Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1957, p. 7

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GARDEN NOTES By JEAN oasis ON WEDNESDAY May I5 40 members of Barrie Horticultural Society enjoyed perfect garden tour The weather was pleasant flowering crabs purplc plums and the red ornamontal maples were to their prime Many of the rock gardens along the route were at their best FIRST STOP was at the newly renovated Allan Gardens in To ronto These indoor gardens are open to the public every day in cluding Sunday from it am to 5pm Situated on Carlton St Juat oneblock from Maple Leaf Gardens they are well worth special trip to see some Sunday or Wednesday you have free There are many pot grown plants on exhibit here and the varieties are constantly being changed SECOND STOP was at the James Gardens 61 Edgehill Road lslington Many of the group had been there at later season This spot is veritable Garden ofEdcn to me As we walked about the winding walks spied beautiful male cardinal the second have cvcr seen in my life and as if that were not thrill enough four Baltimore Orioles flew into tree not 10 feet from wherc lIstood and proceeded to hold very noisy conference There iverc numerous other birds abolit THE ROBK PLANTS were past their best at this garden but the gardench were feverishly replac ing the beds with others One could visit this garden once week all season and eaclr time see something different it is also place anyone could take pleasant drive to on Sunday at ternoon fit is open to the pub ic THIRD STOP on the tour was at the Bdtanieal Gardens at Hamilton The yellow perennial alyssum made great showing there One thing particularly noticed was numerous new speciv mensmf the dwarf white spruce picla glanca conical This is very nice little shrubfor founda tion and its light color adds con trast to the darker yews and Junipers usually used ABOUT PM the bus arriv ediback in Toronto this time at Casa Loma where the Toronto Garden Club was holding its an nual flower how As usual the arrangements shown were excel lent Quality of flowers was much better this year than lost due to the earlier season THERE WERE numerous dis plays by the Audubon Society Federation of Ontario Natural istsSheridan Nurseries various florists displays of garden hooks and garden tools and all things of interest to the horticulturist 0neschior citizen in the group fulfilled dream of many years hytaking the complete tour of Casa Loma even to climbing the to the lookout over 300 steps tower The tired but happy group arrived home in good time for supper MEMBERS 0ft anytvne inter ested are reminded to get their registration in Soon for the flow crarranging clinic Also tickets Documents for severance of 54 acres of pas PERFECTARDEN TOUR are now available from we treasurer for HomicVVJuly SOME THOUGHT isheing giv en to an evening bur trip to the Canadian Rose Show which is ways held at Hart House the la tcr part of June Be sure to watch Coming Events for tour announcements TWO BULLETle whiCh think contain excellent material and which should be of great in terest are some Comaton Birds Useful to the Farmer and Hum cs for Birds bulletins cost 15 cents each and may be obtained from Superintendent of us Government Printing Office Washington 25 DC They are excellent bulle tins or snoorcur snowman duringJune the Dairy Mon For casual oummereating or Inter at the cottage KNOCK Community Club The Community Club met on Tuesday evening last at Mrs George McCorrlstons with good attendance The minutes of the last meeting yore read and Final Settlement On Land Dispute Board Judgment liiATCHDASHA final settle ment has been reached in the eight year old dispute over poo tion of land formerly owned by Ray Hambly Sr which was used in construction oi the Severn Fallsroad Mr Hamny had re fused eounciis offers of payment the last of which was 5500 At Matchedash Township Coun cil meeting held at SS No litatchcdash thcdecision of hiunicipallBoard hearing in the case was recanted The boards judgment was as follows That Mr Hamny receive $12 per acre for acres $100 for maintenance of fence $108 tureland $750 for estimated value of fill which might have been sold from the property plus 10 on the $1000 total for forcibly taking theland and an additional interest since expropriation indium Council was notified by the De partment of Lands and Forests what equipment would be requir ed by fire wardens Council learned cost of contrib ution towards Orillia Collegiate had again increased The town ship will be called upoon to pay over $5000 in 19578339043 for maintenance $115850 for deben ture payment Following receiptof letter from Tca Lake Property owners Association Council agreed to in stall dock light Council declined to support or illla Township Councils proposal for an open deer seaion in the district including Miatchedash Frank Cowan insurance agency agreed to pay half the claim of Mel DeConkey for $4250 damage to hisjcar on Matchedssh road Council approved the township paying the balance Reeve Les Barrow and all mem bers also the road superintendent and township foreman attended Next meeting will be June at Fm HISTORIC DISASTER About 30000 people died when the eruption of Meat Pelee dc stroyed St Pierre Martinique in 1902 CALLVTIIE EXAMINEIS F03 PRINTING PHONE PA 82 adopted Mrs Leila Webb took the motto bus trip to Peter borough is planned for June 11 The different committccshand ed in their reports which were very satisfactory Quite hit of Red Cross work was complet ed over the last fewmonths pairs boys pyjamas 20 lnfants gowns 30 girls nlghtgotvns 22 girls overalls and one quilt quiltcd Thesunshlne committee have given ll baskets of fruit or plants tothc sick and three birth day were remembered Election ofolficers resulted as follows prcsident Mrs Leila Webb vicepresident Mrs Helen Reeves secretary Mrs lsabcl Bowman treasurer Mrs Beryl Hubhert The meetingciosad with God Savethe Queen and the hostess and committeeJcrvbd lunch Mr and Mrs Keithheel had their twin boys baptized of Holly United Church nMothers Day Chilii wi Juniorqumers Held Banquet The Chi Willi lunlorFarrners annual Parents Banquet held in Churchill Community Hall Tu day May 14 was ry success ful one The speakerGeorge Johnston introduced Doug Hugh as his subieet Ctlzcnshipflt Among thegliestsweré Mr and Mrs Ernest McArthu Harold Sanders Mr and Mrs Milton McAnliniJ hnMeCalluni Miriam McMann and in others The president Faris Sinclair was toastmaster Lari tahlcwas introducedby George Lucas past presiden retary Sylvia Kcll wasprepared an catering Women very interesting films thus closed bio ousv REA Luxembourg Western Eur ope lmportantproducer of iron and teel covers only aboutl0l0 sonar miles ill ii ysurronre asmangx Rev and the head New inspector Allisfon Office AgricultUre Dept Alliston Herald William Elliott is in town ironl the western regions of Ontario Not to be confused with Wild Bill Elliott also from the west and noted for his action on the silver screen this Mr Elliott is associ ated with the Ontario Department of Agriculture He comes herc to servo as representative of the Fruit and chctablcdnspcction Service and as such will be commonlyrreier red to as the Potato inspector Mr Elliott is married and has family oftwo girls Both be and his wife originally came from Quebec but have lived more recently iiiLon don and Waterloo Both have been very active in young peoples wo in connection with programs in the church Jiminrigg the former inspec tor has new position with Dopa very pleasant motion trip ifiiriii Zr iii SE 9s Hay Farms Oakilllepnld $1M ind dipped into the little places not so well known in addition to there otten mentioned and of bio toriC htcrest Travel VIII nwstly by car Mr Clifton found tlmeand opportun lty to make careful selection of the Views and each slide is study in dditlon he showed slide of one maple leaf which he stated was an open sesame in the land of the heather Throughout it was shown that by finding in one spot it was of ten possible to hit three or four entirely different vistas by turning around very unusual waterfall tumbling down the mountain had worn channel like pipe in the rock and the watcrshowcd here and there Namcs familiar to most Can adiana different meaning in picture many with cloud and sunshine intermingled Some were LochLevin thtlc Levin BenNevis fhe Pass of Gicncoc with its story of brave sacrificefvThcritoad to the isles lnvcrncsasnd the castle with view of the bridge it was here that group of side shows Popped up antlfa merrygoiround turned by hand AtgtLook Nos 31 real sawmill with ldgs brought from thcsur roundlng hills was in operation andstraruo for Scotland had ment and with his wife smug bumcrfori sawduslv Near Glen nnd family will be leaving Allislon Mfifimup Ofcaltle Shwcd Warm at the end of the month Like every road to eelsmooth as new strip of concrete Then justd brown egalrist foliage and two thebig bed ty that oils the wrinklesout ol Emcegefllmd were of the shaggy type with hair hanging over their faces bridge out of invimcse curv ed over riverto cemetery the only access for funerals The famed bridge over the Firth of Forth is miles long was shown and may fine vicwa under dif ierent weather conditiotu of Edinburgh Auid Beckie the Esplanade castle Scottish war memorial and also Melmsc Abbey where Walter Scott was buried Beautiful Loch Katrine was shown and the one atcameraltowed for passengers Loch Lomondwas not overlooked either Mr Clifton did not forget the heather which is none too plenti ful and the white type is grown only in gardens out hehad views of both Flowers are everywhere and usually inside stone wall in communities Wontle berries were supposed to be grovm only for Lachian McIntosh Chieftaln of the clan our mountain aah is plentiful there but called rowan journeyman butcher with his shop inla covered truck wore striped long smock required by government order and one lady dealer was selling musselson bun raw all shown in picture On behalf of the club Warren ilgar extended sincere thanks for the showing ofsuch pictures far beyond thcscopifof the aver age tourist he added to poreell Baton for This il terrific nclown Mechanical Condltlo in spotless beauty IFXOU iNSPECTTlliS lourtravel hboard roads takes the rock and roll and IOllgilflebh out of bat sea 0H Ford Car fii lsh and Two Tone Blnelnlerior in We CemetLIindthofourtop animals in at ue fin and huckhoies NutDodye Even TorsionAnaRidesoakslup ioi go where the bumps grow dlflorfinoe DDDQE mllioil Moatrc rs have to slowdown have mounted PLYMOUTH when 1595 Just onwrnrr no NEW canno Suns iusanpnn lilttifiitfilitiiivltlltllis Ltd 233 Bradford lbnne ii tutti Well be happy to park big beautiful Dotlg at our ii thrill too need experience

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