muminmskmmmup CONTRACT BRIDGE Bylllifllcm flqwuwmmw But dale EastWest tnilaaxbic Al Klflll am More x75l8 Nu on Ill VQIM of 50 VAB OAQII $11004 un Opening leadlive of spades Lots situations that appear to be simply mnttixe oi guess work for declare btgn out In analysis not guesses am but susceptible to clear enswer Suppose deciarer ducks the Jpade lead in dummy and was Euta too with the queen He no count six rapid winners He fulso notes that successful lin csse in either diamonds or clubs will bring home the contract In fact he sees that it both fin Esu succeed he is assured of thelvo we appear at oes uot matter much which ï¬nesse he chooses to take first but an malty this is not the case Suppose for exampleLSoulh Jake the club finesse at trick two East wins and returns bothklwurEasthasthernor Wat has the club and not the diamond king or Wait hastha diamond and not the club king These are the only possibilitieS 11 either opponent has both kings the contract Is sure to make One finesse all work and the other will fail declarer makes eleven tricks if West has the club and not the diamond king declarcr makes twelve tricks These three cases are not oi concern to deciarcr since he makes the contract regard less oi which suit he leads first But in the fourth case where West has the diamond not the club king it Is urgent that the diamond iinesse be taken iirst Wests only sure entry should be immediately dispossessed Declarer should cater to this possibility because it is the only one where his choice at plays can constitute the dilference between making and losing the contract On Monday Another famous Hand is presented by Mr Beck er TRUET0LIFE So real you expect these lovely birds to sing Inspired by authen tic bird engravings Cardinal goldiinch wren blue lay Follow chart for true col ors of each bird Pattern 7401 transfer of tour motifs 8x11 our an inches color chart key DONALb eucx Send Thirtyfive neat coins ini this pattern rump cannot be accepted to Barri Examin er Household Iiiu neat so Front St Toronto Ontario Needlecraft Catalogue has may lovely designs to order crochet Ing knitting unbmidery quiltl dolls weaving special sin the catalogue to keep child happily occupied cutout doll and clothes to color Send zscentstoryourcopyotthe boo RIIDIO iIND TELEVISION TELEVISION cxvn Channel nannon MARCH 10 Tut Pattera 333 mm néw JULIET JONES ILECTRIB cum WOUTING FROM MY 1029 WINEwa Mm More To Nfld Loggers Strike gThan Meets Eye Liberal Says Wrestung from Chicago uttie haunts Nswn Brien ï¬lialon in Film Prngnm braid EGS as in cues van Western Th Coming IMl Nlubll BunIll may women TRICK GADGET ITS IHNTRIalt Wows some can GADGET swam Youe DAres HERE DAL WARRINGTON Canadian Press Staff Writer If as some outside Newfound land claim Prem Joseph jSmainood is powermad dic ftator who has introduced fascist legislation why has the New toiindland Progressive Conserva lete support tive Oppositiongiven him com rChnrles Bollam the Liberal governments labor minister and tumor union leader says there is more to the loggers dispute than meets the eye He says the government has vital and important iniormav tion about prospects for the pulp and paper industry that will be revealed some day but he did iiot disclose the information WOULD CLOSE MILLS gt Managers of both Newfound °v CHESS CLUB The Barrie YWYMCA Chen Club met on Monday evening Fifteen men and ladies took part and contests were very close This evening March 14 the Dutch Chess Club are invited for friendly contest Visitors are weicdme Beginners are trrged to come to keep in prac tice Two of our players submit the following game CABOCANN DEFENSE Rahder Nathan PQd PQBd NKBX PK3 QNQZ PXP 3x2 04 NN3 QN04 NNs NXB QBZ RQl 1gtK4 BKNS 003 nxrv NXQP axe 0N3 QXN one TLESIIIIII nerve CAB iriinro land paper mills have said they would shut down the mills rather then sign an agreement with the international Woodworkers at America CLC when it struck against the AngloNewtouadiand Development Company Dec 31 The Progressive Conservative leader Charles Bailam said he supports Mr Smallwnod because the IWA threatened to de stroy the economy 01 Newfound land to strangle of the lifeblood of Newloundland Thc companies employ about 30000 people more than one quarter of the total labor force The principal industries are log ping and fishing and many fish ermen depend on logging for winter employment Mr Hoileit says on union has the right to hold up the economy of the province think more of the people of Newfoundland than of Incurring the displeasure of some union Though the premiers drastic efforts to oust the IWA from the provmce have drawn violent pro Newfoimdlandprotest has been less vigorous Are Mainlanders and New foundlanders so different they cant understandsone another SMOCKED AT ACTIONS Mr Smaliwood says There are people across the mainland who just do not understand the shock and horror of the New foinidland people at the present situation They are so used to bloody tactics labor unrest ruthless la praclices that they are ac customed to it It is not new to them In Newfoundland the thing came suddenly fullblown born with its boots on We dont propose to get used to it Federal labor department fig ures show almost 50000 New foundlanders belong to labor tm ions the largest proportion of the working population of any Cana dian province Butinternational unionism is relatively new to the provmce PAPERS BACK HIM Newfoundland newspapera back the drivethemout carnpaign Even some labor unions have quit ULCaifiilated council to support the premier However the Newfoundland Federation of Labor hes voiced disapproval of the premier5 actions Esau Thorns provincial CCF leader is about the only New foundland politicianto voice out endout disapproval He has no seat in the legislature Mr Thorns says thevgovern meet her ted the people with un true fects the government is supposed to represent allithe poo plo all the time but theyliave shown us this time they serve the well heeled minority of New loundland and this time dont think they willget Vawnywlth JPHIITIIS Piqtnzen appearing in The Examiner above the catch Ilne EXAMINER PHOTO canbe purchased glossy DWI tom riioiurr saiivrcs VI 10 tests from many quarter the Red Shelton vanhao nturdny Dlll Peny homo NHL Hockey me Naked cnc rv ewl snotu Juliette Movie grlln SUNDAY mince 15 Test Pattern cnnmn Servlel This is The Lin Good Lug Theatre Ray Forrut Snow Country Calendar Junlnr singnine Dateline Brittn citiseas Forum on or Decision 20th century Lassie News Manna canivui 58223 as glen Shocking Min P11 51 ceasssse 3838 tMPPPN 28 Bob Cum Frances rfalflom Show Showtimt Ed Sullitln The Worlds Stale gt Genersl Motor Presents Slli Francisco Bell CBC TV NI 0m ovte Forever Ambit MONDAY manor 1110 Test Plum 1145 Between Oursins 1200 so This Ironwood 1210 News Weather lnrn Report 1245 anin nine lamp 215 Womens snow 145 Nursery School 300 Dear Phoebe PPPPEF 32826 may Ma 1200 Headline News Fer Monet aspen am Dixon aw Stretch County Hum 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