Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 May 1957, p. 1

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NANCY CDCSON 14 finishing her last year at Cadrington school Barrie last week prize in her received $50 chequeasiirst class in an art competition sponsored by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests The competition was held during theONE lastyear when children of all theCNE were invited to sit down and paint picture on forest theme Nancy depicted woodland wateriniiwith jumping trout andcalled it Help Keep Our Forests Green The picture will be on display at painting from ages visiting Nancy ls ni this years CNE Earlier last year this young artist who has never had nny1proper art instruction won competition sponsored by an American tele vision network She has been drawing and andher ambition is to become staff artist toa magazine plays the piano and is first violinistinthe recently formed public school orchestra eversince can remember so talentedjmusiclan She Prime Minister SimCoe Visit This Thursday PRIME MINISTER LOUIS ST LAURENT will be speaking at Liberal rally at Penetanguishene on Thursday afternoon atone oclock He will then proceed to Elmvalc where he will address anothervmeetingy It is expected thatkfoliowing this latter meeting he wiiivieave by plane from Camp Borden for London where he is speduied to address arfothennee ing that nighL VARIOUS jVIEWPOINT$ First publicity Ii at hand for the 1957 Canadian National Ex hition Aug 23 to Sept which brings to mind that the hockey season is not far off also Christ ina shopping Lets see now whathave we got glrish Guards Band Ringling Circus new wo mens building and tbeatreand Bola Hope So they are tearing dow the old press building can recall my first to the can with my fatheriaking hie arpundto that bu ng between the grandstand and the manu lecturers bui ing Ind there getting avbig thrill meeting the starsot the MapleLeafibaseball teamof thatera naincs Pat Shea die Onslow an Andy Ander day is ittiing away our rights the AroVac treatment of milk Ear mendedthe group foran outstandr Speaking to an audience of 500 at Midland John Dieferibaker Progressive Conservative leader declared that the present election campaign by his party was acru sade on behalf of the retention of freedom and the restoration of parliament of something of its ancient Parliament must mean toitho CanadiAn people what it means to mcan institution above party politics Liberalleadership to in parliament never believed the day would come when would see parliament stitled and destroyed saw it He claimed that the day in June 1956 when closure was in inry Workers Recéivei Share Firrns Profits Profits amounting to $836690 were distributed among employ ees of Lakeview Dairy at the fourth annual profitsharing ban quct at River GardensRestaurant on Tuesday May Addressing the group Willard Kinzle company president point ed out that theiproiit from quart of milk amounted to fraction of cent Fiftyfive per centof dairies filing returns with the ta ation department showed an oper ating loss indicating that the dairy business operates on one of the narrowest margins Under these conditions said the president only through harmoni ous cooperation between employ ees and management working to gethcras business partnersliad success been achieved The pioyees had increased productivity and el inatedwaste Therefore was right that they should share in the success Herman Caiithcrs plant super dent outlined what effect hi and equipment would have ori quality of products Theequipment should be inlfuii operationqin three weeks Jinliott Toronto spokeon nt Lakevicw the firstdairy in Canada to instal this eq ipmcnt which removes any und ble flavors from the milk gt David Latour route supervisor spoke the meaning and pur the weekly sales training Ted Brent sales mana presented Ontario Safety League drivingmedaia and com ingfleet recordHe stressed the need for care rant on and co teay daii driv habits Diefenbaker Heralds Election Campaign As Freedom Crusade companied him were surroun troduced was the Pearl Harbour of Canadian democracy whch par liament was scuttled hy the gov ernment He appealed to those who had snpportcd the Liberals in the past to reconsider their decision now if they believed in responsibility Stand of Averiige Man Mr Diefenbaker said that through theyears he had endeavr ored totake the stand of the aver age man or woman across the country and because of that he believed the increase inrpcnsiona brought inby the present govern ment were totally inadequate if we form government we will immediately convene September session and see thats reasonable and fair pension is assured He criticized ine Liberal gov ernment for over taxingfamilies 510 per month They say it is good for you because they say you dont know how to spend your money lle pleaded for the electorate to send back menand Women to 0mm who will speak for you and are not just patient oxen Special Presentation Earlier at the meeting both Premier Leslie Frost and John Diefenbaker received special presentation from Mayor Wilbur Cramp of Grillia consisting of specialedition of Sunshine Skel ches and picture of the Cham plain Memorial At the close of the meeting both Mr and Mrs Diefcnbalrerw110 with well wishers seeking to shake theirhands nutroman Row the Weatheri Tod Parily Sunny Little Change The past neck was Ite frost twice high of 79 Necdedirnlnc on May 10 ad 11 nnd he weekend was picmn with bliassonigevcrywhere Today Two Sectldhsrfl4l3agfea vii In ripa nunu cine newum swoon HIM una neoninti unle Ministeroi Education vd licinliyopcn Siayner Publicle roman ThursdayM to chief speakersat tiieceremonv Downerr Spea ntIiio beginlure guSIIQWILdimlflr of child lib niy service furJhé pro Ledby the townbln children Sioynerlo attend the re Stayuer Publlctlbriiry recently remodelled sidcrcd one of the fin libraries in the wiil parade county indicates little change Temperature were gt May May May Mny May May May May Heater gets Diresstlighi An 81yearold woman Mrs John Miller was lakento Soi rs Mcrnlzijiai Hospitai0rillia di Her dress burst into flames as it touched heater in her husband smothered the flames but the woman sufferedburns to more than half her body Mrs Miller died inhospital on Saturday morning as aresuit of the burns she received leaves her husband CNB despatcher Leslie of Toronto Willovaeac Ryerson Graduaig Goes to oshawa Among the 409 students gra uating tom Ryeraon Colic Friday Bayliss Waiter Baylissg Tiffin St successfully completed year cburse in Printing Manage mentand has accepted position in the production planning and estimating department in the Oshawa branch of ers Limited QILF iiaLv BaylissMiss Norma Bayliss Mrs Laura Cleland Mrs High Lo er 17 19 72 50 54 as ronN oralanaemic Barrie Welcome in Ari enthusiasticr reception was accorded John Dlefeninkgr Pro gressive Conservative leader both in Barrie and Midland where he stopped to address capacity tilled halls on Friday on Way to Parry Soiind At Barrie motor cavaleade escorted him from the town boundaries to the 005 Hall Collier Street where the crowd gave him standing ova Tinkerlng by Government in his forchui address he was quick to pick up the note of dis satisfaction voiced by Prcmlcr Leslie Frost respecting the pro finialfederal money arrange ments He charged that tinker ing by the St Laurent govern merit hod placedthc cconomiciife lion gt iiimunicipalities in jeopardy For comparative purposes he polntcd out that in 1930 the fed eral government had 45 per cent share of the national tax income the provinces 12 per cent and the municipalities 48 per cent in 1854 the latest figures available the federal share was 76 per cent provinceJO per cent and munici riiaiviuin LESLIE mm or an it auxiliary plugin apartment Her She retired and two sons and Gordon of vinces Prior to the meeting at the 00F HALL Collier Street Bar at which he shared the form with John Diefenbaker Premier ram stood at the door andgreeted rill comers speaking to many byname At the outset of his address he gaye the reason for his openly supporting the Pro greasive Conservative federal camA pai do nos come her is after noon for the purpose of taking political sides come here to tell you that the situa on of our tax and financial posi oilis ser oils am not satisfiédand you cannot be satisti with the fed eraiiprovincial tax arrangement vUnjuxtlahd Inadequate In April of this year new tax into vfect May 10 was Gary son of MrifandVMrsa Gary Vthree General Print Kohi arrangement came LosiiejFroSt States Ovinoigilngaxf nequi yr romp is uppor PremierLeslie Frost stole the news scene on Friday when speaking at Barrie and Midland he pledged his support of Progressive Conservative leader John Dielenbaker because of his dissatisfaction with the EederalProvincial tax arrange merits Pointing outthat he was notJn the habit of taking political sides the Premier declared that $500 million surplus at Ottawa was not consistent with the increasing debt of pro whieh the premier hadsaid was unjust and inadequate grossly ovcr ayear and half ago result was that the province had to imposeradditional taxation to pay for servicing the progress and development of the country the beneficiary of which from the tax standpoint is very largely the fed eral government have come here expressly to warn you that this situation is not going to get any better going to worsen 20 yearsjs ing to see million more pupils in our schools This is going to cost money audit is going to mean that taxe on your homes and your farm to have to be increasedunless sensible and just agreed upon hare Quoies Editorials Premier Frost claimed that he was not being unreasonable and is witness of this he quoted from two editorials which had appear ed in the Toronto Daily Star last July ln an editorial headed Double Taxation the paper stated that the claim of Premier Frost that it was unreasonable could not be dismissed on the grounds of par tisan politics In later editor Turn to page three please Will Address Fire Chiefs Meeting John Richard acting chief in spector of the investigation divis ion of the Ontario Fire Marshals Office will be the speaker at the meeting of theSimcoe CountyMu tual AidFirerService to be held solution is at the IOOF Hall Barrie on Wed nesday May 15at 830 pm The it is The next 15 or going Mr palltles 14 per cent We say the time has come when the provinces and munici palities must have resources The Conservative party would im medintciy couvcnc provincial dominionconfercnce in spirit fammlty unity ancc and respect Rencwed Spirit Referring to his Maritimcs tour Mr Diefenbakci said he had seen in the Maritime provinces some thing of the reuewedsplrit or con ized more an moretha provlri cial responsibi cactus Hllsatfflowe Stating that he was going to discussparliament and not the pipe line sue the Progressive Conseryativoleader pillorled Howe with caustic comment There can be no parliament with Howe who is there to stop us at is his attitude in 1955 freedom hung on is ing line The reference was to the ab sence ofCr Howe from the Heuse when Prime Minister SL Laurent acceded to the wish of the House on the extension of certain absolute powers torthe government Turning to the pipeline debate Diefenbaker sa Howe spokc205 words on the first six clauses No onepeise was allow ed to say anything The Prime Minister sat for several days and said nothing Today we havent cabinet which does what pariiameiit says we have parliament which does wh the cabinet says ask you now whatever your politics what have you tosay when tell you that these men have madea mockery of par Plrty Split The Cons Votive leaderwarn ed against casting avqte on be half of third party on the grounds that there wasno third party in the dominion attho pres ent timecapobie of forming governinen Every vote cast on behalf or third party can date is vote for the return of he St Laurent government am born pessimist but have een the dawning of new said iohn Dielenbaker have seen in the past few your hearts mutual toler

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