IOIh AnnuII Nightl CHRISTIAN BUSINESS MENS DINNER AT COLLIER UNITED HAVE SPEAKER FROM DETROIT The new Fellowship Hall at Collier Street United Church was packed for the 10th annual ladies night banquet of the Christian Business Mens Committee of Bar rie Tuesday May 14 when 312 sat down to supper Chairman ltoy Tracy was In charge After singing the na tional anthem and the theme song Thank You Lord For Sav ing My Soul Rev Cecil Brenn of Central United Church return eil thanks for the meal George McQueen of Toronto led the singing with When All My Labors and Trials Arc oer and The Old RuggcdCross Mr McQueen was accompanied by Douglas Gibbiand Maori Thomp son from Auitralia who are lo catcd in Toronto George called the trio the international Three and the gathering was thrilled with numbers such as The Precious Name at Jesus and Sound the Battle Cry The Assurance March etc Maori Thompson accompanied Douglas Gibb with accordion and harmonica in several lovely num bers including Thehove of God So Rich and Pure Mayor Kinxie welcomed the gathering on behalf of the Town of Barrie He said am glad to see as many ladies as men here tonight Referring io the CBMC slogan Romans 1211 he said We need business men with test imony these days The man who apologiies for his Christianity has just that kind of Chriflianity Are we worthy of being looked up to We in public office ID glad to see CBMC in Barrie He conv cludcd by wishing the committee success Kenneth Gray welcomed the ladies He said CBitc stands for the preaching ofthe Gospel to men and we are thankful for the souls won to Christ and thank ful for mothers and wives who stand with us1 Mrs Archie Currie Cookstown rcplicd for the ladies thanking CBMC for the invitation to ladies night George McQueen told story Simcoe cifunty Beef Producers ANNUAL MEETING IVY COMMUNITY HALL MAY 23 830 pm Speaker II II Graham Associate Livestock Commissioner Qntario Department of Agriculture ViolIrma manna maimeiirnniamaiu 11 951 roan ENTERTAINMENT DANCINGV GRAND gnome Newloweil community centre SUPPER SERVED to pmq ONE HOUR PROGRAM FOLLOWENG SUPPER DANCING To The Music oi rAUI EMMS ms ORCHESTRA TIIIIrsday May23 iumy remnsoN centre wnyman from Detroit was the speaker at the 10th annual ladles nlght banquet sponsored by the Christian Businessmens The banquetwhs Committee of Barrie about minister in Ireland who was not very evangelical He had just preached sermon in which he spoke disparagineg of the Bible The organist became ex cited mixed the hymn numbers and instead oisinging Let Mg Hide in Thee the soloist sang The Word of God is True lie licvc It All George then sang it for the gathering accompanied by Maori Thompson at the piano Chairman Roy Tracy welcomed the ministers and their wives who were present Rev Brcnn and Mrs Brcnn Rev Rowe and Mrs Rowe Rev Nullmeyer and Mrs EXA Nullmeyer Testimony time was in charge of John Colwill who brought per sonal evidence iii words spoken in the lives of three men EdBrown of Angus George McDonald of Camp Borden and James Gilmore of Barrie Mrs Morrow led in pray or David Whitney ofOrillia read the Scripture lsaiah 43143 The chairman thanked Mr Mc Queen and his companions when they left early saying The stork is hovering around our house Harry Frid former chairman of CBMC introduced the speaker Rudy Pctersontromthe New York Central Railway Detroit In his opening words Mr Peterson said My first testimony over the air was at Detroit over WJR said was glad to stand before this microscope The speaker addressed the gathering for 40 minutes on the Word of God and what it meant to him in his per sonal life He said love God love the Lord Jesus Christ love the Holy Spirit in Him we live and move and have our being im living in Him tonight He is more precious to me every day The speaker claimed the auth ority of the old and new Test aments to be absolute and com plete The speaker said Chris tians cheer iip myVGod is able to deliver and He still holds the keys to the world Oh that men would praise the Lord live in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit Some years ago whiledswitch ingcars Mr Peterson fell from retired ran the top oiasbox car and botli feet lay across the rail under the car as it passed over them He stoodup on the stumps in the Cinders Removed to St Josephs Hospital in Detroit the doctor was determined to take the feet off Rudy said No the Lord yglleut my feet on again He said to his wife it become unconscious dont let them cut off my feet While spending six months in hospital God used him to lead over 100 people to Jesus Christ Three weeks after admittance to hospital he was ina whcel chair running all over the hospital up and down the elevator in and out of roomstalking to people The hospital bin was $35000 finally the railway surgeon refused to okay him and turned him over to the pension board The pen sion board doctor said There yet and turned him back to the railway Finally the general managerhad to settle the matter under aheutral doctor and Rudy now has all rights back and work ing as conductor out of Detroit Lord years before this that would memorize thousand vflscs of Scripturethich did Still had not the life Ilonged for asked God to ï¬ll mewith tIie Spiritand nowt am piitting the Scripture to work in bringing souls to Jesus Christ in closing the speaker said find in many places thechurches are closing Sunday eveningser vrccs People are tied up with TV We need to confess our sins for if we confess our sins He is Taithful and just to forgive our unrightcousness sinner friend whosoever will may come Les Cookecloscd the meeting with prayer Next meeting will Avenuc United Church June at 630 pni when Mr Gunther JNext Rally are good many years in this man Rudy said Ipledged withthe sins and to cleanse us frornall he at Burton slides In Color england Europe Wthrthef wonders of color pho ognphy now av lablc as print index or movies is possible tc dew the worldi beauty spots rbile in your home town On Wednesday night May jhe combined choir of Trinity inglican Church Barrie and ot Jurton Avenue Ilnitcd Church cross the hay in Allandale ar ranged such tour of British athednls in Trinity Parish Hall This was through the courtesy held nt Colliehstrcetlunited Church hall on Tuesdaynight With the speakerare Kenneth qmy Tracy chairman vibechairman and Ray NEW lOWELl At Oshawa Nathaniel Arnold is attending the Grand Lodge of the RBTat Oshawa this week Woekcnd Visit Mr and Mrs Wynes and chil dren of Waterdown Mr and Mrs Art Rowe and family of Ottawa spent the weekend with hteir parents Mr and Mrs Rowe Mrs Jmes Laughlin spent Sun day with friends at Midhurst From Toronto Miss RuthMcGillivry pt Toron to is spending to wdays with hcr parents Birth of Son Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Herb Paddison on the arrival of baby boy born in Hosp itsal Colllngwood Monday liiay Hiinday Visitors Mr and Mrs Wilson and daughters called on Mrs Wes Mumberson on Sunday Miss Marian Mumberson of Bar Ile and Arthur Mumheison of pshawa spent Sunday with their parents At Orillia Convention Arnold attended the AYLA convention inOrillhm 9th and 10th of May Also Miss Gladys Arnold of Toronto attended and Miss Gladys Arnold Robert Mc Cellan David Pepperdche Bar baraLavcraer Anne Joiner Pat all of Toronto spent Sunday even ing withMr andMrs Arnold in Hospital Mrs Herb Barker and Miss ole are in Royal Victoria Hosp ital Barrie We all hope for speedy recovery Mrs William Mansbridge is vis itingv friends invfbarrie printer from Toronto will be the speaker All men are invited Bantu YlillFli caisr yvIII beheld SATURDAY MAY Ia 860 am CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH scenes wcrcot Westminster Ab hrchitccturo included There were pictures showing the greet height carved stone screen and above is supper fragment or 13th century wards crown which is iised for glimpse of the palace balcony rlciavBanton and Joyce Brodie Rev Donald Cburcherand his irganist John Tipping both of Joldwatcr The latler looked aft irthoshowing of avast number If colored slldcs which he had taken himself through the British sles and in Europe where they Ilsitcd last summer Rov Shorrlng MC VD welcomed hc audience and Mrs Ro crts Vchoirmistresssoi lty duccd the Coldwatci guests he showing was in two periods with an intermission and sale of hoï¬lemadecandy ords fail to tell oftbc hoauty an grandeur otuie trip but some bey with Closeup of the fine If the Gothic piers and vaults and the elaborate and delicate traccry of the vaultedcciling magnificent carved stalls colored panels of the Knights of the Bath and the superb altar Sevoral chapels were shown the tomb of the unknown warr whichls just inside ihc western doors of the Henry Vll chapel and most impressive of all the Incin orials in the Abbey it is marked by plant alab of black Belgian marblcwith epitaph in gold lct emblems of sacriï¬ce always decor ate the tomb The high altar stands against modern mosaic depicting the last art and probably themost cher ishcd treasure in the abbey More modern was picture of St Ed coronations The weight of five pounds does not permit of leng thy wearing There was also where the Queen came out to greet her people after the coron ation Many Iricmoriais are in Poets Corner to English men and women who have enriched the literature and the drama of their native land The changing of the guard was shown at Whitehallwith close up ofthc panda There werc viewsof the Houses of Parliament bell of the famous foursided clock in the 320 foot high tower of the House of Parliament Dials are 22 feet across the hour hands nine feet and the minute hands it feet in addition to these were number of Europeanviews by Mr Tipping At the close of unusual entertainment thanks to the people who hadhelped to make it successful were extended by Raymond Dali ieis choirmaster of Burton Ave nue UnitedChurch tars Fresh rcd Flanders poppies Big Hen was feature the giant Free MethodistrChureh use SAINT GEORGES minimums letter lav Romania mist Choirleadertltn Sinth rantnow coiniUNIoN l1 lamMORNING PRAYER himEVENING PRAYER EVERYONE wucoun I==I COLLIER sr UNIrep In 12 um MA on Minister Lloyd Jlntfoid Organist lad Cirinnate SUNDAY MAY 19 i951 cumMORNING ssnvicts Problems at Christian rriur 4r Prcdcstination we shape our own Ior control do it me enuncu sonnet its miniJunior immediate andScalar Departme to Bible Study Group forfAdIilts ll ampPronumry baby nit ting Nursery Kindergarten In Priiaary Departments rangEVENING scatice Paul Writesf To The Galatians Great Document Dn Christian Freedom Sermons based on by Phillipa EVERYONE Wamoim Iii CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Dunlop and Tomato Streets REV CECIL BRENN EAL MR CHURCHILL organist Junior Congregation Last Servicelu the Oldzchurcli JIIIIE 23 130nt Miss these closing services CHURCH SCHOOL 945 aniJiinlor Intermediate Senior 206 Bayfieidstreet Rev GoheenMinlster ll amBEGINNFRS Darr amelilornlng gt pniEveniiingors Warm Welcoin Awaits You Mrs SHAW Arcu livca In docs Sod or fate or other things beyond urns Letters To Young Churches THORNTON wA Meeting The Womens institute will Ciinningham on Thursday even ing May 23 at 815 Program in charge of the home economics committee Mrs vGrcEnacre con me oney Mrs McKenzie rreturned meet at the home nf Mrs Mel vener Roll call Thisidea saved cIIIIIstIIIII scIIsIIIEII services Sunday Schoo SUNDAY MAY 19 957 fair MORTALS an IMM TBE Ioor TEMPLE ii Crater at mlr 7ALL ARE 1ch tsuitmb PRESBYTERJAN CHURCH MINISTER REV MUIR BA ORGAMSI MR FRANK BUTCHER SUNDAY MAY 19 1957 at umenuncn scnooi Ages and up it lullNursery Kindergarten ll Lin IN THE ISLE CALLE PATMOS 1pm friESlIS AND OUR PROBLEMS $15 NILCrusade Bible Class Everyone Wclcomc Itsr aAPTisr CHURCH Clapperton St at Worsley LUCK BA in Minister Miss 310qu Organist and choir Leader sUNDAY MAY i951 3550 SUNDAY scripon Classesfor all ages 11 Ian IMPORTANCE OF BELIEF lpm WHATle SAY EVERYONE WELCOME 60 Collier Street Mniorand Mrs Robert White SUNDAY MAY 19 1957 itasoPEN Am II an nouNEfss mm punCOMPANY MEETING sisOPEN Am innitSalvation Meeting The Senior Sell Denial Altar Service Bright Happy Singing Good Gospel Masages $730 ARIAYOUTH GROUP Aujare welcome to make the Army their Church homo BURTQNCAMEa UNITEDCHURCH Minister TRIMBLE DA on Organist inn itz DANIELS 945 rumSUNDAY sermon In ti aimMORNING vvonsuiii his Popular Religion any United Church and SundaySchool gt pm pangWorship Fellowship Bible study in the Church School room ALLAREWELCdME sr NDREWS PaessYrEnIAN CHUIRCH 2i Convention of Ontarlorlerucbec HE SALVATION ARMYCITADEL FILMSONOF MAN SPECIAL MusicanritoonAM EVERYONE ELCOME home on Saturday after spending new wear in Toronto Mr and Mrs Her Bouncy of Dorrie were recentwisitors with Mrgand Mrs Mel Dixon Mr and Mrs John Johnson and Mr and itï¬s George Holt BICIK to Stayncr Clarenceflolt has returned to his homein Stayner after spend ing few days with Mr and TRINITY cIIU cH reunion prism iv 49 300 am1101XCOMMUNI ATTENTIONPARENTS ENRGLMENTOF KINDERGARTEN CLASSES for the yenr Sept3l957 June 958 Ciirrrcir scion unior anl and Primary Classes COME fro CHURCH aEronMED CHURCH OE AMERJQA NEII HERV KERK MiNlSTER iiuo ansFAMILY pnvIeis homes Church Nursery in Basem Church Evehsong Serm LOYALTY The Rev iSherring 751 GILESMISSION nadirIra an Proceeds to the Rojpii heducgtund Mrs Géoige Holt CBMC Banquet number from here attended llie Christian Business Mens banquet inBarrie on Tuesday evening and enjoyed Peterson of Detroit te°€ icisisctear ee evening Anglican 95 Cookst Means airs Andrew Knapp of use arrimaan SERVE Emmi Krilsrmdigaangnurs In Allan Rix 53Elfï¬l3 CHIN minivan of seniors mi Missio with TAKE PLACE in THE Sponsoredb Benie Citlsens Band stomaruin Â¥S¢i°°l3gt7 fx2l SPECIAL Gunsr RTISTS savaged1nuiiamggmmriui SUPER hi Collier St Brompt Response Unhurried Planning Experienced Guidance hr and Personal Attendance 1an foremost features of our seivice awhich meet with widespread publi approval 709 AsINDICArspiariow eoDnINCroNf niesbAvMAY 2i limo EDWARD wepuesDAYiMAYaa mince wuss lrlltillï¬lilvuhlflffaa Fiorn demolition of Trinity Anglican Churcv of Toronto An outstandinglcbristlan Businofli meow MID WEEK Ekvlcr WED urns vmrcoim APTIST EVANSmrtCAL BArrisTS AJNULLMElIER PASTOR THE LIST or Marconi INcLUBe 37 MFPICAFIOGTIng ted Brick ARdngiof Doors Intenor Interior Roof Arches Cupboards