste 108 furious oanhurldnv Ndny Sept and The Synod will receive and discuss betwen 35 and to other reportadealing with variqu ae peiflngj the gotcha work or of the event of Monday Sept will be dies voted to consideration of the plight of the worlds rciugees and of Anglican participation in the World Refugee Year The bloat Rev Pblllpcarriag ton Archbishop of Quebec and The Alliance Church Cor heresy and Dunlap Sic inn school 915 mm Bcrvlccl 1100 aim nnrl 700 pan Phone PA 9067 overthe you Synod was the first week Archdum Cecil Swanson at Toronto is chairman ol the Lower House of clergy when it meets mu on Sunday Se the Bishops andphergy in the Synod will be special gathers ln Mm CHR REFORMED FIRST at Viacent strut Jar Geuubmck Itth 151 Show By 11 Servicevihtch 730 Service Englilh CHRISTIAN scirucr Services Sunday School SUNDAY accuse as nu up ma 03 mm 41 Collier ac BIITIB mans mom EMMANUEL Fellowship of Evangelical Baptiste St Vincent at an Nullmem ruin 945am mm pan Rev Halsey Woman of Regions Beyond Mission BROAMASTS Sun 905 am Wed 1105 am CKBB turuanau enuncll OFTEE Rev roman aannr 11 Wesley St SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 am Divine Worship at 11 am Temporarily held at CODRINGTON SCHOOL 111 CODRINGTON STREET THE CHURCH TVI THIS IS THE LIFE ST ANDREWS lliESliYTIiillilli AND rum noun SUNDAY AUGUST 23 1959 90 mm broad ssavtcr IN s11 ANDREWS CHURCH REV JAMES rEnGUSON Minister in Charge coma 10 cannon 112 Collier St allollier St United Church Minister TheReverend Gardiner Skelly 3A 31 Lloyd Tuiford Organist Choir Master mos sanvrcas wrm CENTRAL omen cannon IN comma srnnnr CHURCH magma aunosr countyon or recommend napalm SUNDAY 11oo AM salons Thomas Paris Broadcast mi 1030 am40rgan Recital by NURSERY son manurem uunrou UNITED Minister 31 any rnnunm as ll00 mm liuith 11m round AVENUE Clllllififle Student MR ROBERT BALI inlono lrousorsl lViINISTER VSundoyvChurch School AiiTJepartnqenfs lunarsrnvmrsjwnu savanna

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