will Emil Exammrr mwmeymmsmmigmemw nauseous ms Canada Not 50th State NY In 17 US Union Leaders Forget speaking recently at Niagara Falls president Frid oi the Ontario Gen eral Contractors Association had some timely and interesting things to say about the iuture wellbeing of Canadian construction workers Most Canadian la bor leaders says Mr lrld are mature and responsible citizens who have the inter ests oi the country at heart However he adds there is still minority or in bor leaders who are irresponsible to so ciety and can create great havoc Much oi this irresponsibility stems to morders emanating from international union ed flcers in Canada Why asks Mr Frid should the hon est endeavours of Canadian management be disrupted by orders from Washington Why should Canadian workers be iorced into unlawful strikes by orders lrom oi this irresponsibility stems from orders irom Washington We are not the 50th state yet The orders irom Washington to which the president the Ontario Gen eral Contractors Association refers are those oi the heads oi Dsbased internsr tienai unions orders involving not only strike action and sometimes illegal strike action but orders afiecï¬ng wage and other demands as well These American union oiilcials are apparentw oblivious to the fact that the Canadian economy dif iers markedly irom the economy at the United states They are indiiierent too to the loot that Canada to far greater degree than the United States is depend ent for her prosperity upon export mar kets Indeed they seem at times to be in dltierent to Canadian sovereignty itself Canadian opinion at the present time is highly sensitive to what some have described as American domination of this countrys economy Unhappily the most flagrant example or such dominat ion is found in the conduct of the Amer ican heads oi certain Ilabased interna tional unions It is domination which is resented no less surely by many sincere and responsible union members in this country than it is by the Canadian people themselves For Canadian Industry The Toronto Telegram editorializes against criticism of Ontario Hydro ior placing orders with British industry ra ther than here at home One of the best ways to assure the economic devel opment of Canada is to give industry low cost power says the Telegram To saddle power users with biryLCsnadlan policy would undoubtedly help few Canadian industries but would handicap the vast majority This is an argument that does not con sist or only solidblacks or solid whites only or buyï¬anadian policy or buy at the cheapest possible price pol icy Ii the Hydro is shopping ior some thing not made in Canada certainly it has to be bought abroad But it the par ticular goods are made here it may be presumed that the manufacturer is pro ducing these goods at competitive price Otherwise he wouldnt be in the business for other potential customers would buy from ioreign manufacturers iii the Hydro places half million del lar order and saves ten per cent on the deal the $50000 cash saving would look very substantial But that would be half million dollars worth of worka good part or it wages that would be lost to Canadians Also the government would lose substantial tax revenue at least part of which would be loss to the Ontario government So the $50000essh saving begins to look pretty small Cheap power helps Canadian industry as the Telegram says But orders ior its products help it more Opinions of Other Newspapers menus or names st John TelegraphJournal The state nilsrsel has the worlds highest ratio of doctors to total population one each 450 penal The United States has one doctor ior every 790 at its people and in sharp conbset Jordan has one or every 7400 persons This surplus of Israeli medical personnel may result in the arms oi doctors to underdevelop ed countries in Asia Alrlcs and other areas the lsraell health ministry has stated lsraelis re to respond to requests icr services of some its doctors said the ministry in view of the current surplus that is expected to increase even iurther with anticipated immigra loll CANADA CENTURY Financial Post Sir Wilfrid Laurier at the time he made the statement that the 20th century would he Can sda hsdgood reason or saying so At that he was unaware of the wealth oi na med resources that still lay hidden in the hiatus By thesame token however he couldhot ioresee the shortsigbted policies of governments whichwould stand inthe wanoi ourdestiny be ing attained 10E SOON BECOMES TBEACHERDUB Owen Sound SunTimes Through the weather has remained cold there is an ever increasing danger oi week ice on ponds rivers lakes and streams Froren over areas which have been quite ssie throughout the wmter months become hazardous it must be remembered that water levels are constantly ris ing as the sun melts large quantities oi new even though temperahrres in the shade may be bitterly cold Fast flowing Water under the ice greatly weakens it in spots where the current is isstest At the same time the water iemperatures are likely to be above be resting point The warmth is kept in by the thick tsveringoi snow In some cases Where water levels arellahle to rise and iall ice becomes cracked Willi rs pid currents to break through may quite easily mean to be swept under nearby ice irorn whence rescue is alien impossible Parents will do well to warn children at ire nucnt intervals at the danger This is particularly trueii they are given to pilth inaress where there arebodies oi water News at Prime Years MIT 1380 District Municipal Engineer James in In address to the Midland Lions Club said that the Georgian Bay System at the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario had made the largest percentage gain of any system in Ontario From its inceptiionnin 1011 to that ms the status comprise power retirees an serving 03 muniomeiities and rural stations Inflation is fast reaching the point where it would cost more to drink milk than it cost to drink moonshine liquor 50 years ago Write insurgents barricaded the area with piles of huge stone blocks and bar bcd wide Columbus GoLedgerEh quirer Many married man knows the type only too well 3hr Barrie Bastion ismssimmers only sunny nuasmutm anus excepted WALrsonusi Isisus wAnca nusineu Manner News mm ssocnweu Advertising Alanll 5ubecrltion rulesup earner 0e mailin someone 3g 106 mista WI cum is lung ems nuns romuo rt nonean wast acorn saw men he mcmmmbmj Newom isb on Tb Caosdlan Press and luaiismnupr Preas minslveiy entitled uhllaatien ol ail uwa on or months 1110 use or Looidng back to movie program oi 1009 rel called are some of the iavorite performers then whose presentations bad cabin appeal such as Lisieu Darling when Freddie Bartholomew and Judy Garland handpicked dad tor them selves and Judy won him for with songs oi love Others are Mary Astor alter Pidgeon Alan Hale and Scotty Beckett Another list gives Laurel and Hardy you Amechs Simone Simon and Robert Young Paragrsphically Speaking TWEEDLE sou AND TWEEDLE our Report Now Gives Complete Ontario Highways Picture For the first time in the history oi Ontario complete picture oi present and future needs on 63000 miles of highways roads and streets has been assemble in report Ontarios Roads end use Ilsa on In III streets presented in the Legis latura by Hon Fred Cass Minister oi Highways The result of iwcyesr study in which provincial and munici pal authorities cooperated the report states that provincial and municipal governments will have to spend 12 billion over the next 20 years to improve and maintain the entire highway road and street system and pro vide for the increase in trsiiic volume By 1W1 it is expected that Ontario will have popu lstioa in 3800000 and there wm be 4300000 motor vehicles in the province Total trsific at that time is estimated at 40 billion miles per year LOW AVERAGE While the total required ex penditure seems large it is stated that over the 20year period the average road cost for each vehicle mile of travel will average about 12 cents per mile which will he little less than during thepsst 10 years With more and more traiiic on all parts oi the highway and street system many milu re quire more lanes and greater strength because at the volume oi trsiilc and the growing num bersoi heavy truck transports the report states Present and future needs require closer co operation oi all highway road and street authorities and im proved adniinishative analog and planning procedure The 9023 miles of streets in 84 urban centres carry 40 per cent of all trsiiic intha prov ince on only 12 per cent of the totslmlleage and will require an expenditure of $28 billion over 20year period Nearly twothirds of the cost of capital How in the world did women get along berore the days of facial tissues The velocity of sneoce may be as high as 135 mph says physician He refers of course to the muzzle velocity it is surprising and upsetting to learn that cold germs are launched at such high speeds The statement that there are more ac eidents in the horns than intraific is in error as many bruises contusions and black eyes received at home and report ed asdaocidente were not accidentally in curre Asked if she thought lot or public oificeholders were guilty or nepotism Moronablushed and replied put it post them wouldnt or all work accomplishments and ere atlons by amateurs by faiths most em at urish is poetry oleveultorsco tinuevto big records it wont be so ion theyll have to use paraoh teso construction is on Kings High way urban extensions express ways and arterial streets coum scans County roads which serve as the main arterial roads in the 37 counties account ior 9200 miles of road and handle 11 per cent at total iraiilc Costs of construction and maintenance over the myear period are esti mated at $732 million which would include improvement or replacement of nearly all coun ty roads and twolhirds oi the bridges it also provides iar increase in the mileage of paved roads to 8010by 1977 as com pared with the present 4910 miles oi pavement Towuship miles total 58400 miles which are under the ins lsdlctiou oi 573 townships While daily iraiiic in light the total and country The freeman by piids snd interchmige on the Queen WW user mileage oi travel is about one billion vehicle miles year General deiicieneies in town ship roads are inadequsie road surfaces uncorrected soil and drainage conditions and nar row brldxes and culverts while conditions on many roads make snow removal diiilcult Capital construction and maintenance costs over the next 20 years are estimated at $1154000000 HEAVY LOAD Queens Highways and Sec onary Highways totalling 11 400 miles carry some 42 per cent of all name in the Drov ince While capital expendi tures have reached new highs in recent years present and iuiure needs still remain large and the estimate of construc tiou and maintenance costs over the next 20 years is $2438780 000 In addition to reconstruo tion oi twolsne roads propos ed work includes bringing the present 304 miles of multilane roads up to L700 miles at which some 1300 miles would be con holledaceess ireeways The ability oi the municipali ties to iinancs their shares as well as the ability at the Prov ince to assist will dictate veri ahls rate of improvement ior diiierent systems The report points out that postponement of needed construction will pro long the aggravation and haz ards oi inadequate facilities and hamper economic growth BARBIE PHONES IN EMERGENCY City Police PA 55588 provision Police PA 68404 Fire Department PA H181 Hospital Ambulen 333 its club at Chipmunk Crossing it is the private se werew tlve assistant who the mat important tutor in the reply oi acceptance or regret Some oi these backroom help ers have achieved immense im portance and influence in past years and their names have be come household words in iron Ottawa others never rise beyond the stale at being colorlus little mice whose namm are unim any poitaut even on Parliament Hill The most powerful ministers lec retary known here during the postwar era has undoubtedly been lsck Plckersglll in the days when he was the Gray Eminence behind both Mackenzie King and Louis St Laurent See Jack was the advice given to anyone whose pct project or personal ambition had got bogged down in bureaucratic red tape From the wrong side oi the prime mlnislt ters green bslze door Plckeragiil stepped in one stride into the liberal cabinet Later by pro cess oi domestic migration he became Nawioundlauder polit ically and ever since he has rep resented law thousand squid llsgers iu Parliament THE 1059 CROP ourprescnt prime minister has compact but variegated stall headed by young Torontonian become Vancouverlte lawyer ansn Gum one time president of the 30 Conservative Assocla clan Mr Guest in his early 30 has long had eriul political ambition and slms will cer tainly be forwarded by the knowl edge and acnusintsnceshlps he is quickly picking up here with QUEENS PARK ii is it siling in 35 it I15 93 5E3ng As general rule each cabinet minister has one executive assist sot paid between 8750058300 and one private secretary paid between $9000 $7509 Most of these bardworking helpers are newlyappointed by the new Con servative ministers very few such as the ilnance mlnlsters perennialsecretary Miss Bentley data back to the liberal regime Without wanting to mske unlallsnl reflection upon charming ladys use one might quip that she has served many of the iorrner ministers whose plc luresgenerally bearded hang in that rogues gallery which is the ilnance ministers ulice The outstanding ministerial aids in Ottawa today is the ex ecutive assistant to Transport Minister Bees Mel Jack used to work for top Conservatives in the ri government he was asked to move to Ottawa nearly 20 years ago and has worked for several Conservative here This column has previously recounted how hisveluable ser vices were lostto the Conseer tive parw during the leadership oi George Drew but since the 199 election he has been working or George Bees Mel Jacks very iertiie brain and immense expert ence putshiminaleagueallby himself among the governments backroom boys and he is prov ing of immense help to Transport Minister lices but Meldacks neat and deserved isms is apt to detract from the great credit due to George Hees ior his own magniï¬cent performance on the floor of Parliament and oning dinnerable public platforms aroimd North America Gas Debate May Waitio The End By DON OBEABN Special Conespondenilee The Barrie Examiner TORONTO It looks as though Premier Frost may let the wind up ol the gas debate go until the last days oi the session There are two openings left lot the debate at time at writing One is on the presentation of Hon Spooners estimates The second is in discussion at two resolutions on the order pa per in the names of Liberal leader Wintermayer and CCF Leader MacDonald But it is most likely they will all be combined in one gas day debate ELECTION ISSUE In holding off this key debate until the end it he does dovthis the premier would indicate that he will fight on election on gas The strongest challenge at the opposition at the session has come in this ï¬eld If Mr Frost considered the challenge serious threat he would logically try and get it out at the way early ltvthen would be overshadowed in the public mind by other questions But ii the bigvilght takes place in the dying days it would tend to remain alive in the public mind PERSONAL APPEAL If this thinking is right the do bate will be very very interest ing indeed Fromitouewlllbeableto inks the key course to be fol lowed by the guvemmeul and perhaps the date of the election itseli The most likely course one would say woidd be on appeal based on the personalintegriiy oi Mr Ernst during the debate the we miss takes opposition criticism as personal allegation against him Work Is to Start on Little Moscow MOSCOW Reuters Work is to start in earnest this spring on ldttie Moscow garden city about 25 miles train the capital planned as satellite townto esse overcrowding here discount the natural ba Mr Frost they will lost out Haniilion is an inteng link in such system Eventually the population will be 30000 The architects have tried as far as possible to preserve the beautiful wooded country to the northwest of Moscow hi which the town will be situswd one family one aparim is the him which will mean most unknown luxury for Muses vltes used to sharing hallopom and kitchen among three or our families The houses will hejlsld outiu groups which will into wounn cusses NAME WlNNlPEG iCPlho name Canadian Democratic Party was isvored at CCF conference Monday which discussed the new political party to be built aroimd the CCF by the Canadian Labor Congress Hetenliohoi CCF was second choice pnd Social Demo trails Party was third sell it can be assumed that this is the issue he Wants There already have been indl cations that this is the feetand also that CCF Leader MacDonald at least will oblige making the tactic easy GAB WISE It has been interesting to th observer to see that the Liberals at least are not too sure them selves sbout pressing the gas question The CCF is just as said on it as ever But some lending Lib erals have been wondering out loud aboutihe wisdomoi their party getting tied up with it They ieel that there isnt any strong public concern and that really they are only playing into the hands of the government Andirom the reaction to date there isgood reason tobelieve they are rightuAud that they have to stack up their criticism against the personal reputation oi BIBLE maucnr Wealth maketh many friends Prvverbs 194 And poverty loses illat kind of lrieuds True friends stick mm sand endow am 98