$31348 use on Opening lead king 01 dia monds know this is not going to be convincing column it is mere report of what happened and svhy it happened in team anatch in the Vanderbilt several years ago South was topranking piny er The bidding rightlyor not mostly not want as shown or reasons unknown West de leened spade there would be story East signaled West led din mond to the ace and East re tyrned diamond When west hashed the fourth diamond East discarded the eight of hearts West thereupon returned the hurt our and declares went up with the ace since the contract hinged solely on bringing in the entire club suit South played club to the ace1 another ciuh hack West pro vduced the too Now doclnrer knew the contract was in pro Ivided he made the right club fplay irorndummy To tincsse or 0tto ï¬nesse was the question Declarcr recapitulated West had shown up with our Ilia woods The indications were that West had started with double Eton heart This left him with SuogarProducers Plan Price Boost LONDON Reuters World sugar producers got together hare and have agreed on plan to jack up the slumping price of their commodity They cutexportquotas to 92 Jet cent oi normal and also agroed to voluntary holdback oi further 10 per cent The el zeat will be to remove 1150000 glansof sugar from the market with the object of improving indeed total of 31 producer nations were represented meeting as the intemational Sugar Council WILSON aIIIInIIII liliiEIITliliY Corner Slmcoe St and ma Grant Boom Banie Ontario WILSON OSTBOPAIEIC came canola dc Lawhmmc excaLsma use msymuvce mousman aqcarrANcaconP Hum moans manna co Lrn commrlon use assocumon clded to lead diamond Had he spades use he had why would he have opened diamond intothe jaws of thedianlond bidder rather than livecard Imhid spade wit Accordingly declarer decided West had at meet our spades This placed West thereiore with tile104 oi clubs So South linesed the jack The roof caved in East won and led the jack spades South ï¬nessed West won and return ed spade Declarer Mk the ace and was out of businesi All told he lost four spades nhenrt tour diamonds and club Donn six 600 points instead of mak ing three notsurnp 600 points South reasoned heautiluily and probably made the right play The operation was suc cess but the patient died On Monday Another Famous Band is presented by Mr Backer PURE FLATTERY Doubly smerti The squarecut neckline is pure flattery the brief holero so practical when you want to cover your shnul ders Simplest of sewing To morrows pattern Childs dress Printed Pattern 4577 Misses Sizes 12 14 16 18 20 Size 18 dress takes yards 35inch lah ric bolero yards Printed directions on each pat tern part Easier accurate Send FIFTY CENTS 1501 in coins stamps cannot be accept ed ior this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of The Barrie Examiner PatternDept so Front st Tomato Ontario Bid Regain Power BRANTFDRD Olin Candler Gariw oi the six Nations Indians cloned eotm nil tad gt the am that his group had been told it woldd be thrown out it it didnt win in lavor of the hereditary coun cil The Rm tniorces the law on indian reservations Chic Gariow said he was warned that 100 haves willshow up at meeting next Thursday to support the hereditary council claim One oi the elected counl ciliars is reported to have de clared he will attend with weapon to defend himsell The elective system was intro duced to the Six Nations in 1924 costing the hereditar chids much of their power The heredi tary rulers are circulating pell tion as the tirst step in bid to regain authority the detriment oi other areas Harold Scott PC Peter horoughi noted that his mostltlr ency was about hallway between Toronto and Kingston where the two nearest universities an lo cated Fommlitee chairman ii Leslie auwnuu PCdank nun rel marked that there is nothing to prevent group oi wellmeaning publicspirited citizens in Peter horough or Lamhton or anywhere else Irom going out and doing exactly the same thing as those men have done RADIO AND TELEVISION TELEVISION cxvn channel sArUlmllY Test Pattern Wrestling lrom Chicaln Little Rascals News Brlela zom nu Tin mum at rum lied Shelton lvanhoo snuan on Perry some um anew runs wn Naked or can rv Hm Sports Juliette um lForoillI humus suNnAY MARCH 1045 Tut Pattern rimChurch service 1100 This Is In Lila Inn Good Llle Thetr 00 Ray Forrest BhuI Country Calendar Junior an ulna Datellna tan Citisens Folurn Day or Decision 10th Century hauls 500 News alassins 530 Froniilrl eon eon Cumminn can Father Knows am 10 December Brid Shwulm Ed sumun The Worlds canon Motors entl loan San Francisco Beat 00 CBC IV lel 11 16 him The We Not Div MllNlJay Masters JD Tell Plum 1145 Whats your Trouble llst Thlall EOIMAOG 1230 News Wadibu Farm Report 11 Movie Idoldea now 215 Wumena Show 145 Nurses school 100 Dear hoehc 330 open EWII CKBB RiiD names PM 12 Farm Markt Buport orts Dual awa Simeon Umsniu Home In Farm Now Hamlin News Stan lnylnr 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