Wt Non Member of the Womens itutc are asked to remem change of day of May meeting to May 15 Wednesday tltoll call Do you know answered by gardening hint Qlhe motto is He hath made cverytbingbcautiful in its time reminder to bring plants and bulb for the sale This meeting iannder the convgner ship of the branch directors Everyone is invited to come and join with the members in this meeting Final Meeting The 4H Club members held final meeting in preparation for theIAchievemcnt Day being held inThornton June to which interested persons are invited skit is being prepared by the Stroud Kitchen Queens Margaret Cowan Doreen Boyd Caroline Carscadden and Joan Small tak ing parts in the skit to be pre sented at Thornton June At 130 pm comments on the club work exhibits and demon strations and skits tollowedby presentation of certificates overwhelming Appreciation We asked the telephone oper ators what was the response to the item we placed in the news asking ratepayers to please re frain from calling them for reasonable time after fire alarm had been placed Their reply on how much they have appreciated the cooperation to this item was overwhelming We did hear an accusation against the operators for this but all that is necessary is to be present in the office when such call comes through lf there is any fault finding do not blame your operators but call your correspondent at 33R as they did not know anything about it until they saw itln print We often feel if the ratepayers could only spend one half hodr at any time in the office they would not be so impatient when trying to place call feel we have the best operv ators to be found anywhere Just try placing call on another cir cuit Oriilla Reception number from here attended the reception held in Orillia for Donald Galbraith Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of Order of Eastern Star for Ontario held on Monday April 29 Mothers Day Sunday May 12 is Mothers Day Service of baptism will be observed in the Presbyterian Church at the regul church set viceat pm Anniversary Service Anniversary services will be held in the Presbyterian Church Stroud on Sunday May 28 with services at 11 amanci 730 pm The special minister for this oeca sion is to be the Rev Mr Thomp son of Orillia The ladies completed the two lied Cross quilts on Tuesday April 30 Sympathy of Community People of thiseommunlty were sorry to hear and extend sym pathy to Mr Rogers of the 0th line in the loss ofhis barn and stock in fire on Friday last ySecding Finished number of the farmers in this district have finished seed ing Barrie cooking School numberof the ladies from here attended thecooking school in Barrie with several of the ladies bringing home prizes won in the draws Visiting Son David Fraser is visiting with his son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Fraser Glencairn for few days Mrs gtlrving Nelson and Storey attendedthe funeral of an old friend of the family in Orangeville on Tuesday Wedding Guests and Mrs William Suth crland Mr and Mrs Fraser Sutherland and Mrs Hand attended the RobertsonltLercb wedding in frinity Lutheran Church London on Friday May at 4pm when their nephew William Robertso xchanged vows with Miss ereh of London Mr and Mrs Dunean Campbell returned home on Saturday after anienjoyable week Weekend with Parents Mr nd Mrs Ross Newman and family Hamiltori spent the week and th their parents Mr and Mrs George Shering and 0th members of the family members of the Presby teri WMS ertioyed tb friendly hospitality of Mrs Fraser Camp bell when they et at or home EThursdayn May rim Mrs Alison BIth Steel StI rotary party for RalphLeduc was spon sored by the Stroud community hands Mrs McNabb gents The president opened the meet In the absence of Mrs Hand Mrs Dwight Nelson acted as see The president Mrs Campbell was in the chair open ing with call foiworship hymn and prayer Roll call and read ing of minutes Mrs Cowan had charge of the worship sen vice Mn Mayes assisted by Mrs Horne andMrs Ayerst bid chapter from thcatudy book on the Phillipinclslands touching on the vegetation population languagtt history religions churches and missionary needs Mrs Campbell led in prayer lorthe Christians in the 7000 islands of the Fhillipines for on ion and success in the work of the various denominations in South East Asia Mrs Bruce Cowan sang an en loyable solo Jesus Saviour Pilot Me llymn and Mizpah benediction closed the meeting Mrs Campbellgavc report of the thankoffering at St James United Church on Wed nesday May when Miss Beth Huddleston gave splendid talk on their training classes and work being carried on by the Toronto Bible College where she is enrolled and commences her final year Mrs Dwight Nelson and Mrs Frank Cowan assisted the hostess in serving an enjoyable lunch Suhday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Norman Palmer spent over Sunday in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Wilson Hurst Mr and Mrs William Walsh and family of Hagcrsville visited with Mr and Mrs Frank Graham last week Elliott Lake Vlslt Mr and Mrs George Weather all and family spent Sunday with their son William at Elliott Lake Mr and Mrs Lennox Black itcd at Elmer Rugmans at Mt burst on Sunday Music Recital number from here were guests on nresday night at the very excellent piano and vocal recital given by the pupils of Miss Bryson in Collier Street United Church Hall Barrie Sunday Service Rev Wanless conducted an niversary services on Sunday at Beeton The evening church scr vice here was conducted by Elmer Pratt with George Faris of Cooks town giving very helpful and inspiring sermon Christian Lch gt Benefit Party verrksuecessful bench on April 29 There was splendid attendance and the eucbre prizes were won by the following La dies Caroline Carscadden Mrs Ayerst Mrs McFarlane lone William Lucas Percy Davies Connellf lone hands Mel Ayerst There were many more lucky number prizes etc which were all generously donated andthe committee incharge sincerely air preciate the splendid cooperation and help received which made the grand total of roximatel $300 PP The committee aim and object of equal or better than prontin ant Barrie service clubs effort was doubled with more yet to be added Remember you still deposit money for this worthy Le duc Fund at the lnnisfil Farmers Credit Union Bank in Stroud any time United Evening WA The Evening WA was held at Mrs Ross Hubbcrts on April 24 with very good attendance fellow ing after which itwas turned over to the devotional group The hymn The Day of Resurrection was sungand then Mrs Parker Peacock read the scripture fol lowed by apoem The Hope of the Cross Mrs Earl Shannon read an article on the Resurrec tion and thedavotional period concluded with prayer furthcr chapter from the book Mama Doctor was read by Mrsuclarence Ferguson The members decided to hold rummage sale conjunction with the bazaar orrNov Plansrwere ussed with regard totba Var cation Bible School and Mrs Keith constable and Mrs Vic Striall were named as leaders July 15 was sét as the date for the bake sale to he held at the lake The meeting closed with the WA theme hymn Tbe evening concluded by delicious lunch served by Mrs Gordon Brown Mrs Clarence Ferguson assisted by the hostess Mrs Hubbert May 29 and friends gathered in the Sun day School room of the United Church to honor Ruth Thompson before her wedding presented when mock wedding WIIS music was played by Mrs Wan less and the bridal party arrivedi MaeFerguson the mother of the bride thevminister Mrs Good Small ring bearer Dorothy Pea cock Fox dragged by herfather Isabel Gib bons guson supported the George Mulholland and Lynn Ferguson sang Rult dolph the Red Nosed Reindeer how weddingshould not beper less loan and Linda Small sang The Wanderer and Highland Laddie and two of bervbridesmaids Edrie Webb and Edith Tbompson to decorated chair of honor useful giftsand after she had expressed her thanks to everyone tasty lunch was served the Evening WA held aspecial meeting in order to Have as their guest speaker Miss Beth Huddle College call to worship by president followed by scripture read by Mrs Sheldon Bowman Mrs Hap old Robertson led Everyone then enjoyed solo by Mrs Wanless JOHN MeFADDEN managerof Epletts Electric Barrie on the left was elected president ofthe North Simcoc Young Progressive Conservatives following the organiza Mason Mrs Morris Mrs Donald Wice and The next meeting will he at be home of Mrs Elmer Pratt on May Shower On Friday night 50 neighbors very enjoyable program was performed The wedding the flower girl Jerry the bridesmaid Bernice The bride Vera Downtan was The best man Marion Fer groomMrs The little soloists Kathy Young This was hilariousexampie of ormed Elirabeth and Margaret Wan Mrs Mel Martin escorted Ruth Ruth received many lovely and EvenlnngA On Wednesday evening May ton RN fromtbe Toronto Bible The Evening was ened with in prayer tMrs noss pusher introdu ii ffvE LIFE WEEK Latina our grandeur BESPlllliiltlli Classesheld caeheviming at the Duilding srousonco arms annmanunsmq AND MauLau 011M 16 Arm tJohn Rooms in the Municipal Lean PA 32310 cnorvrsmn or BULANC Enioy Colorifilm Lions Hére GiVe Tennis Big Boost At the regular supper meeting of the Barrie Lions Club in Com munity House on Tuesday cven ing the question of care and con trol of the tennis courts and play grimnd at the former curling rink grounds which they own had going over With little cooperatlon the netting and supports also the concrete surface are all nccding repairs Sand and ashes have partly covered the surface Llon Charlie Lowes solution was to Miss Huddieston who gavea very inspiring talk on her studies and activities atToronto Bible Col lege Mrsclarcncc Ferguson ex pressed the feelings of all by thanking the speaker for her in teresting message The meeting closed with prayer by Mis Wanless Following tbemeeting social cup of tea was served in the Sunday School room Expressions of appreciation for the invitation to be present were given by representatives from each of the visiting groups the Paulettes the AfternoonWA of St Pauls CGIT the Presbyterian WA and Afternoon WA of St James Mo Es Plus ronnlnpsu ca nnovr us rue Imv 0HN MILLS tional meeting Wednesday nightJMay Flvero ack Garner will serve as vicepresident and Fern Campbell as secre tsry treasurer at in more sandand let the It ddies play in it néwangle with promise is at the teenagers and others fordn start tennis club Ttike Up This lfcilvcgalflé in earnest For that reason especial ly grant 015200 was made to repair fences Volunteer labor by Lions and others is involved because the cost otherwisewould be prohibitive as President Hal Forster pointed out very unusual color sound film through courtesy of Imper ial Oiland Barrie Film Council was shown by George Lecolticr of Camp Borden It depicted the seasons in rotation in well chosen views the yearround Starting with before dawn in DRDTECT WHAT LIDU OWN lVSURE Bl PHONE Ste550 GENERAL INSURANCE 19 comma smear rim5934 no zs Isnnsnsmm MAY isia ELIZABETH SELLAliS NlGEL PAT we Tunas annex it at spring it gave hundreds of views on nature in sun rain wind and snow and first sorings approach with color and flowers such as Canadas trillium birds with their songs and busy bee on bloom of Queen Annes Lace change was to cloud studies officers include Shaver lst in Candlwhtch lasted 14311 cost the strikingworkers $26613 753in wagesu Northern Ontario where he has Town of Barrie County ofRSimcoe PARKER MAY RUN TOO Midland Mayor Charles Parker made the first public announce ment that he is seriously consid ering running as an independent candidate in Simcoe East in the federal election in speech at the Kiwanis Club luncheon in the Georgian Hotel Monday He said he would defer his final decision however until next Honday HEADS CIVIL DEFENCE Bert Lamble has been ap pointed Civll Defence Coordinator for Oriliia for the remainder of this year Town Council approv ed the appointment alter receiv ing letter from Mr Lamble or pressing his interest in the posilt tion and pointingoutthat since his retirement from an engineers tng position in local industry he could devote sufficient time to the post Council agreed to pay Andrew Tudhope and Small for the time they had spent in the position before they re signed recently MIDLAND LIBERALS Charles Onley was named pres ident of Midland Liberal Associa tion at meeting in the commit tco rooms Monday nighh Other vicepresidentz Ed Kendall 2nd vicepresident Al Gunn secretary treasurer QRILLIA WATER MAINS Orillia Water Light and Power Commission will shortly ask Town Council to issue debenture in the amount of $40000 to provide for the construction of two new water mains These are designed to im prove the pressure in the west end of 0mm GOES TO GERALDTON vMilton Broflerh Canadian Na tional Express employbe and mem ber of orillia District Collegiate and Vocational institute Board will leave his litelonghbme in Or illia this week for Gcraldton in been appointed Canadian National Express agent ASK OPEN DEER SEASON Orillia Township Council this storm with lightningwind and raintthcn peace again with in sects on sunny rivulet and leaf shadows on the bottom as may floated Gorgeous autumn tints followed and lhenearly winter with gulls on deep blue windblown water ice forming along shore with varying colorsandfftncifnl shapcs of animals gnomes and futuristic design and the rolling wintry sea Wt ha blizzard raging across as Dunlap st week decided to forward to the Department of Lands and Forests petition requesting that an open deer reason he declared in the ownship in 1957 Copla of tbc petition are lobe sent to the town ships of Oro Medonte and Matcho dash BRADFORD CENTENNIAL Bradford Business Mens Asstr clation decided that regarding dc corations in the village previous to and during the Centennial in addition to hunting flags etc on the business places and homes huge arch of evergreens will be erected in the main business Bec tion with second arch at the entrance to the park PRIME mmisrnngconmo Robinson Liberal candilt date in the June 10 federal elec tion states that Prime Minister Louis St Laurenlrwill visiticne tang May 18 Mr Robinson said full details of the prime minis ters visit had not been completed as yet but he expected Mr St Laurent around pm and will remain for about an hour will be inPenetsng Strikeat General Motors piano nowr TAMPER with unsafe iNSURANCE when re liable lnsurancc with good sound companies costs no more for com parable coverage To be sure YOU are safe you should consult an lN SURANCE SPECIALIST who can safely advise you whether or not YOU are FULLY COVERED Call ustoday on free insurance Sur vey unsrfrvrnson lllSliltliNlil he Insurance Ill 85201 mind Marinara mam ritronnm XRAYED snowman OKAY STOP WILLACCEPT MATCH WITH irej WALSKIUNDERANYTERMS SIGNED BILL FLETCHER ECHIALLENGEL REMATCH our on FALLS 51 EBB BEN ALEXAND am noon annr