Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1959, p. 3

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are BUfiLAP 6635 GRAND Burlap which used to be strictly lor bagsin the com merdal rather than the lash ion sensehas gone grand this season and really does show up to advantage in some of the smartest of the new handbags This one is done elegantly with cowhide trim brass detail and aunlque zipper closing it comes in choice at exciting shades as well as in black white and stripes CoEds Get Jolt Says Dean Of UBC VANCOUVER CF The col lege coed may be in lor quite jolt When she leaves th ivy covered hall lor the outside world says Dorothy Mawdsley who retires in June alter almost two decades as dean of women at the University ol British Collt umbia We Just cant convince our women students they will take lar dillerent path through tile than the man she said when it happens its shock fliers they have periect equal ity with the men They share the same prob lemswitbthemaninciass rooms brains and work are the only criteria And out oi the classroom the coed has wonderful time There are three man to every woman and our girls have magnificent date tile Alter graduation said Miss Mawdsley they discover that as general rule senior positions are not given to women They will probably marry and have dlildrenLihey discover their role changing and llerce competition is out oi place And ll theyre smart Miss Mawdsley added they realise nothing bores men more than woman screaming about womeus rights Why educate women in the same way as men Because every woman should be able to provide lor her own ilvdihood if she should need it Miss Mswdsley said Univer airyeducated women usually can find jobs that utilize their tal ants Miss Mawdsley aaid educated the community4 womens group becomes interested in mentallyretarded children and one of its members was educated as lawyer she can inform them 01 the low peels oi the prolr ism so the group works in constructive rather than emo tional manner Miss Mawdsley has been on the UBC stall or 32 years ex cept lor law years at Van couvers King Edward high school She has taught English women play an important role in all these years and hashadthe MABYEAWORTHSMBHJLI Young 5013 iSopprove lt Of Widows Bernarriage aIIrth megseateonsolation have deepfeellogs or this man and was very touched wbeoheaskedroetomarrybim Iamsura that hewillmake me happy and need his quiet strength FIRST ALLEGIANCE The problem L1 that my boys do not like this man Even though he is like father to them they resent him Elease tell me should marry him against my childrens wishes Or should glc blrn upz The conflict has me so UMP Continuing the review of the societys study book Concerns of the Continent Mrs Allen presented the chapters on Malco and the Caribbean area at recent meeting of the alter noou auxiliary ol Collier Street WMS Mrs Robertson presided Mrs Allen said the four ma or concerns oi the Protestant minority in Mexico were evan getism agriculture health and education Despite their real in event istlc work the churchesare hampered by several major lim itations such as their own nar row concept oi evangelism careful propam planning and shortage ol ministers she said Mexico was decidedly an ayilt cultural country but only 12 pg cent at the land was till The lot of the farmers is not an easy one and until the level added duties of deal lot 19 years Women Play Important Part TORONTO Women education isis will play an important role in the 99th annual convention of the Ontario Educational Associa tion to be held at Toronto April to9 when variety ol prob lems pertaining to various phas of education will be discuss Several internationally lamous women in the educational field will be among those who will address the convention delegat es These will include Miss Vir ginia Cass Yonkers NY Miss Rose Meyer University of Wislt cousin Miss Mary Clarke Ontario department of educa tion and Mrs George Davis at San Jose Costa Rica Responsible for some ol the detail and organizational work at the fourday meet is Mrs Watson of lnnerkip 0st the OEAs lirst vicepresident Wo men delegates will be in attend THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA Planetary aspects now auger well for routine interests also for seelnng and granting favors In the former case be tactlul in your approach however There is indicationthat you will hear piece ol good news FOR THE BIRTHDAY ll tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you are currently in good cycle where money matters are con cerned You should be able to euro more and save more and it are especially careluldurlng April September and November years end should lind your bank book in good shape Its import an however that you your best judgment in ban your helices and that you avoid ex travagimca and risky apecula tinn Where job matters are con1 cernsd you should not have too man serious problems locom at either Intact by using your killoand talents to the utmost hm should be able to advance onsiderahlyeapeclally during one and December Generous in lor govern your personal liie luly Octwernnd December We promise olmany stimulating oclni activities also romance And your domestic life should be ree sbadows All in all leasant outlook child born on this day will ance lrom many cliiesand towns throughout Ontario other prominent women who will be taking part in the pro gram include Miss Macpher son UniversityCollege Miss Bertha Reynolds Toronto Miss Mary Lugsden of the Big Sister Association Toronto Miss Edith Deyeli Wentwortb Coun ty Sister Mary Timothy Belle ville and MrsMaryPigeon Saulte Ste Marie some oi the outstanding lea tures of the fourday meet which will he Canadas lar est educational conference in ude the linals in public speaking competition verse speaking competition dramatic concert musical lestival and demon strations ol physical education Panel to Discuss TeenAyers at HS What confidence should par ents place in teenagers and should their parties be chaper oncd Will be the topics at panel discussion at Codrington Home and School Association meeting this evening Mrs Cameron the touch ingstaii Will be moderator Panel members Milne Mrs Clemmens Coutts Mrs lollliie and Dr Delaney the teeenagers viewpoint will be presented by Kenny Courtis Richard Black Shirley Falcon ePr Murray Feldman and Dianne on Refreshments willhe served by parentsof grades and poman IOCKID some ddsice mimosa won KEYS Cl ovois endowed wlthan exceptionally lull mind and line literary abil iy Crest Hardware JUNLDP ST representing the parents while of their education is raised pro grass will remain limited Both the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Health Organisation are giving assistance to the Mexican government but the mortality rate is still one of the highest in the world Doctors are in short supply and trained nurses are rarely seen outside the large cities or towns and thereqare lew hospitals she said In outlining education Mrs Allen revealed that most of the school system oi today was state and federal on the whole wall administered although illiteracy was still high Churches and missions were prevented from making financial contribuqu to the national education system Although protestantiam in Max too could not he contemplated in terms of big numbers neverthe less sbe said it might belp to lead Mexico to better and more abundant life is ln conclusion she described the Caribbean area choosing as her subject The Eederadon of the WestIndies an area of great concern to Canadians The 13 islands in the ledera lion have much to offer Canv ads as Canadians need many of their products and their FUEL HOUSEHOLD BILLS rah lusedtbatlrkntknowwbatis SOMETHING WRONG Dear 83 0rdinaril1chlldnn as young as yours who have in their lather early in life are welldisposed towards lather substitute if the man deceit vaguelydreadhimaadleel Mummmsrmtwymwuhthem Mldmthaléfldnnhan iaslaiunpshanuadultsmov lngclnaelaiotheirexpericnoe Mostly it is during adoluuoee sortandgenulnelyklndbearted towards them gt Unless therchildren are neur otic and slyly conditioned against new arrangements say by dating grandmother intent on keeping herhand itsthey land by instinct to wantbothamom and dadln the picture And to gravely welcome and shyly be lriend widowed mothers 3811 our suitor il be is nice coo genial and cemiortahla person Thusmyllrstirnpulselstore apect your childrens lceiinga against your beau lly which mean the possib ty should be considered at that he isnt good lather material and that they intuitively same this and ran BARN Em MONDAY MABCK 19 13591 Informative Study Book Review Heard at Auxi1iary Meeting people would make good citi zens if the governs ent would established quotalor than The same Christian ideals common language and British parliamentary institutions ars shared and could provide for them solution to their unem ployment problem The is of the lederation are set an exasle for all the movrllldito antiIlla are peace ge er The churches too working and planning toga er which is promising lor all in tbeledern lion Mrs Allensald Fortysix members and one visitor were welcomed by Mrs Merrick andij Maloomson Mrs Robertson president opened the meeting with short Easter massage At the conclusion of the busi ness meeting Mrs Mills conducted the worship period on the theme Discovering Neigh borhood Mrs Lloyd read thevparahle of the Good Samaritan and start prayer from achurcb in Germany con cluded the devotional period Mrs Chisholm gave Piano solo The olierlng was received by Mrs Welsh and Mrs McKnight and dedicated by Mrs Mills New members Mrs Torell Mrs Sfirling and Miss Underbill were wel comed by Mrs Welsh Mrs Mills thanked her com mittee and Mrs Robertson clos ed the meeting with an Easter In general this phenomenon is due to their increasing sex coir sclousueu and awkward sensitiv ity to all the implications of boy Blll or manwoman related ness at that particular phase ol growth Somehow they cant lol erate evidence just then that their mother or father is quite specifically human too in the matter at romantic vulnerabil ity it dlscomiits and em barrasses them So the mother whose teen agcrs are opposed to new mars rings is wise to discount their dismay in large part while searching her own mature con godténa lor mudanoe in going G8 But in your situation with you sonsagcs1and5opcnlyun happy about your intended think you ought to put on the brakur and take nslllcient time to know his character back groimd family and personality potentials really well before com mitting yourself linally AT MANS MERCY As of now you are in love his strength as you MY You see him glamorlzed But ii and when you marry him your children will be at his mercy defenceiess comlng between man and wile Because so much depends upon firsthand specialist help in try ing to iathom the childrens ob patheiic evaluation of their atti tudeor any good psychologist specializing is family relations counselling ME ronio were recent guests oi Mr and Mrs Cowan Toronto Street and daugiter Port Credit and Mr and Mrs Don Reid and GroseColller Street Mr and Mrs Drive visited Mrs McAualans brotherinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs Glen Copeland To ronto at the weekend wish and benediction lilillSElL qn morass or WHEN DiLEDUPBILLS SAY GET LOAN CALL recs ON THE TELEPHONE Mans from $150 $2500 or more Take up to admonthsforepay on wide solactio loan plans dignified service 31DUNLOP smart now nouns family recently returned from tour in sun ssor mourn SALE BUSIN FINANCING Ns CANADA cneorr Mr and like Harvey Clarke oakville Mr and Mrs Hamilton and the Guide and Brownies Mothers Auxiliary Gamsnnn ro TASTE Fresh Grapefruit Halves lire Refreshing fillers is the lending depart meat store in Rochesterwhere they held the lemons public food tasting party the Che marked Let us go in As we entered the huge load department we saw line exhi bit of rash lruits and vegetables Next came the section of baked goods exceptional in quality and more or less and physically air varle that come omen1mm gratelully on day go model the CHEESE CENTER Across the aisle was unique cheese displays of against all that he is And one vol smoked and tinnedlish and cav the recurrent tragic themes in my iar and special bore docuvres mail is the heartbreak story that from all over the world when tell oi childrens spirit Shelves were stacked with Milled Mdmlled by IMP every kind of canned soup you iatbers who rate them nuisance can imagine gamesuc and for elgu wonderlul canned vegeta bles in tins and jars jams pre rum mm should an serves crackers ol every type Ah this is beautiful the Chel said And there are leads to lemma an Fm suit every pocketbook and inlt Service Agency lor lriendly sym mne motor trip to Hamilton where theywere guests of Mr and Mrs Ralph Day Mr and Mrs Dalton Guest and Harold Tracey Penelang St SOCIAL NOTES emmmmm Mrs Boy Carey at Gali and ms ammo To Weekénd dont arm of Mr and Mrs Scaletta Ross Street were their sonin law and daughter Mr and Mrs William Derocher and sadly Mr and Mrs Gary Bayliss lamily London nt the week and datlfilllfl Pegfl Louise of end with Mr anle Mrs sum gunk vlisiced in town over WE En MoAuslnn and daughter Sylvia Edgehtli as man nsaorrnnt OPEN amme nay nuance Addition Monday dinner Grapefruit crsb olive cocktail Chicken ham casserole broccoli spears tossed Romaine tomato salad small warm mince tarts teaor collee Note the chicken ham car seroie and the mince tarts were made in the testkitchen prevl ously and lrozeu GOOD TONIC Tangy Florida grapelruit halves dressed to lit the occa sion are perfect addition to late winter meals particularly since they pack punch of vital min an important aid iuward log off colds Use green orred jelly cut in interesting shapes with lruh mint or huckleberry leaves aroImd the edge of the grape irult hall centre with lavnrite preserves or shredded coconut and tangerine sections For an appetizer top with flaked crab meat and sliced stuffed olives and dash of notsweet French dressing All measurements are level Chicken ham casserole Boil and drain 8oz noodles Saute half peeled mediumonlon in tbsp butter tmiil limp Wash and slice is lb fresh mushrooms Brown with onions Add coarsediced cooked or canned chicken diced cookedham and 11 light cream or evap rated milk and seasoned to taste Layerebicken alternately with noodles in buttered Iiiqt cas serole Top with 9s grated sharp Cheddar cheese Bake 85 min in mod oven 50 degrees Serves six CHEFB COCKTAIL Just add halved sections ol fresh grapefruit to shrimp cock tail et voilal New execu tivm were appoint ed at recent meeting at the CBSIl Auxiliary Mrs Betty Forth was elected recording see rem and Mrs Lilliim Nine cookie Convener Following the meeting Major DillLlEl conducted tour of the hospital On view was the TV set recently presented to the hospital by the RCAC school TV plugs lor the wards were supplied by the RCASC school PATTI SONS GENERAL CONTRACTQRS Homes Specialty WE CAN ARRANGE chill LOANS Compare our prices and quality helm buying CALI 389 ITAYNEB ONTARIO only ONE There is only one oleeooaoss For information on FM PA 66302 WELCOME WAGON WEAVER Zao www421cer ZBANLONZI Pilllitmus and enormous Easy to care for Ban Loo sweaters in the classic style in beautiful shades of yellow royal belie black white or medium hlue They are classed as ir regulars due to minor faults that willlnno way aileet their long wearing qualities The pullover is regulars value the cardigan regular 198 value Situation room about men Eh that was tl Mootsea Boston Chicago New Yo Toronto Detroit Detroit Chicago New Yo Toronto Dakoit Montrea Chicago Buffalo Cletelar Rochsst Hershey Provide Spriogli Eochestl Providew Clevelar Hershey Clevelar Sprinin Rocheat Hershey Kingston Bestoi one ti 5t Catl Besbol Owen Water14 centre Warsaw Warsai semil Waterlo lWaterl goal luelpb Guelph goal Chicouti Trolsdli ls lndional lroys Clinton ram zcciun Russia

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