Govfi Agency To Endorpé Humane Slaughter Oi Bill No Peace Progress In Middle East MONTREAL CPIMrs Gal Meir israeli minister at foreign aflairluylthutintludeoldl Warsaw marinara $21552 flmmm WEPWWNW aIssIIIII Khrushchev Is Impressive EBut Contradicts Himself WASHINGTON AP Every Iew days Soviot Premier Khrustn chov comes up with new pm posals or dealing with the Bar Iin crisis Allis record is impressive tor imagination but sometimes he even seems to contradict himsell In the midst at tho contusion which he may deliberately seek in order to obscure the real Issues one tact stands out clearly He still is purring his origInIi pun pose to try to iorce the Western war togivo up their position wut Berlin West Germans Said Butchers WARSAW Reuters Wiadys lIw Gomulka has denounced West German leaders as milit arlst butchers and said tliat peace treaty will be concluded with East Germany regardless of the attitude of the Western pow ers and Chancellor Konrad Ado nauer He told party congress Tues dny that East Germany wants peace treaty but West Germany where militarism is raising its voice with increasing strength does not We shall then conclude peace treaty with Germany as represented by the East German Democratic Republic Gomulkn said in presenting the keynote ra pnrt to the third congress oi the Polish United Workcrs Commu nisti party jéLitexs Confess String Of Thefts mNNHEIM Germany GP Briant anell 32 and Kurt Schu lier do sentenced here Tuesday to life imprisonment for killing German policeman during bank robbery have admitted chain of robberies in Canada and the United States which netted them $511000 Their conviction allowed re Ltrial alter 1057 conviction was set aside by the West German high court on technicality EIames Minna 76 EDies at Toronto TORONTO CP James Bartram Minna 76 an electrical engineer who worked for time tin Peterborougb died hare Sat nrday Born in Bobcaygeon 20 miles nortbwest oi Peterborough he wns educated at Woodstock and the University of Toronto He joined the General El Co two years later and worked for them for some time in Peter borough Survivors include sister Frances Minna oi Barrie psorLr oo sun SMALL ADS am in the ultimate showdown most Western oiticlnis are con vinced that Khrushchev will pull back before plunging the world Into var But they also think he will go cler to the brink ll he has to in order to test Western determination to hold last in Berlin Khrushchevs mostrecent mI noeuvra cams In speech at Berlin Monday HI said than that the Western powers might keep small garrison at their iorces In West Berlin It the agreed to make that city lree city sud it Soviet unison also was stationed there Many Western officials say that Khrushchev learns to be alm inl not only at destroying Wast ern protection for Berlin but also at bringing it eventually under Commrmirt rule But some airports here say Khrushchev may have alterna tive goals at winning Western recognition the East German regime Iorclng summit cons iorence tryingto compel the West to endorse Communist re gimes throughout Eastern Europe oran outside possibility IInding some way to negotiate German reuniï¬cation on terms acceptable to the Soviet union OFFERS OWN TERME His newest proposal that Rus sian troops join small units of armed forces at the other powers in West Berlin has been viewed as little more than sugar coat in ona bitter pill With the West insisting it would not pull its troops out otticials argue 54000 hndsent photos of the men and them with any crimes in Toronto Khrushchev in eiiect has simply In Februaryll160 the Mann heim prosecutors oliice listed these holdups as among those ad mitted by Schuler June 1952 box attics oi movie theatre in Toronto about $2000V Early in 1953 Bank of Tomato Toronto about 34000 April 1958 Canadian Bank oi Commerce Leaside $0000 June 1955 Bank in Cleveland Ohio $7000 Nov 21 1955 night club In Los Angeles Dec 27 1955 Security First National Bank boa Angeles Jan 17 1956 Toronto Dominv ion Bank Toronto $0000 Deputy Cbiei Alex McCathia the Toronto police said in Febru ary 1958 that German police descriptions of their crimes In Germany but Toronto police failed at any time to connect 1333mm rev nun MEDICATEI surnn Chick Stories on yournext chicksgiorï¬ economicaigain KM iaa thering and quickgrowth oi enmity between israel Ind the limb notions no progress has been made towards pom To my great sorrow we me made no heIdeysbb told pres eonlernaca Tuesday while here to address banquet spon sored by the Montrui lsml Bond Connoittee Soc snidpeIee In the Middle East remains tangible ll long went to de altered to let home at them stay therel they stay on his term But the Western governments will We to come up with Clan policy decisions at their own At one extreme they my stand ï¬rm on ch basic ideas as no change In sir Berllnpolicy Ind animation only through tree also one At the other extreme they any produce new proposals such would be involved In trying to bring about German unity through conlederation of East and West Germany Plans Enquiry 0n Fluoridation romnro or Premier Frost says royal commission will be appointed to inquire into thl controversial issue of fluorid on Mr Frost told the legislature Ellw Hopes Six Nations Will Be Settled miï¬dwtflu hope In the Commonsmsy lhIt conflict on the six Nations Indian resorvstlon near Brent lord will be nttied without tur thsr incident Pickerspill tLBonVI vistsIwlllinutei armor citizen Ihlp minister asked tor report on the situation which arose when hereditary cbieh on the On tario reservation Ionolmced they were arming their own nation They dumbed the elected enun cll on the reservation II puppet governmen Mrs FIIrclou said we In In constant tou with both the aleon council and the chieil she had spent good deal of time personally looking into the Illus Tuesday that members of the conurusslonwwouidu harm shortly Hessid he prelorredto call the Inquiry acommittao but added it would have all the powers of royal conunission It would ior example be able to subpoena witnesses and take sworn testi mony Last Thursday Mr Frost Ind Health Minister Dyrnnnd said the government would not allow lu oridstion of any municipal water supplies Only seven Ontario centres now with fluoride in their water would be allowed to use the chemical supposed to prevent tooth decay In youngsters Monday the government threw outa private bill calling for the fluoridation or Owen Sound Sim ilar motions on behalf of Ottawa and Tech Township were with drawn DEATHS By ran CANADIAN races Montreal Dr chlaw Km lrIawiu 48 associate proieuor at mathematics at McGill Univer sity Laura SankAlbert Robbins 74 twice world barley champion and ormsrworld oat king TorontoFrank Stephen Hobbs 70 tamer vicepresident and general manager at Consolidated Plate Glass Company at Canada When you more itinerant Italy arrives or when you brain ï¬ne ll vary gt oeeoeoes dollargained is an snagago mantrasata tlon Ind the Indian noun branch director was working hard to settle the conflict She slid the elected council continues to control on the re serve Tbo chlsis had made some complIin which the de artment was quite ready to ear Ilthoub It would hIrI prr Iorrad that the chills had brought them to the departrnsnt InstsId oi retrial thorn as they did Aaousn rAx HAMILTON CF The poll tax described as unissued Ind Irehlac was abolished by city council mutiny night am troller Jack MIodonIid ernedI that drool the to would eat revenues by 031000 Ron sin stilts many tests you will sniqq thi MeritVanna Demonstration ts not new system or weight tuture Ford ownlrlnloylngthn rodlulln comfort of ollmcuihlonld unisstandard in Fwd but not let combat an Hirian Valli Hats the proud Ford OWIIII its the to mutillrhll III Iiumlllixcd col ill in ntflilotlt from counsz exhaust laid haeklmund protect him tram frequent replacements govlrvéunnl it namousrnnrlou Intuit Kfleryouvadaken all the DoltYourself tests be sure to one star demonstration drive Wu choosathe me youehoose the route esu evFord andlyou do the rest manages mm winnertypewr inns mulch aqua Carter BurinBur Igo ind that it the principle of humane billing ts sound It should cover the to industry or example iiIrold Winch OCE Vancouver Eut added to the list the killing at torbearing animals and killing birds tor their teeth In Mr Winch Mr Carter and Mr Fulton Indicated the hope ï¬rst the oommithe will receive represent ations from all Interested Including thou concern th religious rituIl slaughter such as the Jews WERE PROUD 008 SERVICE LETS SHOW You WHY KRAMER MOTORS Limited us nmnroan s1 Fine acceptancesso Gillimisconstr Gtins Across Greenland WASIENONN AP Btu xinn or the Distant Early Warm tag line across the ice up at Greenland was Issurcd Tuesday with the award of contracts to Danish audlAmsrican motsact ing groups Danish Arctic connectors oi Copenhagen received MM mas contract to complete rIdIr stations on Grecnilltdl west and east coasts Another contact or $12720000 was Ierded to Peter Klewlt sons company New York theiccca northcentral emulsionp 15 Daytield Street City or two listening stations on Iverytbing For The Pbotognpbsr Visit on cum GIFT DEPARTMENT uutl GIHS 17 Dunlmii ï¬t OFFICE FOR RENT 1500 Fl INCLUDING VAULT Located in tireproof building Available at once only PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM it IssIoN Barrie Before you do take this athyour FORDdeaVIers Youll prove to your own satisfaction that standard Ford Custom 300 Fordor Sedan gives you $8725 more value ata lower list price than any car in its class plus big bonus in comfort and convenience tensors The Own ilhlryouttlvt to Hit mm war so you more mveywvbIek The Thump ï¬nding out it man comfllll niu Il Fnrdl oil flit can Stine mu £9 Ind no how vsrytun It Ill entrain Carmelo uo IlélilIuliSEllgjf EMoNSTRATIouI