Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1959, p. 2

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319 91 WARD NEW new Wardens Course is ocmmcncing at General Elec tric Auditorium tonight at b0opm at which time conference is to be held Class es start Thursday March 19 and continue to May 14 Any If the ochool curriculum was stripped to its basic fundamen reading would be the most lm rtant subject Clare Routiey of Toronto uperintcnd ent of professional development Ontario Deportmmt ot Educa tion told teachers of Barrie and district public an separate schools at grade tcachers meeting He addressed the group in Hillcrest public school on the techniques employed in the teaching of reading The best readers spell well are good in social studies ma thematics and other subjects When student was not able to solve problem in mathematics for example Mr Routley said it became reading problem The teacher used wcading to transmit the method of solving the problem to the student who in turn must be rl der to un derstand the ation The speaker said he had read that fewer than onehalf the read hook teachers explan people in the United States ever nifQs men or women who Wish to join the Civil Defence Ward ens to take the training please attend either March 12 is or as Above ari Barrles Civ il Defence Wardens most whom recently finished First there was case of student with an lQ of 127 who could not read However if the lntelli gence was very low child could not rcnd Intelligence was not urefire cause some brilliant people cannot read pro pcriy he said Emotional upset was another cause of poor reading When the mother and father in home had quarrel the night before he told teachers not to expect the boy or girl from that home to read or do anything else well the next day Friction in the home would cause had reading he said and he advised parean to love their child little more and show the child he is loved and wanted The result of this would show up in his work Good vision and hearing were prime essentials to good read ing Mr Rouiiey had been intro duced to the Barrie and district teachers by William Bell principal of Hillcrest public school who gave very fine ENS couass STARTS They dont take book and read it to its conclusion he laid Why Because they dont read well He had kind wort for news papers telling of his own no usai each morning of his news paper mentioning particularly the wellwritten editorials Any newspaper is wonder ful thing to have rn your chil drens desks for rcading pur poses Referring to the early teach lng of reading in the home the speaker said it could be said that nutrition was the business of the mother but he asked could teachers say responsibil ity for teaching of reading be longed to anyone else but the school He told of the editor of great national newspaper great atom bomb scientist famed doctor registering for course in reading Why did these great men en roll in such course Because he said they found they could not read speedily enough for their work Every person he said reads 50 per cent ower than their capability The speaker enumerated the causes of poor reading One at these was low intelligence but WEATHER Synopsis anon spread north ward across the lower Great Lakea into Southern Ontario dur ing thenight Heavy show can be expected in eastern regions few scattered snowflurries are oc curring over the northern re gions Georgian Bay Lake Huron Landon Clo snowflurries Sunny intervals Friday Winds northwest 15 to 25 today light tonight southwest 15 Friday Haliburton region clouding over with occasional snow Cloudy with few sunny inter vals Friday Not so cold tonight winds light becoming northeast 20 before noon today and becom ing light tonight Forecast temperaturel Low tonight High Friday to the Barrie public new salary schedule tilicate Deaths iii Dunlop Street East Ahlttbl Piper Algoma steel Aluminium Alberta an All Steel Bk of Man Provo 11 Royal Bln In Ace assr Intonation Nickel KemAddnon lat Eilfdn miiliiii far El Muilken Ur 2m New Myhm lax zo1 Nonndn Mlnea am New com Miner l4u Nor anemic lsvr Con unaw it Con MineSm telephone nhm ii School Board ReviewSalarieS PuhiicSchool teachers in Bar rie will be able to earnup to $6300 year according to recom mendatiolls presented last night school board at its regular meeting No tice of motion was served on Peruth st Lawr Co profile on the varied posts the speaker had held in education TORONTO EDUCATIONIST Clare Routley presides at informal discussion on teaching of reading in Hillcrest Public School Barrie teachers the flfl Aid Course made possibleby the facilities afforded by CGE The course was conducted by St John Ambulance and paid for by the federal government Photo by Favcrot Good Reading Fundamental Basic OlfA Good Education The speaker was thanked for his fine address by Smith principal of King Edward School When the meeting closed the teachers held separate discus sion groups all of which were attended by Mr Routley Want Principals To Disassociate Barrie Public School Board last night passed motion re commendingthnt in matters of salary and negotiations princi pals disassoclate with teachers The motion further recommends ed that the resolution of the On tnrio schools trustees be passed in the provincial legislature The resolution referred to calls for separate organlwtlon to represent principals Commented board in Ralph Snelgrove It is unhealthy It is mar ally wrong Once year the principals jump over the fence and side against us sdinol to be sustained steeistreetshouldcarryupav plating the Job urged architect Millet Salter last Mt lie was dddruning the Mile School Board on behalf of the archtr tects who designed the build tug Mr Salter said he feared the low bid would be put in by firm of construction engineers which had the reputation of tak ing months more to finish the job than was originally called for by the contract Previous offers by the firm in other low tions hadunderhid competitors by fantastic amount But the work had been unsatisfactory and completion had been delay ed seriously Whether Elmvsle village coun cil will go phead with the first step of modern sanitary sew er system costing Just under $100000 or submit the matter to vote of the people before proceeding will be decided within the next two weeks Council will take the initiative and proceed with protectto augment the villages water supply vbich will cost in the neighborhood of $34000 Reeve Harold Nash declared Last night the Elmvala coun cil which has been working in the role of factfinding com mittee gave report of their findings at public meeting held in the town hall The proposed sewer system and tha locating of new ar teslan well to add to the water supply are both to be financed over toyear period by the Ontario Water Resources Com mission rwo uproar At least two members of coun cll are opposed to going ahead with the sewer project without vote of the ratepayers At last nights meeting Counctiior El igin Ritchie said he did not feel are Mrs Tlelma Jacobs John son School Mrs Kathleen Mc Keown St Marys Mrs Tompkins Prince of Wale Mrs Stewart Hillcrest Mrs Velma Walker Oakley Park and Mrs Law Pirnce of WalesSchool Ex aminer staff photo mmmmrmn Seek Penalty Clause In Schdol Contract Contractforthenevpuhllc mmcmemo ucertainiocaiflmsml suffendvhedthehoarditwas pouihlaifalolbldwure alty clause for delay in cun looted the Provincial govern mentwouldmakeamntoniy year September but the board will not press for completion be fore September 15 providing the classrooms are available by September Remerked member Ralph Suelgrovc Remember the mud at Johnson Street school He was referring to the first few days of operation of the school Mr Salter also iuggested the board delay closing tenders for the school for further week Elmvale council May Seek Vote on Water Sewer Problems council should take the respon sibility of spending $100000 of the pegrlea money on the first stage the sewer system with out having vote Reeve Nash admitted his colulcll was divid ed in opinion Durlng question period at the meeting ratepayers who will not benefit by the construc tion of stage one of the sewer system but would be expected to share immediately in its cost through taxation fired some pertinent questions at the coun cil While there was no out and out opposition voiced they wanted toknow why they would have to contribute to system they would not be using Another question was why the business section which will be served first by the sewers would pay less because of the limited frontage of business pro perties 22 feet to 30 feet while home owners whose lots have 00foot frontage would pay proportionately more Speakers thought there should be some method of remedying thisl inequity Council mem bc did not oppose these ideas feeling this mattarcould be ad justed to the satisfactionot all When the meeting terminated Reeve Harold Nash and his council Composed of Councillors Alex McAuley Archie Train James Lynn and Elgin Ritchie were faced with decision which will be made within the next two weeks Council could ask the Ontario Water Resources Commission to go ahead with the preliminary steps for in ataliatlon of the sewer system which entails gaining permis sion from the Ontario Municipal Board having regalT to Elm valesablllty to pay for the hadnuficielttimetaworton The board approved picII iI Members agreed they aboulu cast concrete roof which ma cost $300 more than clueMn alternative However contact is more firede and the archi tect explained costs were rialn in all crate material except oun obtaln experience of concrete roofing as future buildings may be so constructed How many feet of snow woulu it take asked one Replied Mr Salter Quite fewwet or dry School Deeds Were Misplaced The deeds ot King Edward School Barrie finally passed to the Barrie public school board last night The deeds had been wrongly assigned since 1891 The landon which the school stands had been deeded to In nisfll public school board in rim to 1891 the village of Allandalo was incorporated but the deeds remained with the lnnisfll board In 1856 the site went into the growing town of Barrie but still lnnisfll kept the deeds The Barrie board built school on the site in 1906 The school still serves and will have fur iher extension added this year Three generations of Barrie folk attended the schoolyet the land was in the name of lnnisili township Finally the present board see retary George longstatfe began checkingjo trace the deeds of the property Lawyer Gladstone Currie obtained quick claim deed to the site And last night the deeds ar rived at the offices of the Pub lic School Board 68 years late WATCH OUR AILY AD DYCKS FOOD MARKET Tomorrows Special RAINBOW system its necessity and other teeters BUI dfiefiquaz Show oniarIi TRADEIN FAIR OVA The new salaries start at $2700 for inexperienced teachers not qualified with an interim first classor elementary school car There are five levels with up proximately $800 difference be RUBBIDGEAt her residence 752 Rusholme Road Toronto on rhury 20 day March 11 loss Eleanor Bus gmgfgm 20 trice aurhl wife of the late Albert lahn urbidzei dear mother London 20 32 Olllolflll grogghgf almla luern rIn wmlhm 32 mother of Barb Patricia and Toronto 20 32 Heidi sun of aarrie amine at Trenton 15 32 the girl Elliott moral Bengal Dovercourt Road Unit south of fit Catharine 25 oz 51er wiser anginaanal uglyi mu m3z couuua Satutd ll Interment Muskaka lo 32 Monniilunni Cemetery 500 compiled at noon by eratviora an Co Ltd rooms STOCK PRICES rn lntervrov Pi no Nat GI filDA untilocke Club 255 It DllCorp or Pacific erlroleum iiii cm shame on whitt quotation on IIIJIMJK ant oa this list lur um included tween them For each year ditionai $200 by teacher with BA perm tell years service his control and $100 for eachf ther classroom dule if it feels it necess service teacheris paid an ad The $6300 can only be earned about teachers certificate and Principals will earn the tear chers rate according to the schedule plus $130 for each at the first ten classrooms under The board may oiier higher salary than shown in the sche PATTI SONS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Homes Specialty WE CAN ARRANGE but LOANS Compare our prices and quality before 5W CALL 389 STAYNEB ONTARIO roll your own Cigarettes with 1n scour uvlngll Dont delay fInfiIll mu If Inf unbt sin rw ttmr hitill bail in airml null for an old watchi ill turn toward mag nificent newbuiml This Is your oppol tlmlly to own till tines witeh am rt 17 lt ldl mortar mail on redlum hand puma or tub 34 SPRING Thaw7 virtues Nl BEAVER LUMBER Get ready for spring now for home planning help ideal and estimates visit Beaver umber were always glad to help Ask about our convenient Budget Plan nothing downsalowas$9amonth KEEP YOUR BASEMENT tiltY PAINT rm WATER ourANn occ ORAIE voun aasemnm Arm SAME TIME Strnrt in llmnul masonry paint can lldpl ll Wlfil OIII Of your bnemont IVIillbll LII WWI decorator CUIDPV no You pm brush it on wul not run off or rim all You not It on FOR THE AVERAGE BASEMENT 35 lb WALLS $1395 lbs Biilli rim NEEDED more now slsas 5215 Ceiling We WALL SIIIDS stnAppmG Pre Cut Pi 45° unlthl Each li 4s 55 an 2c It weight to handle Jbe fguliaectml can fyvand fnex enriirly ready Fl nt To 59 ET rv Coionioiw llilllolloiilln Factory Primed ready to palnl random mm for diatlnctlva plank effect ml buy Panel 395 Said Nationally at 435 wan 121135 Factory Finished MAHOGANY Plywood Panelling Factory landed lacquerm and polished In beautuui shah re to Iply random ugllfl Elva Now Only 44 PANEL PANEL SAVE 100 up to 33 $1495 tlilEiiEll LEGS All sizes in birch walnut and mahogany Ideal for niture ions Vinyl FOLDING oooas HEAVY GAUGE LONG WEARING VINYL Here is folding door that has real durability Steel panels lam inated in between layers of vinyl Colours blege or doeskin For openings For Opening Up To It Only almostany piece of fur rim fl SHEET llfllill CEILING AWalllxlz so cultomer favourite this tile is quail control all lzlzoASQ FT Dominion Linoleum The wonderful Linoleum tile ml lot on TV Cflhufli Welfln excellent pl terns noon rile 12 EACH FLOOR 1128 Poplar Plywood shething Sheet 1139 Utility Hordboord x8 Sheet 69 10 oer ALL PAINT Pittsburgh REGULAR STOCK ounce Now non aroma sixum mm cm Mohegan is inane 41 crown liirrwoon we cI 16 tltAlVEi lZlj 55112 Published by Lelbe Settle The time honor es and counter cha management and of protracted otrik way of solving lat suggested recent president of the erAssociatiorl That same betb found for promott mutual interests ed isnot new it good idea Speaking at Moi exited an interesti ion which merits all concerned Be There must bi management and difficulties and difficulties than we have been acti What tragic so little content it originality The after time he makes little real and sound agreen that are labelled clliatlon and art ole that is reelly in them How ofti lndustrlaidlspute bargaining to an minds to any jail economics of the of strength and compromise is pa fies no one and is Can we not di have one great at ent Under many industry we hav clear run of more periodic jousting place again wow not be used to sex possible for mans this industry to c4 laboratton which the economic fact For labor and they should know do now about the world competitilr involved whether should know quit Tt OUR SEGRI Vancou Senator James Glal tovsit in the Red Ch gentle cut at what hi regation in Canadas lndians students be helped to mix schoolsespecially on the reserves Otiu or get rid of their government and new ister the responsibil turned over to their His argument ma practicality But the How much longer ieiil century can 12 ms in vii action he gave yudgment for tin real estate agent agi in the amount of $1 of Mrs Malay for Ill was the causeon quiier Street when the Moore car when wife and badly in $540 The Reufrew Mere law that all mattn bedding Ontario mar signifying the nature white label if an In view of the voting done by ed that the Us flower the rame Authorized ear cine cinnamon and in wars want nevus an genome ielt ho aurinuu PArkwny

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