mm mitosis rue Wnnl so hoti Moscmcmwum numberheallfortbollonlneal engine and coach were dam details of compromise plan to Havana that he was bringing PoliceHWatchVIor Bisonist Name Leader GhanaParty Dombo hasbeen ch on Ghana United Party in place Kplf Busin who loethla seatcln the National As enib Gh Europelos lEdltflIlIDelL arousing mhmxrmm OPERA STAR CHATS WITH SIB WINSTON Opera star Marla Callas toudies hand of Sir Winston Churchill during chat aboard the yacht Christina after it arrived back in Monaco from threeweek Mediterranean cruise They were among the guests of Greek shipowner Aristotle Onassis on the trip 69 Are Injured In Train Crash GULL LAKE Sask CPJAt least Gopersons were injured and nine were still in hospital today after rearend collision early Sunday between fast freight baggage and passenger train and the crack passenger train the Dominion Both Canadian Pacific Railway trains were eastbound from Van couver to Montreal with the Dir minion running about an hour late when they collided McCracken CPR superin ndent of the Medicine Hat divl on said it was amiracle no one was killed The crash occurred about 535 am artho DominionNo made scheduled stop at Gull Lake 190 miles west of Regina The train was about five hours late reaching Regina after the collision BEAREND SMAS The last three cars of the Dominion were wrecked when the other train No crashed into the rear The first diesel of No was demolished and its second aged The tiny 18bed Gull Lake hos pital treated 69 passengers after the wreck None of the nine de tained was in critical condition gasbed and blood streamed down ghough there were serious lnjuu as hospital official said several of the 11 patients in the hospital before the wreck were discharged to make room for the injured Broen of Brandni Man said the tail car of the Dominion was tsmnshed to smithcreens dont knowhow people that were in there are still living be said It really is miracle Aboutfour persons were believed to have been sleeping tnthe car The secondlast car was tossed on its side Eyewitnesscs said tho passengers had to be taken out through the window TELLS DP HERO SM One unidentified witocss sold the injured engineer of No worked like mad in the rescue operations though his head was his face Finally he weakened and someone took him away Earlier reports said Dave Ral ston of Medicine flat the engine eer suffered head lacerations Mr Breen said the Dominion had backed into the Gull Lake station yard after stopping east of it green signal light was on showing the station to be clear Raul Castro Flying ToChile To Join Caribbean Crisis Talks SANTIAGO Chile APFidel Castros brother Raul flies into Santiago today as the foreign ministers of Latin America and the United States argue out final calm climate of crisis in the Caribbean The younger Castros impact on the foreign ministers talksnow in their sixth daywas likely to be light It was not even certain he would appear before the con ference However it was understh in documents purporting to link the Dominican Republics dictator rGeneralissimo Rafael Trujillo With the antiCastrngconspiracy the Cuban regiine says it uncov cred last week The foreign ministers mean while hammered out agreement on set of resolutionsexpected to be signed at final coolerence session Tuesday 7Vasey ecideni Fa VAsny The key resolution would give the already existing inferAmeri can peace committee of the Dr ganizatioo of American States temporary to study methods and procedures to pre vent activities originating abroad designed tooverthrow constituted governments The aim is to prevent such things as the invasion of Panama last April by about 100 men mostly Cubans recent invasions of Nicaragua from Costa Rica and Honduras the Dominican campaign against Castro and Castros against Trujillo The resolution balances this fireprevention agency urged by the US with provisions to meet demon by Cuba and Venezuela for emphasis on strict observance of human rights and representa tive democracy and econonuc help for underdeveloped lands The 545 chairman of the peace committee at present and Mrs John ney became lost on blueberry picking expedition Sunday after HUD and think thats why the other train hit us The injured included Mrs Beu lah Mollvraith Toronto Woman Children Are Found Sate SYDNEY Ns CP Lia yearnld woman and six children were found so early today in makeshift sh ter in dense woods at nearby Grand Lake after hiring lost more than 13 hours Mrs John McNeil her tour dgiï¬hgï¬gngsghiggme 195a specinlfllegislat Searchers who combed the rainsoaked bush throughout the night found the group huddled together just before daybreak Mrs McNeil said she became lost after the children started to roam in the woods By the time rounded them all up it started to rain she said built shelter for the children and stood watch over them throughout the night Stewardess Helps Birth 0n III1III6I MEMPHIS Tenn AP sin anoe Eeforwas born Sunday 10 days ahead of time and 9000 feet over Missouri Mrs Hugh Ector 27 of Ai genta BC gave birth to the eightpound fourounce girl in an airliner with the stewardess and two passengers as midwives Mother and daughter were taken to Memphjshospital after the Delta Airlines plane landed here and are doing fine Mrs Ectur was en route from Canada to Visit her parents at Sylvarena Miss She felt the first faint labocpains at Chicago but figured she would reach Jackson Miss in plentynf time rinse IN seams Visibléver US seaboard WASHINGTON AP Tba United States launched the first in series of new NlKAASP re search rockets today It left yelloworange cloud thatwas ible overmuch of the US on em seaboard The rocket was fired from the National Aeronautics and co Administration station at an Island on Virginias cast he and emitted 100ltmilc oo vapor trail beginning at an all Litude of about 50 miles it was topped by the large cloud that was yellow ange in color iTheIocket hadAwo objectives trio determine nd direction and yelocltynver th wide range covered hythetrnll and cloud To measure diffusion or the rate at which matter spreads out in the upper atmosphere Weather bureaus from New York to Virglnia had received telephone calls early this mom ing from people who had spotted the strange cloud in the sky The rocket was launched at am EDT ud its trail and cloud were Segregate Classes iii Schools New Move In Little Rock lirk LITTLE ROCK Ark AIDA new weapon was unlimhered in the Little Rock school battle to daysegregated classes in an in tegrated school Sch ool officlals rescheduled classes for Ann McLeod one pf 700 white students at Hall High School so she wont have to sit with any of the three Negro girls who began attending Haillast week Anns father lawyer John McLeod Jr invoked little noted state law to get segregated classes for his daughter School offlcialgl agreed the law passed with er segregation measures wasï¬vTalidflielaw says noistu dent can he forced to sit in the some classroom with personiot another race lawyeg for the National As sociation the Advancement of Colored People Wiley Brenton soldilie NAACP will go to court to fight attempt to segregate Negro stu cats in class He sold the US gt Supreme Court had ruled in an Oklahoma case that Negro once admitted to an tegrated school could not be scg regated within the school School board secretary Tod Lamb said MeLeods request was the only one received so farHe said he hoped not many others would follow Hall is one of two high schools integrated last weekwbgnmubllc achools opened for the firsttime since Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus closed them after the bitter 1957 integration dispute Would Win War Red Chiefs isure WASHINGTON AP Brit lsh expert on Russian military affairs says military leaders of the Soviet Union believe they could win world war But these military leadersdo not think surprise nuclear at tack by either side can be he cisive reportcdd Malllackin tosh adviser on Soviet military affairs to the Instituteof Strate gic Studies in London He was quoted in copyrighted interview in the magazineUS News and World Report Mackintosh served during the Second World War as dritish liaison officer with the Russian Army He based his belief mainly on material printed in what he called semirestricted at tary journals said that according to the present Soviet military doctrine war against the West could he won in six steps They are as follows 62 on oven WEEKEND The war would be launched with forestalling blow nu clear strike at military targets inside the United States Soviet ground forces would quickly overrun and neutralize Western Europe escaping from returnnuclear blows on Russia slow war of movements that might last for years would follow withvlied troops moving into Africa others through Si beria to Alaska Soviet armies would cross the Atlantic to South America and move north toward the United States Others from Alaska would move south through Canada Red ground forces would ad vance across the borders of the United States making the US the No battle area may sheer weight of numbers they would achievea final vie tory with Soviet foices occupy mgtthS vlslblo about 30 minutes For one purpose or another some 3500 rockets have been sent up from Wallops since the instal lation was set up in 1045 Recent operations have in cluded sending up dummy space capsules early last models of the vehicles men will ride into space Thaalm is to work out recovery techniques MAN 651iiis vouuo mans WEST CLANDON England AHCharles Lecocq as yearnld gardener plans trip into thaland of the Arabian nights to buy himself young wife reckon Ill have to pay about £40 but Ill go up to 60 for really shapely and at tractive girl Deoocq told re porters prefer 962240 Lecocq who earns £10 week has applied to tho lraqi Embassy in London for visa allowing him lnto Baghdad It hasnt been granted yet But the Belgian born gor fdciier is far from discouraged has been saving long time CInrthe trip and thinks he knows exactly how to go about purchasing spouse Theres big building in Baghdad where orphaned Arab girls aresold to wealthy people as domestic servants Lech said fI shall inst walk in choose the girl want and marry her if she is agreeable Then lll bring her back here Why travel sofar for wife Im getting on bit Lev cocq explained and know Im not good looking English girls are just not interestedin me Drinks Solder Flux Uxbiidge BoyDies UXBREDGE CP James Jannick died Sunday after drinking part of bottle of sol dering flux Police said the boys father Harvey Sr was working in barn on their form when he found his son rolling onthe ground in stall The partlyempty bottle was nearby Mr Jannick said he gave his son an antidote of plaster and water and the boy seemed to re cover but died during the night Uxbridge is 30 miles northeast of Toronto 4onaiiic Home iiy ran CANADIAN PRESS tal motorvehicle accident one milewest of Vase on the county line last night claimed the life ofooeperhaps twopeop1e Names and details of the mishap have not yet been released butit is known that other survivors are still in Midland hospital Pope DonateslTo Families OTTAWA CP Pope John has made oigift of $2000 to help fishing fleet at Esciuninac NB last June CHICAGO AP Police stood guardtoday at aWest apartment building where hours after threeNegro families moved in predominth whiteneighbo SACCRA Ghana Reutersl parliamentary leader of the mood month are the families who suffered losses in astorm that hit the PRESS on nitsues two smallfires yvcre startedIa few The budding is in dents Fortytr fic Canadas accidental death toll to 62 during the weekend Cana dian Press survey showed today There were 11 drownings three deaths in fires and eightdeaihs attributed to miscellaneous acoi Ontarios 15 traffic deatns were the highest oog the provinces Three drown gs and three other deathsincluding one attributed to heat prostration putr 0n tarios total at 21 16 IN QUEBEC Quebecs 16 total es included niocin traffic four in water mis haps and three miscellaneoueac cidental deaths Only Newfoundland and Prince Edward Isl were free of fatal itiEs olumbia led the west British ern provinces withtbree tratfio dent hree drowningsand one other eta accident The surveyflncl des io nt deaths and other faint accidents connected with hotldgy aestivitlea during the yarlod ti pushed locai time SundaY Fatalities for other provinces with traffic deaths shown in brackets Alberta Saskatchewan all trafli Manitoba and Nova Scotia ONTARIO LIST The Ontario dead Donald Hunter 16 mcoo when his cycle collided with car near his home about 30 miles southwest of Hamilton on day James MacGrcgor 35 who was droWned Friday night in Oakland Pond Jamiles south of Brant ford Mrs William Wood 53 killed in twocar collision Friday night nearfher home in Ridge town about 15 miles east of Chatham Friday to midnight Russell AlfredvFoe2l of Pras ton following twocar smash mites tw ham 30 duties Psoutli of Owen Sound on Saturday Alan Mackayabout 40 of Red Rock after car in which he was pnssengerierashed near Red Rock 55 miles vnortheastof Fort William on Saturday HUSBAND WIFE ma Mr and Mrs Milo Ellis of Sombra Township when their car crashedlate Friday near We lt FillitoSbrocch o7 by car in Toronto early Sunday An unidentified BoastCanadian111911 Churchville Toronto NECK Baoxdai is milesnorthwast of JPOIiCje fArrest Dyer100 Women DUREAN South Africa Reut erslViolcnco flared again today throughout Natal province follow ing weekend of rioting and or son by African natives protesting government regulations Trouble hlt communities in South Natal and extra police were moved to the area from Port Shepstone and Pietermnrlti burg Morethon 100 African women were arrested at Umtwaluml near Port Sbepstone on charges of creating disturbance The women were reported to have built roadblocks stopped seven buses and demanded to be taken to Durban or Pietermartlzburg to rescue Africans impiisoned there HOSTILE ATTITUDE Durban city officials sent to the suburb of Cato Manor to deal with health services were forced to leava again because of the at titude of the Africans Police left the south coast re sort of Port Shepstone for com munity store in lfafa village aftera crowd of demonstrating natives cut telephone lines Police arrested 34 women Frl day and another Saturday for creating distorbancesatlfafa in the Islpofu area Two armored cars carrying 18 policemen went to the South Na tal community of St FaithsMls sion following reports that crowd of about 1000 converged on the mission and refused to pay taxes due today because South Africas racial segregation laws ah were keeping men unmiployed African unrest simmered else where under the gm of extra mllce patrols Riotiog and arson communities in southern and central rcglons of this east coast province during the weekend Two Africans described by ro llce as agitators were killed Saturday outside Pletermaritz burg when police opened fire on crowd of about 300 rioting Afri cans Three schools burned down in the Pletcrmaritzburg suburb of Sobantu during the rioting Trouble was sparked by the im prisonment of African women in South Natal and in protcstnt gov ernment liquorand cattle regula tlons Qouglas Mitchell the opposltlon United party leader in Natal warned that African unrest was developing into open rebellion Violence in the South Natal centre of Harding and in an Al rlcanvlllago outside Pieterm itzburg was the ï¬rst major break since riots in the Durban suburb ofCato Manor on June 18 when five Africans were killed by pollce and some 25 buildings burned WHITES LEAVE White officials and their de pendants were evacuated during the weekend rioting and police patroled the streets An armored car was sent into the community of Edendole after gasoline bomb thrown into crowded bus was doused with afire extintln guisher Labor codeDated Official Remarks OTTAWA CF pressing need exists for modernizing the federal labor code Eric Har rington of Montreal president of the Canadian Construction Asso ciation saidvtoday In an address to the Rotary Club he saidCanadian labor leg islation has permitted marked imbalance between the economic power of certain unions and other sections of the Canadian econ omy In the past the unions neede protection Mr added but today it is the iridi vidual employee management and the public who need it Irre sponsible union not threatens the economic life of Canada cspeclv ally in view of our reliance on the export trade Mr Harringtons remarks were included in text of his speech issued to the press before dollv He said that among the more desirable changes in the iederal legislation are clarification of the llcgality of picketing and strikes in various forms requirement that labor unions have civil status as legal entities which would enable them to be sued and prohibition of the closed shop under which worker must he union member to get em ployment in an establishment With closed shop contract