Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1957, p. 6

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TnE DAItItIS EXAMINER MONDAII MAYilsflsri HELP WANTED HELP WANTED emu TO WORK ON SODA BAR and KITCHEN HELP mellcat starting salary with rented uleo increases Ultlllirlus supplied hill company benelits APPLY UNTIED CIGAR STORES lawi STENOGRAPHER CASHIER Mller or SALESFINANCE WORK Must bl your attractive with plzulnl perlorilliiy Good working condlilom il employee beneau Ex cellent opportunity or an nmbliloltl person Contact Mr Ferguson INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE cohPoaATlON LIMITED PHONE PA 85945 POST OFFICE SQ FEMALE CLERK An opening exists in the Inventory control Section An rrpericnced per son is prelcrrcd but this Is not es rentlrl however accumy in iranr posing entries ls required Na typing is required nd the company worn is day week with liberal holiday and vacation pay It you leti you can tit this Job apply Personnel Section Dcviiblu Canada Limited iO llox 180 nanla CHIEF STEWARD REQUIRED Written applications or the position or chicl Steward tor BARRIE BRANCH NO 147 CANADIAN LEGION BESL will be received by the undersigned APPLICANTS MUST BE VETERANS Personal Interview will be arranged upon applicstion to McGlBBON President Barrie Brunch No 17 75 Collier 5L HARRIS Telephone PA 34002 15555 lNlGfli WATcIIMAN required Apply Devils Trading 33 Collier st Bhrriei 165 SHORT ORDER Cook also experiencr ed waitresses Phone Bra 2410 or re ply to Box AILBarrie Examiner 15456 RELIABLE Person wanted to look alter children in childrens home west end daily Phone PA Nita otter Ilpm l545d uNnEuGItADUATE olt experiencéd practical nurse or Benernldnty Iu nlawood Convalescent Lodge phone PA Hide 15553 CAPAELE woman to look alter two small children late alternoon and evening whiie mother works Phone Mina 15558 EXPERIENCED Service station help wanted Good working conditions Apr ply to Jackson Motors It Duniop st East Barrie 15556 IsELIAnLE MAN or gardening and housework age to single or widower and to live in Phone Mr shepherd PA 54258 15655 IIIIITISII Knit Wear requires pleasant courteous ladies willing to worit 15 to 20 hours weekly taking orders and giving house parties shnwlng quality merchandise Immediate cash income Write toan 48 Barrie Examiner 15561 AVON COSMETICS have openings in Barrie Mlneta Point Strand Lnlru Belle Ewart land vicinity or capable Idiell who Wish taearnexirl incuinell Write Miss Mnrinninwers Apt not 161 Wilson Ave Toronto ll Ontario lfisflMfloflz IMMBDIATE abnormal Estabushea wtslnr hoate available in narrle 1000 customers No experience necese ary No invosimenltpt make Mini mum earnings too week Age no handicap wilte to nngersfl WOMAN wanted smart and clean as to to trust bIrIIIllinl to weir Ill Suuulyl Ind holldlyl ll October For appointment pho 70 helm no in Iflemoun 06 EALEsLAuIEI Ono Irekl earnin Mrs IIfller It Jim laclu II In cinchu SIG You Ca build secure ltlture showing mt selling lilie Dl menl vomrnl nd chIIdMnr Illr lim crumbled lm Cash mmmluion and bonul Writ Box Illrrid Bummer 15551 POSITIONS WANTED DARDBN WORK BONE Phillie FA ml nutctr LADY wrnir hallmark Mon drys and Pridryr Phone PA wit 15551 PAINTnit and decorator is yeorr ex perience Estimates tree Phone PA nan 25554 LOVING DAII CARE given by child rlnl hum Centrli Phunl PA Hm 15451 WILL alvE day care to mill child ren or babies in toyhome at Pwrinll SI Phone PA 157 24566 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID SCRAP METALS BATTERIES Phone PA 66331 or PA 66487 iat AND METAI mull EL Wm MAI Phone PA 66331 or PA 87204 Ifltf Barrie Metal Salvage SCRAP IRON METALS FURS amiss RAGS BATTERIES FEATHERS LlVEPOULTR trues will call at prices Spocitl prices pat deuvcrcd Phil Barri PA 83983 Du MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMFAN Yard and Office Tuna 8t 315 Our paid LOST AND FOUND LOSTWhite kitten vicinity ol walk ers store Childd pet Reward Phone PA 66510 or Apt 52 Dunlopllaaat PERSONAL WANTED hide ram 175 Enytteld st to Camp Borden with Air Force per son Phone PA Mull 306663 BEAUTY Counselor clientsl Have missed you in my culls Are you new to Barrie and looking tor counselor it in phone Mrs liinry Prince PA was or call at Frederick street illrlie lHIsa lr CONSIDERING MAIutIAuI eon lull Irrid Wellre Spec tab lied mod 0vcr lam mlil Eh Simmonl ulentr rich and poor Ecru ulous secrecy otnca wtanl aleom Elis 11 tokens Post v44 =T=r= PLANTS trl=LowRs SOD DELIVERED OR LAlllL TOP QUALITY PHONE STROUD 17Ri2 275588 EVERGREENS SHRNGBS ROSES SELECT Now rRDM 0011 LARGE STOCK Cash nndClrry Ind Save BEZZANT GREENHOUSES 69 JOHNSON ST zvttse RnUBAflB Itocrls for sale Eesunt Greenhouses 69 Johnson st 274966 STRAWBERRY Plants Premier extra Road 5115 nundred$lll thousand Harwtn rm stayner phone 151 2156457 Pine Na stack$1t7 per 1000 Apply Huronia VNulseried lm Wyevaie Phnn Elmvttlu SETS 27Gl55 TDMAIOB Cabbage petunihldlh Sweeinlyssulnietc now ready at the greenhouse Also at wberry plants and asparagus mou IIillcrest Gardens St Roch Montrea Quebec ISsnenl Con Piol one nrtle cast 27 Phone Elulvnle Eirit llllIEs Elm ililLEI COLUMNS Dominic For Only 500 p111 week tiny precedingixsue BEADLENE Foil MONDAYGATUEBAY Lilo MIL ADLEIS MAY BE TELEPHONED To PA ezdlt each word Following consecutive insertions 3c wordntinintutn mi CASH RATE 3cwordntin FOlluwingconsecutlve insertion word MUST BE PAInszmOlLDlIx Boir Numbers or replies directed to this other coMINa EVENTS LOCALS 4c vior minimum $100 Following consecutivelillscrtiolls3u word AUCiION SALES NOTIch inlrlIlIIn IN MEMORIAM Annolr TnANIIs IN APPRECIATION 3c word mlnllnutn $109 nNaAunlvlnNTmoalans Shoo Examines rvtll not dvsrtiaementt taken over the teleoltoa sottdcd alter the Iiist inrertion no responsibility tor error In flul or GIIDIIJII COPY unload nldup unnaturaltr or no anymlutir Ad rtlstug departs33 PA 33802 CHRISTMAS Tree seedllngl Austrian FOR SALE GRAVELEFILL DELIVERED DENNIS MORAN ANN 51 SOUTH PA Ilzym RUBBER STAMPS MADETOrORDER WEAYMOUTHS BOOKSTORE 51 ET BARR at DUNIOP Craig ltunter can glvl you service and REASONABLE PRICES on Easter reeds hoot Pence Portulrer with spreader available Dalilb Corn and Graham Piou PHONE Erltoun airs HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD JONES USED FURNITURE ALLANDALE ALWAYS HAVE LARGE AND TDHSTING SUPPLY ANTIQUE AND USED FURNITURE FOR YOU TO VIEW ESSA ROADS PHONE PA 66261 75560 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Td lNTEiiNATlONAL with hydrlullt bulldoling blades lruhhnr hiadesWflrklna every dly 5150000 FORD FERGUSON Tractor with Sky line Iront end Ioaoder tnotVbltcket grading blade Good runnInE Condition 95 Wrecking 1341 Dodge Dump Truck Parts cheap THESE UNITs MUST BE SOLD IISST CASII OFFER TAKE TIISM MARTIN BROS RR No SIROUD PHONE iOR3 STRDUD 75557 nATtITUn Built Ind iitilnga Phone 75556 IULLIllt EltUslI Products Guy dealer phone PA 3456 74mm UPIIIGIIT IIeinthan Piano in good condition Phona PA 34871 14nd SUNSHINE convcrtible Carriage Lin good repair all attachments childs commode Phone aro ma 156 12 WiNDOV 3A5 glazed iteei type lawn mowr electric ax tures drop chain bulb Phone PA M079 alter pm 75650 KITan Furniture Wooden his chairs ice box steel utility blnet also china Cabinet and bullet walnut Phona PA 83530 143 Irons No ii and putter wood and in good condition Apply Apt its Dunlap st East or phone PA Mm lliiesl PRIVATE SALE Pillaltar eléctrle stove retrigerator beds thhlel hut ealtx garden chairs Hand made and old walnut itirnlture AE Wilson shanty nay Phone noon or evening 7655 LUMBER 1x1 hi siding is lengths 2x10 10 12 lengths 0x3 il iengthslsxl5 heavy beam ape proximately 15 lengths 2x2 bridging Oak panelling 35 high in l1 and 15 lengths pair or new stair stringers maple Fnrqulck sale nest otter Phone PA com Alter GDJII JMU DOGS AND PETSTOCK PUREIIILED harder Coliie pups Won dertul childrens pets Excellent cattle doll Phone PA Milo aEsssd LIVESTOCK PORSALE PUREBRED Yorkshire months old from advanced registry stock Apply Vic Smau stroud 95557 IIoLsTEIN Cows yenrnoitl due soon also English Yorkshire llog years old Phone erisstroud 955 ram DLD standard bred Gelding suitable Tor driving or riding com plete with harness and Middle Very reaso ble Apply Ilorence vleeable age sign young cows wlth hotter calves suitabietor cult club Putty accredited rnwlardnudSon Oro station 94558 IIIE GREYBRUCE Hererord Breeders Association are holding their annual spring sale or bulls undid emion It Muktllle Arena Thundh Mny 157 at p111 DST12AN buns It eul ible Ior 25 grant up to $15 CHICKS BARREDROCKS ltlll librdtr beat tor eggs and meat Ihirtysix yam Benonnl selection vbo rind ur closed och VSEND PonPnIcn LISTW TOM KENNY SHANIY bAg PhonePA mo horns ttioM Do You IIAvn younsr Thirunspn wluvsotm OEJIVEHIIIEM should be ordered lIol denim We have some Started Cookerela Ind Dr trslb Pallets To make the mostunh yourinveltlnent ot leedisnd tints we ggert IJekaIb hicks but landscaped lot This prapcny GOLF CLUBS and Bag ieit hand REGISTERED shorthorrt nulls sor PROPERTY FOR SALE Ovid REAL ESTATE ALLANDALE all price or this three year old i132 two bedrooms living room tilt earn uni bath mil hmmeniulodlt ant throughout Inmate garage inI ll Thil in VIP haul home lllti tull decortad Cali Al liars PA sst anytime HOME WITH meant no storey hriekllx room horns lacr tedoa weu treed street central to school run hoppinc three bedroom ndbath upltALtI llv or room dining room sod kitchen downlillnplodern lull borement all henna In addition there bachelor artnlen relI contained Lot lo Forlu de tails all Al nose PA mt Ihylllno Lot use located on Codrington st This is very level lot nd well lo sated We have many more lots varlnul locrtlons It you rc thinking butld Log and need lot enliAl hose PA Hm Anytime COUNTRY HOME BEDROOMS ThII brick one and hill Itorey lloula roam IIIIB living room Ind extra large iiltchrn tuii basement rorced ate all herring bsuiroom excellent wall with prunl system Attached match in brick garage Till property ll modern throughout Ind bulltwltli fill brick on lot Baxm Ahkill price ll Slim with reasonable owls pay munt Property located Jill oil the outndrt or arrrie CIIIItl Role PA osm anytime ALLANDALE sum asking price iasui stone riding three bedrooms Ind two piece both up rt rs two bedrooms living room In em kitchen and piece hlth down Stain FllIl basement with outside entrrne Rerronrbla dawn yioent Turn out my Maire ni er Lot rill csli AI nose PA use our line ST MARYS satloci AREA No storey brick home with three bellman iour plec bath llrflo livinl room and extra large kitchen oil heap in llundry tubs lull hllementliuilly noted only hail block lrorn St Marys School and is only bout three years old NHA mule LII lull possession Pally decorated Starms lltd screens callAl Rose PA H293 Or itlll lltiorr motion DUPLEX BUY This two storey duplex is less than yr old having two bedroom hpnnment up nndn two bed room apartment down etch apart ment is selrcontained with leplrltts lng upper apartment rented at sail per month and the lower apartment is now owner occupied Iull basement This property is an excellent invest ment and ideal Ior the owner to live downstairs and have still per month income train the upstairs cure to see it Call Al Rose PA 35 it anytime EAST END Two storey brick home built by one or Burllel better builders consists or three large bedrooms nd itiur iece tile bath upstairs with large lvlng om dining room kitchen and two see the washroom downatulrlllull asernent equipped with storm win dows and decorated Asking price only mm call At RosePA 36293 any iilnu TWO FOR ONE es here is your opportunity to buy two homes tor little more than the price or one Each humeconiains Iivo rooms Ind blth with IIIthndEInent and lorced air all heating This property to less than one year old and located very close to all schools For fullpar Iculln clll Al ROSE PA liaise any use Cadrlngton School Area room it storey brick and nine home years old two bedrooms up units with living room with brick Arepiace bedroom kitchen utd din maintain an ilrst hour plus bathroom rail blsementwtotir heating located within stones throw of codrinston School lull price 1900 Call Al nose PA um anytime NEWTON STREET room brick one storey homelocattd very close to public and high schools This property is Ihout threa years old and rn excellent condition throughout and also de orated equip ped with niumlnunlato and screens Diced air nil heating full hnlelltonl This is an MIA resale Asking prica 331300 Call Al nose PA new pay NAPngSTREET Three bedrcoar brick homewltii llv lag room and large kitchen plus bath room hardwood Iioors throughout lull basement all heating tully isnd scoped lot with garageequlpped with aluminum storms and screens lnls home in modem throughoutand only about at years old vASkinlprlcé 112500 all AlJlose PA listen any me ARENAAREA AN EXCELLBVT rnUY Two storey brick home with three large bedrooms and brt upthlrs and rllviug rooni dining room nd large modern liltch=n downstairs ll baseman oli heating laundry tub Here is home that has excellent hardwood tiobrs throughout plus naturtt woodwork plus open Itrcpiace ceatra hell plan garage dee lot and it its located only about ltait lockrirum the area Yes this lnurracu ateand wen kept home Is selling to only 311900 itha down Elymghttni43m and in ownerwlil ad the balance nil in one open mortgage he sure to see it cairAi nose PA Misti anytime or an op palntmelltu 98BAYFELD 5T PHONE PiAngAv Enttatm brick bandlaw one air all hentlltlfh rdwood noon piece tiia bathroomclosa to high and publihdqhooll Lawn dodded Buy now venit lisnl lmtn Own er andbutlder phone PA E4231 IHMutw SlORBYjrlakDupieii is 6W Gdnv Pallets niontb old acikgrons Ron ills is only year old ieaturing bed4 hydro meters and entrances oilheot mill basement LIFER mail ET bAnltn PHONE PA 82678 TORONTO 31 BlilCKAliACHlI GARAGE Livin room 21 wall tovwau broad 00m dining room modern Ilia chrn tiled pieso bthroora bed rodutlpplul deaorrtoraso room It it lights in an closets not water heating with oil Largo lot do Paved driveway Hoists years old Slam Tcrrnr Thu is th ba the yrsr See it today IPthI ta oillce or appointment niluyéc WELLINGTON 3T IslDROOII not Dining room living mm kitchen This lovely home naurt Placid tht waeii see it Indmaka otter Phono any member Buriev noai Estntie board or this otrlee an NHA HOMES SEVERAL To alloosr molt aim to lawn down nuance as rent Phone this cities or toll details BRICK ROOM WBUNGALOW lece tiled bath Iorced air on heat lul basement laundry uayr alts mortgage Pull price slim Down payment $2500 Call us today on thl one We can sell your home Cail us to day buying or selling Sea Druwu it will pay you Are you looking lor nurlness properties income Properties Home in ille Ind District Lotsl Phone this oilice any time Ask Ior cllll Brown Harold Forster Clllrlle Rud CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 3E HIGH ST PHONE PA lufl lssc CAIQSEON LIMITED ESTATE BROKER RUSS CARSON NORM sumwxu PA um Duhlop st East Barrio Dulce Open ll min to umDaily Saturday untn part SACRIFICE OWNER MOVED TO TORONTO Reduced from $10800 to $9700 Only 51390 down Balancecarrtes $65 per including interest yflnclgli mter restoring sis large ro price on this one is only $1390 ring room dining room kitchen bedrooms and bath Hardwood floor on heatlnl Private drive Garage Two blocks irom down town Immediate possession For lull details call Russell Clrlon PA IMM ROOM BRICK HOME hloclts horn downtown Good base ment 535w mil price with um down call Mr Mallory PA mil $7500 FULL PRICE YEARS OLD large rooms with every convenience Indicatedttlll beautifully lllltlscl ed lot InJhe west end oi town or milfllhfl callMr Mallory at PA MODERN FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW s1soo hill price Terms Paaturln large bedroom rOam tchen and both Pull base merit oil heating Just outside tpan limits in the low tax reaPuii de tails call Russell aarso PA 81 NIIA RESALE 10500 tull pricHflfiM down an see rentu Three bedrooms living on Alcheit and hat gt Call Russell son PA 86461 ioIo HENRY ELRICK MICHIE REALTORS Owen st Phone PA 85583 ioFPER COMPLETE idREAL ESTATE SERVICE ibUVINSOit SELLINO pNATIDNAI nonalNo minitn INSURANCI APPRAISAIS MORTGAGE LOANS Actor fiouni Iran3 Mlchle PA 33551 Fred Mileil PA 35100 webster PA Milo IIonry Elrlckitls Micbionaaltara PA M58 1554455 Plume rranged living llouSE complete any to assemble 20 30 Has client in storage Apply Hendrik RR Stroud 165658 LOTS neautiiul high and level lots for he suburban living Min es Irom downtown Pitan PA was 16554 HAWKEBTDNB room house and bathroom electric good water in village Same Iurnltlire luppliedulrlce $0500 nerrest cash otter Apply box 44 name Examines laSdEI LDTs cash orternl ranged rains wielr con llorr Ii highway 64 width 355 long AWlli deliupnniely Or in onaplece one jmile rrom Lake sane south or Barrio Write Mrs Pearl Ilitchnia IE bracburn Avea TO ronto 1541 phone Toront herry Lam MuDEnN bedroombrlck bungalow excpllent neighborhood as Napier St Forced all all he tad largo lIIld scnped Iot pillttiltl cement driveway owner transterred Deon paney hate run price no5 tstlngmortgag Reasonable payment end terms McGOEYr PROPERTY TOR SALE ll CALL us About Dam boltn laoorno producing hon ml Ogldor boneA in both Ind ohrliu hereon NHA homes with don payment nation iot Arm HOURS CAIlax Percy FordPA nun CouncilFA F7702 Jerry QuinnAPA neprga WrightPA Hsoo It sLEssO REALTOR altruism DAnant At my noAnD Italians bAnnlt Disrater hEAL IxrArn noAnn it UT REALESTATE coon INVBTMmP Phormrifil vault LISTINGlNVlTED loz DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA8590 Hunt Ontario Ind Cnnldiln llul Elila Build WcthanPA Ems CorbyPA 1010 LowPnicm PROPERTIES LOTth BAIIKIE on SH torth Avenue will Iell cheap ROOM HOUSE in Cookslown little corner lot Dry basement Lowdown payment II you qualify bill HOUSE lllle rooms Handy ra opportunity Large abctl stilt ahle Ior raising pigs ALEX HOOD REPRESENTING LEPAGE LTD PHONE 55 COOKSTOWN 165658 COUTTS Real Estate Broker Owenstieet Barri MEMBER 38 REAL ESTATE BOARD CONSULT US ON OLow Down Paymeht TIounng Plans Exchlnge at Propemta Bullnen Opportunities Property Management for Rent clll PA WW flu noun PHONES EmaEv PA Om 0mm PA Ininl 160 OWNER TRANSFERRED NEW BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL HOUSE with lime Ilvillz roam Indrecreation mama Many extras included Close in il schools NBA MORTGAGE PA 66802 losisa TOUC3H Cumpetent neat Estate Scrrloo Bxcluslva and contidenttsl luring Privrta and um rinanclng pin it service all tlylnl lull ieilli prlvste income rules on scrcuoa oIrarma and malt holdings oaaslness properder raid an errand entiri in or service McGOEY TOUGH PHONE Pd aadiz lla Green P9 page Isisotl NEW BEDROOM bunglinw Con 13 Pulnrwicit $3900 Oil mated rial luxuriant Phone ewnlar II II sous ore25oz ISSdSl ROOMS FOR RENT FlJ Isll Bedroom very central Sui twosphnno PA outs tssosr FURNISHED BEnnooM blocks Phone FA Mesa from down own 455567 LIGHT Housekeeping Room Sult pie central Phone PA asses 455658 nEuSIIrINO room with hot and cold water in room Apply 92 Bass lipid daso AcqomulOtlotion Wanted 2onl bunnooM house or apartment with bluenlent or garage wanted iur rant by local accountant Must be in Codrlngton School uren Phone PA hmsavoalugs Vil55r5B Ex Titanium IIpuso required hy inap rle business mnn Permanent Ap Iy Box lispnarrio Examiner 116 2IBBDIIOOM Apnrtlnent required by antOOM ranch ter bungalow tin Codrlngton Sc on re nld Ilastorce air oilheat rant and rur lawns with lower Irtienirnnli Ienced in This was demonltl Adults ltn childrené Must hivn stove Appi Barrie alt2 ROOM lprnlshed apartment downtown wanted tar young couple dren Phone PA Eszirbtween li tor PROPERTT FOR RENT IOOMBO APIHWM iih bath CID Irll Phillie PA W16 IOOM iurltiihed IPINIMM Ill our vrnlerwes Phone PA H701 IllPic lPAcn to share Central localt lion Vtrito Box 14 Barrio blmlutr lHlil Walk Kitchen with rihkllld and bedmm Fhand PA lbuu APPROXIMATELY 45 Itru til loans lbnd or rent Phone Strottd urlol lsueu noon unhirnhhed not sink in lut then Alllnduie vlclnlly Pilan PA auto lSSosl LAItaE Ronni Iurrllahed relrlgerator rangette nd use or washing machine It Mary St iHMI APARTMENT room and hill hell ed Private enirlnee $65 APPIY Al lan ala Hardware 15665 uNrtlIiNlSlisD Room Apartment lieivy wiring Adults only Allan district PhD PA Mm ROOM heatedunturnlahcd apart ment separate entrance us Dunla stunrt PhonePA no rUansllED rooms in ap rtrnehi No children Abstslnets Phone day um PA 53934 eyenlngl PA Hm LsMT ltoont Apartment Ac contained nil hell llundry room Cholca10¢n tluh Phone Gable PA Matti or PA 427 libMu RODMBI Iurltisiied downstairs apartment filnlelle link and rig in eluded Adults weekly Phone iA Moss 154658 MnnltliN sell contained bachelor apartment rm and bathroom iorrnlrhrdor tarnished Phone PA 54 gt 1554 MODERN mated apartment la strnud heated unturnlr cd Rent 65 monthly Available Iuac lelte Stroud ts ioull NBW Mullan bedroom aplrlv meat equipped with lrlsldriro and stove lsnitor service central Phone PA M092 im BKDsflflNG ltaorn and kitchen with erg and stovetprivntu entrance Suit business girls or couple Phone PA M442 utter iii5667 IloUllE or artmenls suitabla or residence Or red Very central Near Five Points Reasonable Apply 15 Dunlop West 155541 LARGE Iurnislled budsittlllg room very central Queen Park vicinity ground lloor kitchen privileges Phone PA 33504 alter pm 155555 ATTRACTIVE bed sitting room and kitchenette FumlxheflCentrdl Otr Posiio Queens Park Suitable In or dults Phone PA 37075 Ls55 MODERN completely tarnished apart ment rooms bath clean sell con taincd healed Central location Adults 85 Phone PA llt 1559 Room mmlsheu apartment not cold water Adults No children im mediate posression Call to Aiired so or phone PA b7396 evenings 154451 llUUsE one hail block from school yard lenccd lilr5ronlnlrdunillnished room in basement Apply Jackson Mo tors 149 Dunlap st lssue pilith Country Hnme with electric stove cupboards water gnrdonand Earngo miles Irom Cookstown Apply aorrlgan phoaa lam Cuokstaw Ltlian Apartment rooms and bath heat and water supplied central Available now lion Adulu Apply in person Dan donnid st Task issosa SEED AND FEED sEnAGo Potatoes or sale one year all inundation Phone 14TH Ivy Ill5658 Goon MIXED Grain for sale also whcei trailer with stock racksApPly 105858 TIMOTHY and Aliaila Hay in square bales tor sale 25 per bale Apply to Donald Gliielt Nil Barrio Phone PA E7625 losa AUTOMOBILES 1957 FORD AND MONARCH CARS ANDTRUCKS ASK FOR RAY COWAN nPST DEAL IN TOWN on our FILE5528 or PA 879 istttt Buying orSelIlng WE finance model elll Ind truclra Very reasonable rate With Completa insurance STEVENSON ALI arm or INSURANCI PHONE PA 8520 bAnltn Yrs DUNwP ST EAST 1km 1542 JEEP 4wlleel drlve with cab Apply Florence st IllSH STATION waaori loss Chevrolet door litnlldnrd NO trade Private Phone Minesing it 1317 I951 FORD Tudor undcr zoo miles Urgent must sellcan Itnance with $100 down Phone PAH5I3L lHltr 5n PLYMOUTH Sedan $50 in real good condition Owner going overseas APPIy Sifted St after pni lsSSfi STUDEBAKERSedsn clean inter itlr good mechanically on loud tires Priced for quick Elie Private Phone PA omit lsjssl 1950 srunanAltEltd door blue new motor Job and clutch body thrill renent shape Can be seen at Willow Creek Service Station phona PA tum gt HEM =a PARM EQUIPMENT nticlr itAkEin good running eondb Holt on heavy Red car Apply non Manbb stroud sitso BEAm Stock rorcerump complete with cylinder Inli pump iaeir Appiy vtc small Stroud 394567 SETVOI Allis Chalmers dlsc hulmws in goodcondltlon for hydraulic hitch Apply Kenneth McDonlld Lot 20 Con lZ lnltlsill Pilnlle Strand 24$ apsoeo NEW AMEItlcAN Vanuxislmy Dry ieet per nuto5 hp motor 5175 contact united GilOperatives so Oalr Street Weston 394657 Mihknia Machine Parts Indrservlce on all matter ermineshew Sum Mlllrers and all makes or used mlllse ust have everything tbs liryrltnn nee plus the roost elleetivo Ily Con trol Program on the mrrket Phone us today It PA 829 illrrle Farln Sllf ply 17 least 3955 lssott Parking accommoda Michael Yurkow stroud phone ill13 trig ran ca acity up to 14mm cubic TECUMSEH RATE UP TecumsethTownship tait rote isJup this year by three mills total being 487 Business rate is 141 resident and arm ln yililh school and for roads PASTURE Marlin lor head PA Hm MOBILE rTOMEs ll GLENDALE room hire bath lull iurltllhud All convolu Priced Sleeps Like new Phone IL LIMA ltfl mmvlle EUILDING TRADES PIERCE CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS ALTERATIONS NEW BUILDINGS Phone PA 82042 354941 AUCTION SALES moord May is Auction laid at term machine and poilo equlr merit reed pot on and household eetr tor wulred Murphy Lot is Con Verpra Township to mile north of horrie Union Cemetery Sale AllJo pnt DST sharp No reserve I14 isrm being rented Terms cash lerry coughlln Auctioneer sou Ptldayereaiag May 11 Auction sale oi now plumhenrsuppliu including both tube toilet sets kitchen slurs hand brains deer laucets bath tapr basin taps not wrter llnlu sud elem ents olntrio herlrn pressure steal irundry tubs electric leturcs new linoleum new kitchen cupboards sewing machines cream reprr tors stores boar Ice boxes shotgun tnhlel and chain mo lb scales power raw typuwrlter and may other articles too aumero to list tor MrcDon at the rrle Fnlr harm on on starting Ihlrv Tennscnsh No reserve lerry Coughlla Auctionee phone PA um Sunniy May is Auction sale of household Iurnltare or Glen Gilchrist at In St Vincent SI Barrie No rc rvc sale at DST Terms cosh lerry coughlln Auctiongzr saturday May 25 Auction Inlesol tatm stock implements hay lnin poultry and roma household elleciI lor Andy Park at Lot in con ll Ves ra Township mile north or Gran el Church Stile It um sharp DST No reserve as arm is sold Jerry Caulhllil Auctioneer 52556 NORTHERN ONTARIO NATURAL GAS COMPANIi LIMITED King street West TonoNTo ONTARIO TENDERS Sealed tenders marked VTendern or lisv Gas Distribution Materiailiequlre merits tor Kenmu and Kcownununr thrill and addressed to the under signed will received up to can pm on May 24 1951 Tender documents and specifications may be obtained mm the Toronto olrlce or the Commhy The lowest or any Drillerwill not necessarily be accepted ToMLINSO NicePresident Engineering Northern Ontarlo Natural tins Company Limited Roam galls It King strect West Toronto Ontario Essi PESTEPING COSTLY right now by letting us spray your barn THE COST lsLOW RESULIS GUARANTEED Barrio luIInSllllply II Muleaster St PA 82982 IIIIP SeedGTaing Registered No Garry and Rodney cars Registered No Montcalm BAILEY Seed Poitiloes Ceriltied Irish Cobbleritnd Sabagd Clover and Grass Seeds at reasonable prlccs lERIIIIZER ALWAYS AVAILABLE CUMMING saintGAIN at cattle Phone crease was caused by 29 more 1an gt

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