This sweater is pure wool combines color and stripes lor striking etfect The bold horizontal stripes are grouped in two colors and whitehere juniper green white and gold MARY HAWORTHS MAIL Widowers Family Oppose To TattOoed Woman Friend Deu Mary anorlb Many years ago as youthful whim had tattoos done on each arm Later married wonderful girl who was afine wife and mother She died little over year ago Our daughters are married with homes of their own live alone with housekeeper coming in several times week Recently widow moved into our neighborhoodthe widow of marine officer She graduated from the some college did and is widely traveled pleasant WHAT THE conversationalist most attrac live have been considering marriage but the attitudes my daughters worries me They may create aceom or become down right spiteiul They too like her at first until they learned that she is tattooed extensively Now tlieyvare almost violently opposed to her as they say tattooed women is freakish and not quite nice Yet they admit that theyve thought noth ing of the figures on my ones The story is simple When her STARS SllY By nsmeurra FOR TOMORROW Some cautions must be exer cised nowespecially in ï¬nancial and written matters in all activ ities let good judgment and realistic viewpoint guide you Do nothing impulsively FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates tirnc and effort spent now in planning for the futureespecially where financial interests are concerned will pay off handsomely by years end Long pending busi ness matters should reach grati fying conclusion by October and there is also possibility that during that month you will achieve goal that with it will bring great increase in prestige MidJune will be excellent for romance but do not expect too much harmony in domestic and social circles during April and September In fact it will be quite necessary for you to be at your understanding best during those months it you would avoid conflicts No matter the state of Ymn bankbnok do avoid extrav agance in August and November Look for opportunities to travel in late July and late August and for an excellent business oppor hmlty in December F011 SATURDAY This will be an excellent time in which to participate in social your horoscope indicates that the year ahead will comprise an ex cellent period in which to put your skills and talents to better use and it possible to find wider scope for your endeavors lie alert in displaying your orig inality and ingenuity in both job and financial mattersespecially in June July and Octobersince such efforts should produce fine results Despite indications of progress in financial matters wewould suggest however that you fol low conservative path and avoid extravagance this year particularly in August and No vernbersinee unnecessary ex penditures or speculation could offset gains The stars are defl nitely averse to risktaking Be wary in personal relation ships during April and Septem her when there will be tenden cies toward emotionalistn which could cause conflict Otherwise your domestic and social con cerns should run smoothly Mid June will be fine for romance and travel will be governed by excellent aspects in late July and late August December should be an allaround good month functions and entertainments held for the benetit of commune ity and welfare projects also to cementing old friendships en couragingnew ones Judgment will be good now so you should be able to plan longrange pro grams cleverly son was amrnmv lieorge Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD tightlyknit skirt la in the gold of the sweater late husband was assigned to duty in Japan she went too Likemany men in the service he had been tattooed and while in Japan he visited one of that countrys most expert tattoo ort ists His wife became interested and had masive design in the best native technique done on her back from neck to waist Later in California she had other work done one large and several small dedgna In my opinion tattooing it on tirely matter of individualpref erence and when subjects are tasteltu chosen and well exe cuted neither freakish nor do grading Please tell ma what you think Sincerely ULD PERMIT DarcPxniscoddheatafl tale suppose but to be on the safe side in case you amt ldd king Ill take it for real As for what think of woman who decorates herself it thats grown bore of homecanned foods long slam replaced by layers of soot and dust Once you know what needs at tention tho schedule can be planned it you belong to the oneroom atatima school your seasonal cleaning will usually be less up the widows considerable invest ment in tattoo artistry Women in general will raise an eyebrow and decide against her In oddiw Andjmongst men there will be ripple of amusement and speculation con cerning the pomhle extent and pictorial results of the akinirt iam work It was one thing for her to follt low her late busbonda lead in getting tattooed when she had his escort and approval in the offbeat experiment But the Iltul atlon has changed and not in her favor as daring innovator since his deathwhich leaves her facing the critch alone sans the dimly and support of married advocacy What seems in cherished wifehood may be Upcd as lowgrade vulgarity in the widow alas Astor whatyou oughttodo whether tohecd the eritlm or take lemonstand on behalf of the woman you love if you do leave that orudal dadaion to you But if good mmpanlm spr is in the cards for you and her feel that you can afford to to marry despite your daughters ablectioasllocam if you ind happhreu in an hnnut relationship your good fortime in that respect cant poulth he had for them the idea with mamive tattoing confess tend to subscribe to yoln daughters feelings that real lady wouldnt do such thing And that woman who permits it is branding herself hit of freak and not quite nice Admitted that designs tattooed ontbetorlo mayboedmirednr artinpartsoftheworldstill no amoimt of salesmanship can translate thll kind of thing into genteel adornment of the civil ized female At least not in the AngloSaxon tradition of refine ment Andas you know the AngloSaxon code of propriety seems to predominate and to have the last word in our society ASKANCE REAGIION Thus your daughters askanoo reaction gives youtbe pitch of what to expect from most peo ple when as and it they learn of nsnamauroanacnucnrn Dunn as VLBurh AUTULHE Its funto give yourhome MOORE rnssnasssn Builders Contractors or Farmers Spreadsdrinkin mumww eredoalboiobytruh Write for print cinemas gunning LUMBER El own SWEATER5 IN BAN DUSTER COATS CAR COATS 8L am Port Influx Ontario 7101 AND woora ALL WEATHER COATS memum Slangmoor eodisntitwmdu lull booting toresbring ttiic coats for proud portal3g Indusuch gliding coats too Youll want to choose one SUITS Thomytfllbouottoihrsuiu aan jacht with blouaon hack Definiter thh spring 59 ruling and we have them for unhawondorflumwdmflna shades 2950 to 59so monsoon ==Eeuuqapuysmsneeeus W99Fh9fl883P99 Wesseheemaee un saenhsssza is GEE assesses sceptsssuhtttuy SEES seesE szzazszmagzwugzazan 833832 m3 8833232 32 so asssis eons as =FFSE eases as mmwzngégzzgzzmizmzfln gasses 23 33V m777mlt7mmmzm7m217$mmm=mmzm rrem 95 as men it tomorrow is your birthday 3m PA HANDRUBBED LOOK EXAMINER lliTE is won Mooass sum improve Wait until and if your album satin carrier has oathrived then call twang his in VALLEY TAXI °°°°° mamode AND halveYOURSELF cans AND TRUCK sat pores And lop olivine To 1qu Heine with Moores Stalin