LOCAL WEATHER nominal sandwiches clearing taught Mull can Sunday Cooler he hit In For Examiner Want Ad hie phone ens2m The telephone number to clll lor the Balinese or Editorial Debt to PA urn tary 450 chanson TIES WITli vs squirmng WHllT nrxr THIS caner is not simpiy sneaking short snoozo dur ing inspection He was one of THE llEAi claimed two drummers during the cadet parade Friday Cadet Bill Crozicr 17 ol Hamilton slumped to his knee aiter ieel ing weak but several minutes later he got back up and re OTTAWA CP Premier Khrushchev has advised the Ca nadian government that it will not be possible or him to visit Caifada after his trip next month to the United States It had been hoped here that the Russian premier would bcable to pay at least short visit to Ottawa The announcement was made by the prime ministers oiiice 24 hours after Prime lllinisterDiel Ienbakcr had lclt on visit Western Canada The briei statement said Johnson Canadian ambassador in Moscow had be asked by mail several days to ascer tain whether itwould be possible for the Soviet leader toinciude Ottawa in his North gtAme can inerary mun ALL TAKEN fTlie Soviet government now has replied expressing warm gratitude torthe Canadian goverrh merit for its interest in having Mr Khrushchev visit Canada but regretting that previous eonh mitments will not enable him to accep the statement said The Announcement also reiter CVPRESS Tina onsets StudenisDiscuss Alcohol tour youngsters who passed out at the passing out parade and inspection yesterday at Camp Borden His comrades in the using medical aid continued his drumming to the end the parade Tne drum beside him was lelt alter another boy dropped from the heat and was carried all See story on page three Examiner Photos Visit support ofthe exchange of visits between President Eisenhower and Premier Khrushchev He hoped these visits would lead to diminution of world tensions as the visit of Prime Minister Mac millan to the Soviet Union had done The governments action in Soviet Chief May See ii Cities InULS During lZéDayiltinerary WASHINGTON APir The White House was expected in an nounce soon perhaps today that Nikita Khrushchev will stop at so man cities during his lzvday United States visit start ing Sept 15 It was learned Fri day that he will not visit Canada Khrushchev is slated to speak at the National Press Club here Sept 16 and answer reporters questions in nationally televised eepearance The Soviet premier will address the United Nations General Assembly in New York two dayslater He will get maximum of pub licity on his tour through mounting crowd of reporters and HAMILrothp some 75 canadianvand United States university students arrived at McMaster Universitytoday for weeklong study of the alcohol problem Among je ts to be discussed Scan Georgiande fDrinking on the Campus the sub For Anglers OWEN souuo cry private plane and mall fleet of boats were searching GeorgianBay waters alnogthe Bruce Peninsul from ishing trip Thursday Protest OVvén SoundSite Appublic piotest meeting toldenounc Sound some client se on of Owen today for two Wiarton me who failed toreturn hospital was held byMeaford Chamber otCommerce Presi thin Garvayotthe chambérjtermed thechoice of Owen Stew In true army tradition carry on without flincitlng Medical laid came shortly alter he thudded to the ground Millions US Heat NEW YORK APiRecord hot weather oVer much at the eastern half of the United States kept mil lions stewing in humid 90pm at mosphere Friday leas an alltime high oi as lanthanum in Baltimore the 10thsuccessiva day the temper ature topped 90 there Chicago with the years high of 95 reached in midalienin bad its highest temperaturehu midity index reading as The weather bureau says most people are uncomfortable when the in dex hits 79 Cooler whather Was expected to 5th southward over most ol New England and parts of New York iormost ot the hot area was or little change The weather bureau blamed phenomcnon known as theBer mudahigh for the lingering of heated moist air over most at the old people and children or an all insects which are seriously paper Peop saldalmost all cm inces and autonomous regionsis eastern region making private inquiry to learn whether visit would be possible gouowed normal diplomatic prac ice Protocol expertsin the capital said that this is done to avoid embarrassment to both parties siguid an invitation be unaccept photographers seeking to accent pany him across the country Diplomatic sources said they ct Kbrusbchcvs schedule Will be announced at President Eisenhowers summer headpar tersat Gettysburg Pan lihe announcement was not ex pected to include precisedetails on Khrushchevs scheduledactiv ities at the various stops since these have not yet been Worked on loosening ofliid Insects PEKING Reuters Commu nist China haSbegun mobilizing out assault onlocusts and other threatening crops in many arts otttbecou up hit by th eralyea The Communist droughts party news Daily said all ablebodied persons should on centrate on fighting tli drought while old folk and children should ouslystrickcn by2both The New China News Agency 17 pr grip of theworst dry spell England on areas already help combat insectsdn areas seri Alaska to 130011 for BC KITIMAT 130 tCPlTop Cm nadinn and Alaskan olliciats will meet next week in this alumi num city carved out of what was once wilderness it is meeting that may have more than little slgnlllcnnce both for the new American state and iorBritish Columbia The two top ilgures will be Prime Minister Dicfenbaker and William Egan first elected governor of the 49th state Both will address the delegates to the two day meeting olthe Asso cintcd Boards oi Trade of central BC and Alaskan afï¬liates Alaska is looking ior ways to bolster her economy For this it needs communication lines roads and perhaps railwayto the other states Canadian otlicials and particu larly those in British Columbia see bright prospects in this since any such links would have to pass through the province The province is sending three cabinet ministers to the meeting Trades and Development Minister Robert Bonner thways Minis ter Gaglardi and Lands and Forests Minister Bay Willtston will speak to the convention The keynote addresses at course will come irom Mr Dielenhaker and Mr Egan The prime minis ter speaks at luncheon meeting Monday and will leave soon aiter tor Ottawa Kltimat new city of 9500 and site of tho Aiumlmlnum Company oi Canadas huge power and alu minumproduction operation is expected to be swelled by several hundred for the convention Europe Mops Up lifter Storms Break Up Heat Waves 7Kilied LONDON ReutersiParts oi Britain and France mopped up today alter violent thunderstorms and torrential rain broke up heat waves 55mlnute deliige of three qunrters oi an inch oi swamped Londons central train and hualservjpES Some suburbs escaped without drop while oth era wereflooded Signalling equipment was put Stale Sfllurdeyi the 0W0 out of action and water flooded some lines and stations oniLon dons subway Firemenanswered 672 calls to flooded houses and stores Alsllght chance of more thun derstorms was forecast today or the London area Several elec trical storms did some damage Friday in other partsoi southern LIGHTNING KILLS 0n the Continent seven persons were killed by lightning in Yugo slavia and an ancient Belgian church was damaged Torrential rainstorm bit Paris during the night and also swept areas in the south and east of TCut His Throat PM Threatened TORONTO CPlThe Star says series of telephone threats to assassinate Prime Minister enbak as made Friday during the primem sters visit in Leth bridge Alta In dispatch from Lethbridge The Star says three threatening telephone calls were made to stav tion CJLHTV two while Mr Dieienbnker was making 15 minute television broadcast and the other preceding his appear ance on the air The lirst call made at pm by manusing coarse language threatenedz This is warning Ii Dielenbaker appears on TV be will be assassinated at 530 pm The second said Get Dicienbaker of th air or well cut his throa Thie tbird said it you dont get iefenbakaroii the screen well cu his throat The Starsays RCMP spokes man said Mr ieienbakhr who left later the It adds however that although the RCMP dismissed the calls as coming from crank all avai able members of the Lethbrldg police force and at least 69 RCMP were brought out to guard the prime minister liHODESL Greeca neutersl The an Catholic Church and astern Orthodox Church agreed to hold theplogical contereneezliextyear tostudy the FranceTerrltic storms hit the Mediterranean coast south of Perpignan and vineyards around iliaiishlng parLol Collloures sut fered heavy damage It was summer and warm in Austria although weekend storms were predicted in Holland The this weather that shot the ther mometer into the 805 Friday gave wayto cloud and some rain The aunnicst spots seem to be in Scandinavia Sweden was cov ered in sunshine and tempera tures far above normal were re ported from most parts of Nor way on Mayi Quits MILWAUKEE AP The national canned pea councll has issued solemn call to horticulturalisis Please ici lows cant somebody develop square pea Why aysquare pea The councllwhich admits It examined all angles of the problem has an answer ready Not only would square pear be more seaworthy on the consumers hallo but theyd pack better 103 Polio Cases Break In Week OTTAWA CP There were 101 cases oi paralytic poliomyel itls reported in Canada lost week all but lsof them in Quebec the health department said Fri dey Five cases were in Ontario They brought to 329 the number of 1959 cases up to Aug is com pared with 55 on comparable data lastyear This years total includes in polio deaths as against six about this time year ago Of the 28 deaths solar this year 18 have been in Quebec tour in the Northwest Territories three in Ontario and there has beenone each in Newfoundland New Brunswick and Alberta ronomo crr The piano health departrnentFtid re ported temporary shortage of Salk antipolio vaccine because supplies have been diverted to Quebec Dr Martin of thedivi sion of maternal and child by giene said the shortage would right itself within few days Over French Row PARIS tAPA split within the government over Algerian policy has gone so deep that omo rep ch newspapers are speculating that Premier Michel Debre may resign lie prohahlywont unless areal political storm blows up The basic divergence of views has been kept under cover be cause President Charles de Gaulle has personal charge of Algerian policy Now however do Gnirlie has asked the ministers to express their views onthe 4fxyearold nationalist rebellion and what can be done to hasten its end The opinions of the ministers are supposed to be giveii at cabinet meetingnext Wednesday the day beiorada Gliulle leaves for fourday military inspection in Algeria Many reports have circulated seemipgly wellfounded but with out ofï¬cial conlirrnationZthatde Gaulle is planninga new try at stopping the rebellion before the UN Generalessembly meets Sept 15 MAY 60 ON scenes Fears have beenexprcssed here the assembly may put the Algerlan topic on its agenda this year The cabinet is reported split three ways One group hashcart ily approvedde Gaulles clem ency measures or imprisoned A1 gerian nationalists and moves toward peaceful settlement Stern military action is advo cated by group including Jacques Soustelle who oversees the Sahara oil and atomic prolt jects Premier Debre seems in clined in this direction The third section is officially neutral since the ministers have never been pressedto state ther views In Prison Yard GUELPH CF Sandwiches were served or breaklast this morning in the Ontario Relorma tory to 459 prisoners who spent the night in an enclosed prison yard as coolin oi process which followed Fr days riot in volving 700 inmates Charles Sanderson rcformatory superintendent sald today the prisoners will remain outside un til he judges they are quiet enough to be brought In That wouldnt be neioro late this aitcrnoon he said About to oi the ringleaders are in solitary conï¬nement GUARDS 0N OVERTIME Guards are still Working over time Normal days all and holl days have been cancelled Mr Sanderson said guardsvwem is sued with ticks Friday but these wcr taken away today We to return the institu tion to normal as soon as pos sible he said There were 70o prisoners involved at the height of the disturbance but damage amounted to only about 5200 This compares to smallerscale riots Wednesday and Thursday when handful oi prisoners each tima caused thousands at dollars in damage mainly to tailor shops One at the two guards injured Friday George Andrewa was re lilENNA AHAustrias antl Cnmmunist press today rapped United States and Canadafor the Westand particularly the resorting to methodsmi cold blooded bureaucracy instead of humanity in denying political asylum to tour stowaway relu gees irom CommunistYugm slavia The refugees spent five months aboard Danishship and three timescrossed the Atlantic in search for Western country that would accept them Their odyssey ended at New Yorks Austrian Consulate Friday night when they were given Aus trian immigration papers and boarded plane for Vienna Austrias biggest daily Neuer Kurier inquires in sarcastic frontpage editorial by editor Hugo Portisch How would the United States and Canada act in Austrias place with borders of three Communist neighbor countries whch for many years were crossed by hundreds oi thousands of refugees escaping tyranny bee causethey behaved in the ideals of freedom gwiiuid the United States and Canada also ask these refugees tor passport visa in paid re turn ticket an Xray photographi And it the refugees didntbave moved from the relormetory boss pltal to St Josephs Hospital here its her possible ruptured kidney and is reported in serious condition SUSPENDS WORK PARTIES Mr Sanderson said operations of outside work parties have been suspended but trusties are tend ing to the cattle barns and power house The other guard injured when rioting began in the dining hall shortly alter breakfast was Ar thur Muon lie was not badly hurt and is resting at home The shouting leering prisoners smashed fittings and threw plates beiore they were forced out of the building and into the exercise yard The guards were injured when about to men attempted to storm the dining hall doors The rloters tore rocks from the hard ground and hurled them at the guards URGES RETURN OF STRAP Outside the relormatorywallr at least one magislrate openly urged reintroduction of the strap as deterrent But Reforms Minister Wardlt rope who annoimced the abolition of corporal punishment in Ontario institutions earlier this year ex pressed hopo that the move wouldw not be necessary Austrid712ress jBldSts Canadcr these things would they be taken to the border nod sent back We understandmany things We realize that country has its laws that authorities comply with the laws But we fall to grasp the reason why nations with so much space for millions of people could not apply humanity instead of law in the case of four people whoto the letter of the law have ceased to be thnan beings because they have no pa para no visa no money nochéiéuei Weds In Norway Today SOGNE Norway AMSteven Rockelellersllpped platinum weddingband on Anne Marie Rasmussens Ieit hand today and made her his wile in solemn Norwegian marriage ceremony They pronouncedtheir vows in countrychurch on gentle knoll within sightof the bridges family home Governor Nelson Rockeiellcr oLNew York and Stevens broth ers sisters and sisterinlaw witnessed Lutheran ceral moo Rockefeller andAnnl Maries father Kristian Rasmus sen retiredgrocer and lishzmer chant sat together nearvthje altar