Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 May 1957, p. 3

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and AND MRS WILLIAM GORDON BHAIGHT were married in Anten Mills Unit ed Church in pretty May ceremony The 01130 StrdoudUniied Church very pretty May wedding was solemnized in St James United Church Stroud on SaturdayMny 18 1957 when Miss Ruth Thomp son daughter of Mr and Mrs Edgar Thompson of Stroud1was united in marriage to Norman Radway of Toronto son of Mrs Radway and thelate Glen had way of Haney British Columbia Rev Sellars of Bloor treat United Church Toronto assisted byRov Wanless of Stroud officiated at the double ring ceremony wedding music was played by Mrs Wanless who also accom panied tbe soloist Miss Marion Chalmers of Toronto in the sing Qing of The Lords Prayerand The Wedding Prayer VGiven in marriage by her father the bride was wearing gown of white brocade fashioned on princesse lines The scalloped neckline was borderedwith ridescent sequins and her illusion veil was caught to matching brocade bandeau trimmed with sequins Shecarried pink delight roses and lily of the vaileyo whit bible the gift of the groo Miss Edith Thompson was maid of honor for her sister and Miss drie Webb and Miss Corinne Mc abbwere bridesmaids The tendants were attired alike lli waltzlength gowns of re blue crystal charm and carried crescents of white mums and blue cornflower Their headdresses were matching blue iridescent strawbandeaux Jackie Sutton icousin ofith bridewas ring bearer carrying beamshapedpillow of white bro cade and lace th Baldwin of Toronto was grpo man and Gerald Suttonof Stroud and Carl Bennett of Toron to were ushers reception followed in the churchball where the motherof ridereceived the guests wean blue nylon jersey dress with lack and white accessories rsageof pink roses be groo mothera istedwearin men Barrie an olleglate Institute Eliza eth Johnston daughter of the hymn Fro Selling May Nuprials navy crepe with navy and pink roses Leaving on short wedding trip the bride was wearing pea cock blue suit with black and wbitc accessories and corsage of roses and lily of the valley on their return the bride and groom will be making their home in Toronto 0oboftown guests were from Haney BC Toronto Kitchener Trenton and Albion Senior Ciiiiens Bazaar And Tea Wednesday The Senior Citizens Club is holding its annual bazaar and tea on Wednesday May 29 in the True Blue Halli Many items of intizrest will be displayed The highlight of the afternoon will be draw on quilt Chlurchill lWA Birthday Tea Planned er Jurie Mrs Prosser was hostess to the ladies of Churchill Womens Missionary Society on Thursday evening May 15 The president Mrs Sinclair presided and there were 20 members and sev eral Visitors present During the business part of the meeting it was learned thdt MissvPhee missionary in Rama good used clothing There were lVBsick and friend ship calis and seven hospital calls made and six books read the Presbyterial at Midland by thedelegate Mrs McCluskie and Mrs Campbell The offering wasitaken and dedicated by Mrs Wnliichaldson The program was in charge of Mrs Sanders group The 11an World opened this part of the meeting The theme was Home Missions and special prayers for Mrs Baldwin Mrs Saunter ieadthe scrip ture followed by the singing of Ocean Unto Ocean The eeting concluded with Mr Sanders presenting chapter from tbeVstudy boolg con cerning Thailand and Bur VWOMANS ASSOCIATION Mrs McCluskiethe pres ident nducted the WA meeting following the WMS gathering at Mrsl Presser Scripture and lesson thoughts based on What layman that thou artmindfulof him werefread by Mrs Wat son Tha annual church houseclcan accessories and oorsage of pink wouldlike donations of childrens most interesting feature of the meatingwas the reporting of Thisls My Fathers each department were read by mmnrmmgolamle Womnr Christian Temperance Union In held this month at the home of Inflnruoo Richardson diseip bride is the former Joyce Lonnine Garbutt daughter of Peter Sannuto formerly of Tor nanry nook BAXTER ASSOCIATION The regular meeting ofBaxter Home and School Association was heldin the school on Monday evening Mrs Turnbull was at the piano Scripture was read by Mrs Edgarfollowed by The Lords Prayer in unison The president Mrs Gaul ey lr welcomed all visitors and members The objects of Home and School were read The senior room won the pens nant for the month The 38th annual convention re port was given by Mrs 11 Walk om Mrs Edgar Mrs Gauley Jr and Mrs McLachian They brought back grand reports The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs Cochrane and the treasurers report was read by Mrs Turnbull The auditors report was given by Mrs Denny installation of officers for 1957 58was co ducted by Past Pres ident Mrs Walkom as follow President Mrs Gauley vicepresident Mrs Men vicepresident Mrs CCochrahe secretary Mrs GKiernantrea surer Mrs Turnbull pi gram Mrs Walkom parent education Mrs Edgar citizen ship Mrs Gordon religious education Mrs Menary heal Mrs gtDuffm McKnightf Founders Day McLachlan The parent edu er Mrs Edgar presented an inter esting playletLets Eat Sup if played byW open discussion to Mr Edgar The program ch no Walkom conducteda sing song by the ladies in charge Plansfor omensAuxiliary to=thewK wayrs Club were finalized at the monthly meetingof thegroup week The tea is being he junction nanis Steele showed two films depicting themaking of Royal Doulton china and figurineswhicb were greatly enjoyed by the mem ere Both were incolor Mrs Roy Kightleydstea con en er and Mrs William Lang is con veneriofltbe ways and means éoml mitteeybvblch is assisting with ar pain with Mrst Gauley Jr at annual June ten of Burton Avenue About an women thered to coin and line to In batman the pro aident opened the meeting with seed recedes nail to work and worship and the hymn ml Thine Olnrdwu rung The devotional period was led by Mn Art Pugh who read the sto ratChrist sending ontthe do the work of the kingdom nd oélheir reporting to Him on their urn The them was Como ye apart yourseivcszand rest awhile Mn Pugh led in yer Business included the receiving of the annual and monthly reports delegate to the provincial convention tobeheld in0shawa in June Mothers Day was acknowledged with talk on Mothers by Mrs Frank Adams The closing hymn was Take Time to Be Holy Mrs Robert White of the Salvation Army led in prayer pleasant social half hour was enjoyed vColorlul streamers and individ ual tables decorated in themes to match the different monthsof the year carried out the Birthday motif at the annual spring ten of Central United Church Junior Wo mans Association Presiding at themain tea table which was covered with lace cloth and centred with an arrange ment of spring flowers ilonkedby candelabra were Mrs William Pratt Mrs William Orser Mrs Keith Mcrcdith and Mrs Lloyd Partridge Mrs Slessor president of the grou and Mrs Cecil Brenn the mibisters wife receiveduhe guests and Mrs Lloyd Partridge and Mrs Alvin Robinson took tick ets at the door Convener of the tea table was Mrs John Garner llcr assistants wereMrs JVLang Mrspo Jack son Mrs Chantler Mrs ll Coles Mrs Bird Mrs Brown ing Mrs WilsonI Mrs Bates Mrs Brown Mrs Yorke and Mrs Wingrovc The kitchen convener Mrs Bruce Reynolds was assisted by Mrs Bishop Mrs WSar1eant Mrs XL William Lowe Oberer Convener of the bake table was Lifein Army Post in Europe Described lo WI Cains Corrie Womens Inst itute met at the home of Mrs Fleming this month seventeen members answered roll call Four visitors were also present After the usual businesswas dealt with Mrs Cain Mrs Mc Nevln Mrs Fleming and Mrs egates to the district annual at Duntroon Mrs Mansbridge gave report ongthe Guelph Conference and Mrs Rodney gave talk on life in an army camp in Europe Motto Citizenship like charity begins at bomewaa given by Mrs Calder sf Bi rihday Mahsbridge were appointed del Lunch was served bythe host ease twoihy two to learn to Bruce Richardson was ap is favorable fort AND MRS my LEONARD ammwemmmga in Creemoré United Church The bride is the former Dorothy Norlne nun eldest daughter of Murine Mrs Ivan Duff New lowelland the groom is the Mrs Jack alder of Stayne in Barri WA Tea Deborah ohsf Mrs Vernon Camcronn Her na aistontszwereMra Giilhflm ra BishoplllrsW Cook and rs HMchnzic Mrs rW Gooderbam was in charge of the nursery Assisting her were MrsL Harris Mrs Young Mrs Speare Mrs DensmoreMrs Harris Mrs Perryman and Mrs Harlock Proceeds from the tea amounted to approximately $150 Fang p5rrra Girls Graduate Toonlo GH Four lstrict girlswere among the members of Toronto General Hospitalsl7 School of Nursing graduatingclasswha took part in manual commencement ex ercises on Thuraday night They JwereEvelyn Currie of Cookstown Barbara Dunsmore of Barrie Shirley Jordanof Elm rily Ritchie of Bra delivered retail prices lower than any otherstandard size cars made V4 in Canada of younger son of Mr and TheyvareV making their home League Auxiliary Joins Provincial Group The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Barrie Sea Cadets and Navy League Cadets was held at the home of the chairman Mrs Herman FoilI The special event of the evenr ing was the visit of the president of tho provincial Navy League division Mrs Gallfly and the secretary of the Navy Lea gue Mrs MacKly They wore in flame to help with the affily iatlon of the local branch with the Provincial Navy League La dies Auxiliary Thelnnnual inspe ion ofitbo Barrie Sen Cadets was heldSnt urday gt CMHUN so Maple VRF PENW Instill diamonds 50o whiiekuwait NEWSIronifl jsllillnlEBAg fjsize carsg imal whicl Show Weather Fleeces Rangers T999240 Mu Sims diagonal of theroek were IMF cooled Pom Protection luff oil reeloohlnx for It lea ohort espile In fire hazard conditions or yell advance The ralnyc Iol weather in let park visitor though by ih weekend pic plentiful water Park idhurst few campers ved the elements and apparently enjoyed the first meal out all doors at Sihbalds Faint CE flirt 7uulw By StI ange Visitor Yfmng Nuiria Farmqr Pegg of theMoun Al bcrt are bad to rub his eyes and take another look few days ago before not could assure himselfibe wainlt suffering from halliicin Lions Although the animfl he saw omhlfing across his barn lynrd was not plnk elephant it inched very mucflto him to be invtbe someoatc ory Hc decli proved to the white in color long brislly hair on its back iActunlly it appeared like an vcrsiud rat with long rallik tail and incl teeth similar to la beaver The weight was approltimately six pounds 0n ider ification it proved to he you nutrla which is also known asla Soutbemerielin musk rat Nu raised inIOntario to small extent lorlaome years but incidents or camped animals are rare An Ed to dispatch tb an neutrowtbhow and of the holiday many Sprldg MISS BARBARA ANE DUN$ none 0mell Hill graduated from Toronto General Hospital School of Nursing on Thursd 23 former Barrie Collegiate Institute stu dent she is the youngest daugh ter iof Mr and Mrs Cccil Dunsfi more She intends to remain on tbehospitalstaff fig ndultlspecimen is very much likc beaver in size andJcolor all though the taills round instead of flat Officials stated that there ar fseveral color mutationsof the thc white colt The tropical region of Venez uela hn mowcopped mountain peaks rising above 9750 feet FUJEL TENDER ii Tenders willbe received by the undersigned up to noon DST WednesdayJdne5th 1957 for fuel requirements for bothConeglates in Barrie Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Specific atlonscan be obtained at Secretarys office Barrie District Collegiate Institute Board Secretary Model grandad Studebaker ohers the finest quality at price either lower thfinflfwithin few dollarsof theloweahpriced full DO that Stiidelnakerautomobilescarry factory DOYOU KNOW in oncepurchased shanghai spend flesstimelin service garage and will go furtiieroli tankful of gasoline

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