sriron ms°u 3T noun an even pwhere it arrives late most of us like preview of the cool pretty fashions that will be so wearable when the weather gets warmer SUMMER Heres dress that fits right into that noup colorful gingham check it has neat ly fitted bodice with hands of icy white Irish type lace ac centing the collar and culls The skirt is gracefully full SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr and Mrsliarry Norton Bradford Street are holidaying lnCaliiornial Mr and Mrs James Poppie too HolsateStreet have recent ly returned from three week vacation at St Petersburg llol lywood and Key West Florida John Christie Mary Street and Tom Poppleton Holgnte Street luv returned from holiday at St Pctcrsburx Florida Miss Carol Simpson Reg is spending three weeks wrthher parents Mr and Mrs Eric Simp son lnnlsfll street Miss son is with the staff of the Her rick Memorial Hospital Berkley California Recent guests of Mr and Mrs Levering Alfred Street were the formers parents Mr and Mrs Mel Levering Coldwa tor Misses lrene Watson and Marylyn Dyment have returned from weekend of skiing at Blue Mountain Lodge Colllngwood Mend KnowHows Simplify the Chore To darn tear in heavy re versibla materials such as ets snip off short revel ings draw torn edges together matching the design if there is one and pin to piece of tough paper Catch the two edges With needle and matchmg sewing thread Darn across the sht following the lengthwise and crosswise yarnsin the material or the pattern in the weave whichEVer ahnws the least Set August Date Miss Canada Week HAMILTON CP Miss Can ada Weak willbe hel in Hamil too from Aug 513 with about on girls expectedtotake part in the pagesnt sponsored Ly the K1 wanis Club of Hamilton The winner will be awarded $1000 scholarship for education gifts travel across Canada Europ ean tour and coaching in pre paration for entranceiothe Miss Aflerica pageant in Atlaan Hollows WI Hold liternoon Euchre HOLLOWS An afternoon eu zore game was enjoyed by mem iers oi the Hollows WIata recent meeting held at the home oiMrs Wright Mrs Ev ans presided Ten members and he visitors were present short business meetingwss held Following the eucbre se treatments were served CENTRAL CHURCH BAPTISMS The 11evMr Cecil Brena ai iiciated at the Palm Sunday christenings at Central United church yesterday The follow ingchiidren were baptized De borah Gall daughter of Mr and Mrs Michael OBrien Nancy Lorraine daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Minus Larry Thomas son of Mr and Mrs Graham Tattersail Mary Suza anne daughter of Mr and Mrs Hugh Merriam Martin Ar thur son of Mr and Mrs Ed ward APigdear Stephen Eric son of Mr and Mrs William Monger Kathryn Joy daught er of Mr and Mrs Robert Darling Brian Arnold son of Mr and Mrs Ernest Preuss Hostess Nights Are Successful The Womens Hospital Auxil iary has announced the results of highly successful project the annual hostessrnights The project netted $550 to he used to buyequipment for the hospital Winners of the draw were as followsMrs Larry Eowa Rus sel lleffron Thomas Hodgson Corbett George Grassland Saso Moore Max flew itt George Bule Alister McKer rol McCarthy Corbett Ross Saunders Mrs Robert Clifton Mrs Moore Mrs Ellis Hutchinson Alice Tascona Mrs Coutts Mrs Laurie Mrs Boldt Mrs Edna Tas cona Mrs Marshal Mrs Ell eeo McLeod Mrs Sally Cooper Mrs Ross Emma Mrs Saliy Daniel Mrs Maxwell Mrs Gwozd Mrs Dorothy Sweetie Mrs Woodstock Mrs Parhldge Mrs ll Tomllnson Miss Cynthia Ed wards Mrs Frank Hargreaves Mrs Jessie Cheesman Miss Shirley Ligbtfoot Miss Sylvia Gable Mrs Gilpln Mrs William Wallace Mrs Pid genMrs Wilson Mrs Bibby Mrs Sparham Mrs Nelson Mrs Exi Wards Mrs McDonald Mrs Ciarkand Mrs Grassland Merry Menagerie be whlv ltleslntheasr Crown Princess ToWed In Full Prlnmas Michlko Shoda April 10 Princms Suga who is studying English literature at Gakushuln University Ls the first Japnnm zirlnous ever to attend univer ty Tall by Japanese standards and slender the fivefoot inch princess is good tennis player MUST HAVE RECEIPTS Just as Prince Alrihlto often went out with his classmates Princess Suga likes to go shop ping ller shopping is confined to department stores where she can obtain receipts for what she buys She must submit all relt ceipts to palace authorities Princess Suga likes last as well as classical music She often dances at parties held at the aha prbeespslaee lpanesesty dinlns floored Canadian Sings Her Way To Top it She goes emotion and flower Irlngernent She is outspoken witty andso ciahle and never hesitates to speak Np when she has some thingtosayNordousbere strain herself wh an occasion dmdI laugh unlike Japan ese princesses and babies in the past Princess Suga stands out in crowd partly because of her taste in dress She reads fashion magazines including foreign pub lications and selects her own earrings and otheraccessoriu rare BARBIE madman MONDAY nuurcn use European People Are Proud Of Their Cultural Knowledge By CLEVELAND MYERS Adults and children of Europe know about their ancient trea sures and cultures and are proud of them How ignorant one feels while observing their works of art created centuries and centuries ago being exposed to their mu sic folklore and traditions and noticing the pride in the symbols of their culture expressed by the native children and adults re gardless of how they are dressed SENSE 0F VALUES Such are the true measures of what they consider valuable as against the money measure of value by most American tourists If when visiting Europe we could discern and appreciate the cultural signiï¬cance of what we see and bear and express our ap preciation we would be more welcome visitors and we could build stronger bonds of brother hood between our countries of course they like us to spend our money freely there but our money doesnt really win their hearts Only genuine appreci ationcan we do that ART TREASURES Even without visiting foreign countries we can learn to appre ciate their culturu through the great art treasures brought to America as wall as the great music and literature of other lands We can also widen our vis tas through contact with the many persons born abroad and now living here who are our fel low eltizens Occasionallya public school in duces groups of children with liE STARS SAY By smurfs FOR TOMORROW With the advent of the Full Moon there are the usual good ande influences For the good there istremendoua inspiration and newlyfired imagination for those in creative lines On the adverse side are tendencies to ward emotionallsm which unless cmbed could cause conflict FOR TEE BIRTHDAY li tomorrow is your birthdw your horoscope indicates that it would be expedient to push ahead with important plans and programs involving future secur ity now Johqandvfinancial ad vancement are indicated later this yearnotably in June July and Octoberhut you will have to plan immediately and get things launched by the first week in April Dont offset gains how ever by being extravagantes peclaliy during August and No vember Except for the monthsof April and September personal relation ships will be under good as pects but during these months do go out of your way to be tact ful with business assordates and members of the family espe cially thelatter For those con templatio matrimony midJune will be excellentperiod and both late July and late August will be very good for travel De camber should bring some excel llefltynEWB to wind up the year child born on this day will getic andmggres sivc bu to build cas European backgrounds to show and teach us lane of their folk dances In everyso many cities in our public schools there are children from various nations who with their parents could helpprovide amazing programs of folk music and dancing CULTURAL VALUE These programs could have great cultural value to American children and their parents Best of all consider how worthwhile this would make the pencil eon trlbnting feel and how much more appreciative all our chil dren would come to be for one another ANSWERING QUESTIONS When leave my child two with baby sitter to go out for an evening with my husband must go back ngahivand again for another hug or kiss When ready to go out make the goodby mere routine Then be off and dont go back how ever much the youngster cries TORONTO CPI Canadian singer Patti lewls is keeping her eyes on the record listings of Canadas top tuna The blonds 26yearold singers um Canadianreleased record on the market and Patti is won dering whether it will be hit or miss The record Ma Hes Eyes at Me was made along with tune by Toronto pianist Lou Snider Please Dont Go under the supervision of Marty Palch American arrangerconductor Patch who had never heard Patti sing until manager John McCadden sent tapes and films said foil the record ing that Patti was one of the finest vocalists have ever worked with Patti is counting on the success of her new recording to help her reestablish herself in Canada Since her retron from England more than year ago she has ap peared on television and night club dates Its been challenge to re establish mysell here she said This doesnt mean wouldnt accept offers that world further my career but Im proud of be ing Canadian and would reallyilkatoseeourshowbusl near pull out up Pupilsi Math Skill Used In Daily Life noose JAW shin CPiDr Gillespie of the Saskat chewan fieacberaCollege says there are three general ahns in gementary arithmetic instruc on To develop in the pupil the ability to perform number opera tions skilfully To help pupils apply quan titative procedures effectively in school home and community sltuations To help pupils acquire an appreciation of mathematim Dr Gillespie says child must have skill and ability with num bers it he is to cope adequately with daily living He must be able to reason and think with nmriisrs is ally tb re an purpose in teaching arithmeticthis abil ity to think in the abstract and to solve numerical problems says Dr Gillespie With cosh1T MARY HAWORTHSMAIL Husbqhds New Position Entails Changes Socially Museumerath hamhsrmtiyictnedthesufl daftdaalsgmqsltm ferns to inviievarions sail correct in inviting an older statf member More the latter has been hospitable to him Can you refer me to book dealing with general procedures in Washington social liiai 511 momma ISNI rusav DearG ltlsnotgoodform to be pushy socially whether you are younger or older than the peoplgjrouad you Newcomers to group situation make bet the impression it they wait for signal before becoming out reaching in pursuit of closer ex change Your best bet ls to be friendly and interested but demure and composed rather than aggres sive on the score of getting so quainted with your husbands as sociates and their wives Let them make the first move to in clude you as friends Be ready however to respond cordially as an appreciative attractive guest and later as skillful hostess For savvy book about Wash ington social customs try Vera Blooms vastly interesting in structlve anecdotal volume En tertaining Lady An informal Guide to Good Living Put namsipuhlished in 1949 it dis cusses etiquette cookery party giving home decorating personal chic travel sense the art of good conversation etc with hu mor and authorityand also tells the reader how not to be borel Mli Brownie Banquet Planned For May Mrs Hunter Brown 0w announced plans are being ms for the Brownie ban et June at lrlnty parish all at recent meeting of the first Bar rie Brownie Mothers at the home of Mrs McCormick Oak street Mrs Charles ltead president welcomed one new mother Dim ing business meeting Airs Hunter asked for donations to purchase anklets for the brown iesln preparation for the church quested allmothera attending the quested all mothers attend the April meeting to assist with com pleting arrangements for the banquet Brownies will be engu edduring the Easter holidays trying various tests Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs Parkinson gt FOR A3 Appointment IA Hm JOAN GARRICK nam manta Is Maple Avsnne washable just the maticallyl BIG CAPACITY WASHER Takes over 50 more clothes than some other automatics One load often gt does family wash RINSE WATER SWITCH Lets you select cold orwarm rinses for all loads PIE stinkÂ¥dl°bluenndwbitemat dten lsthlsrlghtiAIsolww makeup thinking this will help lsthiscurmcti have another problem too myhnirwhichiwearponytail buttasngettingtiredofltl have always wanted to go to note hair stylist who really knows what he is doing But realize it would be very expen sivo also am afraid to get my hair cut as many people mightat like ii and it might not be becoming have rather full face and keep my bangs curled and combed to the side What to do about these problems Please ad vise mc ES SEEMS PICAYUNE Dear ES Maybe ive forgot ten how it feels to be in and taking stock of oneself in the mirror in search oi ammunition lwlth which to conquer the world Still it seems to me that your concern about appearance is little too anxious detailed and well picayuae to be really fruit fulin the sense of adding to your attractiveness much attention to contrived looks at your tender age sug gests toomeugre personality an insufficient interest in the life about you lack of real re latedness to other people in terms of genuine affection sym pathy and reciprocalaocgztance In truth it is the unstudled simplicity of imspoiied youththe enters 74 Blake St PUMP Powerful three minutes waraa iruhnaas unaffedednees the an parahle to dabhing dirt on the lace At best it glide the lily makes one look pointleuiy older and possibly cheap Preferably groom your lash and brows faithfully with cosmetic brush made for the purpose Apply harmless ointment to add luster and use lash curler That is artlilw enough Wear any colors that appeal to you Dont be tiresome about Iyour blue orbs Experiment with new hair styleslf you find cropped ooiliure isnt what you want remember clippadhair grown long again ME wares oun nam an DYCKS EOOD MARKET Tomasrows emu am spedl Price EASTER RAMS All This Week Rights Reserved to Lbnk Bales Hydrangea Mum Pots Assorted Spring Peta and Choice Cut Flowers riowms PA 85915 CYCLE rurrn AUTOMATICWASHER one Fabric Keys Efive fabric selector keys give every right care auto FAMOUS mranno wasrr Activator action and FilterFlo wash ing system gets clothes really clean NONCLOde MOVING FILTER GE Filter is easy to remove and clean All recirculated water isfiltered pwill empty washer in man comes For small loads touch the water sav er button when desired water level is reached