WAT In em cameos Um3 Yaw miner MAKES NAIL SET BDCC Open HouSe Hospitality Unlimited The hospitality was iremen dous last night at the Central Colelgiate The whole vast ant hill was thrown open for in spection by the public who came in such numbers as to cause traffic jam on adjacent streets The two gymnasia and the au ditorium wcre the scenes ofdem onstrallons while in classrooms featured special displays it took hours to see everything Teachers were on hand in their classroom to meet parents and discuss the objects of their Inu tual Interest The objects thcm selves were busy parking cars checking coats charging 10 cents adrnlssion and ushering The auditorium was packed for twohour show which started with the Grade 910 Instrumental class continued with the Glee Club which sang excerpts from its recent successful musical play Klttlwake Island and finished with fashion show modelled by the students them selves wearingl clothes made in their Home Economics periods GUEST ARTISTS No participants in the fashion show who were not students of the Collegiatehowever were New Simcoe Chart Available In May new chart of Lake Simcoe embodying number of improve ments suggested by Giil fin chairman of the Georgian Bay Development association is expectcd to be published by WEATHER Synopsis Skies clouded over last night in Southwestern 0n tario and in western sections at Northern Ontario few snow flurries are reported new storm developing in the Kansas and Colorado areas is forecast to bring rain or snow to Southern Ontario Sunday followed by cold weather Regional forecasts valid until midnight Sunday Northern Lake Huron Georg ian Bay regions Sunny clouding over this morning with few light snowflurries this afternoon Overcast tonight and Sunday Snow beginning late tonight cod ing Sunday afternoon Milder to night turning colder again late Sunday Winds late today be coming southeast 20 tonight shifting to north 20 to 30 Sunday afternoon Low tonight High Sunday Windsor 32 St Thomas London Wirlgham Hamilton Toronto Muskoka Killaloe May Advance orders for the chart at $1 each can be placed With the Chart Distribution of fice Canadian Hydrograpbic Service Department of Mines and Technical Surveys Ottawa Additions to the chart will in clude legend explaining the symbols and abbreviations used new inset of the entrance to the Maskinongc River and one gusbw Leirqy Harbourln de and shoals will show up more chart since this will heprinted be shown by magenta flash and all shoals with less than six feet of water over them will be shown in blue First Division Court Sitting The sittingJJf the Court was held on March 10 His Honour $1132 MacLaren presid here were thirteen disputed were damage actions four motor car accidents Sixty Judgmentchtors were examined Twentyone debtors were summoned to show cause why they should not be commit tedfor failing to conform to previous Court Orders Thirteen judgment debtors be committed to the jail of the Countyfor fail use to attend when summoned IOiNS STAFF Mallory the staff of Cars Real Estate Broker to Maple Aven ue Barrie Mr Mallory was educatedjn Barrie attending Prince of Wales Public School BDGl and Barrie Business College He is married and has three chlidren Prior to his presentzpositlon Mix Mallory waswith one of Marioslar goat construction companies holdingtha position of Job is countant for seven years toned Effective April the new loclt ation of the Office of the First Division Court will be 39 Collier St Barrie MARKET On Saturday morning at the market Charles Nash pioneer partybydonning ananclent Der by Christie stiff with another spare along which drew atten tion to his vegetable display Prices were unchanged on tatoea at 80c basket or bag $150 lilo 35c basketwas the av erage price on other vegetables Apples 50c and 80c Eggs were Home baking was inviting and reasonably priced Roasting chickens 40c lb and boiling fowl ggc Dainty fancyworlr gave gift ens George CONSTRUCTION LTD All light buoyslight houses prominently on the published in four colours All lights will cases on the list six of which gardener was the lifetol that priced from doc to 51¢ doz vi pair of lots who provoked murmur of maternal Ahs when they reluctantly demonstrated baby clothes Members of the Studcnh Council sold rclrrshmcnls in the cafeteria while those visitors in clined to cheat wily reporters and such obtained free samples In the Home Economics room where on one side studean were making garments of various sorts and on the other the cooks were producing tasty things to eat GYMNASIUM PROGRAM The program in the new gym cesium started with the sailor sulted twirleretles who marched and counter marched to pat tern thought up by the students Here too there was only stand lnz room Grade 1X demonstrated tumo ling and there were items of folk and square dancing Over in the old gym tumbling andgymnastlcs exhibition was followed by an exhibition bas ketball game Other special displaya included typing ieathercraft industrial arts agricultural science cam era club InterSchool Christian Fellowship motor mechanics the library English two an classes chemistry and sewing CHARLES DALTON Will Address SaleslidClub Charles Osborne Dalton pres ident of the Carlings Breweries Limited and viceepresident and director of Brewers Warehous ing Company Limited will be therspealrer at the monthlydin her meeting of the Central 0n tario Sales and Advertising club at the Mayfair Club Barrie Monday next Mr Dalton beganhis career with the Bank of Montreal in Toronto inulpdfl and advanced through sales departments with various firms before joining the Canadian Breweries Limited Mr Dalton was campaign chairman of the Community Chest of Greater Torontoio 1955 He served in World War sll withthe Queens Own Rifles retiring with the rank of LieutenantColonel mm Bradford Reeve told his fellow counle men the County could afford to spend 8100000 on anew build ing at the corner of Worsley and Mulcaster streets There is therefore little fear of millrate increase this year despite the excuse presented to the County by the withdrawal of Barrie from On the other hand there is lit tle likelihood of decrease in the tax rate Even should lin ancea warrant drop in the mill rate councillors will doubtless re flect that drop now would need to be balanced next year or the year alter by an increase The outcry against an increase would harm their position at election time for more than any credit balance of goodwill built up by temporary decrease PROGRESS REPORT The other malor matter will likely be an interim report on the progress of negotiaqu be tweensimcoe County and the City of Barrie These negotia tions have been highly confid ential to date and little inform ation has come from eitherslds Simcoes men have not had much oportunlty to report insofar on county council has had only the one meeting this year The city negotiators arc playv tag it cautiously because the county has employed lawyer with an impressive record in municipal affairs and anything said in public could prove det rimental to harriel intercstl Major threat totho Barrie bud get seems to come from the Pro vincial Government who may shortchange the city on grants Here illsworth noting tradi tional fact that alderman coun cillors are always immensst careful of the tax dollar when they are spending the money of the municipal taxpayer who el ects them but regard the money of the Provincial taxpayer bottomless chest to be spent as fast as possible What the Ontario government is doing is to be cagey on the grants that would normally have gone to Barrie as town GRADUAL BREAK The original plan wastbat re paratlon should proceed gradual ly Services such as health Chil drens Aid recreation and law were provided to the town of Barrie by the county in return for the county tax levy As Barrie didnot wish to set up completely new services of its ownwhich it is entitled to as citythe understanding was that the status quo should con tinue and Barrie should pay the county the same amounts for the continued services as before Barrie expected to save money if not in the first year in the long run by discontinuing to pay share of the expensive county items such as roads Unfortun ater the grant situation has thrown spanner into the works tenmans Hint3 mum budget bav understood why the private billwas withdrawn and would pay for 1959 services from the County In as per ooimty bylaw subject that if there is any financial loss based prior years operating princip es that such loss will be share upon 5050 basis By casting an adverse vote Matters BéfoséFoun Egan QC erass menta sttltude witlbave little ellect unless there is usually serious loss pos sibiilty and the county com mitted itself to no such agree ment it Is Barrie which is over the barrel New Cooksiovm School Plans Considered by Board Township Cookstown will have new school to replace the prucnt old building if plans now being considered by the local school board and the Essa council ma terialize The new school may also niean the closing of two or three other smaller schools Original cm of the proposed new school was set at 3200900 but this has since been reduced to 3180000 The Essa eotmcll at recent meeting instructed the clerk to have the necessary by Beeion Bantams lleach Finals Beetonloolts to have two bock ey teams in finals this season One is for sure Last night before big crowd in Beeton Arena the home Ban tams defeated Norwood to win the OMEA playoff round mr Nolan Morrow and Wayne Carleton with three goals each led Breton to victory The Ben tams now play either Mildmay or Belmont in the final In the OMHA Juvenile semifinals Breton leads crolt 76 The return gamels Monday night at Beeton with the home team favored eta taka the round and move into the fin In ORA Intermediate group finals Allistob leads See top 21 in games with one do game The fifth game of the best of seven series is slated for Bee ton Arena tonight Local and General IN PEIERBORO BONEPIEL Mr and Mrs Craig and Mr and Mrs Walls of Barrie qualified for the finals of the Petcrboro Curling Club an nual mixed bonspiel tomorrow They won their first two games in and his against Peterboro and Tomato Boulevard on Wed nesday lost the third 54 against another Peterboro rink but at talned enough points to ounlib for the final day MHED HERE TODAY The city cannot claim the same grants under the new arrange ment as under that of last year Realizing this the city council backed by the County Wmnacb ed the Ontfrlo Muaidpalmfonrg or supper pu mg oug the legislature private bill to have the same grants paid as if Barrie were still town This would maintain the status quo for 1959 and would put off until next year the test of whether Barrio would be cheaper to operate as city or town But last week information came that the Government oi Ontario bad withdrawn its sup port to the private bill Reason given was that it would set dangerous precedent Tens of thousands of dollars given to Barrie would multiply into mil lions to large Metropolitan con warcn nun ohms no DYCKS FOOD MARKET MondnynSpectal llltlllli anus 39 lb nights Reservedto ï¬lm iniumo noon anion FOE nusnvass measures ownonmcs nusnvass LUNCEES QUEENS HOTEL 94 DUNLOB srr enhancers necaenoss campy nmrmns eHoNET The final invitational mired bouspiel of the season is being held today at Barrio Curling ciub There are two drawsat and 11 em with full entry rinks mostly from out at 0825 AT 01mm Vern Adams Barrie rink was dfeleategvmfmlflnal round Trophy event of the Orlllia Bonsplel yesterday neevent was won by Lloyd Kneesbaw and his rink from Bradford law prepared for the new school subject to the approval of the department of education Essa council at present has on municipal building of it own but it may have In the not too distant future As prelim inary step at meeting of the council recently it was agreed to purchase building site for the purpose in the vicinity of Baxterprovlding the land can be obtained at reasonable price Petitions are being called for from cattle owners In the town ship to declare it Bruceliosls control area Tenders have also been received for the spraying of cattle for Warbletiy wagonTrain Rolls Past Hall Mark LETHBRIDGE CP The Alaskabound 59ers from Michi gan were to roll across south western Albetta today on the second half of their motor trip to Alaska The caravan of 87 spent the night here The group which lelt Detroit March broke itaiourney Fri day to celebrate completion of the first hall at Its cmmuo trip to homestead looacre tracts of farmland on the Renal Peninsula PRESTIGE Institute oooooonnoaoo identiï¬es your wuconr moon SPONSORS cm mind buninasslnddvioliï¬ol yanroomnannita Momma PA 66302 ooooeoooomoooeoagooeonnoonnoun WELCOME WAGON CELEBRATION 65 Bradfordst Upon receiving Canadian Citizenship papers Baycity Upbolsiering would like to take thank all those who made it possible In ord this happy occasion we are to the people of Barrie and Over 30 years caper Quality workmanship Free pick up and dell Call or VVVSPECIVALl all our unused asaingal tricL PAIIII OHI GENERAL CONTRACT 0R5 Home Specialty CAN mm Guam Compare our Ith Ill quality helm buying CALL rumour may we we woo rum South in the first 10 month of loss ln Tower 12 Dunlop St Phone PA H470 TO FASHIONABLI WARDROBE Here is the look that famous Peter Pan has designed to be beautiful wearable part of your life now under your new Spring FashionsWater Panp hiddentreasure brl and Tiger girdle Just two from our dollectionoffamoua name brand but and girdles that will teachyou with the ï¬rst tryon hpwcon1fortahles beautifully controlled ï¬gure can bel Trained Evangeliné salcsladics will help guide you to the styles that best fityour particular ï¬gure Come in this week for your tryon PETER PAN TIGER GlelE $795 Notice Tigers Firmolurfiej Action Stripes power ful elastic bonds wov ipht Jamil nylon mar WMWNoMï¬ ax WazvWWWMmrwM