an more Most gahn angi ot dUtopla ha ily dsup crtrseVnu chip or 875 first prize tor the Shopin Barrio days Not quite certain how she ould mad the bonhnu sin Muir had no doubts that when the time name she wmlldputtbe money to good use is aE it at moved briefly said able to work again to milk and drive my wito wont have much war in the next bedf cried with joy as he leaning over the bed bookeoner he was forced to his job when his vision sued ii 35 do is BUB FABEB II CENTS DEiElOli CPITb Detioit Street Railway Commlsllon has announced it plans to increase bus loses in the city tive can by July Specter Of Communism Creeps Into OEA Talks TORONTO tCPihe specter oi communism and Communist education systems is appearing repeatedly at the annual conven tion at the Ontario Education As sociation meeting this week Almost 10000 delegates are at tending the conventionlargast educational gathering in Canada which lasts until Thursday The convention isrdivided into some 39 sections Dr Murrey Ross vioeprcr ldent the University of To ronto and Professor Turn Wil son oi thermiversitys physics de indicated at meeting of one section thht the balance at world power may be shilting from the West to the East be cause oi Communist concentra tion on education NM ALL LAUDATORY other sneakers Tuesday also mtioued Communist education and not all of them were compllu mentafy Dr Owen pro vost at Trinity College oi the University at Toronto told the OEAs classics section that the Soviet type of education tends to produce mass men rather than Manitoba Electron To Be Heidlllay 14 or ran contaminants Manitobas minority Comoros tive government which over cametheiniherals in an election last yearwill go to the people or the second time within year in the hope of gaining majority as did the federal government Premier Robllri dissolved the legislahsre Tuesday night and announced that provincial gen eral election will he held Thurs day May 14 TORONTO tCPJ Premier Frost aays Ontario has doaa better in educationthan has the United States love speech Tuesday to the convention oithe Catholic Edu Conieran he said educa the provinces No prph Vnndoubt in my mind have done better than pathology Weststru medicalschoola rs Mabel evangelist who more than 1100 others in the las 30 ballroom Lord sum vlcepocsident anddueo ai Bank gt berte 53 ormerglllghtweight boner known as KO Laliborte who fought some theieadiog bettiersin Canadadn the lines MontrealLt boury64 pio oer ganlsations in Montreal and Que rain we La the individual human beings from from liberal educa Oil other speakers discussed means of improving education in Ontario and one warned against clinging to the nostalgic memor ies oi the British past Dr Ross recently returned from study oi the Russian Bdtlr cational system and Prof Wilsop toured Communistchina Prof Wilson laid in so years there will be almost iooooooooo Chinese Better educated and more industrialised than ever before they will be very power iul peoplemuch morepowertul than Russia MUST RESET PRESSURE Dr Owcn said Canadgmust not give way to pressures to transform its schools lute factor ies producing technicians Tech nicians were needed but we must make sure they are mature human beings as well capehls of wisdom as wellaslcaowledge He told sducatlonlsts to avold the heresy that edilcatloh is the key to all problem it is an illusion like all uto pian ideas lilth educated man can be wicked and hmin educated nation can be danger ous Sometimes the more educa ted the nation is the more dan gerous it can be Dr Diltz dean oi the On tarlo College of Education in Irmchoon address to the supervis ing and mining department called tor insighth teaching which would inspire creative thinking in schools He said stu dents rnust concentrate or know ledge and not perfection oi phy sical prowess social gifts or gall HVINGWIIHUJ Prof AIR Lower head ii th history department of Queens Univmlty told history section meeting Canada must learn the art of living next to the United States or this giant could roll over on us in his sleep without knowing Canada must stop clinging to nostalgic memories of was helpinliustalllntrmtoiNB andEdtlonAeflel Igrocerystore soldered annex CRUSHES nor macsso cmPaul Settle mm Wow WI killed hiesday when THOMAS OP Proviult crushedbyetruckwhileplaying ciai police carly thlsmasnhig near his home irrsuburban Port wereinvestlgatinzthedeathola Credit flan iorund lyitggTbeside srmou awnsblp BIBS UNDER WHEELS gnu mm 3L 111m ALTON CPTJarne Mll Identiton thamsnwasstilinn bury died under the dial rear determined OK Plan To Put Teachers To Test NORTH BAY OF plan taught tor number at years which will put teachers them and consistently been judged selves to the last was approved poor in ability This would prob Illesdsy by the Ontario Public ably mean ludment based on School Me leachers Federation reports ot number at dliierent provincial assembly as step inspectorl towards removing incitihient teachers from its membership The plan calls tor cancellation or suspension by the Ontario Teachers Federaan of teaching certiï¬cates of all male public school teachers whose work has been lodged grossly laeflicient over number at years The iederatlons teachers will themselves recom mend the necessary action to the federation The teacher being judged willbe not informed oi each stop taken PATWDING It is believed the tirst time in Ontario that federation has m1 helï¬ii it ve some of its members oiggrtiilcationl Approximately 170 delegates are attending the twodayprovin dal assembly here thachcrs judgednosllydn iicient would be thme who ha DONT ll secure our AMMOBILI was Yol KIYS GUI Croat llordwora as new ear its Britishpastilitlstosurvivo in the shadow otthe 115 He said Canada should become thesnar1ing little brother at the US voicing loud disagree ment whenever it was felt am sary Proudoi Hardships Nfld Asks Understanding irom Mainland ST JOHNS Ntld CPLJo sepb Smaliwood lhiesdoy omit marked his 10th anniversary as premier and Newfoundlands iirat decade as Canadian prov ince with plea for betterlm derstaading from the mainland Wehave beenhitterly hurt by the lack of understanding we have received from the rest of Better Education Thafn U57 Frost our contemporaries across the line Ontarios population on ld double to 2500000 in the next 15 years and itwas inevitable that the government would increase its aid to education The premier said unlversitiu will exist sometday at Sudbury and the Lakehead as well as in other larger centres Demosres wnwowran in welcoming delegates to the convention James Cardinal Mc angan Archbishop of Toronto said thetalkslare at great im portanoe Arthur Maloney president said he is convinced of the valuevol the Work done by the conference As azcriminal lawyer who has dotaadod hoyeiin court can say that in many many they had hownpoverty lack ot dd cation lumsor broken homes roafou Iiyou haveulttdme to Kdeitryomelt Beam Lmse Dep in ca willjdo ltiorvyon theeomplete lob material and laborcanbeincladv Fed Canada he told about 800 people who attended dinner in honor of the fiery orator who led New inundland into Confederation Mainland Canadians did not seem to realize that only 52 per cent oUha people on this island voted for Confederation Those who voted against cried in the streets at st Johns when they lost lie said Newtoundlanders are unreasonabiy proud It was just little mental Just little unnatural They were proud gt hardships they had overcome proud of their British ties proud of flieirisland independent 460 years and aprovinpe only 10 3mm mm mm in his hourlong speéch be said Newfoundlanders believe they have the richestplvvincein Can ads but need money to develop it littlemoneywiselyapeat now would pay lg dividends1 Newfoundlanders did not want to he always on thereoeivtngend lhoyrwant to contribute 990L913 iMlNERALHUNGElW so IKNVOW lit your Dairy new has received supplementary mineraissHURGAm Essential Minerals all win erthey will not now be shattering from 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