Dominican Republic Foreign Minister Poriirlo Herrera Elan left and Cuban Foreign minister Raul Ron right as nor VEBBlll nxcnanon IN cans they exchanged heated words at Thursday meeting of later Amarlcnn foreign ministers conference in Santiago Chile Friction between Dominican Republic and Cuba has been blamed as one of the main Prdnce Will Not Be Pushed By Allies Any More Premier LILE BOUCHARD Francs AP Premier Michel Debra pays France wont be pushed aron by her allies any more and will demand that they back up her war in Algeria all the way His speech seemed to be pub lic preview of what President do Plan lltoni Bomb ior Space Flights NEW YORK APOAmerican scientists plan to use an atomic bomb for the first time to test the feasibility of powering space ships as big asocean liners with controlled nuclear explosions the New York Times says The newspaper saYs the plans evolved from pilot studies of so called nuclear pulse rocket propulsion Recent developments inthis field were described by speci lists as exnemeiy enco aging The outcome of the nuclear bestban talks in Geneva will delt tarmine whether the first test in volving the use of an atomic de vice will be made as planned The Times says nuclear pulsepowered spacp ship would be propelled by rapid succession of atomic explo sions This has given the project its nickname Puttputt its of ficial codels Project Orion Gaulla will tell President Eisen hower when the two confer in private next month Debro spoke to his constituents Sunday in this Loire Valley vi age in westcentral France The premier faithful sup porter of de Gaulics goal of re storing thc authority of France on the international scene in sisted this does not mean France is doomed to stand alone within the Western alliance ALGERIA VITAL Commenting that Algeria had been created by us that is to Fire Destroys Timmins Church TlMMmS CF Fire early Sunday destroyed Notre Dame Church seat of the citys largest Roman Catholic parish Nine fireman were injured dur ing the blaze by spurting hot tar Cause of the fire in the 25year old church is not known ing was rocked by an explosion during the fire but were unable to pinpoint the origin of the blast Firefighters said the greatest problem in fightingthe blaze was as soon as water was played on the insul brickbehindvstucco walls hot tar spurted spattering them Flames Razeli Inn At Lake GRAVENHURST CP Fire Sunday destroyed the onestorey trame main building of the Mus koka Beach Inn on the shore of Lake Muskoka three miles north east of here Manager Kenneth Donn esti mated it would cost $800000 to replace the building None of the 30yearold inns 30 guests were inside when the blaze broke out about pm But few rushed in and saved some oftbeir belongings About 50 firemen from volun teer brigades at Gravenhurst and Brecebridge and trainees Musk0kg from the Ontario Fire College here fought the fire by pumping water from the lake One fire man was overcome by smoke but responded to resuscitator treatment The building which contained offices dining room lounge and kitchen in addition to guest rooms burned to the ground The fire was prevented from spread ing to heavilywooded section and nearby cottages snack bar and large boathouse with sec andfloor danceball Bill Davenport and Bruno Cani zarn twa chefs discovered the fire in linen closet GETTo KNOW EACH prime Family Of Leave Shelter gAiter ZWeek Bomb Testy PRINCETON AP Whats it like for family of to spend two weeks cut off from theworld in small atomic bomb shelter Not had say Mr and Mrs APown They and their three children went into shelter July 31 and didnt emerge until day They said parents andchildreu got to know each other better than ever and described the an perience as very endicial During the test the Powners lived in 72asquarefoot concrete shelter in the basement of Princeton University laboratory at the req st of the federal 0f lice of Ci anDefence rwo MAIN raonmms Powuer 31 said the main problems in the confined space were heat and odors Mro Pow neralso 81 saidshe foundher self more relaxed in the shelter because she was rahleito kec close eye oustIbo boys4Seott to peanut butter They cooked in chaï¬ng dish The parents had scrabble set The children bad games books crayons and other toys Tliare noradio was piped to The temper ature ranged from 83 degrees at the ceiling to 71 at the floor of their tingallon water supply the Powuers used all but 10 gal ans The clothing Mrsylowner washed tookra day and ahalf to dry since humidity was prob lem Garhagewes poised of unnNhan Firemen said the blazing buiid say by Frenchmen from our soll the premier said it is for renovated France to make her allies understand that she has the right to demand all their most complete support for cause which goes far beyond people and generation De Gaullo also wants voice equal to those of the United States and Britain in the deci sions of the Atlantic alliance even though France has pulled most of her troops out of Europe to fight the nationalist rebels in Algeria VISIT IE SURPRISE Debre termed the coming are change of visits between Eisen hower and soviet Premlcr Khrushchev surprising develop ment and said Who would para 331 jsteei Strike write mhuthelkdatrlio nonfatthem eeaauiy aadwheii will really has Sun Danni ma nationwido NEW YORK AP The gov ancient will step iqu thence strike when its national emer gencyand notbetore So any Praldeut Eisenhow er Howlqu before themirth becomes threat to the overall economy nationwide survey by Ame inked Press reportersmbowmhat with few exceptions users of steel are well stocked Unemployment has hit the transportation and mining industries where closer tied to steel production But most steel users were able to lay in supplies from domestic or foreign mills few have been causes of tension in the Carlb bean which the conference is ltrytngv to ease INDIANS DANCE RAIN ARRIVES BRANTFORD CP The Six Nations Indians put on their ruin dance Saturday night for the second time in weekand for the second tlrne the rains came Two Fridays and Sntur days the indlaus presented their annual historical pag cant under the stars on tho reservation south of here The rain dance was omitted both Fridays for ear of washing out the Sahirdoy pageant But both Saturdays the rain dance wound up the pageant Last week tha rain came within fewboura This Saturday the dance was hardly more than over when badly needed downpour came beneiitirig drougbb stricken on throughout this area WORLD News IN BRIEF mves GHANA BONN Reuters Western Germany is prepared to grant federal guarantees to value of 200000000 marks $50000000 for investment in Ghanas develop ment the foreign ottiee annotinced Sunday The announcement was issued in communique marking the end of threeday visit to Bonn by Ghanas minister of fi nance Ghedemah 01L EXECUTIVE DEAD GLEN COVE NY AP Ricbardson Pratt 65 flounder and tamer Standard Oil Com pany executive died Sunday At one time he was assistant treas urer of Standard Oil of New Jer sey but left the com any in 1944 to devote himself tnliiis familys iiivestrnent business GIRL FOR TAYLORS SANTA MONICA Calif AH Actress Ursula Thiess gave birth to seven pound four ounce daughter Sunday night Miss Thiess is the wife of actor Rob art Taylor The child is their second They have sonTer rence ADM TO RUN AGAIN WASHINGTON AP Penn sylvania Governor David Law rence says Adlai Stevenson is the ablest man in American politics andtherestill is possibility he can and the family used chem icaltoilet Alllost weight except Tory The Powners didnt know it but every word they said Was picked up by hidden microphones mon itored and recorded on 38 miles of tape Professor Jack Vérnon said it was for the Pownars own safety and they were not told he forehand so the test would in more realistic They were mad whentbey found out we were llstenioghut notas rna as we thought they would Vernon said Theatre Cotonou llFlllltj llllllit Inn Moria will be drafted as Lhe 1960 Demo praidential candidate Lawrence indicated Sunday durn ing filmed television interview that Stevenson is his personal choice METRES PAYING OFF TOKYO Reuters Parking metres have become one of the maiorsources of income for the Tokyo metropolitan government Officials saidtbat in the first six months of opeiation the govern ment collected 54000000 yen revenue is being put aside for the construction of undergron parking garaga in downtown Tokyo WIFE AMONG VICTIMS Poole Sumter happened along when police were starting torre move the dead and injured from twocar collision near here Poole had crowbar in his auto mobile and helped officers prv the twisted metalso the man gldd bodies could be extricated It was not runtll later that he learnedonc of four women killed on the way home from thei ger ment factory jobs was his wife Barrio South be tween Bwys ii no $135000 from the meters The MANNING ac KariChains paying higher prices Smith says it must close its pipe mill UAR Ionian Friendly llgain CAIRO ReuterstTbe United Arab Republic announced Sun day it has resumed diplomatic relations with Jordan King Hussein of Jordan m4 ered relations with Presidmt Nasers regime last sunimer when Nasser recognized iraqla revolutionary regimewhlch bod overthrown the Iraqi monarchy Unttl the July revolt Husseins regime had been federated with that of his cousin iraqs King Faisal who lost his life in the uprising forelgu ministry statement said the UAR has approved the appointment of former Jordanlan foreign minister Mohamde Pasha Shnrelkl as ambassador in Cairo Fattlzi Radwan director at the UAR Arab aIfaira departxneng has been nominated as ambas sador in Amman In London ofï¬cials welcomed the announcement They said Britain is anxious to restore rela tions with theUAR which were brjoslï¬n off during the 1956 Sue er Unknown lineman lldmires Princess LONDON Reuters Two dozen red roses were reported Sunday to have arrived at Bal moral Castle in Scotland Jar Princas Margaret from an un known Amerleau admirer fie also is reported to have placed an order for corsage of orchids to be delivered to the princess next Friday her ï¬lth birthday Meanwhile the princess the subject of romancerurnora for years was preparing to spend her birthday as she has spent all previous birthdays in Scot land where she was born hast week she journeyed north to join the Royal Family at the Scottish estate monttnaltbough some can Pmbes in Mil not Sane firms ur My run out at Steel after Labor Day More any they can holdout till October or iota AI Grown com Electric Boat division foï¬enenl Dyna mics saysltordcredstedso tar in advance it can omtinne work on savenAsnhs for Itlust year The auto industry which um about onefifth of all steel output reports large stocks on bandbe cause the strike seemed so sure for serious it has breather ahead because no steel is used during the model chnogeovers Also Detroit Steel Corporation isnt on strike andFords on steel plant isnt affected Appliance makers say the pinch may come in aoother 80 still longer few put labor Day as the trouble date In Pittsburgh Westinghouse says its supplies of various steel products will last from 60 to 90 days In New York General Elec tric says various divisions have varying amounts andthere may be some trading between plants Helped by twoweeks vaca tion just ended International Harvester of Chicago says it ex pects to run at least till the end of September Fairbanks Moria may have trouble after August The international Business Ma chine plant in Lexington Ky has fourmonths supPIY In New YorkContlnental Can says its overall steel tonnage is high but demand for various kinds of cans varies widely and itsChlcago plant expects to feel the effect in October Ont to Quit Teachers Body HALIFAX cr The 960 member Canadian Teachers Fed eration in an attempt to appease its largest participantthe 41 000 member Ontario Tencbers Federationhas named 15 member committee to outline an appropriate program for its at filiate organizations Whether Ontario will stay with the parent body was still uncer tnin as the federations annual meeting ended here Saturday Arlft occurred between 0n tarlo and the parent body over Wota menther membership fee increase instituted last year Ontario is withholding approxim ater $10000 in fees The federation has agreed to waive the arrears if Ontario hi dlcates by Jan 15 1060 that it will pay its 1960 fees If Ontario fails to meet the request it will be suspended lbe studycommittee will con sist of representatives from each of the 15 organizations within the federation This gives Ontario five representatives an there are five organizations within the Ontario federation Anlnterimreportis lobe made to the Canadian federation executive by Dec 10 about month before the Ontario federa tion must signin its future plans Benny Fields 55 0t Vaudevill Once Hailed as First Crooner NEW YORK AP Benny glields song and dance man of old vaudeville era who came backin recent years to headline in night clubs and television died Sunday He was 65 At his side when he suffered heartattack at their hotel was Blossom Seeley his wife of years and iormer Broadway star who helped her husband to show business fame The couple recently returned from monthlong engagement at Las Vegas night club Fields once hailed by Bing insr suovnuerouioiir Crosby as Americas first crooner trouped with Miss Seelay for 32 onus OH LLENGE OF THE WILD George and Sheila Graham comm cmroon years Benny always credited Blossom with his success Blossom was the biggest star in vaudevillewbeu she discov ered me while slumming one night in Chicago singing and dancing with trio Fields once said She started promoting me right then and shes been at it ever since The Fields were one of the few careercouples in show business who were married for almost fourdecades VACATIONS FUN with MONEY Fur Vacation cash Fast HUBBLE That ChildS CLEVELAND AHJohn Eh andhis wife didnt have the words to tellboth have been deaf motes since birth There was no way they could explain that their three year old child was trapped in their flaming house James Pfalf 31yearold Cbl cage insurance ecutive and his wife Susan happened to be drl putthebnrnioghomeln Volmsted Ewe early Sunday They stopped and raw Blveirgesticuinting wildly Whats wrong Pfaft shouted The parents led him by the arm around to bedrooxn window Plaff ickcd in the screen and climbed into the room He groped around but became dizzy in the heavy smoke and came out SINGLEWDRD gt By this time Mrs Pfafl had got one word from Mrs Elven There must bea baby In cribMrs Plait shouted and her husband his eyes stillwater log from the smoke went back into the bedroom stumbledhround be said later didnt think of the fire but kept saying Theres some ne lnhera Theres someone in child in crib tbocr Thenhefeltule LILE BOUCHARD Frauce APPrernler Michel Debra re ferred caustically Sunday to the exchange of visits between Presi dent Eisenhower and Premier lflirmhchev Then he warned that France no longer will toleri ate alliances that mean subjec tion to foreign powers History moves quickly and surprising chances can occur be told meeting of his constitu eats iutbis Loire Valley town in west central France Wbowould have said only six years agothat visits by tho chiefs Pfaif finally touched rung of sons died and 250 menu Cm Deal Mutesllnable Scott Piaf felt his way out couldnt Half falling half lupin be merged through the ow with the child Scott and hlslatberwerc in hospital Sunday night The diild was being treated for smoke in halation lt The father sullered second and thirddegree burns as he stumb led around thehouse into the the once before he got out He and his wife each had thought the other was getting their son out of the house FormosaTreinorfl Kills 16 Hurts 80 TAIPEI Formosa Reuters oneminute earthquake fn southern Formosa Sabirday killed 10 persons injured on others and reduced the thrith town of Himgchun to heap of ruins pollen reported Sunday The quake struck as Formosans were clearing away the wreckage knew there must have been left from disastrous flood ear lier in the week About 050 per 000 were made bomelw by thalloods French Premier Raps Alliances of state would be carefully iilgau ized between Moscow and Wash lngtoul or To avoid being crushed by the agreements between very great powers nation like France must be in position totmako itself heard and understood Debre said that the policy of France reviving under Presidt Charles de Gaulle is not isolation It is reaction against the alliances whichthrough our weakness led to our subjection to foreign powers which dldnot hesitate to oppose ouressentlal interests All riiis nine SmileJGreatBig Hug Milka asides09mm Hem mason stone THE sunsamz ms sweaters mm CAFMS OOMEDY our slows wmt NOTHING our WE now