Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1959, p. 1

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commons RETAIN SKATING Tim The top three pairs were selected at the World Figure Skating Championships in Coi nrado Springs Robert Paul and Barbara Wagner centre of Canada retained their crown with second place going to llansJurgen Houlrner and Await sneer Reaction To BoardingOf Ship Marika Kilius left of West Germany Mr and Mrs RonJ aid Ludington of Boston Mass trtsn placed third BDNC Parents Entertairied BY Night Of Drama Song large and proud crowd or parents watched the singing and acting of their sons and daugh tars at Barrie North Collegiate last night Andon both sides of the lootligbts everyone had good time audience Glee Club and the castslof two plays The GlemClub more experi enced setof peformers than the actors put on concert full of good Showmanship The spectacle of astageful of cowboys and cowgirls arranged with casual artistry provikad approving imurmurs from the body of the hall Gordon Ferris and Diane Godv treyr attire vi and piano re oilt0ltiaboina and then the spectively piayadvtbe overture choir launched into the firstof the famous Boadway and Holly wood musical The soloists Rosita Pitt Jan MacDonald John Goodfellow lohn Fell Laurie Barron and Ruth Ball deservecongrataia tion Every word could be heard tious particularly for their die distinctlyby those atthc back of the ball virtue not practis ed by many amateurs and some professionals In some of the songs thiswas muchneeded quality Mi MocDonaldsang Caint Say No Here the thing to lis ten to is Hammersteins spicy lyrié rather than Richard Rodi ers music and did the audi ence listen Gaffaws punctualcd the song and firm applause game half way through the num er The singer mastered her andi ence held their attention and led them neatly through eachwitty phrase with the typo of art seen more often in the intimate the rather than large school swam AND anrintnNrAi Rosita Pitt sang three songs and would have been welcome to come back and sing three more or even the same three again Miss Pitts numbers were the sweet sentimental songs from the shows prettier scenes Many New Day iOut of My Dreamand th John Goodfellow JFeople will Say Were in Love She has charmingvoice and adds to this by gracious stage presence She puts over her song and makes her listeners feel they really are enjoying themselves Laurie Barron is the possessor of arich mellow voice He joined John Goodfellow in Poor Jud is Daid another of Oscar Hammersteins gently satirical works funny to thesharpwit ted The audience didnt miss anything and greeted every line He loved everything and everybody but he never let on so we never knowed it with an appreciative gurgie BEST 10 LAST The choirs director Archie Ross properly saved the best number to the last The song Oklahoma is as tine choral finale as has been written for the musical comedy theatre certainly since the days of Ar thur Sullivan It moves along with tremendous pace and taxes Federal Aid For farm Policy OTTAWA GMFederal aidto establish an independent research organization for study of farm policy uncil which represents farm unions in the PrairiePm inces and Ontario suggeste in brief today to grants Minister Diefenbaker that the research agency start with astudy of pa licy on at The brief presented by vice presldent Olaf Turnle of the Saskatchewan Fanners Union saidthere is no adequate source ofinforrnatian so that farm or ganizations can make sound pm iicy decisions and keep their main ership wellinformed Suclcanagencfi it added eouid alSo be of immediate to fiovernment in deciding farm po EUND NEEDE Th brief suggested research agency would need $159000 for its firstyear budget and pro posedthat theinitlnl funds come mar won rerunmorons from the Canadian Wheat Boards fund of undistributed payments Eventually the agency should have grants from the Can ada Council goverarnentsfanri organizations and other groups It suggested no specific alloca tion from the federal govern ment The brief was supplementary to one presented Feb is to the Prime Minister in which the council called for federal deficit ency payments on western grain to make up forlow prices idthe lastfew years Todays brief suggested that the research agency start by looking iinto policies on wheat prices intematinnai trade and domesticandlnternationai credit The agency would work st if separated from farm org izations Builders Contractors the powers of any group Mr Ross and his Glee Club offered slightly less ambitious arrangement and led by soloist Ruth Ball they wound up in satisfying iashion DRAMATIC morn This Way to Heaven was fantasy which depended for in entertainment quality chiefly on dramatic irony This is situa tion requiring the audiencd to know something the cast theor etically doesnt George Hay as Mr Flannigaa arrives in household coiuist ing of niryearvold Gram Wilson played by Barbara Richardson her granddaughter June Wanda Muir andJunes fiancee Play ed by Ron Harris llays mission is to take Gram back to Heaven whence he has come He uses avari ety of methods the same as the folk down there be pro tests to his unseen supervisori to do so but finally gives up and fall of Grams good cook ing which is what has atuocted the notice of the angels heads back to confess failure to tho aecompanlmedt of tinkling harp COMEDY 0F ERRORS Marriage Proposal was what one might call comedy of errors Don Ashberry acting the part of Russian witb an unpronouncable name errivas in the house of his near neign bor to propose marriage to Ar lene Jackson They quarrel over trivia and Ashherry storms out Enter Miss Jacksons fa ther Sam Brown who reveals the purpose of the Ashberry vis etch him back she bawls tossing her apron over hervbcad Pegson style Asbberry comes back but be fore they can get down to busi ness they quarrel again and his palpitating heart sends him into stateof unconsciousness Fa therand daughter work on him and when he recovers his sea ses he findsblmself engaged to be mtgniedapparent1y forget tingor not knowinghe never proposed in theriirst place As finean exampleof pre matrimonial chicahery as one would wish to see ably execu ted by the 34109 To CHARITY VANCOUVER CF Clarence Copy Shoe merchant left $750000 of his $1000001 estate to charity firormc 1mm AP US of an incident But there was no immediate indication bow Moscow might react Nations lecithin of their sovereignty often resent the boarding of their ahipsby men of another nation The Soviet vessel is the trawler Novorossisk with crew of 54 menrand women The navy re ported the captaln was friendly and cooperative ACHON AUTHORIZED The United States acted under an international agreement the defence depirtment said author ises investigations by naval ships of official documents of other ships suspected of damaging and interfering with cables under the high seas Both the United States and Russia are signers of the agreement Five transatlantic cables had been damaged since last Satur day in the area off Newfound land Fishing vessels of many ronomo cmMembers of the Ontario Association of Agri cultural Societies apent the last day of their annual meeting here pondering ways to attract urban folk to rural fairs Caprticlr of Harrow said Thursday that soap box derbies and steerriding rodeo were helpful in drawing fairgoers from the Windsor area boys and girls band from nearby Leamington takes part in par ade preceding the fair he said Howard Giles of Almonte said midway and military band from Hull were part of their fall fair An evening performance in cluded oldtime fiddling and square dancing BELLEVILLE CRITIC lack Devine of Believille critic ized industrial exhibitors at fairs for displaying products which visitors could see by walking down the main street He said he knew of one On tariocoinmunity which had two industries the largest of their type in the Conunonweaitb but half the people living in the com Orillian Named Beauty Finalist TORONTO tCP Eight girls from three provinces have been selected as finalists in the Out doors Girl of Canada contest to be heid at the Canadian National Sportsmans Show which opens here March 13 The girls are Carol Dixon Sud bury Nola ra dlcy Oriilia Brita Mini Sault Ste Marie bruise Hunter Fort William Nancy Robson Toronto Sandra Roper Monoton and Anna Piccie oni Verdun Que Each is sponsored by fish and game club in her hometown and is active in an outdoor sport Winner receives $500 Canada savings bond and other gifts Last years winner was Ann Ko vaichuk of Sudbury firstaid kit in kitchen handy receptable for dressings for cats burns and scratches mum hence TGo Dorm in Summit Talks Whartonn4 mmurmimnnm alliedmoan The said that ttmerepurn couldbenndeln lbo trlwier rut about in miles offSt Johns Nudz in lntem wenther condition are good andtimnl suitors when boarded Farmer Is Slave To corporations munch on cm The president of the Ontario Hog Pro ducers Association says that when you have integration where the former becomes tied up with large corporation the fact is he becomes slave to that corporation which mny re rnitdn more trouble than relief At the Middlesex County Seed Fair Thursday Charles Mdnnls told panel diswssion on con tract forming and vertical inte gration From the standpoint at credit and economy this vertical inte gration places the family ferm under the control and domination Attracting Urbanites to Fairs IslPoser ior Farm Members munity were not familiar with the products manufactured David Woodwork of the Town ship of Blnhrookaald Class fairs must give prizescquai to those awarded in larger fairs in order to attract exhibitors Some persons may he forgets ting theobiect of fall fairs is agriculture and not entertain ment Sidney Fitzgerald presi dent of the Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies said He said fair must act as show windows for farm products onuiardaor Honored Today OlerLlA CP Mayor Arth ur Truman has proclaimed to day as Harold Hale Day in honor of the editor emeritus of The Packet and Times The mayor said Thursday the pro clamation is in honor of an out standing eitizen in recognition of lltetlme of unselfish ser vice to the town of Orlilla bronze bust of Dr llaia will be unveiled in the public library today ANDERSON meditation AGENCY couscmnrions uuoanwarrmo Couple Uriel Information on roqnm You phone Ill In you It In home PA 66085 urn Imamwnrrmo Manufacturers Life of few large corporations This creates the position where few will control the nationi food whicbir mighty dangerous poa idon unless controlled by farm en Bateman pronideat of the Ontario Beef Producers Ac sedationst vertical integra tion was inevitably going on and for better or worse People cant more it The problem is whether the farmers are going to control it as group or whether the control is going to be in the bands of cor porations he said Since 1537 Mr Mclnnis added the farmers share of the consumer dollar has gradually diminished whereas that of the processor and retailer is increar my war new with no defence against intercontinental ballistic missiles moved with nuclear wn max would be mane The comlo senator said are foreign policy the United Sula has been not only stupid but dan gerous to high degree He raid the governmentuiadc the right decision in scrapping the Arrow kt interceptor gram He hoped Canada mm annoosmnnpnnw HIFIFMAM canine Ail makerof colour innl Hook and our film fw memoir ARTISTS Gum in Pearson limo OETILLLIFEPMNTNG DRAWING etc for beginners and attach an being held attire Akrlsfi WORKSHOP Bradford Skeet my ovoningand weekend clam Barrio Registration tam month PFON PA WI I03 MOWHON riain arrsn vouir are wean Wash unres oua Wasnme mach SAVE 50 WAeGs LAUNDROMAII ANDERSON Ines novel car an They work around the clock 24 hours day including holidays to give you LEAN EST WAer 35 Essa Road oo 11 YOURSELF no asrrsa too rr FASTER operated Waggl Laundry and Dry communion The bestof both models regular goal ing Only Ramblerfigiviesryoui pelverythifrig you want in at Carl big car room small our economy 22 brilliant rEconomyi Greater mileage on 7Cotnfortl Separatelyadjustabla reclining seats Deep Coil Ride Weather Ey heatingventilat Quality Single Unit construction 4th avnsruou EING om GA nuances and DeepDip Ruetproofing save maintenance increase re sale value Space Full hatroom legroom shoulder room for six Hunters Befair with yamself Compare Ramblol toda Dont buy until You test the Rambler for uni

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