FURFINANDCAMPFIBE WWYWIO seasons ECanadians Enjoy Maison In Paris Parus cmHume to Cana dian students studying in Paris La Maison Canedlenna an el egant white mansion off the Boulevard Jourdan on the south ern outskirts of Paris The Canadian home is one of It foreign residences which make up the Cite Universitairc an am bitious project initiated at the and of the First World War to provide Accommodation for stu dents attending the University of Paris under conditions that would promote international under dial Our house is open without distinction of race or oreed to postgrad students men and women from all over Can ada said Montrealborn Charles Lussier 33year old director of building moss ALL PROVINCES The 68 Canadians in residence looludlng lo married couples are drawn from all 10 provinces in addition 88 Canadians are accom modated in other residences while torelgn students share the hospitality at the Canadian house Lussier and his wife Monique keep parental eye on more 400 Canadian students living Mute accommodation in the ch capital housing regisr to is maintained to help them iind rooms and much of Lussiers time devoted to smoothing out the encountered by non reaidenis and putdng them in touch with the professors or spe oialista but qualiï¬ed to meat thelrpartlouiar needs and am bitious Find Oral Drug For Ringworm TORONTO CWDoctors here are studying new drug that can be taken orally to combat highly infectious ringworm Th an antibiotic nailed grise vin is made from species at Penicillium from which penicillin is derived It was ï¬rst used by Dr David Williams at Kings College Hoa pitai London England who re ported his findings in the British medical journal Lancet lbe Arnhives of Dannatoliagy Pair llshedby the American Medical Association has also canted re ports on it Ringworm is fungus disease which sometimes appears in epi demic tom in the scaips of chil dren it causes hair to fall out in patches At present it is treated with Xrays The disease is highly contag lousy and if not pro ly con trolled can comment do epidemic in Sauit Ste Marie Ont some years ago involved 50 per cent at the citys school children in experiments griseolulvln has cleared up the disease within one to three weeks At least once month Lusaier arranges for prominent speaker to address students at the home Speakers have included French statesmen and historians mem here of the Paris diplomatic corps and leaders of Paris liter Brl and art circles Following the talks Lussler holds iniormal receptions in his apartment where Canadian stu dents both resident and non resident meet leaders in French thought and culture such as Prof Georges Biondel Maurice Denis the great painter and Jean Pierre Rampal probably the worlds greatest living tintist Calgaryhorn Barbara name said she regarded such gather ings as one the greatest as sets of the Canadian home anb meeting if an educational oonrsa in ltselt Barbara graduate of the Uni vcrsity of Manitoba is studying phonetics and literature Her ta ther Rev Burton Thomas was or several years dean of St Johns Cathedral Winnipeg He now lives in London Oat David Patterson of Toronto is taking general course in letters and artsi alter teaching English in provincial French sohool or rear Both Patterson and Miss Thomas believe Paris is the ideal centre for Canadian students who wish to broaden their knowledge of conditions in Europe and thalr cultural background We have made truncations materialistic advances in Can ada said Patterson But we can learn lot from Europe in the cultural ï¬eld FROM MONTREAL Another Canadian student in Paris is Gail Gtinastend abyear old daughter at Millikan real estate company executive Albert Grinastead Gail who hopes to become concert flutiat left McGiil lini versity year ago to study under Rampal La Maison Canadienne was opened in 19 by the present Duke of Windsor then Prince of Wales it was the Itirst foreign residence to he built at Cite Universitaise Externally it has the appear ance oi French country man sion with square centre section placed between two pavilions surmounted by pergolas But once inside it has Canadian appaalance with the mainfallery paved witha mosaic ha ing as its central motif the beaver and the maple ieei it was built iitrougiiprivate donations tram Canadian busl nessmen particularly the late Senator Marceliln Wilson at Montreal The province of Que heo also makes no annual great tor its upkeep But after 88 years the need for repairs is inuress ing and the homes board of directors is hoping the Canadian government will shortly allow donations from Canadians to be deducted iron htcoma tax Canada To Be Training Ground For Immigration Ofï¬cers mom on Canada has been selected by an international organization as th training ground for immigration Moore from our countries Tbetraining program is being conducted by the iederal immi gration department at the re quest nt the intergovernmental Committee for European Migra tlon an organization with head qusrterl in Geneva len immigration ofï¬cers from Brazil Spain ltely and Greece are attending initial courses in Ottawa which and today They later will travel across Canada for onthespot training The migration committee has provldcd $00000 tor the six moath program to gle theoreti céu and practical Reining of liners who later will be employed in iminigration and placemeht work in their owri countries Tbemain job of ICEM into assist in the intematiooal move meat at immigrants from Emope to other countries Canada was selected to carry out thaUlrogram because of this country eiilclent institutions such as the world bank and the UN technical assistance adminis tratiou The 10 officers later will at tenC courses at Fort Erie To roato Montreal Halifax and Quelt hec lty During the summer they lurk in the field with Car men handling this years flownl immigrantstto gt This little adinThe Barrie Examiner can be one at the best salesmen on your stall Here are copies ole low of the Mighty gei 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