nmnwv no whichis startle is considered bahitme Johnlciorkwuwesentnnd was his irthday DickG woo lament noduvsnnlllmtntednddm oniordenioflntMNilflbM were delegates ironl Co Mr Gun deep and and end if possible very well slit idea is to have ii that tiny roots in Good drainage shade will be most When it lo all well worked levl It and pmrit down ilrmlv well to depth oi it you use hose lino spray and his Now you an our do in rows not lino seeds can be with sand Mark each Now silt some very fine oil and the seeds only II IUD Place some burla or ever thin old sheet over seeds and water Keep the seed bed moist at all limos but water gently Now it you can get some snow Ieooo tapioca over this bed or something very similar you will be all set Delphlnluma Violas and Poodles lovovcool wonthor Dont forget to removo the hur iap soon no the seeds are up Since it is already well onin tho season suggest you either transplant directly to where tho plant aro to raw or leave them inthe rams over winter and transplant in early spring Pannier like light covering of straw once the ground is froz en This prevents freezing and thnwlnz Single Aotcra Giorioaa Daisy and Larkspur will do well it planted in fall They either germinate in into all or very early spring and get good star Columbine Sweet William Fox glover and CanterburyI nails can be planted in th from also cametlons and many lovely klndo of Dianthus On Sat Aug three director from Barrie Horticultural SocA ier were guests at the District No of the Ontario Horticultur al Assocation held in the Hort icultural Building at Guelph The writer was one at the three Mrs Mills and Johnson the others On the way to Guelph via Brampton we not iccd hundreds of trees along the highway seemed to be oilected either hy drought or some dis ease We mentioned this the forum We wonder if anyone knows what ails them great many of the trees were maples but some clips also were pretty sickly The day in Guelph wasrmost rofitahle to all demonstrat on by Miss Marilyn WalkerI on flower arranging was most in teresting Miss Walker is graduate of the Dept of Horticulture and she promis ed to come to Barrie next wint er to demonstrate She used lot of miniature gladloll in her arrangements and they were very dainty Another highlight was an ad dress by professor CE Mc Ninch of the 0AC This young prolpssor an expert on landsca ping certainly was ultra modern in design He was all or main ing the back yard serve the needs of modern man and to prove his point he has on am bitlous project under way in en tirely new landscaping at the The idea is to hava more room for parking cars less ily work and more color in tile gar den We thought likely this man has an answer to our modern parking problem at home Herb Markle of Guelph told of the street planting program in Guelph This street planting is joint concern with Board of Works Public Utilities Tele phoneï¬o and Horticultural So ciety each having so many mem hers on the committee and all working in cooperative man nerMr Marlde reported Nap way Maples rooted best next best were flowering crabs Schv wedler Maples did fairly well and so did little lea llndens Pin oakslwere failure in Guelph Every 4th tree plante flaw HUBERT nello pictures showedno lock of color in tho northern cardam BONDliï¬lib Mill Linda Noble spent last week with her undo and amt Mr and Mn Chlrioo Noble at Toronto Milo Mar oral Wilson is visit ins frloodo Edmonton Mr Noble of Monte Nebo Sas kotehewno is visiting his neph ew William buthorilnd Miss Paulina Show of London and Mn Herb Landorkin called on Mrsnflelen Atklnron at Coop ers Rent Home Mount Albertl recently Min Linda Kennedy has re turned homo after visiting lriendo in Michigan or the past month hinil Reynaldo went the weekend with Mrs Win Show in Toronto Mrs Roy Mccloan visited Mr and Mrs Wm Break on Sun day Mn Herb Lanaerkio and don ghler Mn Kerr and larnil oi Milton bolldoylog rt nay Beach Mlu Mary Mellon at Toronto in spending weeks holiday at her home here COOKSTOWN Marjorie Wilkinson inept the weekend with her mother Mrs Wilkinson who returned Mon day with her daughter to Toron to Mr and Mrs Brainy worn indan Sound during the week Ell Mr and Mrs William Smith Toronto were Friday guests of their nephew Smith and Mrs Smith Marjorie Wilkinson was on Thursday of the past week the guest of her aunt Mrs Olive Breley Mrs Alex Allen is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston where sho underwent molar operation Mr and Mrs ll McKillican have returned from vacation trip to Creighton Mines Judith Airth la vlsltiog triends gt this weak in Toronto The infant daughter at Mr and Mrs Donald Mnnlmun to pat ient in Hospital forslï¬ Children Toronto Mrs McFadden to patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston cones Miss Nora Bmley who has been at Grootesllzay for the su mmer has taken position in Barrie Mr and Mrs James On and family of Hillsdale spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Garvin Burns Mr and Mrs David Doughar ty Toronto spent last Wednes day with Esther and Watson Downer Mrs John Anderson and fam nro spending couple of meltan Hawkesionc The Egbert met in the church room last Wednesday evening with ten members pre sent Mrs Allan Cairns presid ed It was decided to accept the Thornton invitation to join with them at their meeting in September number from here took in the DerryDay Celebration in Gravenhurst last Saturday Miss Esther and Watson Dow oer spenbMonday in Penetang witllli Mr and Mrs Vincent Dar we Miss Gladys Mooney spent few days last week with hnr grandmotherI Mrs Margaret heyers BEDROOM SUITES pc KAUFMAN 58fTriple Dresser Chesth BedSblldAalnuf Reg 35950 27450 KAUFMAN58 Triple Drésser ChestBC Bed SWediSh Elm Reg 34095 26950 4pc IMPERIAL RlDEAU Triplézbresser cheslNTaale Panel Bed Reg 44850 37775 Rég59550 42650 4pcANDRlEW MALCOLM French Provincial Antique White Reg 55950 46500 pc IKNECHTEL 50 Dresser Chest Bookcase Bed Modem Elrri Regs28950 23400 pc VILASV MAPLE Twin Beds Dresser Chest NightTable Reg40050 31275 LIVING ROOM SUITES pcSNYDERSYoungModemSwedish ElmAlrfoamk Seals and Backs lReg 28950 22900 pc BRAEMORE Contemporary Provincial Scotch Tweed TV Special gt Reg 46950 36995 pc SKLAR Beigetéalher and Tweed Combination All Air Foam Reg28950 21995 pc KAUFMAN Dallish Reverélble AirfoalmSééls ancl iBacks Reg 34600 28450 pcVOGELiCQnTerï¬porapy2cushon4séaier AqUaBrockelell Reg 33325 27500 2pc FRY BLAQKHALL French Provincial Beige ManlezeFruirwood Reg 56950 47995 pc BRAEMORE FlehchProvinciol Eggshell Tapestry Fruifvvoocl Reg 46950 pCLHEPWORTH MapleReversil3le Seals an Backs5pring CushionsReg 25775 119950 pc hOSHART FRENCH PRQVINClALCRETILHANCHERRY TV Spécial DINING RopMisuirns pc KAUFMAN Talisman Table 38x30274 Buffelond HUrch4 Chairs pcHONDERICK Danish walhurg41x4éi98 Table Chna BOSllART French ProvincialyBuffer Huuichable CHROME SUITESLlVlNG ROOM TABLE EVERYTHING MU5T BE SO l3