If cost of education Salary increases for camera alone am to the equivalent of four Were it not for more favorable grants this year from the Ontario Government the public school board would have to ask for much more WEATHER Synopsis The weather was generally sunny over Ontario on Easter Stmdny but temperatures were mainly in the cool 30 The warmest temperatures occurred in Northern Ontario where Moos once reported 53 degrees and severa other communities reached 50 An extensive rain area covering the eastern United States edged north of Lake Erie Sunday evening Light snow and rain were reported this morning throughout Southern Ontario An other disturbance moving east ward from the prairies will bring some showers to the province Tuesday Colder air is moving southward from Hudson Bay into Northern Ontariohut lsnot ex pected to move very far south of Timmins Lakehead line by Tuesday night Lakr Erie region Windsor MosL cloudy and mild today and Tuesday Afew showers this morning and again Tuesday Winds light Geo ian Bay Haliburtoo re glons Mostly cloudy with occa sional light snow or rain today and Tuesday Not much change in temperature Winds light Forecast temperature low tonight High Thede Windsor 40 St Thomas London Winghnm Toronto Trenton St nlhorines Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe Earltnn Sudbury North any sansésggncncnnn Wtndsors tax rate is up four mills Hamiltons has increased by mills in Guelph cotmcli has decided to hold the prevlotn residential rate of 92 mills but boost the commercial and indus trial rate from 99 to nice level 100 MAJOR FACTOR Generally education is the ma jor factor in increased rates Not more education but more people to educate and higher salaries to the people who do the job This trend too will continue Canada expects to double its school population in 20 years We can forsee long series of Spring newspaper articles rc porting higher taxes to meet education requirements Barrie has useful little by law2118 which has recently been amended to make it more useful By laying down require ments for approving subdivision plans and inslsting services such as sewers sidewalk gravel roads and curbs be installed Council places the cost of devel oping new area on the people who develop it Thus the Enlv rle taxpayer does not have to pay for new parts of the city But it is notpossihle to pass bylaw to place thecost oi new schools on the developers As new areas are opened up growing volume of youngsters will besiege the citys schools for instruction it has been unofficially estimated Barrie will need new school or ad dition either high or public each year for another decade It has often been suggested the Provincialgovernment to whose treasury everybody from tributes should pay the costs of education This would have the further advantage of providing more solid body with whom teachere federations could negotiate At present the teacher5 organiza tions negotiate separately with each school board This is dis tinctly DavidGoliath tactics as the teachers unions thus be come for more powerful than the employers undeniably school boards are having topay high wages to attract teachers If the school EducationMni9r Factor salaries Public school teachers can make moo year Rich School maxima vary irom $9000 to til000 The work is pleas ant regular and interspersed with long holidays ltistrueamancandobel ter in industry But with the some training he can do worse There is lot said about the man with sciencenaming who collects fivefigure salary But legs is said about the man with science BA who does not and there are plenty such it may be that salary costs are now reaching peak which will relieve the taxpayers to some client How about in crease in facilities One compensation is this that as the number of students grows so will the number of taxpayers And as the increas ing number of students become taxpayers they will in turn help support the stillincreasing num her of students who follow thorn At some point we will strike balance where the growth in students will balance the contin uing growth in taxpayers The point will come sooner in fast developing areas than in more stagnant ones We are near to itio Barrie Lindsay Wins Collegiate Spiel OWEN SOUND CPD Rinks from Lindsay and Owen Sound Collegiate and Vocational insti te won top awards during the weekend at the coliegiates invi tational bonsplel lohn McCrae skipped his young Lindsay curlers to three wins and so points in the first draw Doug Hodgkinsonof Owen Sound won the second draw with three wins and 26 points Gordon Hopkins of Orlllla was second in the early draw and Bob Cowan Owen Sound third Wiogham rinks skipped by Wil liam Crawford and Ron Hetber ington took second andthird in the lastdraw Entries totalled 24 rinks in cluding ones from Kitchener Waterloo Bracebridge Burling population is to be doubled in too Goderlch and Charley Schoolchildren love games and those at the King George school for retarded children are no exception But their games aliflhave purpose Compiled at doonby Here two pupiis play shop to teach them how to make purchases in the real life out side the schoolhouse walls The little shop is Equipped with TODAYSSTOCK PRICES dnwfordland Co Ltd Efmynn or Dunlap storefront IN Attitth ï¬llgoma stiu nr Am Oil co ac Power Cdn Bk Comm Clip con Mug con Paper fclan Hall New Norand Minn Normchl Nor Ont glpit Jockey Club Roe Royal Bank kw Jorp Sher Gard sat Sher Sim Ltd no he Fin Texaco Unit ï¬rmer Xltfa Un Gn nl 173 Walk GIW noitonno noon ExcuArmlnmEx ind down on Golda upï¬‚ï¬ an Metal down NEW Inï¬llt and atom axonon amaons down nun aven noun down or me More aorrvn Italian Nowlund menone TEADRRS TS pUILs LY SHOP Wutern Duo down oo ad gt car driven by Jack on guinea conï¬ne of Camp Borden noihdodwith lb play bottles of milk iruit on new staff photo Chargeiollows Barrie Collision in collision oanaintnear Rose on Sunday night two veh es were damaged and one drlver Clifford Rainey 43 of Hamilton was charged by Barrie police for following too closely behind vehicle Damages to both care was esti maed at $90 Camp Borden Drivers Collide Two Camp Borden motorists were involved in anaccldent on flfflnSt2 do antimony hï¬ht Neither was injured but damage to the two cars totalled $170 Constable it 4D Jones report tbat car driven by ArchF hold Macmillan 36 was mak ing rightturn into driveway on Tifflo St whenarfollowing ewman 531 warm anSUN The camera caught unawar es two younger Barrio cltlms enjoying the touch of sun and an earnest discussion with an QUIET FOR FIBEMEN So far for the Barrie lira de partment it has been quiet holiday Two calls were re ceived Good Friday and Sunday and both were tochirnoey fires That on Sunday aflemoon was to 2i Duffelin Street No dam age resulted TAKES noun ewes man wearing railway mans peaked cap is being sought by Canadian National Railway officials and Barrie police following discovery of the theft of 150 brass boiler plugs from iocomotlvu stored in Al landale yards The suspect was seen around the yards before the thefts occurred He is de scribed as aman 45 years of the striped engineers cap and of slight build THE FROM GONDOLA Somd highflying intruder who had to climb into the gondola in the Barria Arena by means of ladder is reported to have taken an amplifier and poxer boos ter owned by Harris radio sta tion CKBB The tw pieces of qupment are valultl storm as TRADE1N Someone purpose exchanged an older baby stroller for newer one police have been lnforrned by Victoria Street resident His wife had left the now stroller in front eia chainstoreon Bay field Street When she came out she found an older one of the same type in its place The housewife feels her stroller was taken in error accldenaliy or on NEws PliOM GEORGIAN MANOR By GARHELD COTTON District 19 of Barrie Orlilia Tottenham and Penelang of met on March ll Barrie at St Marys Hall to honor octo genarian Byrne past Grand Knight of Barrie of Lodge Mr Byrne ad com pleted his 50th year as mem ber of the lodge last December John Woods incumbent Grand Knight of Barrie pr aented an illuminated scrollon behalf oi Barrie of Caad letter of congratulations was re ceived from Prim Minister Dietenbaker John MacKinnon is recuper ating after major operation in Pcnetang General Hospital and wishes to extend sincere thanks for efficient treatment and kindness shown to him by the staff of the hospital and the Manor Four of our elderly residents were legally feted their na tal daysu Mrs ElizabethDun can March ts had friends pres ent from Midland inclut Manor friends Mrs Brown March 14 with catering done by the Womens Institute of Vasey Ted Whittle senior resident age 92 on March 15 Mrs on March 25 Miss Hallie EvosonMarchZi TheWMS oi the Presbyterian Church held thelryearly blrth day party with luncheon penny for each year of their lives donated by all members Speakers at the worship ser vices wera Row Lewis United Church March 15Doug las Jatitson deacon ofA St Pauls Anglican Church Wash im it Brightliog an or Saints Anglican Penethng March Vasey Womens institute re membered all residence by giv log Easter cards Thanks for their kindness Hilarious doings were the or der of the evening March 19 when aaplendid program was renderedby the Womens In stitute of Wyebrldge Mrs Fallle president occupied the chair with Miss Joyce Irvine as planlsi Itislt solo numbers were sung by Mrs Jamleson of Wyebrldga and Garfield Cotton Square dancing byvpllplls frtn Wyebridge public school was the highlight of the evening Over 50 adults and children were present generous lunch LOCAL AND GENERAL age wearing brown coat and Chung who substituted Boss Presbyterian Church intimate friend in Queens Park ovenEaster Examiner staff photo BEADS DRILLIA ROTARY Gordon Sarlcant has been elec ted president of the Rotary Club of Orlllia He is native of Barrie son of the late Mr and Mrs Albert Sarleant and bro ther of Fred Sarleant KIWANIS 8PEAKER Kiwanlanlthe Reverend John Riddel will be the speaker for todays Kiwanis Club dinner at Community House Rector of St Giles Anglican Church Mr hiddel will deliver an Eas ter message FORMERLY CDHJNGWOOD The Reverend Peter Reid minister of St Andrews Prea byterlan Church Picton has accepted coil to St Georges London Ontario Mr Reid was minister of First Pres byterian Church Collingwood 195056 leaving there to go to Canastoa New York for year before re to Plcton He was at Picton in 194445 normr nmacrons The following have been elect ed as incoming dire Barrie Rotary Club Peta Mihay Doug Sar Jeant Hmla Siddali Veitch manuanv FIGUREE OPP at Barrie report that during February ther were 159 accidents and that one person was killed and 81 injured The number of vehicles checked was 1405 warnings given 1139 and charges laid 419 Thirtyelghi cars were found tohava defec gvée equipmertt andsthere were cases apee Three charges of criminal ne were laid six of drunk driving of ability impaired 0N roe orecnbor Although they have been on holiday for only few days group of boys in the Oakley Park area apparentlv had not seenenough of their school woman resident phoned lies to tell them that boys had bered on to the school roof Sun day afternoon When patrol car got titers the youngsters had vanished PREPARING ron avenues With the bay still sheathed in ice thieves started their cam paign early this year stealing an outboard motor valued at $170 from Carleya boathoure The motor is owned by Morley Hoffman Barns lh theft was discovered on Sunday COAT IN BOOM man called police yesterday and reported aomeo bad atol en his car cost He was guest at local hotel Police reaped ed and the men final Land the coatin his own room BlllEN BY DOG Harold Pearson oi Rodney Street newspaper delivery boy was bitten by dog while one Examiner marmurs Congregations Fill Churches For Easter Cgowded cocae lions were the orderly the yaklam dnnch mica Barrie on Easter Simday hm At Tran Anglican observance of the day be sgrvl at altoclock The church was in semidarkness Jill the run camonpintheeastteprovido on hnprusive scene Iymbolic the Restoration Incidental ii the Easter SundLy services at Trinity Church came at the endofliservloea heldattba church during Holy Week The edifice as will was nicelydeeorated by member of the Sanctuary Guild Spec lei music was provided by Mrs JMRoberteattheorgan Sololsls at Emmanuel Baptist gt Church where the choir woro new hats and gowns for the Police Search Milk Box Thief With small epidemic of thefts from milk boxes on their hands Barrie police are search ing for youth of to or 17 years of age whose description was given authorities by Queen Street resident Tha man reported 242 Sat urdaymorning he heard some one at his milk box Later he said he saw the youth proceed ing along the street visiting each house in turn cruiser was despatehcd but the youth was not located Thamyouthhrwearing nlo hsa was eequarter en coat and was wearing dark trousers police were told Struck by Car Boy Breaks llrm Barrio youngster Murray Ball 14 of 225 Dunlop Street West had his left arm broken in an odd accident onsaturday night Police report that the boy walked around car that was across the sidewalk on Brad ford St near the Canadian Gen eral Electric plant Ho stepped on to the roadway and hinvleft arm was struck by vehicle driven by Edmond Kellough of Lefroy The right front fender of the car struck the boys arm anstable Ken McKenzie report With the assistance of John MacKelgnn of Melrose Ave nue the boy was taken to Royal Victoria Hospital where he was treated by Dr Laurie meme were Mn botoiby Wmflulummauï¬bÃ©ï¬ At sang Him with thowos and at the evening service How cg There was anortgage fund of fering the newN building am to 150 ewmem hers were received into the church at communion service Easter Sunday evening At the morning service Collier Skeet United Chiné the choir sang the Easter por tion of Handels Muslah with two choruses Wotnris the Man and the Hallelujah Chor nNE ransom GALLERY OPENS special eightpage sup plement to be found in the centre of todays lasuo of The Barrie Examiner celebrates the opening of gallery of fine furniture at Levits Trad log Superman Collier Street Barrie The new galleryadds con siderably to the size of the store which opened in Bar rie seven years ago The proprietor is Sam Cbesine Missing Girl was in Barrie 15yearold girl who was re portcd missing from her foster home in Midland was located in Barrie by CW 901102 flying with relatives Ontario Provincial police were advised that the girl had disap peered from her home and her description was broadcast She had apparently decided to spend with members of her Easter family in Barrie as Mrs Kainenr Taylor sang Know that My Redeemer Liveth The minister Rev Many lewia gave welcome to the yotmg people oi the chgatlon who were home for naster At St Andrews Presbyterian Church which was filed to ca pacity Easter music was sup plied by the hair with Mrs Dickie as ololst Title or the addrus given by the orian ter Rev James Fergluon at the morning service was Eas ter and the Space Age Police Find $300 Salesman salesman who has been vis iting Barrie homes olfering the householders cheques for $300 providing they applied this money towards purchase of elec trical appliances which he sold hairI been located by Harris city po ce Police Chief Ed ischirhari said the man was advised to ob tain license through the City of Barrie before he makes any more calls here Doe prospective customer who did not buy the merchandise oi iered got license number at salesmnna car and gave it to Barrie police who located the man and interviewed him Moaoocn wnaet ALIGNMENT name and axus momma warm BALANCING comma room wnm margnsron snach PA 82202 TORONTO tour in lllill soonrnuuro run SEE now 110th on rumor or wuv MAKE irwo WHEN on WILL not delivering papers on Albert Street on Saturday rri police and the dog pound were notified lllflii lililllflllli of March is First Div Court will be men so conflnasranar new as Loexsn our followed including bags all fruit and inï¬d