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choose lrom prert workmltuhlp gnu pick up Ind deuvary QPrvmpt larvlca Cull PA 66437 Today Barrie Tent and Awning Co 34 Hayfield St F11 FILTER QUEEN Ttreworldnrmort can im home cleaning unit Many onilll to relic ol Alfhm hay lover Ind dust lllllllel FILTER QUEEN SALES as Ava arm sud Prompt service on all nuru ol vnmuml cun VIKING wanna Iritthmer and um on rat and noio with Li HMS Honeymoons1r enema savor onnppiy no Iéhpll Areal mr door aaa leugadmlntan ue us lune preufyraonaulu 1w Mun SILL Apartment ma non rnn Both in Ad condition ban to llll lnnl rice Phone PA mu cannv CAR warno trailer Sleep two Al condition on tn seen at on Burton Ave or phone PA N510 Hui WHEN3011 triad Jurytbhu one can armourtry Mun at Dllnu Appointment an ru VIKING Ru lite Look like new Rananahla deal or artmlnt or cottage Phen PA um van H06 WBAREIE EXAMINER AD Just in thisvï¬torm and mail it to THE asarun nxémima wanna barn BABBm rmmnussortir noon oNThmhur nVr an an air rubber tiru In nodeeouu anion gmplm 399 um um Pu mun mu wanu with rubber horn dl dlbl will amusement man Grinsby 6n aaa no mam minding that in run our uncorn ArogVFtMlnl school cannon thrvn out to 3m néuiii Sons as 10 Farm Supplies lOA Livestogkforsme lOClmplements FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE our AND NEW HOLLAND rm mommy pram on nception1 Ion canmm am tunmood on no3 rm torréus vv in Burton Ant amt PA um iocnl lODSeed and Feed noranus other 17 ton ran r6 to arbour 1on anus Mixed Au1n lion Clover Bromo an Timothy wen IllicitPhone Ivy lflrll ionuse amp rum and straw for me Gilbert Halsht Mtnul 3theltn lob63g ICEPoultry Chicks Ir Silvana qunllutly fuelac lsrvductiou Ind gel er mfltl chith Ire cl EII1 pgllrymln Humbled Ind HUNTERS APQULVTRY LFARM PHONE amour 77 Started chick and pallets avail able Write or prices ionIm manna common APPROVED crncxs Eat our IIc an ill id chi min 11mm Audit commas rnnn um 13 Fruits and Vegetables Janosan BARN Eating and cookiiu Applu nann Spymgndgel niu rum McIntosh Cooking Apples Cranbar ry Pippin BRmG YOUR OWN CDNTAleS HERMAN PM Rwy 11 um lardwood Cflvflluenaflmo PHONE PA 84999 12 noer rr 6A Womans Corner 5DERWN HAIRDRESSING scisoot ii COLLIER ST Try one or our rumnines Slum no and Set In tint extn spacial ook comeounannmu 10 runner raises an IV PHONE PAWZ lMLisotMZwr Legals ldaysidayl Iiiyr ao Loo 300 100 226 20 ï¬ï¬diri recordnu with th am more rcaoor noun sum so us our ram mu no no bytiu mum Tendon to armu to 12 nm Public aswa loud on ArchitectLN antenna ran will mm 13IMIIAIM runny accept oloahs wanum Enulm Administrator amt Public alchool new mo osuur Simpkins Visit Another Of Bahamas Islands nyR to decide which at the Out islands of the Bahamas to visit is somewhat at puzzle me Nassau themoil boats go In all directions and ever snALm rlthsas Iddrnuod to Imdcnlbned and darned TENDER WA EN SIGN BARRIE SIHCDE COUNTY our willbo neoiv in in onion willy IW run 1st PMIDAL new n39 Film and speciï¬cation can DI naenand tornu CHIN OM ltl hi the 0111 Chlel Department Public Works gwn mgrIo arm duo thrict Tomato no newts rut 17mm or is coiun coo amnion Midland Ind Ir1111 On To commend Ach tenan malt be accompanied by one or the alternative rocuritlu called to In to tender annulusnu ruse more moa on the noted oxm supplied by thl nep ent Ind in onions lorth thINln The Department thrvulh Chiel mtneerl ohm Sign or mm the under ad or throth venue or District airmen at Toronto Ont vlll sup Ly hluvprlntl and pch tlon at inIubandapnflt LAM ooo truth 1onon cmrr Begunuh acqukor axingorga er Wilma gunfan or CANADA The thin WI be clu return or the blueprints an ac location in nod condition In tin thoduh 01 tin 3132th not womb uni that James the deposit mumps hit This lawn or any tender not necessarily accepted ROBERT roam Admlntflntlve Eunice can 1d Jammy De nrtment ol or nu Februl 21 ===r 21 Auction Saley Wednesday March Auction sue of mm flunk implnmentl min nnw and mm house hold alum for mot Lulu It Lot 14 Concession 11 mar rownmn 1v mllel north um ol Stroud rernu can No rum II lam ll laid Slit It lpm tl Ihllp Jury cougbiin uwï¬ ed aura ll Auctitm marl stock implantI min mm and commhm hold mm an Lento lint it Iliuman mutant sex331 Tornu dsyinthewccktheroisa It mnytalren dsyorit codld lakea week as in the case of San Salvador which is where Columbus lirst set loot on uns side or the world in order to have sorne idea at which trip would be rpost in tergsting in the time we felt we could spare we consulted the editor of The Nassau Tribune and hereooromeoded Harbour Island 51 welelt on Friday morning returning Sunday alt crnoou with seven hours on the boat eaclrlway and visited the old townToi Dunrnore where the sands oi the beach are pink AT SPANISEI WELIS mail boot Air swift es its why through the manycolored waters at the Car ibbean Sea andwinds around the channeis to reach the ï¬rst port or call Spanish Wells This said bybistorians to have been oneoithc iirstof the set tlements in the Westlndies we were nearly persuadedto stay oil there as the crew was com posed of Spanish Wells folk amt Itheyreally boosted their island However we went on to Har bour island and when we louno there was very little accommo dation available even at 325 per day each we nearly went back toSpanlsh Wells instead of slaying in Dunrnore the town wehad come to In the end weenquired at negro taxi driver who took us to his own lodge spirtlessiy clean modemly equipped hotel notlér ironi the dock and we with another person off thehost tookthis goodlooking accommo dationatiess than half the rates asked previously We were told that it we were not tisfie we need not pay and can sure anyone who may be visiting Harbour island that Willi at Sunset innpuL up meals that are beyond coma pare and hisplaoeis south SeeSuspénsron 0f For ï¬nest transport corrumssioners is con sidering the suspension of higher train commuter lares scheduled to go into effect March The board has notiliedvioter ested parting this atje learned ond Expectations are the iareboostsaveraging 37 per centwill be held up pending public hearings The railways announced Feb so they planned the increases subject to bohrd dpproval lho board has received represen trons agaipstvthe musk NOTICE AnimalMaoting sass Royal Victoria Hospital Incorporates Tuesday April 830 pm Council Chambers actors ammandment of bylaws and such other business as may come helore themeeting Bylaw states any person who =pays to the Corporation at or more days before theannunl meeting for the pluposeolreceiving the various reports the deodorantDin in any one year the Sum oforle Corporation lor that year Dollar shall be member of they Persons desiring to on diallnr to the Secretary on or beloreFeMlggch Blrrié March 1m anyleipectations Altér beingserved coffee we headed across the island tone or less than half jmile Beach this case pinkish tint breakers which were somewhat smoothed out as they smashed theirway through coral reef rolling downthc beach and riul orvso out to sea earns until he got into deep enough water to rise and all with them they were likely to sweep you along with them However this is bastd on tb hlo lagbehind them and the ho on which beats down makes it grand place to mix the sea breezeandsslt into tanlhat stays gt was ENGusn when settlers from England and Am cribs landed theresome are painted and welicared lor oth ers are dilapidated and run dolls pnd occupied by heno The commissioner ol the land whom would not meet has an attractive home on the top of the hill overlooking the dock He is the law and be has constable to prove this or course he is guided by the statutes which apply wall the islands which go to make up theParliamént which meetsin Nassau MEET My rnorm Onemeets mahy People who impressyou in even short visit to any oneol the islands Rev John Dobson who made the trip outward on the boat with us had been on the Island only low months lle had previously been stationed as principal of boys school in South Africa in district much disturbed by the apartheid pol icy in answering our questions on this he ended bysaying that so tar asth could see it was drasticbotnecessnryTheNeg was there are in need of low iul handling and until they her come sufficiently educated to be their own guiding mind they have to be regmented into awayofiileï¬v The Sunset Innat which we stayed had hostess to look after the guests and we were surprised to ï¬nd she had Scoï¬ tish accent Glasgow we guess ed and she admittedi xShc is an artistwho does portraits to live and the hostess Job pro vides her meals She is ex pected to make the guests lecl at home when they have time to recover om the big Meli cooked meals The swimming on the beach is the big pttrac tion hutthere are also night clubs that at least know how to make 200 on the drinks they dispense Ourbostess calhe to the Balt harasstoward oft an attack of arthritis whichshe fears slow ly crippling her She Wears copper bracelets and ring and ears the day when she cannot hold her pain brush She has happy smile ioralLeod lives the sun as muehas pass ible brave soul out beyond the rim oi this populated world strawhat and be place at the docks She colored and Aswevpossed why the oosters on the island should rule the mornings with theircrowing Weadvocatedfa Roost Sun Sunday sh was aphsscogcr on the return tripto an inch pay or he materials andhoyrhore rSpaniah she let them fora few min Wan IQbaIKWI arranva MAIVor CARIBBEAN snows TRIP snort NASSAU ro arauisn wars so Dartmoor TOWN utes while it was at the dock and on her return as the heel started oil we heard the great est commotion oi walls and sbrleks She came up out of the hold screaming that she had lost 100 American dollars Bc tween shouts of Stop the boat and Death to the thiél she claimed that she had loither purse below while she went ashore and on her return iound the paper bag the moneyhad been in and aten shilling note on the floor The rest was one hundred dollars oi American money and some Bahamian notes The captain phoned the pol ice and at Nassau they came aboard What they could do than seemed unlikely to turn up the thief who had hoursw plan is hiding place and way to get ashore it Sarnhspre dictions are fulfilled that thief will die very soonof very ub natural causes lord brought the Mambo that it was only oil temporar We found that an yacht had vsevcred the prpe which brings the water across the inlet from the larger island of Elcuthera and they were working feverishly to get it re connectcd In this we must givr credit to the owner oi the Pink Sands Hotel Andrew Malcolm Through his lorosight in insist log that there be replacemmt material on the island in case ol just such an emergency the water was available to Harbour Island inhabitants early the nut morning He and his assistant Fer Ross donned their underwater equipment and went below the water to repair the pipe With out Mr Malcolms foresight and help it might have been several days beiore water was on top as help and materials Would have had to come from Nassau FJCAPES IN PLANES TORONTO CWPolice have warrant or man on the FBI mostwanted list who the Us police say robbed Eamiitnn Ohio bank of $26000 Monday and esupedin stolen plane Alter similar LLS robbery last year Frank Lawrence Sprenz was caught and jailed but later es N0 BATHROOM WATER After we took our roorns at the Sunset inn we were mystilt lied to find no water inthe bathroom Enquiry oithe Jami caped Toronto police say the seek him in connection withthe thett from Toronto island Airport plane which has been traced as far as Baltimore You on bonus Ana mu mo mfiorSHukGAIN PERFORMANCE WHERE IT rooms Mosr WurLï¬rbauv