There was happy atmosphere of Christian fellowship and friend liness when 190 women gathered for the seventh annual meeting oftSlmcoe Presbytery WOmons Annotation of the United Church at Guthrie United Church early this month The president Mrs Rosbob ough of Wauhaushcuc officially opened the days sessions with call to worship and invocation Mrs Green Mrs Rentncr Ind Mrs Dobson of Burton Avenue United Church WA Ban rie conducted the worshipgscn vice using The Power of Prayer at the theme warm welcome was extended by Mrs Gough of Guthrie Church WA and graciously ac ecepted on behalf of the Presby tery WA byltils Doan of Wye vale The meeting was honored by the presence of six officers from the executive of Toronto Con ference Womans Association in taoduccd by Mrs Rosborough Gthcy were Mrs Howard lst vicepresident itirs ill it MacKay past president Mrs Woodstock corresponding secre tary Mrs Emmerson treasurer ltlrs Simpson stew ardshipAchnlrman and Mrs Hannah Victor Home chairman Mrs Ml Trace Elinvale dcl egate brought to the meeting the highlights of Toronto Conference Womans Associations annual meeting held in March Mimepgraplied reports of the years work showed an encourag oing continued growth of the Pros bytery Association ReportsBusy Year Mrs Rosborough reported busy year of visiting local and Presbytery WAs and executive SeedGratn Registered No Garry and Rodney OATS Registered No Montcalm BAILEY Seed Potatoes Certified ILtrisa Cobbler and ag Clover and Grass Seeds at reasonablopriccs FERTILIZERS ALWAYS AVAILABLE CIUMMING SHURGAIN FEED MILL arms STREET BARRIFJ PA was Uriiiecl rch arher ArVGUfhfrie meetingrof Toronto Conference WA and Dominion Council WA She asked that tho Presbytery As satiation look forward to lbefue turecverremembering the total program of the church The membership of Simcoe Presbytery WA is now LM an increase of 749 over local WAs have raised total of $134l236 which lsuaed for local church purposes donations to demptlve Homes the senior cit irens home in Orlllia overseas Presbytery Camp Guthrie Church WA reported 50 students taking the Temper ance course Six students won liveyear pins interest in heap ing parsonagcs in tiptop shape was most gratifying and the sale of literature increasing The spirit of Christian teuw ship wnsshown by the large num her of visits 2652 cards flow crs and donations of food to the sick bereaved and abutins and the senior citizens hurne The Vin ittemorlam ceremony was conducted by Mrs Zilora Hopper and Mrs Coles of Col lingwood WA During the nonmlunch hour greetings were brought from Guthrie United Church by the minister Rev Warr Guthrie Womans Missionary society by Mrs Newton Besse Toronto Con ference WA by Mrs Builds ard vieeprcsident Dominion Council WA by Mrs Hannah and Simone Presbyterlal Womans Missionary Society by the pres ident Mrs MacLaten of Creemore NewOrganlutibn Looking forward to the fam ing of new organization for we men in the United Church Mrs MacLaren suggested that until such time caeh orgqnization do the best it could to make the work complete and strive for deeper understandingof the total mission of the church Mrs Osborne Orillia made fitting reply to the greetings Interesting features between ses sions were the hymn singing led by Mrs Jury Barrie and the answering of problem ques tions submitted to the questio box by Mrs Hannah and of ficers of Toronto Conference WA Mrs Horace Burliholder To ronto chairman of the Christian education committee Dominion Council WA was the speaker and was introduch byAMrsMyrtle MacKeozieoi Orillia Mrs Burkllolder ccntred her remarks on excerpts from tbe address heardat Dominion Coun cil WA annual meetingl by Mrs James Wyker Di an ordained minister of the Disciples oi Christ Church USA past president of the NtdionalCouncilof Churches of Christ USA Dr Wyker was chosen by ffThe Christian Cari tury as one of the six Protestant women exerting the greatest in fluence in American church life today Excellent Example To Mrs Burkholdcr Dr Wyirer fotLCj BURNER titanic gas OWEN smear PIaonoPA NauRNERs SALES snotIon radium For Show see the church women be The dressed appearance sweet smile and pride in being woman sym bolized all that she would like to Glad To Be Woman was the guide to her address Dr Wykcr she said emphasiz ed the necessity of loving others gt as ourselves it behooves us to be at our very best especially before teenagers We must have an inner sense of our ownsworth stand upon our own two feet and believe it is privilege to be woman We should acceptmen and not talk about being man Life is so important and there are so many things to do When we rebel in ourhardships we must pull ourselves up sternly nd stand up tall when we have mission to do Woman talk is very important as we grow by exchange of ideas and share problems But it must but be left there We must mother the wholvworld chil dren ih ourcburches and youth of ourSunday Schools At times Dr Wyker made us idol small and thengreat We are the Mothers of the Church and can stand to do some real thinking into what this means We are at our best as world citizens When Dr Wykcr was on the world tour as ambassador of world friendship she was asham ed sometimes of being white woman Out feeling of superior ity is putting barrier between peoples We ure all sisters all thinking the same things Our woman talk is children church and world vision The total mission of the church is toreach out conquer our littlcness see needs of oth ers be world citizens and united church women Only asnake grovels in the dust and to be totaliwornanwe must stand at fullheightand look up in bumility Godanceds rm BmiHDAYTEA held at Central United Church on Wednesdaya1tarnoon underthe auspices oi the JunlocNVomens Associationwas most successfulavent MrsJack Garner leit was convenerotthe with her graciousness wall PioFESStla drip OraIces sf Discuss the Progress right each us to bé every inch woman Mualcailrograrn Ardtrea WA was in charge of the offering and the soloists were Mrs William Smith Hawkestoné who sang Shall Not Pass This Way Again at the morningsesr sion and Mrs iClarlte Hawke stone who sang Would Like To Be Like Jesusj at the after noon session Mrs Campbell Guthrie was the accompanist The courtesy for the day was expressed by Mrs Perkins president of St Paula United Church WA Midland The newly lected officerswore installed by rs Howard vicepresident of Toronto Conference WA Riv Warr and elders of Guthrie United Church conducted the communion service which closed the days sessions Afternoon tea was served by Guthrie WA New Executive Thé new officers of simcae Presbytery Womans Association for 195758 are as follows President Mrs Bosborougb past Waubaushene immediate president Mrs JP Barrio past president Mrs OS borne Orillia istwicepresident Mrs Trace Elmvale 2nd vice president Mrs Bert French Elm vale 3rd vicepresident Mrs Aberdeen uAllisto recording secretary Mrs Jory Barrie corresponding secretary Mrsq Gillbam Barrie treasurer Mrs James Caswell Midland lit erature secretary Mrs Charles Marquis Orillia pressMrs Aus tin Cook Orillia program Mrs Ewen Caldwell Shanty Bay Mrs MTrace Elmvale pianist Mrs Chisholm Barrie assistant Mrs GoringI Barrie devotional nvener Mrs osborne Or illta Christian education and girls work Mrs Perkins Mid land Christian citizenship qand Temperance Mrs Elinor French and guests were welcomed by social event pdeay recovery the group president MrsJack Bless Framing at the tea Lloyd Partridge to had Stanley scoot ntfrmnmyere week Mr aad adrift were MWVII Dahlia Nealiof Glenéroaa ldr and Mrs Murray Way and dluihilbof Toronto the Colllogwood hospital andiat rat reports are that he is doi Frank aunt toAlliston hospital where he is in an oxygen tentwith table is Mrs lm Waterley United Church Train ing school Mrs Lewis Angusp parsonage Mrs cChlaholnt Barrie Victor Home secretary Mrs McKnight Barrie Chris tian Stewardship Mrs Edison Doan Wyevalc committee on nominations Mrs Myrtle Mae Kentle Orillla Mrs Gil christ Shanty Bay organization Mrs RW Osborne Qrillia over seas rellef Mrs Husband Oro Station United Nations Mrs Bert Frcnch Elmvale visiting and Christian fellowship Mrs Roy GraylHawkestone flowers Mrs Gates Colllngwbod ordain only with Mother Mr and Mrs Earl Audsiey of Tomato were up to spend the day with the iatters mother Mrs Donald Couttsl Birth of Son aflenzratulatémï¬ Immunities Roy Lister time of Sudbury on the birth of son Wednesday May Home after GraduationJ Glenn Mom of GAG Guelpb spent last week athome to cele brate his graduation Farewell Party The young fry held riotiy fare well party at the home of Douglas and Diane McMaster Friday night or Tommy Brownlee who leaves this week to resume his studies at university in Kingston Visits Brothers Viola McMaater of Barrie spent few days last week brothers here Mis Estella Willoughby of Al liston has been with hensister Mrs Erwin Millenfor couple of weeks with her Dam Gives Way Neighbors herefl waresorry to hear of the loss toDalton Tiffin of ive Conserve yeeFarrï¬Platfiorincit Mriund MralClnrooca Colemanof Mount Mira Alina Aikin and Miss Marjorie Legaultnf Alllaton EVERETT In nuptm Jami Peacock is patient in fine Home Sport JuMoCnclren will be home soon after her lengthy lll neas Sufferediieart Attack It became necessary to take heart attack Mrs Margaret Jenkins isnot so well again We ali wiah hero Services Well Attended All churches in Everett were well attended on Sunday for the special oocasiou of Mothers Day Honor Newlywed large crowd attended the showeron Friday night for Mr and Mrs Bruce Fraser At 12 oclodc tha pmentationbogan with Bill Ludlowand Calvin Haddock reading the address The bride and groom were pre sented with gifts and purseof money Refreshments were serv ed and the balance of the even ing spent in dancing Fishermans Paradise The Pineand Boyne rivers near Everett attracted many fishermen from Toronto and various other places One fisherman landed 383s long trout weighing over 18 tbs last week and several local ishetvnen have come in with trout ZQto 30 inches long Yea Tossorontio is fishermans para dise Mr and Mrs Hamid Jenkins of Barriewere Sunday visitors with Mrs Margaret Jenkins out oeraided 20 inEverett where $100 has been offered in prizes for ball games anda gala dance at night King when the dam at hispri gate fish pond suddenly gave way Destination ireiand Robert Coulter of Major Sask called on the Allen Millers and Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis on Friday spendfour months with relatives rataswtcir watm Mr and Jack Stephens and Dont forget to celebrate May evening on his wayto ireland to children of Painswick visited with exams MANSFIELD Teaehen Meeting 0n MondayMayA Min Bea trice Pomataro along with the other teacher of Bradford pad lio school attended the washed meeting at Alliaton they were supper lucsuandspeat the evcaitlx with Miss Pornatarna fainin at the Mansfield parsonage in EmilieI Mrs Pornataro is inflamiltnn brir family who are ill Birth of Daughter Congratulations to Mr ahd Mrs Aubrey Cook on the arrival of their baby daughter at Alliston on Friday May WI Conference Mn Kent Johnston attended the twoday conference for Wo mena institute secretaries at Guelph last week The Late Sam Phoenix vSam Phoenix of Shelburno pass ed away atLord Dufferin Hospi tal 0mgneville Funeral services were held at Shelburneon iucs Wi Bxchre Tdeomens institute hold its annual eucbre at the hall on Fri day evening which was very well attended Prizes were won as inflows ladies Mra Ross Patton Dorothy Arlow consolation Mrs FOR YOUlt usro can ANY MAKE ANY MODEL lllilltiEltFiEtll Manors no a5 Collier st th c2451 to care for meinliers of ram KY 11 winm mm Gents Bert MuiphyWtifridThom9ma For gents consolation Willie Gai laugha and George Amutronz were tied with Willie getting the prize Alex Armstrong won the hamper of groceries Bus Trip Planned Thoseconneetcd with girls oiub work both present and in the past aroundMansfield are plan ning bus trip toNiagam Fails on Saturday At Guthrie fleeting Mrs Carl ireland and Mrs Gordon Jamieson attended the Womans Association meeting of Presbytery at Guthrie last week Recent Visitor John Martin of Honeywood vis ited Mansfield friends on Saint1 day CALL exam no ramrim morn um CLEARING 592cm There are atill few rolls of the heavybarbed wire left Hurry and get yours its going oat 995 There are still about 7t ateel postsieit rsnaren ram Titer 91 85 each name iunu Supply 17 Mulcaster Street PA 82932 inhuman Cl doctor ofc professional inx se his urecrl Newton Street Drone Milleron SundayrU Leann vanvmm cala Whén you need help planning your insurance program youll mm the help one who makes it pays to from your STATE FARMAgcnI GRAHAM BlooLE PA 93992 edS Nattrntmutra