IV Christian Family Week In Canada Thousands of Canadian families will make special eiion to pin ticipatc in church servlcas on Sunday May 12 when the obser vstion of Mothers Day will mark the beginning of Christlan Fam lly iVeekaclIvities in many Can adian churches Throughout the mun STAGNATE IT IS MUCH To WEAROETHPER wro Rusrour LUM BER hoop MPHAr TEE BARBIE FRIDAY MA 10 195 week medal Wolfnil will be conducted In the church and by many oi itsgroupsdn honor not only to mothers but mothers and falhers together and to remind all members oi the Iamlly that lpirlt ual foundations are necessary for enduring family life of Christian Family Wee for 1057 The same theme is being emphss ed In the churches of the United Slates during their ob servation of National Family Week Immediately preceding Mothers Day Sunday Plans Ior These emphases throughout North America are under the direction of on international committee of which the chairman is Rev Frank Fidlcr who is director of the Family Life Program of The Un ited Church of Canada it is commonplace to say that the family is the fundamental unit of society says Mr Fidler But it is time to move from platitudc to practice in strengthening the Christian family life Thetam ily unit Is more than social ae eident It is more thana dellbcr ntc deslgn of civiliaedpcople it is Gods doing andit ought to be marvellous In oursight Every family has to live bygsomc kind of faith Parents cannot avoid expressing the lalth by which they live Now Is the time to de clare lo ourchildrcn by word and deed in every relationship oi life that God is our llnpe Christian parenthood and Chris tian family life are the most im portant redemptive agencies in society lliostzot the deep con tinuing hopes of the human heart arise and have their fulfilment REEVES JEWELLEIIS the first silverplpte deslgn with handcut look CONTENTS Knives Folks Salad Folks Dessert Spoons ll Rea Teas Butler Knile Sugar Shell IDEAbFOR cm TEA on COFFEE IGHBALLS SODAS Siyléd with balanced gtilace setting youll lays the striking simplicity of pringtime The dainty motil is wrought right into the shining metal itsell each tiny petal and teal so perlectty and delicately formed to look cutin by hand All pieces are beautifully proportioned and exquisitely ï¬nished for sparkling loveliness as IT now 1347 Items BROS Cdnodar Finer Silverplola PIECE SERVICE FOR intlla newlystyled Springtime chest introductory Speriol ZHOSPIIAIITY SEI only $595 Ieeuntul bullet knife Eng shear God Is Our Hope is the theme TIIn DAVID DUNLAP OBSERVATORY telescope Lang stati Ont caught this view of Comet ArendRolandthe night ofApril 30 In the sky north at Toronto The comet shown at distance of 70000000 miles from the earth Isjtravelllng through the solar system with speed at about Qlmiles second In direction away from the earthThe comets tail can be traced on this photograph to 11 total length otlit 000000 miles The photograph wasmade by Gustav Bdkosyvlthv nZelss wideangle retracting telesco the comet are stars 1mm Mrs Westernarmour and sister Mrs Mark of Milton vtritedSunday with Mrand Mri JHammond At Brothers Funeral Mrs Harvey Magloughlen at tended the funeral of her brov therWilliam Robert McAdam in Toronto on Monday int To her we extend rympalhy Weekend VII Woodbrldle ers James Henderson spent the past weekend lnwoodbrldge with Mrs Roddy Iormer résident oi thtenham Mr and Mrs Luke McKenna the weekend with thelatterapar ents Mr and Mrs Peter McGoey and other triends Virlting Parents Miss Donna Emlgh spent Friday last with her parents Mr and Mrs James Emlgh Mrs Hcrb McClain was in Woodbrldge Monday attending the funeral oiher aunt Mrs Phlllipf Toronto vlsllor Miss Agnes Walsh of Toronto spontthe paatnveekend withhcr Peter and Betty Hamllton spent pe Small dots aro within family relationshisz For realization ofthcir noblest hopes iamilics must find time and learn how to be at home with God CENTRE VESPRA Attention to those who are bringing refuse to the township dump It is known that on sever al occasionsvlivc matches have been dumped there And with several acres of bush it is very dangerous we might say that more caution would be much appreciated Sunday Visitors Mr and Mrs Keith Hall Hea therand Douglas Thornhill vis ited at Wallwins Sunday In nosplm We were Indeed sorry to hear that little Effie Mandel is patient in Royal Victoria Hosp ital Barrie and we understand will be laid up for some time Best 01 luck for speedy recov cry Effie In Better Shape Had intended to say thanks to the boys who run thebig grader up and down the once community washhoard And we might say its in bettershape now than it has been for long long time Special Sergiqi Anyone wishing to attend the special service at 11 pm Sunday May 12 in St James Cathedral Toronto when Rev Gordon King is ordained priestis more than welcome St James Cathedral is at the corner of Church and King Street However we know that there will be many prayers for Gordon and the rest of the class who will be ordained However the regular service will be held at Christ Church at pm under the direction of Wal Iter Lee Sunday Service gt The two oclock SurLday service gedandeasliudlat couldahelioil ll oAISTois Mrs Ball took same of ladies to theWMS convention at Midland Mothers nays rvlce Mothers Day service will he held at Edgar ChurchonSunday May 12atl30 Mi5G jBall will be in charé Positlon Edgar Mis Laura Warren hastnken position at the Snack Bar at Edgar RCAF Wedding Guests Mcrvyn Handy Mr and Mrs Jory Rex Watson Mr and Mrs Watson Mrs Slade and Texas Watson were guests at the Priest Watson wedding on Saturday at Mrs Gertrude Maher was host esa on Monday evening last for the United Church Minesing Snnday Visitors Mrs Wallwin and Lieut and Mrs Mayneand children were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Forbes Student Teachers The two student teachers from Toronto Teachers College stayed at the home of Mrs Brown Sunday visitors with Mrs Handy Sr were Mr and Mrs Fowler and children of Will dale and Mrs Garvin of Barrie at Christ Church was well attend doublo service Derlnis drcws who is attending the Aug Iican Rural Training School in Crcemore is second year atud ent of Theology at Wycliffe and conducted the Sunday service while Rev Gordon Kinghad Sun day School in the open outdoors AID T0 FARMS BERWYN iALTA CF The municipal district of Peace in northwestern Alberta isreeom mending purchase of set at forms to build septic tanks which would be rented to farmers wishA ing to put in such tanks charge brother andhls wifeMr and Mrs Waléhz Mr and Mr Gilbert Hammond nf Aberfoilvlsitcd Saturday III the formers uncleand auntthr and Mrs Hammond Froml=fergnr Mr and Mrs wury Goodall of Fergus called on thei many friends here lnst week Mr and Mrs EDeavllle of Weston vlslted iFriday last with Mr and Mrs James Drummond and Miss Rae Sloan annuity In Cullingwood Mr and Mrs Arthur Worrod and Mr and Mrs JWalkem were In Collingwood on Sunday last and later were dinner guests with Mr and Mrs Fred Perkins of Barrie Miscellaneous Shower miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Marjorie Semple of Toronto ughter of Mr and Mrs Dun Scmple at one time residents lottenhom manila Village Jtev Gardiner ol Bccton moved Tuesday of this week to Tottenham United Church parson where he will carry on his distoraL service of the three churches Tottenham Rich Hill and Boston They were joined by Presbytery year ago as one Bcctonhas sold the por oge WW Sympathy ofCoIrununity We wish to extend our sincere sympathy to Herb Kantand Fred Kant in the death of their father Fred Kanl of East Stanwood ashington USA on Thursday ay In hissard year gt Mr Kant who was born in rmany has for the past 13 years been living withihisdaugh ter Mrs Fred Gansberg of East stanwood gt The funeral washeld Monday May He leavesto mourn one daughter Mrs Erna Gansberg and Fred Tottenham and 12 grandchildren 10 years and at that time he resided In Toilenham Weekend Guefll Carlton Waddling and Reg Cllnk at Toronto were guests dun log the weekend with the arm era motherln Kaye Waddling Senior Bridgevwinnen Mrs Mabel Hammond Mn nes Walsh and Mrs Fran Carney were the winners the senior bridge lastTuesday evening at the home If Mrs Keogh Bawlen Banquet Ihe Alley Bowlers banquet was held in the Maple Leaf Hotel on Thursday evening May when 74 members and friends sat down to lovely turkeybanquet at seven oclock After the dinner trophies and prizes ware awarded followed by dancing etc The followingis Ilstof prize winners lst Ienm Red Angels Betty Waddllng Allecn Culgi Tom Sayers Norma Johnson vDon Fleck Peggy Rogers Bernard McGoey gt 2nd team RR CreWCuls Bill Carlton MargClaridge Nomad Hayes Jean RoscWalter Walkem Ann Trainer Bill Campbell 3rd team Bowlemcs Gordon MallionEsther Raider Cliff Par dao Hazel Walkem Frank John son Lucy Leggctt and MrsC Sayers High aVerogc Betty Waddlng l75 Bill Cotton 201 gtHigh triple Harris 834 Horton763 High slngles Corinne Mallion 280K Stewart 355 High triple with handicaps Margaret Chambers 781 Tom Barnett81l High slngle with handicaps Margaret Clarldgc 321 Jack Col gin 362 Sold House Mr and Mrs Lemirc have sold their residence on gt Richmond Street to Mr and Mrs westover The Lam havepurcbaseqtbe restaurant business at one time operated by Jaines Snadwn All join in wishing them success in their new ventur ii amMORNiNG SERVICE Problems or Christian Finn Progress Fact or Illusion MomERs Is the world gett worse and how can Ili motiveService 0ur services are gned and priced to meet every ncéd and financial situation but highest standards are al ways assured to put them rightaboutthefsecohd Affi rations wrih lnternatton comlng and other matters Sermons based on alOrgonizations enable us to serve promptly at nearbyor distant places Funeral Home 3ojworsiéyst rains 555 300000 viruflree HI wile predeceased him about IPlflIlI tlagroweu this spring ascheme outlined by the federal and provincial FIRST BAPTISTCHUIICII rum no gemHOLY commumorvw 980 ï¬lmMorning Prayer and VII ampavzwuar vulgar Convention of Ontario cnnlsnnn Stillitltï¬ 945 mmï¬dunlorulntermedlato pm ovnnmoisiznvron or The rally terminal alcreie England has more thaanoot Bile of track New rulers HALIFAXCP About strawberry 1vailable to Nova Seo Under agricultural de Clapperton St gtllW0IIIGI REV LUCK toss cm Begonia an Choir Vlfeada who More an MOTHERS DAY REFPRMEDCHUKCH OFAMERICA no new KERK HINISTER Rev Falkcnburg Every Sunday 220pm at ESSA 30A rncsavronrAn cuuacnf EIIIJid It Burton CHURCH 24 Collier it May TRINITY lean Sermon fr Bealor Sunday School MM nmklï¬drning of the sod for eNcw Parish Hall II hamMorning Prayer pmWIIOI our Evnnvon WELClegl ebec Servich Sun ylrsciiool SUNDAY MAY Trim 4i Collier st Barrie ALL Aim wotcolts 930imMORNING PRAYER Sermon DECISIONIOR CHRIST The Rev Allan Read gt ngurcb Nursery slntiidr SundaySchool oppFINAL SERVICE 01 RI hnaiahancc AND rnAmrsoIv NG IN THE rAiusrI IIALL i300 pailConfirmation or tllev Apostolic Rite of the Laying on of Hands The new Wilkinson gt 957 GILES MISSION ganglion 95 cm Mr Allan Rix 330 amIunior$unday School better or run environ jscnoot and senior Depafldtehts for Aduits lt sit lng Nursery Kindergarten and Prlmv Departments Paul writes to the Thessalonians ARMYCITADEL WISOPEN AIR 11 330 JuliCOMPANY Hanan AmiSalvation Meeting otEasi Stanwood two sons Herb CENTRALUNITEP ovonnsavnvos Your can oyounpomi muons nanny T10 iEEARNand You Lost AilL Insure Your Income own unritnucv sncumjrv ronAv um 50099 permonth not AjsIoNc renames when youare unable to work because of SICKNESS oyr ACCIDENT senate niplete Information on this Security Plan and other CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT Plait TINoijDUAI erTAI ME IcAIsUR CAL EMrLovEE BENEFIT PLANS in Jim 0013 TOMORROW MAY no Too LATE CANADA HEALTH ACCIDENT ASSURANCE can as Marystnnrrieor Phone PA 3411 Tooth ANNIYiERSARY SERVICES mu nay rho Thc Rev Prof 10 miniJUNIOR cnnsnn ausInEssMEnfstzoMinITTEE New IflllIIinnaol Indies Night Banquet TuEsoAMAYT lt rsonformerly in the serv of the New York Ceri tral RR as train couducto has horn crushed while switching cars He has messagefrom the Word of God All are invited this hanquet special ta Ilon to Railroad meo Land AVIDW HAY DD Knox CollegeToro to Subject fTIIE COMMUNI pm Davidw Hay DD Subject CHRIST DURSABBATII MR EMERYVIIILL GuestSoloist at both services THE CHURCH SCHOOL AND SENIOR CLASSES 11 am BEGINNERS KINDERGARTEN COMETO CHURCH or we SAINTsi EPRIMARY CLASSES 630 CHURCH Dunlop and Toronto Streets REV CECIL BRENNBEA MR CHURCHILU Org ltlsl SUNDAY MAY 12195 CHRIST FAMILY filin study ii 015 aaiLfSenior Sunday School THE SALVATION 60Colller sneer Mailerand Mrs Robert White suImAv MAY 121957 DAY SERVICES some Memo MEETING Bright Happy Singlng Good Gospel Messages 839 paneYOUTH GROUP All are welcome to make the Armytheir Church home BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH Minister nEv TRIMBLE BABD Organist MR 11 DANIELS was anpsummv SCHOOL ll amBEGINNERS DEPT 11 am MOTHERS DAY lNFANT BAPTISM lolly United Church and Sunday School pm the Church School room Meingdmicninn 200 BayfieldStreet Gohgen Ministerl gt ilND MAv 12 1957 IlonThe FamlIyZBIbIe School Mornlng Worshlp 30 pair venlng Worshlp AywarmjVeleome Awaits You gt 71 no lian Presbyterian Church Minister MR FR SUNDA CHRISTIAN organis MAI 1231057 FAMI LY more BAI NK Duration SUNDAY 945 maccrime sonoor Ages and up 11 toyNURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN Ti mSACBAMENT burnt FAMIL BAPIISMI rennin or ThdChrIstl COIINEII nano