Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1959, p. 6

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Backgasp Fou5s IJNltLE BMW WIN it ii if DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL column Try on at aarilarnnnnata shunt iSGJTMN sis For Sale HOOVER SALES SERVICE Now and Used Vlcuumy nepain to All Linker CALL YOUNG in nudistgs St lA H511 FOBERTS GAS Dlflnbulun or rumorix GAS stovel water ileaiers Dryers TELEPHONE FA ililaz s20 Pcnetang street oriiiia AND APPLIANCES tiarrie Hill AIIANA in cubic foot chest freezer illkc now Call strond mm who slomr years old w1u aen rheap Phone siroud elm uolo CABIN cAit weekend trullol alerpo two Al condition can he run at in Burton live or phone PA c3570 BM Hashim lOCImplements FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE icAsc AND NEW HOLLAND FARE HAch hum lass model 100 Cato motor hilly equipped priced to clear with taro intercom intent 11 Burton An Barrie PA 5111 ICCll lODSeed and Feed HAY FOR SALE Good Ailatla Bronte Grass Timothy Mixed ilay Also straw 11 round bxltS MICHAEL YIIRKOW PHONE STROUD 13m innMI sti ALFALFA AND man square halts ior sale Apply dow lni Farrier Lefroy phone 11m HID616 mEiPoultry Chicks BABY cAnniAuc blue in Al con dition sis Combination Radio and jurcord Pinyor in good condition 11L Phuna PA H777 sazs AVE CLXPPEItsWlll Cut Now en Blu Fishers Schalr garner on at 67 Dunlop Slnct Wui corner Mary street Operate it Bill Fisher lorrnerly on Owen reel 5st tAiilosT NEW Continental beds with air mullmscs it in you in tin ltiichen chrome set s2 incl Consqu $1 Frlg old type Campbell Avenue Television tie is oorrunent tows NYLON press size mi who tied Silk south Dress size it Both new Vc reasonably Heed Phone on it alter osaoa jig Wanted 35 MATCIED TEAM of Horses wont cd any age must be quiet or one single horse staic prices and We to Box 21 Barrie Exnmlllu 96066 WANTED TO llm Used Beds Springs Mattresses Tables Chalrr Dressers End allies etc Adv 1uunifty wanted Phone PA N590 96260 ilENiliznsoN liianure Loader am lntemational Power Mower wanted to fit McCormick super Tnclnn also char Lynn Hydraulic Pump writc nox sl nsrre Examiner 9424 IO Form Supplies as lOALivestock for Sale pics for sale Apply lien rram oro station toAtz meal EARNED itocxs still hard to heat for eilga and all years enonai selection behind our close flock Aecredl led flock registered hatchery Solhe cockenll avaUahlr TOM KENNY SHANTY BAY PA 56886 lob6m BUY DEKALB CHDI TEE PROFIT PULLET LIKEng assure Ilia but ls lel eu mull on also and dualliy feed etiielency high gmducllnn Ind flu mil Deni chicks are he Chfl of lending poultryulen Hauth and serviced by NTERS POU LTRY FARM PHONE STROUD 77 Started chick Ind pulieu Ivail ahia Write for prices ills17m HILLSIDE CANADIAN APPROVED CiflCKS Get our prices on day old chick and started pulleu CUMMING FEED MILL ANNE 51 nAniiii PA 04264 loE ll Financial nlOliTGAGEs lst and 2nd bought sold and exchanged Commercial and residential mane loaned on existing mortgages ghone PA Ir 04 116 fitSSW $11m iiitsT MORTGAGE wanted on Barrlu Property valued at sumo close to down town Will pay 71m interest this $500 er year on principal Cai arson iteai fiaatlate PA mi eveningi PAI iutuisrslinl ilcreiord Bulls hord ed aerviccanle and younger pc maies au ages Charles nah phona nimvale learn ionout 13 Fruits and Vegetables Yoltxslmu mums months old breeding hard or sire cored phone FA 114183 lnAaloa nudistnun Yorkshire noon in apectad and approved iorinll gov ermiment honus Apply Victor sinail strand lOAdlfil IYy AliExamincl Want Ad Phone PA 321 EllSllIll is NEAR THE APPLE BARN naiing and Cooking Apples tor rain Northern Spy snow Appiu Fancy incintalh Cooking Apples cranher ry Pippin BRING Youit OWN CONTAiNnns HERMAN FETCH Hwy ii Near lnniswood convalescent llama PHONE pa 09679 lJli MAN WHEN RABBIT APPEAR Saw uteriI These twoEaster Bunnies to CA Iiflcice Your NOW orewaitingto take Your advertisements LL PA 82414 Want Ads ulmlwmlflrlw ACOWFUuouuiAxrnu ro runs ans oddly to PHONE PA 83962 iaAluuuu l9 Legals Notice To Creditors And Others IN 1112 ARCHIBALD mason GOODAIJ ETA All Dinah having cilia linl thl Hill of Amblth Eon emu Goodll ills of tho Town of Roma in the county of strata retired decaled who died on or about tho 29th any of Augun lost It the Town of Blrrle In Duchy notified in and lfllculnn of unit to th unde pod on or beforo khl in dry of April 1359 Inc which dlil the Billie will be dmflhutod MIN only to lhn clllnu the undeIxInrd than then havc notice DATED at Tomato the dry at March 59 THE STERLING TRUSTS conPonATioN Bay street Tomato Executor by Machlen ls Wilton their Iniitl tori harrin 15436973 an Zl Auction Sales Exlgmive Auction Saia cllolcu uo Aclts FARM with milk contract Camploto held or neg and Grade Holstein cattle Pull the at exceptionally good iann machinery The undersigned has received instructionr to roll by Public Auctlon at LOT 57 2nd LINE FLOS TOWNSHIP OLD SURVEY Arrnox ll MILES NORTH OF BARBIE TURN EAST OF HWY AT FEBGU ONVALE on AVELLING WY 33 TURN WEST MILE SOUTH OF illusuALi AND FOLLOW SIGNS FRIDAY MARCH 20 ATlz QCLOCK NOON Thu fallole property belonging to HARVEY JOHNSTON and soN FARM150 acre farm lib aorta of choice ela loam level and iron or alone in igh state at tertillty Balance at farm in hardwood iha ohnarona neighbours to on thLI taro to be the most Em uctivo la the district Good bu din extra large harn High school us rnna past the lann The property is an class to ouhlin rchaoi and village Farm can be inspected anytim prior to sale CATTLE55 head at registered and min Holstein cows and hell era red from good reductive bloodlines several no rash and diluting well The oilnee are tired to freshen from June through to October Also selung are four Dun ham yenrllngs complete Hst oi cows and information will he avail ahle in ppmphlct form on sale day Accredited urc nald in good stand ing vaccinated and will sell which to blood test HORSESOne matched team up rox moo ihs aged Also one eavy hamels and several hols collars EGGSThree chunks of pigs DAIRY EQUIPMENT0nd Leon lb capacity Craft i3qu Milk Cooler years old set Laundry Tubs ingua Hot Water HBIIefsZZ gal 53 capacity De Laval Milking Machine vacuum type complete with units to horse motor and pi log for 31 cows years old not all Healer 110 volt McComfck DeeriiL creaoo Ephraim 11m in capacity Milk If and sirainels etc re Elect Cattle Clippers mm Extension Cords MAcHleYl hill No it Din sel Tractor in exceuent condition nion Thxuliel22x3ll complete with straw shredder grain thrower and clover attachments nearly new lilllcrain and Fertilizer Drill in run all attachments new litii Tractor Manure Spreader No it 125 on capacity nearly new in temntionil Bottom Flow nearly new Cockshutt No 12 cultivator 16 Tooth good cockahutt Clllllr vator 13 Tooth Horse Drawn act international Tandeni Discs to plate good in Hinder it out new international Tractor Mower it nearly new Coetahutt iieavy Duty Wagon on ilmken hearing and New nuhher new it it she iog may Rack Cut Down wagon wlm New Tim intonation liay Loader Rope Type international nay Teodor Land Roller let section niaraond narrows set neavyn Tractor narrows 16 it set 12 it narrows Termini Spreader in it good shape in pure nake1uiilidns ring Tooth sour er new still oath scarl net Heavy Slalth in Good Disc Ployi rhirraw ctaon banning Mill peetty my Car and no it of Canto Sawing Machine too Ca oil Tank with dose zoo Cal Gu Tnnk gas Pump potato prayer Potato Digger Chin eating Machine mery stone Pleasure cutter ier Repair Power Lut sets Sealer ln and shape nuitala Rube in goo condition Electric nrooder steel Water Trough rue ured Lumber act nouhla Blocks aench Vise Crsss header Bumper Jack is Volt Battery new Set Top sod pier Quautlly oi Garage Tools nomeute Chain new Winchester is is nine Box Wheel narrow quantity ot Chainrl Parks and Table too Numerous to Mention HAY sTnaw CitAiN msu AGEApprox 560 ha underscored Wheat rtox son he Rodney oils exee eat sample Approx is ft can nosilaga quantity or poled iiay Quantity of house its all well lavoo Quantity oi Mose tnw HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSCranky Sliclvxdol iteirigerator in good coa ditlon Also other items will leu AUCTIONEERS NOTE Anyone interested in choice farm quluty noirteins or new tarm rquionient should ml is special start We attend this one TERMSFarm will he aold ruhieet to reserve bld Terms on farm wnl be announced on sale day Terms can alsaae arranged lor lureher All other items caln or cheque ill health reason tor aouinrpoll tlveiy no reserve Ancnnit COLWILL Slit Munuger Auctioneer victori Harbour Ph lodltl wal McClnng Clark Time Filessonnets just around the humor Place all lid with The Bin Examiner to employees delude New Type or Mail Order Catalogue Dangles Bait An investigation by The Her ald shows the Superduper apo clal to you wholuale price being quoted la the same or goods ln local stores The re tail prim quoted in the cabal ofluES bears closer resemb lance to fiction than fact The catalogum toms done on slick paper with expensive bind ing are prepared in the fall and sent to large firm where themselves into thinking they are getting special rate The lauded price tag is all old dodge but it in cleverly exploited in the catal ogues Buyers get the impres sion the retail prices listed are for others for them there is special price which can be or rived at by understanding the secret code This coda isscl by numbering each item includ ing same letter of the Alphabet and following it with the am called wholcsulc price CITY RETAIL PRICES ARE CHEAPER For exumple 109mm is the secret price for Watch marked $3950 retail This means you can get item 109K for only $1950 because you somehow have been chosen as one hon ored with the right to get it wholesale survey of local jewellery stores will show you the watch can be ohlalned for $950 retail or even less and the store is available to stand behind its guarantee Following are number of items picked from various catalogues and priced in local jewellery store Sitjewel automatic watch with rolled gold plated tho cheapast available antlmagnt New Zealo Near Idecll by GitAilAM Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND NZ CHRace rélatlous often cited as model to other countries In the successful inte glullon of colored BlilI white race But the country has just had sharp reminder that the situation is not perfect New Zenlandors normally claim that there is no color bar between whites and the brown skinncd Now acolor bar incident has oc currec under particularly awk ward circumstances The Maniis branch of the Polynesian race have full equal ity under the law in New Zea land Ill fact in few fields in cluding land tenure andlf rights they enjoy privileges de nied to whllcs In otht respects they live side by sidl with whites with ex tremely little frictibn consider ing that the Maulis have ad vanced from stoneage society In 150 years REFUSED BAR SERVICE No school is barred to Mcoris They inter marry freely with CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING gt TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified ad vertiselnellts are inserted at the rate of it per word pellnser tlpu for one and two times as per word for three four or lllva times and use per word for our more insertions 10 additional charge if not paid Within IO days THE MINIMUM ADVERTISEMENT IS 801 IF COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED PAID WITHIN 10 DAYS OR 884 CHARGED PER SIN GLE INSERTION Coming EvanLa 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices and Cards of Thanks $150ln Memorlam Notices $150 if verso used it per wold extra iha Barrio unanimi will not as ltimo unlibdllty 101 In error in adve eiucnts taken or tho telephone nonfat errors copy anlull notified alter the first laser on inter and spa style or nulls display cliu eda may be obtained through Tho Ellminer Idvertlllnl do all All WANT AI loopy should in our ofllccby p111 the day before publication On Saturday by noon in New Zealadd are afive race the Mooris Lining hurfizllinglnlmand Ivuilable fay n13 The sum showed what In killed price in uhlogttcsaremenly the gular price of goods of umequallty in Diamond bridal set are ad vertised in one catalogue as AAA certified quality There is no such thing During the warAlandAZwasusedto is that the case The best dlar mood today is called fine markdlamonds but no longer white and no on Thezfi palm diamond ring set picked was listed as normally retailing at mo and available at wholesale for 3125 in its plain mounting could retail that ring at $125 and easily make my full markup on it the jeweller re marked In the same catalogue ladys wrist watch 17 jewel wltli 10K yellow gold rolled plate top cheapest type with expansion bracelet is llath at retailing for 375 Special to you it is $3975 could retall that watch for 35 less than their supposed retinal price the sumcjcwellcr sa WHOLESALE QUOTES ARE MISLEADING No matched cultured pearls in modern 10K gold setting are said in the bookie retail for $59 but available to you at $2950 similar ring in local jewellery store will set you back 17 jewel mans watch with unbreakable malnsprlng water proof chrome or yellow top and steel back actually wholmnles for under $10 With the markup and expansion bracelet it would retail in stores at about $2100 One of the catalogues advertises ndiRacé whites and such unions usually do riot carry social stigma on either side Practical proof of the regard in which the native race is held was given recently whenNew Zealaod appointed Maorl as head ill diplomatic mission for the iirsitlme He is Ba inett who as high commissioner in Malay willhead his countrys diplomatic re ntation in Soulheast Asia Then within week the dip lomatabrotlier was refused drink ill the lounge of it hotel near here because of his race huge outcry arose immedi ately Political parties clubs and societies most of them whilL passed series of indignant resu lulions Protests flooded in to newspapers It was highly ironical that the incident should have occurred to the Bennelt family because of its remarkably high ability and father was Rt Rev Ben nett the first Maori to become bishop of the Anglican Church The new high commissioner com manded all infantry battalion durlng the war with the rank of lieutenuntcolonel PERSONAL SNUB DENIED The man refused drinkiS Di lIl Bennett senior medical of ficar at psychiatric hospital near Auckland Another brother is dentist with flourishing practicev and yet another is clergyman Tlie mandger of the hotel where Ihe incident occurred ex nttainments The diplomals Whilebuyersmxyllotbat badly beam ll beam at Ill into jewellery store happened in Calgary recently when man came in and sold to the operator how do you like my watch The tag in the box slid sold for $130 but gol It for $1 Ob replied jaweller you should have come here first lm telling it at FEW GENUINE BARGAINS OFFERED The Catalogue operators are not so crude as to not have some bargalns One ladyl elec tric shaver is selling for $1031 and purchasers would be hard pressed to find it under 51595 in city stores Nationallyknown products with fixed prices are used for this lossleader offal liig Also spotted were savings lnpen and pencil lets City jewellery stores can pay their business tax overhead wages of clerks take fair pro fit And still match or better tilt alleged wholesale prices in the catalogues for dlnmoiida wai clles and jewellery the local jewellei stated 0n tupoi that the buyer gets guarantee from reputable und established dealer Likely purchasers are not tAken in by the phoney retail price listed in the catalogues but the fake figure gives them the feeling it is worth the Allong Wholsltle price made of ii 50 per cent cut Pittsburghs Duquespe Uolvcr allyrecently did study which showed two thirds of those ques tioned believed comparative price dulma for such items as ludlcs wear more than half of such things as TV sets and about onethird for jewellery Businessmen fear if the phouey pricelag scheme the suggest ed retail price gimmick and made to sell for claims get more widespread the publlc will lose confidence In all udverlis log Relations Few Incidents plaioed that the rule against serving Maori ill the lounge had been introduced because many of those in the district were below the average standard and it had been necessary to ban them alter repented disturbances There had been no personal objection lo 131 Bennett Mounting indignation however rapidly brought reversal of the ban ir this particular hotel The priineministel the managing di rector nf the hotel chain conv cened and numerous other pub lic figures roundly condemned the original bail Yet the resulting hubbub has disclosed that the casels not unique DISCRIMINATION EXISTS Examples have been cited in aLher areas where Maoris are ex cluded from some bars or hotel lounges from parts of cinemas and from barber shops in almost every case the dis 1trials have included large num bers of Maniis less advanced in living standards or habits than the average 01w example is where Chinese market gardeners employ numbers of itinerant Maoris who occupy substandard shocks and whose standard of hygiene is poor Efforts to rem edy their living standards have still not gone far enough to bring substantial improvement Yetlthe revelations have shaken New Zealands satisfac iiUnVIlIl rice relations They havcshowu that advances must still be made before full social equality is reached ilniiiial Lovers grizzly wrh aroused are out to stop the proposed slaughter of 1500 bears to replace the mothenten bearskliis on the men who guard Buckingham Palace The fight led by the Royal So cieU for the Prevention of Cure bull to be organized in Timmlni Mayor Leo Del villain of Tim mins cabled his offer to the war office after reading that the bear sklus worn by the brigade of guards are old and mothsate Onlarln office to try andutop lilo slaughter ZTo killills number they will probably have to use the gin trap Whlcbla banned In this country okeoman sol tire inflamed Believe Bears NeedzTheir Fur LONDON Reuters British animal lovers tough as any comprise one of the four brlgodé of Guards tlliflk We will have to them aV machine gun Guards officer realmlie city to Animals is against the ho won Shdck In Semi By McINTYRE HOOD Special To The Barrie Examiner LONDON Norwich City the shock learn of the present no car football season are into the senilvfinul round foi llle English Cup They are only the fourth learn from the third division of the League to reach the semi final in the langblslory of the cup Allel thoir amazing record in beating two first division and two second dlvislon learns it would not be surpnslng if they reached their gold of the final game at Wembley on May Norwich won the replay with Sheffield United by to oil tbéll liome Bound Terry Ely centre forward scored two goals alld in side forward Brennan the thlrd to down the United Now Nor wich meet Lutoli in the semi final Luton having knocked out Blackpool in their replay by one goal to nil other semifinalist are Nottingham Forest and AS ton Villa Villa scored clean cut to victory over Buniley in the replay of their sixth round tie Packy Maanrland their Iiish international winger scared both of Aston Villas goals to hike the team Into the semifin NOTTINGHAM FAVOURED Nottingham Forest wi fllho betting at tolille if file favourites to win the cup But the Norwich City threat la real one especially as Luioii Town have not been particularly strong in recent weeks The game will be played all it neutral ground which deprives both teams of oily ground advantage but after beating Manchester United Cal difi City Tottenhnm Huispifll and Sheffield United to reach the semifinal the expert critics would not be surprised to see them beating Luton to reach the ma SCOTTISH CUP DRAW The draw for the fourth round of the Scottish Cup provides no thing in the way of topranking struggle between giants Willi Rangers Hearts and Mothelwell out of the running much ofLhe cup interest has been dissipated Key match will he the meeting of Aberdeen and Kllmarilock on the farmers ground with the visitors favoured on form at the moment The other three fourth round times to be played on the ground of the firstname team are Stirling Albion vs Celtic st Miran vs Dunfeimline Third Lnnark vs Hiberniuns Celtic St Mirren and Hibernians are fav oured to win these three games but the result of the Aberdeen Kilmamock tussle is unpredictt nble England has selected an under 23 international teamIo meet the GUNMAN frills OUT 50 CENTS BALTIMORE AP young Baltimore ll came out 50 centsshort in an attempted grocery store robbery Friday Dvld Sllbeimiln 7B the grocersuid the lééne age bandlf spent abnul 30 mitt utes waiting for customers to leave While hiding his time he bought twqsoftdrlilks when the place was cleared hspulled agiin Silver llea much too temperamental to be good plumber oven kt mo OLD COUNTRY SOCCER eqm Is Finals French under23 learn at Lyons on March 18 Surprise is the om lsaloii of Joe Baker centre for ward of lllberulana who has twice played for the English un der23s this season Baker how ever has been out of his teams title for two weeks with wren ched knee but declares he in ready to resume play and would be perfectly fit for the Lyon game He is oil the list however to tour the lulled States and South America with an English liliemallonal team during the close season ills chlef hope la that he may land place in the Eilgllah team to meet Scotland at Wembley on April 11 The team to meet lhe Under21 French learn Hopkinsun iBoll on Armlirld Blackpool and Allen Stoke Setters West Bromwieh Scott Chelsea McGulanesa Manchester Unli cd Brainoak Chelsea Greav ea Chelsea Murray Wolver hampton Charlton fManelnster United and Scholoii Manchest er Unlbod BITS AND PIECES Walveibamptoh lost valu able point and Tottcnbam won one even more valuable when these two tennis played 11 tie on the farmers ground Harmcl got the equiliziltg al for the Spurs with die but ck of the match Danny Blanchflower has again been named captain of Toltenliam Eofipula with full power on the pitch After being but of the first team he has made great comeback and is expected to lead his team out of relegation danger Manchester United crept to within point of Wolves and Arsenalilt the head of the English League first division by beating Blackburn to Mau cbester United and Arsenal have intimated that they are not in terested In making bid for Mei Charles Swanseas Welsh inter national star With these two wealthy clubs out of the running the price for Charles seems like ly in slump from £50000 to some where around £80000 Brazil Facing Economic Crisis RIO DE JANEIRO razil tAPlThe Brazilian government is faced today with an economic crisis that threatens the roots of President Juscelino Kubltscheks mlddleduad administration OneLubor parly leader de clared that if things get any worse the nnnv may have to take over Most responsible in formants however expressed be lief that new guvemmeni oboe nomic measures made that pos sibllitv remote Throughout Brazil there have been sporadic riots against the lilgl costs of llvingup 14 per cent in the last two moilths and low wages There is some fear that one of these riots could snowball across the country Thus far however the admin lstlatlon and the army have been able to snuff out each one before it could spread SEE7 TRY7 ganderwood addmale DOES EVERYTHING iiicriicttm iioigllsilniiir mt

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