OVER 180 SOROPTIMISTS and Venturlsts representing clubs throughout Ontario and Quebec attended the sat nrdny night banquet in the new felloWship hall of Collier Street United Church marking the closing of the 25th con Visitor from Scotland Regional Soroptim Is Attended By Delegatelerom Eighteen ontartiuebec Clubs ist dinner gathering of over 180 Soroptimists and Venturists from Ontario and Quebec in the new fellowship hall ofCol iier Street United Church Saturday evening brought to close the 25th conference of the Eastern Canada region of the in ternational womens service club it was the second time that regional conference of SoroptimA ists had been held in Barriethe Venturist guests at the banquet were holding their first regional meeting here The combined clubs heard an ad dressby Mrs Lily Quarnberg of Vancouver Wash presidenteicct of the American Federation of Set optimist Clubs Also present for the two days of meetings was Miss Grace Nicholls of Toronto trea surer of Suroptimist international Association who brought greetings from the 33000 members in the 1100 clubs in the Amer an Fed oration and the federations of Great Britain and lreland and Con tinental Europe Governors ilonorcd At the official ope ng ofthe conference in Comm ity House on Friday evening following supV per for the delegates Mrs Quar berg presented bars to ernors formerly directors of the region Among those honored was Mrs Ethel Clifton oi Barrie who served as director of the region from 1946 to 1948 Bars were presentedto the first director Muriel Gladman of Tor onto who took office 20 yearsago when there were only two clubs in the region Madeline Theodie who was unable to be present at the conference Miss Nicholls Marg aret Kerr also absent and Dr Hei en Manchester of Toronto immed iate past governor The present governor Florence Cross of Ottawa introduced re presentatives of two new clubs Party is Climax Of Grade Eight Dancing Class The series of dancing classes for the Grade ll pupils culminated in most successful Friday in Codrington School Auii itorium Thelhall had been mag lt ically translprmed into spring scene by Mrs yG Hodgson with ing flowers and tree inblossoni Shevalso set thebufiet table assisted by Mrs nit Page The pupils were Principal and Mrs nan Hillcrest Princ all nd Mrs Bell King Edward pal Sgnith and Mrs lv and Mrs nele Tom ylerand rs Blogg After Mr McLennan welcomed everybody the band struck up With Bob Powell as leader nineBarrie musicians had offered servicesfoi the occasion William Kosman pianistfor the dancing classe also played Bob Bullock of Codrington School thanked the musicians on Ibehaffof the 3Alsopres onion Todd the dance last Guelph chartered the previous Saturday and Kingston which is to be chartered on May25 The Soroptimist clubs of Belle ville Brockyiileirescott Cornwall London Montreal Oshawa Peter borough Porcupine Port Arthur Fort William Sudbury iluinbe iCrcdit Vallgy Nort Yorkl erdu wcre alsurepresenlcd at the con ference Civic Greetings His Worship Mayor Willar lie was present at both evenings banquets to present greetings to the visitorsfrom the Town of Bar riosMrs Klnzie was alsoa head table guestatboth gatherings Alsopresent with their wi to present greetings from ci org ference of Eastern Canada erotion of SoroptimistCiubs Venture clubs of the reglo met in Barrie at the same tirne as thewomensvservleeclub which sponsors the young group Gathering Visitor From Scotland The conventionvisitor from the was lsobel Cour lay from South Glasgow Soropti mist Club in Scotland the sister club of the Sudbury Sorcptimists She presented greetings from ov farthest point erseiis Mrs Dorothy Vance president of the Barrie Soroptimist Club pr sided on Saturday evening Co fcrence chairman was Mrs Wallace Spccial favors given to delegat omo es and guests at the closingban ï¬aï¬s quetwere pieces of Blue Moun tain pottery made wood district The cutoftown visitors were tertained in local at Mayors night anizations at Friday evenings op ening ceremony were Denis Sheard of the Rotary Club GeorgeCald well of the Kiwanis Club Harold Forster of the Lions Club James Greenhalgh of the Ys Mens Club and Jack Baistone president of the Chamber of commerce Miss Ruby McCarthy presented greetings from the Business and Professional Womens Club Fellowship Presentation highlight of Saturday evenlt ings banquet was the presenta tion of $2500 fellowship for study in gerontologyin keeping with the main regional project of the Soroptimist Club work with senior citiizens to Miss Smith of Westmount Quebec Miss Smith intends to enroll in the pub lic health nursingueourse at flar University in the fallspe in gerontology Annual Knight Party is Held At Country Club upper partyvfollowed by an of entertainment iand dancing was held at the Barrie Country Club last Wednesday ev ening by Barrie Council of the Knights of Columbus Eighty Knights and their wives attended nig the arm alv ladies Mrs Belang froin Penetanguish one Counciland PadreP Beruoe Roman Catholic army chaplain from Camp Borden lt General chairman for the din1 ner and dance was John Bren nan Grand Knight VGeorge Bou cheY Deputy Grand ight Dr Neil and poly Ambrose Rivett formed the welcomingcommittee Rev William OBrien council member xtended message to the gathe rig on behalf 0f the council chs lain Rt Rev James tf and guests included Grand Knight Raymond Belanger and iarion the Coiling en Soroptimists homes after the supper meeting Dn Friday and coffee party was held Motel on Saturday min is adamant centre from ouver Washington lst vicepresident and presidentelect of the American Feder Htion of Soroptlmlst Clubs oks onvas Reg ionalGovernerrFlorence Cross of Ot wa left presents the regional fellowship for advanced study in gerontology to the réglonal of the Ariierican Fed Explorers Entertain Their Mothers The Explorers of ssa Road Presbyterian Church entertained their mothers at supperinthe church basement last Tuesday Thetables were gailyudecorated with daffodils and colored Vnilp kins Chief cooks were gonna Feltis Heather Cheesman Pam Burke and Carol Campbell Sherry Camp bell was in charge of serving Heather Lacklewasvin charge of dish washing Chief Explorer Judy Marshall greeted the guests as sistedby Marlene Qulrt After supper rollicking game was en joyed The Explorer meeting was then called to orderand Miss Anna Dickie wa ve the No Seal for her junior life membership in the Womens Missionary Soci ety in recognitionm her service By bonus LETHERBY Car Lot Main Street lot immediately south ofvthe Lovering shoerepair shop with fine gravel lt reportod the Main Street locationu owued by the Jacob family is being leased for the sale of used cars Jaycees Auction officials of Goldwater Junior Chamber of Commerce have of trained great many articles for eir auction sale to be held on helot south of Cnplings store Saturday afternoon and evening May ii In recent weeks the Jay cees have been soliciting and icollecting nn assortmentof con tributions for the sale Cords of wood and stoves to burn them in are among the items for sale Proceeds will be used for com improvements nist gr the grou The Worship serificie waï¬eï¬y Joanne Feltis The meeting was gt Grass Fire grass ï¬re whipped by strong wind was getting close to the former McNally residence at Fesserton at present unoccupied and owned by Mrs Davidson of Goldwater before it was put out Wednesday afternoon Colds lsed Irwith CALL THE EXAMINER FOB YOUR PRINTINGVNEED sonornivusr moancommas from South Glasgow Clubhthe sister club of SudI bury presented greetings from overseaszto soroptimistIVerna Johnston centre from Peterboroughand Soropti mis PearlKenned is from ofeupine Pete Jaeobbss beenfilling the counter commentary water fire brigade was called to assist Fire Protectionjllns Orian ToWnshlp Council is co operating with Ritchie Lane for ester in charge of the Lands and Forests Headquarters at Cold water in planning fire protection for Sparrow Lake area Fire wardens have been aplt pointedand arrangements made to strategically locate fire ht ing equipment in the rrow Lake regionfnow included in the Lake Simeon Fire Area The Township Council decided to forward petitioruo the Lands and Forests Department request ing an open deer season in Orillia Township in 1957 contract Awarded The contract for the structural steel work for the Matchedash Hayhfidge un Highvfly 103 at Waubaushene has been awarded to Runnymede Steel Construction Ltd of Toronto Information on the award has been conveyed to Lloyd Letherby MPPforSimcoe East byllon JameslAlian Minister of High ways iv The bridge is segment ofthe TransCanada llighvrmy being con structed from Waubaushene north Mr Letherby said other high waywork in progress in East Simcoe includes scarifying and levelling Highway 93 frumDal ston to Crown Hill and similar im provement to Highway 103 from Waubaushene to Honey Harbour 84th Birthday On May 18 Mrs Lucy Powers who is visiting her daughter Mrs George Williamson will observe her 84th birihday Remarkably active and in ap nearancebelying her years Mrs Powers Enjoys taking part in the dances at the Severn Falls sum mer resort operated by her son inlaw and daughter She plays the piano and organ enjoys gard smog and other outdoor work and does oil paintingduring part of her spare time Mrs Powers has travelled widely and enjoyed her first trip in an aeroplane couple of years ago Her late husband was Picton OnL mer chant Fire Threatens Post Office Postmaster Fred Brown and the owner of the Goldwater post of ficg building Robert Maconachie wcre keeping their fingers cross ed last week when fire in rubbish destroyed shed owned thepost ofï¬ce and other build ings on the west side of Main Street The local hydro staff by Eldrsd Clarke andvthreatened wereburning prunings from wil low trees Swift action by the emen who had onlyhalf bloc to tra vel preve ed the fire from spreading The shed which burn ed was onlya few feet from the redeof bu ness block includ ing Clarkes so to 31 store the post offioe tins store andtbe village clerks office and other buildings The Goldwater pos office has been located in theMaconachie building once rented by the Bank of Toronto since March 1949 gt Fred Brown who started hisI careerias bank clerki the Maconachie building is post master in the samevbuildlng Brown postmaster since 1932 succeeded Samuel Eplett who was Goldwater postmaster for 66 Defective System Furnesfrom defective oil ating system at Big Chute blicv schoolwere caus pupils to becomei school was closed tempo inofoaan illll Motor Show The cold onearder million dollars Lance Rumble bu bacon familiar figure at full fairs vlith his brains and other one Oluandln Exhibit Hedonte merchant Lloyd Dunlap again had booth It Or exhlb was adjudged the most outstand log by the Orillla radio station School Music Festival 1We have entries mm to 164 last year stated water Public School pride 9o Robert Legt in announcing cont water Public School Music Pop but to be held inculclwater Unit ed church this YridIY About twenty district schools will have Contestants in the fest ival volch gets underway at 830 1121 Roy 17 lhero will be half hour intermission at noon and competitors wilresume till pm The Womens Associations of the United Church are serving 1057 award winner Miss Marjorie Smith of Montreal Miss Smith is planningto study the problems of the aged field of par ticular interest to Soroptimists because of their Work with senior citizans at Hur vard next year anogn wcck untli equipment was put in proper running order Five Pound Trout well known Toronto fisher man Robert Wood 47 caught rainbow trout weighing overflve pounds whilefishing with worms at the Goldwater dam Monday morning it took him fifteen minutes playing the fine specs imen before the trout was traded Mr Wood and companion Joseph Bannon 37 alsoof To ronto tried their luck first st Sturgeon River near the bridge and then proceeded to Goldwater BobWoods biggest rainbow an Bpounder was caught fewyears ago at Sturgeon River lfe ob tained two 3pnund speckled trout at Goldwater dam on the opening daylhis year Mr Wood says be his been fishing at Goldwater dam annually for thirty years Although his plumbling and heating business is at 49 Carus Avenue Toronto Mr Woods home for the past eight years has been at Port Bolster He is wide ly known in fishing circles Joe Bannon said while fish on the weekend with his son Pat ll he caught six speckled trout in Lindsay area Mr Bannon op crates service station at 1095 Bloor StreetWest in Toronto Another weekend of finewea ther again brought scores of cm loge owners to the Goldwater dis tricl Many from outaideas well as large number of Coldwater boat owners put their boats in the water liillsdale Speaker Lance Rumble ifillsdales most prominent native son recently contributed his undoubted talents as speaker to meetings in this district Mr Rumble executive of motor company launched the driveto rebuild Drillia YMCA and spoke t0a Barrie meeting in the micro retarded hil dren The super salesman who has relatives and friends in Cold water has had varied career He left thekfamilyjeed business at Hillsdaleio jointhe staff of the Standard Bank After years service in World War he entered the automobile business arch auditorium wereattended to at meeting of the Festival Cont mitiee Monday afternoon Mcl Loverlng Jr is secretary of the local committee Miss lna Bowen supervisor music in Brantford schools willbe adjudicator Music supervisors in schools in Goldwater and area are Harold Dempsey Oriiliujlnd Mrs Self of Midland Mrr Argyle Epleil of Cold atcr will assist as accompanist or some of the selections Classes include boysand girlsi solos choruses duets ensembles and double trips Actinn Stops Fire Prompt measures prevented rccentfreak fire from destroying the timber on Medonte Town ships 100 acres of reforestation When hydro pole snapped in high windy wires fell against pine tree setting it ablaze broad delivery salesmaan don Brown of Midlandsawth fire on the 5th Concession at the top of Yates Hill and notified residents of the 5th concession Mrs James Barr and Mrs George Barr were first on the scene and were quickly joinedb other neighbors in battling the rhythm hauls flames which had reached within 100yards of the timbered are Nelson Miller used his spray ma chine and this coupled with the efforts of the firefighters pulout the fire The reforestation plot is est lmated to have about20 acres sets ond growth bush and the balance planted trees rMany Trips Ion Saturday afternoon ee Speerln used his truck to transfer ï¬le copies of the former Cold water weekly from the Toronto Dominion bank basement to Cold water Public Library where they are to have permanent home Thefile papers have had many trips in the Speerin truck in less than year When the Coldwater weekly was sold last June the files were tak cn from the printers to the rose idence of the new editor in August they were transferred from the editors apartment to the office of the new editor in the Denison hotel Whenlhe second editor joined the publisher at Don Mills the file papers were moved to new location in the hotel The next move wastha dons tion of the files toliuronln His toric Sitesand Tourist Associa tion As bank manager Ken Hams ilton is an officer of the associav tion he agreed to have the files movedlemporarily to the bank The tourist association decided to have the papers turned over to Goldwater library where they would be available for reference Mr Speerin was in on all the moves Equipped witbcannpy summons Tlres Heater nndnefro 10000 miles on this Good as me THIS IS illitiliERFlllei USE It dc liillt DIV Less tlinn iflew HIS VALUE Mllltilifi ltd 2311 lilidltmï¬ili Si PA liltii