John bieienhaher Acclaims licher Smith FamousiFor Mining Paintings Alan Collier Speaker Annual Ari Club Banquet Thursdayf Speaker at the eighth annual banquet of the Barrie Art Club in St Andrews Lecture Hall on Thursday evening willbe Alan Collier ARCA OSA freelance artist who ison the teaching staff ofthe Ontario College of Art The banquet ia beingheld at 1330 and will be followed by the pening oi the art clubs 1957 exhibition of paintings at the library The exhibition continues through Friday and Saturday and will be open to the public during library hours Vicepresident of the Ontario Society of Artists with whomhc has exhibited since 1934 Mr Co cently held an exhibition of ntings based on sketches donel on threemonth 13000 mile rip through the Canadian tional Gallery oi Canada the Soa gram collection of cities of Can ada Sudbury the Canadian Oil Collection and in numerous other business and private collections native 01 Toronto where he was born in i911 the artist work cd underground as hard rock gold miner in the Larder Lake district in 19361937 andalso dur ing the summers of 1938 and 1039 while studying in New York in the winters He has since done series of mining paintings oneoi which is owned by the National Gallery Mr Colllcr served overseas with Artillery Survey in world War Ii He worked as ommercial tu Corinthian Lodge Entertains Ladies Dinner and Dance lull house or around 150 people enjoyed turkey dinner ioliowed by program of enter tainment dancing and cards at the annual ladies night oi Corin thian LodgeAF AM No 96 on Thursday evening Bro Shaw general chair man ior the evening welcomed the guests to the Masonic Temple at the start of the evening Pres ent at the head table from Kom peniclt Lodge were Worthy Mas ter Fred Long and MrsLong Jam Sid Money from Reterbor ough iormer lodge member and Mrs Money were also among the guests All the ladies were presented wiih corsages and the wife oi the worthy master Mrs Fred Smith was presented with flowers by Chaplain Bro Dan Keast The least to the ladies was proposed by Bro Kirkpatrick Entertainers or the evening were Mrs Lloyd Cook and Mrs Ray Bishop who sang aduet and Miss Rhoda Young eiocutiohist Music or dancing was provided by Ali Shepherd and his orches tra Special numbers during the evening were square dancing which was greatly enjoyed by the party goers Several prizes were given out during the evenin The Orderoi Eastern Star catered tor the delicious dinner that preceded the dance Grace was said by Eiiner Thompson Oiiieers members of the ladies night com mittee Woman Missmg From Her Home Mrs nnzei watson 39 Df ZAGWtlllugton gtmcl Hist Bnrriebna been missing from that addres since May Police give herdescription as weight 120 lbs dark omwn hair wearing agwhite coatj with hiaclgflecks black shoes grey sweater and skirt of nnknown cuiorgt She thejttcrnoon viclnlty or the taxi oiiicenn Cloiliens Anyone havininnfotmation hereaboutdoitbi home Vteiophonewia kw immediately Teioph Mr and Mrs Diotenbaker admire the boirrfuetwhloh Derryl Johnston presented Mrs Dleienbalter WP CRAIGHURST Wi Annual Meeting The April meeting Craig hurst Womens institute was held at the home oi Mrs Ellesmere There were members and one visitor present The motto was Look to thls orrow 53 iiiiéifgayglfchpaï¬gï¬ï¬‚ at In extension course will be he views made at the May meeting Roll call was answered by Theiiowcr fund report was suggestion or next years pro gromr Some of these were that we entertain our families make quilt for the crippled childrens Sunset Camp havo silent part nors raise money with while elephant sale havc speaker on cancer have lower exchange have less lunch The iihal decision on the choice gracious advanced in every respect given by Mrs Pedllngbam and the secretary gave the years ï¬nancial report which showed nct receipts 01510134 and balance on hand of $377 Mrs Caston conducted the elec tion at oiï¬ccrs which resulted as iollows President Mrs Pedlinghlm vicepresldent Mrs shnnahnn secretarytreasurer Mrs Craig assistant secretarytreasurer Mrs Kirton district director Mrs Shanaham Standing committee conven ers are Community activities and pub lic relations Miss Richardson historical research Mrs Slnton agriculture and Canadian indus Lnea Mrs Kirton home econom ics and health lilrs Ellismere education and citizenship Mrs Fineher and Mrs Caston pres reporters Mrs Tatton and Mrs McCraokcn resolutions Mrsr Shanahnn fruit and flower iund MrsPedlingham ihe Womens institute will meet on Tuesday May 14 note change oi date at 830 pm at the home of Mrs Max Craig Motto Go oiten to the home or your friend ior weeds choke the Pedlingham iohn Dleienhaker flcber Smith HeberISmith Mrs Dleienbaker unused path Comment Mrs Cay ton Roll call gardening hint Program report at oiiicerscon ierence 4H Club demonstration sale of plants Draw for silent partner Recreation Mrs Shana hnn Lunch Mrs Kirton Mrs Mrsa Craig Mrs PARIS CF Rev Hamid Davis unveiling evangelist tor the Pentecostal Assemblies preached 30minute scnnon here consisting entirely oi Crip tural texts repeated from mem ory Shunahan Ldpkhdw beautiful the height of fashion tieems rear3 Windsorgivith its clean lovely lines and up to 295 of the lodge were and telegral and right at the zenith of fashionthats Chrysler hi the céub the goliiiiiksg tlrcric and 31 the other gay places this its wdlisr dmiring and talking about For hido quite ikcvthis slim graceful fashion plate beautyhas everjg sled beneath the smart pooticos before Nothing so luxuriously pp nted Soin emparably smooth and powerful in action There the superb Chrysler New Yorker With its splendid length and its great7325h with stefully styled 50 horsepower under the hood All Chryslcmdiavc thccxtraordinary convenience Iandwiiashing responsivencss of phi Elite automatic drive All have the newTorsionAire suspcruiion Zsystern that gives Chryslerifs remarkable sportscar handling characteristics as well as the smoothest ride on wheels Allvhave the roominess coiniortand safety Chryslcrlis famousior its yourkind of car this longlow and luxurious button Torque Chrysler 1957 And its cost is lesstlian you may imagine So let us demonstrate one to you soon Just telephone and Well bring Chrysler to ylaur door 4barrelo rb rctionAnd theres hc woud rlul canéLen eORPonArION or CANADA LVIMLTED