CONTRACT BRIDGE BleAIW mnmawmwm north dealer tortbSonth vulnerable tortWestpart more at so DONALD DUCK noun 1103 QLKMB AQB aaqmu dreadful hand or maybe be Just mind But North chased Miller back into hearts and then contracted for the spade game tly West had some idea the rig aiiicanoe ol the tour diamond cuehid because he opened adia mond Miler trumped and returned low heart Declarer played low and West much to his aston ishmcnt won the heart with the eight When he had sutflciuitiy recovered from his surprise Welt returned diamond which Miller rotted with the king it was the and trick ioi the de tense Miller didnt test his luck any more He led the ten of heartts and South went down one The last thing we would want to do is criticise South for hav ing failed to play his nine on the first heart lead The thought that the nine might hold the trick could scarcely have entered his mind except in retrospect The accolades belong to East who had the presence of mind to make the four diamond cuehid and than had the imagination and daring to undorlead his pow erful hearts in desperate ei tort to defeat the contract Tomorrow substituting one loser for another skates in this yearl championship he and his part her Mrs Alma English at Sash atoon won the vetnrnna dance and waltz events Mr larceny explained how he got mrted on the lee When my daughter was about tlva years old wanted her to learn to skate told her that if she agreed to loin figureskating club would become Father and daughter iotned the Saahï¬oon gab and tor years ALICE BROOKS skat toge er as teamEvp tnatly his daughter married and movedto Australia but he delt cidndto carry on with his abat GnyFlower Basket quilt inaclnotlng design pleasure to make treasure to own Make this lovely quilt from scraps use just one block for smart pillowtop Pattern 7343 charts directions pattern oi patches ynrdages Send Thirtyfive cant coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to ThaBarrle Em nminr Household Aria Dept 80 Front St Tomato Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PAT¢ TEEN NUMBER Timber Engineering Makes 0ur new 1959 Alice Brooks WOOd compete cents for your copyoi the book CALGARY or The old fashioned tree trunk cheap and TELEVISION CKVR Channel efficient is struggling for acceph once as suitable construction can coin avast Mwnfl men ans wut=in Theatre iun Test Pattern material tor warehousesharna and small business buildings 1145 tween Ourrelyzl um um nwm who so This Hollywood The Canadian Institute oi Tim iuo News Weather ram Report her Construction claims that new method of timber engineering 116 Movie Blur Lamp 9133 mtg Honeymooners using large poiaa especially reated with preservatives in gaining competitive strength on mm mam jitter building materials particu gnaw Show arfllyI steel 55 common Canadian Creosoling Com CW pnny Limited at Calgary says it 5mium has received inrgedamand for Community New Elm 1504 199k Pm wunNaanaY wrench in which preservatives have been an Tm pm added by means of pressure n45 flirtation science PWSS Sunk he in iii Niéfivmn torn um ground they form rigid support 12315 mu G5ntlernhnl or timber irameworiv Eggs spokesman tor the company us Nunry scinot said pole construction has many gnuï¬ugm°h advantagesthe chief one being on engineering economy The com so paoy claims use of timber tramework cuts costs by as much am iioway ooooy Girl Mangles Rope Around Cal dun 515 Hand in Grinder Childrenl Nomii Huckleberry aanne Coming Eventl Western Thetn Farm unim Mm News Weather sport Lean to auur wut Dime rmnta One or ST THOMAS CP4ixyenr old Margaret Keppmeier daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Anton Kapp meier of London Ont lost por tion of her hand Friday night alter it was mangled in meat grinder at the Home Dairyres taurant here The youngster was apparently grinding bread crumbs in the kittiien of the res tanrnnt owned by her parents Opening leadsix oi diamonds This fascinating hand was played in rubber bridge garne many Years ago Star billing noes to Milton id Miller of Toronto vha held the East hand The bidding went along smooth until Miller bid our diamonds the suit his opponents had been bidding His purpose was clear ha wanted West to lead dia mond in case South became dc ciarer in spade contract But West for reason un ltnown passed four diamonds Perhaps he didnt relish the idea He has since served as me ldcnt of both the Canadian and the Western Canada ï¬gureskat ing associations retired busi nessman he turns to hunting and fishing for oilwinter recreations Needlecraft Catalogue has many lovely designs to order crochet ing knitting embroidery quilts dolls weaving special gilt in the catalog to item child happily occupieda cutout doll and clothes to color Send an ULIET JONES HAVING HIM CALL MEALTIME Mince as S2 square toot the result ME His DESSERT ohca or materials and greater hen ease Properly treated poles williaot between to and 50 years The method is much the same as used to treat railway ties The poles are placed in huge boilershaped ovens where heat and preservation treatment takes place under bond pressure of 210 pounds square inch The department of veterans aflt fairs endorsing pole building as cheap and sale method has is sued circular to farmers rec ommending poles be used in barns it says it is fact that what has he come to be known as the pole barn type of construction has much more to commend it than any other type of farm building in use today with set of good plans such ding can be built by anyone capable torbuilding chiclreo coop ll Thompson iire research engineer of the Canadian Institute of timber construction 333s un der many conditions timber has much smaller tire hazard rating tlianiateel myth has been built up aroundsteel as fire resistant material Fire performance de pound on rate of loss of atrangtll rather than on combustibiilty For this reason largo timbers are su perior to structural metals which lose strength rapidly at high tem peratures The institute claims this better time factorlessens danger oi col lapse monuments and fire tight cra injeasa of fire as Will Have on iioispaie Despite Import ReStriciions By MAX SKELTON HOUSTON Tex AP The United States will have all to spare despite the new mandatory controls over petroleum imports The mandatory program will cause no immediate boom in do meatic production Output should climb but the rate will be slow Dnly gradual increase in ex ploration and drilling activities can be expected The United States already has an excess producing capacity of I11300000 barrels of nude oil 3y Itycunenl an on Duruzhneha Open House EM Fatty Howdy Dead Follow hi1 Adventure of Chloh Wetter Theatr CnminK Eventl Nations Business Farm Market Reportl News Weather Sport Love LUCY Behind Closed Donn Millionaire Crone Canada Hit Parade Danny ltinmu Show Cannonball Desilu Playhouse CBC TV New The Wenlhnrmln Today in Spam Community New Stereo Demonstration 1030 iilii you COVERED YOUR KITE WITH come moss HAVENT SEEN YET AREYOU ONE TM BOYS WHO MADE KITES AT MY HOUSE THIS MORNIN YEAHHERES MINEI ANYTHINGPWRONG veer39 828386 mpegsrPsegepmm 82033339338 GRAN DMA FF ass tun manor MARCH 1130 Tent Pattern 15 The common i100 hlovil Museum mo News Weather Farm Report 1245 mm Leave Her to Heaven one womans Show 245 Nursery School 300 Dr Hudannl SecretJournal an open Huuaa 40a Patti Presents no rriendiy Giant us Science Around soc Whistle Town Sky Kin CKBB RADIO 1200 Headilm New 1202 lilaxae Fargulal Farm Reno at mumrm Market Report Snort Dill News Simcoe County Farm and Roma New Headlina Ncwl stan Ensign15h auntie Radio Freelanu New News gull Panda ewr Jill Bennett snow Newl Helium New ram Mariellean Newa Sparta Ecaditne Nun Bulletin Board News not Rattle show News News unreport New Inn span News and Sparta soar ans sin oa Headlinelel gtrerizgth tortodly no no New spam one SID In Show Farm Market Report girlvlumgnltymw News and Sparta Time to Chat Weather Report New £35m News gamma snow sym ewa New and Snortl gï¬iaafiiilettashwm Newa Heinz Baby snow Kudlinl Nawl Mane Ferguson Yarn Repo Miitnn aura ilat Maltenon Have Gun Will Travel clean you car News The Weatherman Today in spam Communl News Lat Move rains am Dial 950 Bulletin Board Radio Fraexenut NGWI News Putin Ide News Bill Edna Eh News Eaadilnn lel ram llulset Report New Rapnfl on Sport Handlin News Bullettn Board New raek auttie show New Tech Iooiu News and End Nawn and Sports Nuns in Sport Sign on wnnanoar nae Sign OnHeadltne 11m strength or Today nut neanett News Inf Eportl Elfin Main Report am an poita Weather Report inn Headline pri No 750 VI 8005 orll Round Up nan ows and sport 1030 inoo mo sou 1110 28823332 19 $11235 3i in the opinion that cost increases justify pricpjnereases Moot operators who ciamored for mandatory controls are en couraged but believe the new or der when fully developed will not cut imports sharply enough Most optimism centres on be lief the new program will halt the sharp upward swing of total imports Most importers have not coin mented on the new order Those who havevoieed the same ob jections expressed over the aim abandoned voluntary curtailment program They warn thatreia tons with friendly oil producing countries Will be harmed and mandatory importcontrois will lead to other forms at federal regulation of the industry Canadian officials ha vie ex pgssldggoncern but Venezuelan ct elievetheir arts to Tm 5h the United States will if he af ï¬gmcï¬ï¬i fected materially moo Newa seen engpwpnnantoune 282333 oneqanaauauauun Eeh FF ssssasahnsehseenasgass one There is no indication of an up ward swing in prices Theman datory order comes at time when prices for both crude and products are shaky Oil oper ators however are unanimous SlMCOE MICKEY mouse WPPDFrrlflSPSIPPPE assessesesnense was com RADIOS George Getty ll president of the Tidwater Oil Company one otrtha leading opponents of the voluntary programsaid the new order will damage relations with friendly countries producing oil 4100 llii5 Homemaker Show News Bill flannutt Show 1115 Caldweiia Baby show mean an iron Eeadllnl Nam 1292 Massey Ferguson Farm 12 apmul rt arm ar mo Snnrt main manna ens Farm Market mm an mum on Home News Headline NEWI Stan Taylor Show Bulletin Board Freauout Simon Counts and and MW manmason AMERlCM nil Naomi MADE mm MM NEED cram CAR RADIOS REPAIRS to all makes and model 450 Serviceliali up to live miles out ot town Day Warranty dn inirepni weir For Guaranteed Repair Service CALI WCOOP pa 6653 in can own macaw smasherd 102 Stan Taylor Show kg Bill Bennett an News 580 Heliumfilm ans Farm Market as ort non News one mom on 8pm so Headline News an Bulletin Board zoo New 105 ms nu show em Nuwl v00 NSWI moo New and lportl 1100 NIWI In 5120 BUZ SAWYER laxauiï¬nd PfloTfls Flotillawearinng The Examiner above the catch llile EXAMINER PHOTO can be chased in glean nlint io room aaiwrca How Christian Science VA Heals 1V thitIESfor Hyena rats wean basement rarra son sauna moron CKyRTv CHANVEL wanedn 145 1m wann momma ova SERVICE more snow mower Hi KRAMER MOTQRS Llrn 145 ananaona var Mucosmpskeirfl