QLAST TH its Ti YEFULi VICTOR MATURE ANEjriEioh aajsArAnif URSDAY FRIDAY 72 EVENING VPERFORMANCES AT 65 CONTINUOUSSAJUBDAY FROM SATURDAY 05 pm snowmo TonicHT xwï¬EDNESDAYif 30 PJPr Four gorgeous wgerwbehï¬des makeita Roman holiday for Dean and musical tee chaliixuo presided medal Shows SingingStyles Kiwanis Cluii Music was the theme matey quartet singing in particular or The Kiwanis Club dinnermedlnl Ill PXOSII The speakersas Lloy lord orga ist andjclloirlca Collier Stree nlted Chuwh andi director at in romanrte pubg lie schools He curtailwinced by Ken Walla with man tended from the club by basic Roger Tuon talked op Howilnltlote Charge immense lhelr enact be Registered Plans ganwith review at the we known group onradio and TV At thelrmeetlng Wednesday and canunented on their immense nnlalil Councildwlth on dishanh ulari Hc felt that almost votes passe mo on Svgryoogyycauis sinz though few from that date all plns register believed it hlost people do not ed would he sublett to charge sing bccauxc they never had any pl $10000 per lot payable to the training but given little direc Jllllliditallty This sum tOhe col tion they might sing very wen loud when the lot is sold must amasmmzs was Ix ANNAMARIAALBERGHETTI EVA BARTOK DEWEY MARTIN Idelightflforyau starring tofu Thomson souion WALTERSLEZAK PAUL HENREID DANllAllEY nivm NIVEN nun hairs snoring mousse MaTINEE on hmiu JUiES Mlilislim MARCH DAIIO nus IIIE LATEST sox MovIEToNE NEWS monniiv iiiin masons snowim oarsoutr EVENlNG sHows AT 650 pm OHBoyOHJOY If ABOUT animus BARBARA Willi cousin is was CiNemscpr love algd Exltomontl io mama4 array sour WEDNESDAY THURSDAY mom SATURDAY Tuna CON ENT RTAINMENT ACTIONVPACKEDHWIN TECHNICOLOR ALA AL$ FORTHE KIDDIES THREE CARTOONS AY 7TUESDAY WEDNESDAY LT ENTERTAINMENT CbMMENClNG shares at 730 p111 GRANADA LADD WEB some Lorri LADD VIRGINIA MAYO TlEBIG HAND EAMOUskLAYERSTHEATRES ALSO SUN PLAY ADVENTURE IN CAP Scitannins NeatWorld ofdWIifllnm rni SAT comnoon 5A TunDAv 230 EM NEED co Etta Toenagers of worse than their fathers and mothers areJnucli more aligv their thinking andactio Ie sneak out behindth barn to CA FUL DECISION Both right and responsrbii the choice of parliamenta rep senta ue should not snap sale on be foregone ay re no liilactnmostloi them card in Vei indeed and draw great deal of personal satisfaction Immdukhg it Mens voices generally lcll hi to our classes high tenor med ium tenor baritone and bass ody part may be anywhere that is it maybe taken by the high tenor or the baritone and it may switch about during the singing of number This is the princl pal difference between barber shop quartets where the lead is always in second place The barbershop style smializes ln ef fects of highand low voices Mr Tuttord showed the com mon chords on the piano and il lustratcd the seventh chord used by the barbershop quartets He then asked his special singers to demonstratc All Shepherd Dave Croft Victor Knox and hill llam bcrt oi Collier United choir sang Youll Never Walk Alonirom Carousel accompanied ion the piano by Mr Tufiord This is an other difference between the barbershop quartet and the stand ard quartet in that the hitter us uaiiy hasaccompaniment The quartet demnmtrated barbershop harmony by singing Aura Lee tune popular in theCivil War and which has been reillvedre written and renamed Love Me Tender Finally Mr Tuiford in vited members from the club to Join the singers and build up group oi i2 They sang Nash Built lilmseli an Ar ahdH me ltwas mo tratinn or atypc of singing that is often misunderstood and the members thoroughly enjoyed it Kiwanian lilac MacLéod add cd further to the better undo standing of quartets with short history oi theibarbershop harm ony and stressed that this singing is great fun and enjoyment He said there ire 600 chartered chap ters in Canada with member ship of 28000 They exist all over the world The local ehap ter was charteredFeh 1958 pnd new host members who meet every Monday night in the Armoury Frequently this group raises money for worthy causes and offer thei services for such good work BELLE EWART Mrs Darling andchildr Toronto spent two weeks wi mother Mrs Work MrsR Boyengr andMrs Trombley and children Ron and Alan TrombleyMrsi Trombley of Toronto spent the eekend with Mrs Trombley liiSURANCE AGE NEV new ea PAS4477 AOs if lwiacc family politic ieanings in past ations Rather it should efullyweighed decision Mpera Greniell ySaskJ Sun ter With standard quartet the raci paidheiore purchaser can obtairi building permit The use slid to be contemplated ior this chargch to provide the neces sary additional schools and other cilities needed to keep up with development Deputy Rceve Campbell voted against ihe motion as he claimed be doubted the legality of the proposal Councillor Cochranc stated that it might retardldcvel opment somewhat but we did not want overgrowth anyway The motion introduced by Councillor Torrens had lollowcd proposal submittedto the council by the planning board who claimed that the same charge wasbeing made in any other municipalities There aresevcral plans nowln process of registering Another motion that has been on record concerned the lands oi subdivision which had hithlt erto been considered as am lands and assessed as such Fol lowing the motionycsterday farm landswhich are to be subdivided will no longer be considered as tam land but will be assessed as individualiots Farm assessment will now oniieappiy it thexlands are actually lng used for Iarm purposes Robert Sproiile assessor askied consideration ola suggestion that the township requireali subdivi sions lormerly sold ithout reg istered plan to be surveyed and lllSllitli NJIEW AUTO star llABlLlTY acciosNT SICKNESS See Mn Alison llansom stag st Barrio jlelepltono PArkway 844000 Sect registered even though all the lots were sold Thiswould enable the records to be kept better Mr Sproule rhlmsell sold lands without plan being regist ered He was asked it the piano ing board was not interested in such matters Hereplicd that that board was only interested in mat ters to retard progress Seaks Action Barrie Dump motion directed to Bass Township council asking that some immediate action be taken to stop the conditions that have developed in Inaisill through the use of the lands adjoining the township on the west town line through liowing it to be used as dump tor garbage from the town of Barrie The lltteringoi the lnnistil roadsthe damaging oi same with heavy trucks the risk oi lire from the burning garbage the smoke nuisance which blows and drifts across In nisiil with preyaillng west wintl the smell of the burning garbage arid the carelessness of the oper ators who allow the iilrc to get out of control and create damage to propertyln innistll all were listed as reasons tor the protest drlvcalong thegroad leading to this dump and over what was once one of the most beautiful country trails would convince hfnygne that the protest is Just re New Road Eitlension Being Considered new road is underway which will corinect the Belle Ewart Let rworscr WHAT uou own INSURE all PHONE QJbKeGENERAL Igsmwcz ic°1EKmsm rangsoar THE HOUND Docs Director RossCaidwell gtsasuubAY Monday June 24 at St Vincent 1225 Aug 1219 26 FOOD onsarssr VARIETY Showevsni Proceedsfor Ralph ledue fund with the following artistsï¬onuting their talents aARRiECITizENsiaAND Musical Director Joe McNeillie Bandmaster Allred Shepherd NEWSALON ORCHESTRA Musical Director John Murray underthe direction of Chick Webbg KC ROSS CALDWELL SINGERS noxv TiVIEnTIre aao The BarrieCitizens at on hold their lirst outdoor concert ENTERTAINMENT fGRANDOPENING MM 26 Park Other DatesJuly js 15 ANGUS Flowers in MelaTory llwo lovely baskets of flowers wereplaccd in the Angus United Church on Mothers Day Sunday ay 11 one by Rev and Mrs aui Fieldin mcmoryoi his parents Mr and Mrs Field and basket by hirs Santord Dcmpster in loving memoryd loving husband and lather his Sandtord Dempster Kiwanis Festival The junior chair at Angus Un ited Church under the leadership of Rev Paul Field went by chartered bus to Woodsiock to theKiwanis musical teatival on May 15 Mrs Lewis Mrs William Kir by Mrs Rose and Mrs my area with the 8th line along the eastern side the township This road which leads north from Belle Ew rt will when it reach es the end of the 25 sideroad at the 6th concesslon lollow north on that township road as far as this road is open which is the ccntreline oi the lot Then the plans are not delinitc yet The road at present winds easterly along the road backing on the summer cottages and reaches the 7th concession However the engineer and the planning board are suggesting the use of road on subdivision which is short distance west of an entrance to the McLean prop erty may be crossed This right at way on the north property is not yet on plan and arrangements arebeing made for this with theowners When the centre line of the 7th concession is reached the roadwlllfoilow subdivision road to the 0th line and give those at the south end direct outlet to the 8th Ralph Eeduc Fund Bani2H Vllllllï¬ï¬‚ TONIGHT enormous TEMPLE Toni Pattendens Orchestra Admission 50 the 23 sideroad but leads across to the 7th line at point where ion THreePdges 1722 Duckworth attended Sirncoe lrcahytcrial WA annual meeting alvGuthrle on May gt Sympathy Comnalty Deepest sympathy is extended to the Shawrtaniily and relatives lnthe passing at loving sister and aunt Mrs Ella Zimmerman Sunday Guests and family Toronto and his and Mrs Alan Dean spent Sunday within and litre Hammond Mr and Mrs George OConnor andlamilyBarrle spent Sunday with the latters mother Mrs Jessie 0Connor Her granddaugh ter is spending couple at days with her Weekend Visit Mr and Mrs Ross Wilkinson and iamily Richmond Hill spciit the weekend with the latters par cuts Mr and Mrs ThomasWiik inson Mr and Mrs Frank Woodrow and iamilyCooksviile spent the weekerideilhmtr and Mrs Walt er Mchiackon Mr and Mrs Stooks Horncpayne and lira Fred Elliott Alliston Lewis Toronto spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Ted Lewis Toronto Visitors Toronto spentthe weekend with Mr and Mrs Harvey Robinson TerraNova Visit Mr and Mrs Sandiord Page spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Oscar min at Terra Nova SDAIT 006 but YOUR ma not know so mind and htessome one YOU may be iiahle our new Home Owners Policy covers such liability 11 the other essential insurance that you need And the combination policy SAVES you 10 Call us about this money saving Insurance policy today STEVENSON insomniac see ii FIRST rm lnsuranoe of ALL KINDS 95 Dunlop St PA 85201 honour Classes held cach evening atthc hustling For lurtheri orm SlONSOREDEBYsTllE srm llFE swam latern usw lo Aoplv iiizsriiiiirioiij serenade the Municipal tion nanniENonsmG Am BARRIE AMEULANCE Divrsro or arm AMBuLANcE Rev untilMrs Robert rucey and Michael Mr and Mrs Jack Mundson and hlr and Mrs Arthur Langton 4$mï¬mï¬aik4or mini 17